Distant Worlds ~ A Black Clov...

By FinalEdge

205K 6.1K 1.5K

Introduced to a world where mana means power Ember Avest is forced to recognize the world she knew is no more... More

Chapter 1 - New Worlds
Chapter 2 - The Sword that Sings
Chapter 3 - Guardian Seals
Chapter 4 - A Lion's Seal
Chapter 5 - An Unrivaled Challenge
Chapter 6 - Prove Your Place
Chapter 7 - Mana Flux
Chapter 8 - An Unlearned Lesson
Chapter 10 - A Warm Slumber
Chapter 11 - Remembrance
Chapter 12-The Storm's Ambush
Chapter 13 - Family Reunion
Chapter 14 - The First Move
Chapter 15 - Feeding a Lioness
Chapter 16 - Conflicted Feelings
Chapter 17 - Something Worth Protecting
Chapter 18 - The Morning After
Chapter 19 - A Kindling Passion
Chapter 20 - An Unknown Illness
Chapter 21 - An Unrelenting Fever
Chapter 22 - Steamy Hot Spring Relaxation -Lemon
Chapter 23 - Hostage Situation
Chapter 24 - Birthday Surprises - Lemon
Chapter 25 - Halloween Ball
Chapter 26 - Apologies
Chapter 27 - Thank you for Being my Friend
Chapter 28 - Beachy Vacation - Lemon (again)
Chapter 29 - Conferment Ceremony
Chapter 30 - The Edge of Death
Chapter 31 - The Aftermath Diagnosis
Chapter 32 - Investigations and a Lioness's Return
Chapter 33 - Star Festival
Chapter 34 - Hot Spring Training
Chapter 35 - Royal Knights Preparations
Chapter 36 - With Death Comes Life
Chapter 37 - The Lion Awakens
Chapter 38 - Attack on House Vermillion
Chapter 39 - Betrayal
Chapter 40 - Thalia's Gift
Update -Good Update not Bad!
Chapter 41 - What Started it All
Chapter 42 - Death's Death
Chapter 43 - A Battle's End
Chapter 44 - Feverish Delusions
Chapter 45 - Breaking a Fever
Chapter 46 - Royal Announcement
Chapter 47 - The Heaven's Proposal (Lemon)
Chapter 48 - Eagle's Prey
Chapter 49 - The Bachelor Party
Chapter 50 - Wedding Part 1
Chapter 51 - Wedding Part 2 (Lemon)
Chapter 52 - The Soaring Eagle Catches Up
Chapter 53 - Dog House
Chapter 54 - A Growing Family
Chapter 55 - Little Brothers
Chapter 56 - Fin
Chapter 57 - Official Artwork
Sequel to Distant Worlds

Chapter 9 - Flight by Lion

4.2K 151 55
By FinalEdge

The next few weeks progress in the same manner as my first full day as a knight. I wake up before breakfast for one-on-one training with Fuegoleon in order to work on improving the seal's mana flow. After breakfast I either train with the junior knights or work on producing and improving my current medical supplies. The afternoon then consists of me training all stationed knights on mana points, joint manipulation and basic first aid. By dinnertime I'm usually exhausted, but I manage to usually find a spot to work on some relaxation techniques. Sometimes that means reading in my room or one of the more quite common areas; other times that means returning to the elite training hall and practicing on my own. It wasn't until my second week that I felt comfortable enough to relax in the communal baths without worrying about peeping toms.

It's been the third week of this repetitive schedule. I haven't been sent on any missions, as I still needed to be within close proximity of Fuegoleon. Being held up within the base's walls was starting to give me cabin fever. Owen usually brings me in any medicinal herbs and necessities I requested when he comes in to check on the seal's progress every week. But I still yearned to do some adventuring of my own.

I sigh as my back hits the ground and I stare into the open sky. Pinks and oranges paint a contrast against the wispy clouds as the sun rises. "Your mana control has shown quite a bit of improvement since the first day." I turn my head to the right to see my captain sitting next to me, knee propped up, with arms supporting him from behind. I suppose he's also admiring the sunrise from the ground. This morning's training session ended up with us both on the ground after I decided to go all kamikaze and tackle him to the ground like a football player. I had gotten really annoyed by all the attacks he was landing day in and day out. I don't think he was quite ready for my glomp attack through all the fire and smoke.

"It's only because you threw me into the deep end you jerk." I pout. He laughs out loud.

"How else was I supposed to ensure my sleep?" he says. I stick my tongue out at him. He looks at me from the corner of his eye. I give a small laugh and continue to look at the sky. "We're going to the castle today."

"You and Leo? Well have fun."

"You're coming too."

"Huh?" I sit up to look at him.

"The castle is too far for us to maintain the mana flow so you're coming with. I've got a meeting with the Magic King and some of the other captains." I clasp my hands in excitement. Finally! A chance to get out. Granted it's in the castle but maybe the flow will allow me enough room to go into Kikka for some shopping. "Leo will be going home to visit our family while I'm in the meeting so I'm afraid you'll be alone for a while. So please don't go making trouble." I gasp at the accusation.

"Me? A trouble maker? I've never been the one to start a fight. I'm a medic –"

"not a fighter." He finishes my sentence for me knowing the predicaments I can get myself into. He pokes me in the forehead "It's an order Ember. You now represent the Crimson Lions. I do not want any reports on you starting fights over insults. You have more control than that." I bat his hand away.

"You give me too much credit." I mumble. He stands up from his spot and holds out his hand. Grabbing it tightly I quickly get hoisted from the cool ground. We're now standing ungodly close to one another where I can feel his breath on my skin. I blush harder and quickly step away, making sure to turn my head so he doesn't notice my blush. He gives a small cough and looks away as well. Glad to see I'm not the only one embarrassed. Ahhhhh he's so cute when he does that. My blush deepens even more.

"We'll be leaving after breakfast." I nod confirming the time as we start to leave to our respective quarters to get ready for the day.

The day proves to be a beautiful one. It's warm but not too much as to make me sweat underneath my uniform. I've given my hair a break from their usual bun let my wavy locks loose to do as they please. I wait patiently for Fuegoleon and Leopold near front gates. I'm excited to get out for a change of scenery. I also have nearly every last free coin on me to buy new equipment and supplies for my potion making. Soon enough I see both men strolling up to the gate.

"Ember! What are you doing here?" Leo asks. Fuegoleon, didn't you tell him I was coming?

"Uh- I heard you were going back to Kikka and-"

"And she needed a lift into town." The captain finishes my sentence. I give him a quizzical look. What happened to the certified spacial magic users to get us through the castle's barrier? "Fredich is on a mission." Great the only gate keeper is gone. Wait how are we going to get there then? I'm snapped out of my though as Leo reappears from a nearby room. He's got two brooms in his hand and proceeds to hand me one.

"Leo- I can't fly..."

"Oh right." He scratches the back of his head at his mistake.

"So how are we getting there?" I turn around to face Fuegoleon to be met with a leg of fire? Taking a step back I look up. It's a giant lion made of fire and Fuegoleon is the one that sits atop. "Wouldn't riding a horse or a carriage be just as effective? Then you wouldn't have to use your magic." He smirks at me.

"We won't be taking to the streets, we're still going to fly. Get on." He holds his hand out to help me on as I'm barley tall enough to grab the top of the lion.

"Hold up a minute. You-" I point at Fuegoleon. "You want me to fly with you on that-" I point at the lion.

"Yes. Is there a problem with that Ember?" Uh yeah! It's flying! There's no seatbelts! I could fall to my death! Why wouldn't I have a problem? I just keep staring at him and his lion in disbelief.

"Come on Ember! Big brother's magic will get us there in no time!" Leo says as he mounts his own broom.

"It's not the time that's the issue." I mumble, still staring at the large beast.

"It's the height." I look up at Fuegoleon. He's staring right at me. Damn him and his keen observations. Sighing I nod in affirmation.

"Wait. You're afraid of heights? But, but-" Leo starts laughing at me bending over clutching his stomach. I walk over and wallop him over the head.

"Why wouldn't I be. I've got no way to fly myself so I'm as good as dead if I fall, and the wind can knock you off, plus the air is thinner. Plus did I mention DEATH?" I scold him. He covers his head waiting for me to hit him again. But it never comes as Fuegoleon has dismounted his lion and grabbed me by the waist. "What the –" Suddenly I'm on the beast's back and surprisingly the lion's flames feel a lot like fur.

"Come on you two. I got to get there before the meeting otherwise I'll never hear the end of it from Nozel." Great face braid is going to be there. Fuegoleon mounts the lion in front of me. "Ember, you're just going to have to work on this like you have everything else you've done. Hold on."

"Wait! What the-FUCK!" I scream as the lion suddenly leaps from the ground and high into the air. My arms quickly find their way around the older mage as I hold on for dear life. I bury my face into his back and squeeze my eyes shut as I feel the wind whipping around us. "Fuck, fuck, fuck" I mumble as my anxiety shoots through the roof. I can hear Leo laugh at me as he flies further behind us on his broom. I try opening one eye to glare at him but the sudden sight of the small buildings below cause me to quickly shut my eyes again and squeeze Fuegoleon's middle even more. I can feel a chuckle resonate through his body as I continue to whimper and swear at how unprepared I am for the sky. "THIS ISN'T FUNNY!" I yell at him, but it uncomprehendible because my face is buried into his strong back.

"But Ember, don't you trust me?" he asks jokingly, looking back at me.

"Seeing as certain death awaits me when I fall off this thing and splatter on the ground. No. No I don't trust you. Don't take it personally." He laughs again at my current state.

"Then I guess I'll have to make sure you don't fall." His left hand covers my top hand that's clenching his midsection. My heart skips a beat. Now if that's from him touching me or the overwhelming fear of impending death I don't know. But what I do know is that he smells good, like cloves and a smoldering campfire. I inhale deeply again as his sent seems to calm my nerves ever so slightly. Dear Lord Ember! What are you doing? He's now your captain! You can't have a crush on him! There's got to be a rule against this! But - he's so warm, and snugly. And he hasn't pushed you off of him up here. But what else am I supposed to grab on this flying beast! I continue to hold on tightly until the winds start to die down. We must be almost there. Gathering the courage to open my eyes I see the rooftops of the castle getting closer. I start to lessen my grip on the Crimson Lion King's midsection as I start to peer at the new view of the city. Wow! It's so much prettier like this! All the different colored rooftops!

I soon hear someone yelling below us as we further descend into the courtyard that leads to House Vermillion, House Silva and House Kira. A small blue figure waves frantically below us.

"Is that Captain Boismortier?" Leo asks. He's seems to have catch up with us.

"It appears so." Fuegolon says directing his lion to land off to the side.

"Rill's here?" I peel my face off the captains back. I see the aqua hair knight waving below us. I frantically wave back at him and leap off the lion as soon as I deem us close enough to the ground that death is not a likely possibility.

"Ember-chan!" I run up to the artist and grab him in a bone crushing hug. "Uh Ember-chan! You're too strong! You're suffocating me!" He complains and I let go immediately, holding him at arms length.

"I'm sorry!" Hands on his shoulders I look him up and down. Determining he was in good health I finally let go completely. "How's my favorite artist? I haven't seen you in forever!"

"I tried looking for you the other day after the magic knights exam but you weren't at work! You left me!" He pouts. Rill and I met a few months after I started working with Owen. I had heard one of the captains used paints to mimic different magics and bring his paintings to life. I wanted to investigate the properties of the paints he used to see if anything could be extracted for medicinal use. We became like siblings after he gave me a painting stating I inspired him to try something new. It was one of the few possessions I had moved from my apartment to the Crimson Lion's base.

"I didn't leave you. I was.... preoccupied." I state poking him on the nose. Despite him being 9 years younger than me, we stand at the same exact height. He gives a dramatic pout before his eyes travel down from my face to my Crimson Lion's robe. He jumps back and gives an obvious gasp.

"Ember-chan! You're a Crimson Lion?! If you wanted to be a magic knight you could have been in the Azure Deer! I could have used another medic!" He cries. Rill, it's not like it was planned... it's complicated. I open my mouth to reassure him, but I'm interrupted.

"This is a captains' meeting. What is a pathetic peasant like her doing here?" I turn around already recognizing the voice. Nozel.

"Nice to see you too your royal bitchiness. I didn't hear you complaining about me when your squad used all my potions during the last dungeon raid." I glare at him and stand as tall as I can to make up for the 4 inch height difference. His icy glare intensifies and for the first time ever I can feel the large amount of mana he's using to try to intimidate me with. Guess I couldn't sense it before my training with Fuegoleon.

"You best learn your place wench." He spits at me

"Then you better call Owen cause I'm gonna shove your grimoire so far up your ass that you're going to need surgery to retrieve it." Sparks begin to fly between us.

"Ember-chan!" Rill gasps at my vulgar words but both Nozel and I ignore the young captain.

"Now Ember what did I tell you." I hear Fuegoleon scold me from behind. Face braid started it. I huff not willing to back down.

"Hmph." Nozel looks at my red cloak. "You let her into your squad? She's worthless, a nobody. She has no magic, no grimoire and no standing. She can't be worth anything significant. How far has the Vermillion House fallen?" That's it! I'm going for it! I leap at the silver haired captain with the intent to make good on my earlier promise.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY YOU ASS-Mpphh" A hand covers my mouth as I'm pulled out of the air and away from the group. It's Leo. He's yanked me like a dog on a leash to prevent me from starting a bigger feud than I can probably handle.

"Yes, she was hand picked by Owen and Lord Julius himself for her medical expertise. You must have realized by now the amount of casualties she's reduced through out all 9 squads with her work. She is a valued member." I calm down once the captain starts defending me. Someone would have eventually came up with those potions. "She's proven over again that she demands more credit than a mere peasant." The two captains stand face to face locked in a battle of intense mana pressure.

I lightly grip my shirt under my cape as the seal starts to burn slightly. Just a little bit of mana flux, just push through it. I look around to see what's going to stop this challenge. Then I see him. Marx is running up the stone path ready to intercept us.

"Captains! There you are! There's been a change of location. The other captains are already there!" His arrival cuts the challenge short and gives me relief from the seal. Always on time Marx. He starts forcibly directing the captains to the new location within the castle.

"Bye Ember-chan!" Rill waves behind him as he's pushed by Marx into the shadow of the castle. I stare at the four men as they enter the castle's door. Now it's just me and Leo in the courtyard. Guess I'll see how far into town I can get before the mana flow thins too much. Turning 180 degrees I head the opposite way of the castle.

"Catch ya later Leo! I got some stores to conquer." I say raising my left hand in the air as a sloppy goodbye wave to the lion staring at my back. After making it down what seemed to be the billionth step I finally enter the city of Kikka. All ready I can tell the seal is starting to weaken and I better not travel too far outside the castle's shadow lest the mana flow breaks. Luckily for me the store I had in mind is within the inner most circle of the castle. It's a relatively small store with a white front and a brown roof. Stepping through the single door the bell rings to announce my arrival. A variety of herbs and flowers overwhelm my vision and olfactory senses. A little old man hunched over a cane comes from out of the back of the store to greet me. He stands at about 4'9" and has a white goatee.

"Ah Miss Ember, it's been too long. I was starting to wonder what happen to you." He steps out from behind the counter and looks me up and down. "Become a magic knight I see?"

"Mr. Myagi. It's good to see you. Yes I guess you could say I was transferred from my position at the hospital to the knights." The storekeeper chuckles at me.

"Not because you ran your mouth too many times I hope." I huff at his assumption and cross my arms.

"Not the least. I've never started any of those fights."

"But you sure as hell finished them." He says with a twinkle in his eye. "I still have your last order if you want it." He says heading to a lower cabinet in the front of the store. He has to push several plants out of the way to fully open the cabinet. I walk over and crouch down to help him pull out a large crate. He opens the lid once we put it on the ground. The contents are split in half. One half has a variety of empty vials and glassware, unique to my potions' formula. The other half consists of dried leaves. Many of these plants are either difficult to grow or find within the wild. I know it also takes a long time for leaves to get to their current dried state as I've requested that they've been dried without magic. I find it helps increase the resulting extract's efficacy. I gently pick up a leaf and hold it up to the light to inspect it. It's high quality and demands a high price tag.

"I'll take it as usual." I say putting the leaf back and closing up the box. Reaching into my pocket I pull out a list I made earlier this morning. "I was also wondering if you had any of these in stock as well. I need fresh roots and seeds." I say handing Mr. Myagi the list. He puts a pair of glasses on and looks over the list. After a minute or two he looks up at me.

"I do, but once again your request is pretty uncommon. I'm afraid it will cost quite a bit." Sighing I nod in agreement. I reach in my bag and pull out all my earning from the previous month, minus what I've put away for my emergency fund. I hand it to him.

"I know. Damn my expensive tastes!" I dramatically shake my fist in the air. "But you can't put a price tag on life." Mr. Myagi nods in agreement as he takes my coins to the front counter to be counted.

"Correct, but you can put a price on those potions of yours. I still don't see why you won't sell any of them. You could easily recuperate your costs." He says as finishes counting the money and begins to collect my other ingredients.

"I'm not in it for the money remember? I'm just a –"

"A medic. I know, I know." He says arm deep in a vine-like plant. After a while he's finished collecting and packaging all my additional ingredients. I've now got two fairly big and heavy crates to carry back to my return point. Luckily I have a dolly to push the crates until I can make it to the castle steps. Gently, I start to push the crates to my destination. I take my time making sure that the uneven cobblestones don't cause the top crate to fall, and because the crates are taller than me when stacked I have a hard time seeing where I'm going. As I approach the castle steps I slow down to a halt, trying to figure out if there's a better way than just carrying the crates up the vast amount of steps. It's at this moment that I hear it, the sound of musical instruments in the street. I look over to see a few performers playing an unfamiliar tune. I walk up to them to see what's going on. Hm, it looks like they're advertising a new music store. I think as I see the store window behind them displaying a variety of instruments. One of which is an acoustic guitar. The details are beautiful. The body consists of rosewood while the turners and visible hardware are made from gold. It shines brightly in the afternoon sun. My hand instinctively reaches for my coin bag only to be met with nothing but the empty pouch's fabric. Darn it, I spent everything on the potion ingredients. Not like I could ever afford it anyways. Sighing I turn around to go back to my crates but I run into a strong chest. Taking a small step back I look up to see the vermillion haired mage.

"Ack! Captain, I didn't see you." Is it that late already? He must have followed the seal to find me. I look behind him to see Leo several storefronts back looking at a butcher's window. The musicians continue to play as an ongoing advertisement to the new store. I turn around to give the musicians and guitar one more look.

"It's pretty isn't it?"

"Huh?" I look up at him confused. Was he talking about the music or the guitar? He seems to notice my confusion.

"The music. It's pretty." He repeats. I nod my head in agreement. "It's good to take a break and recognize hard work other's put into their craft. It reminds us just what we're protecting in the kingdom." We stand there for a minute or two enjoying the unfamiliar tune. Kids with parents and lovey dovey couples also stop by to listen to the wonderful tune. What we're protecting huh? The music brings me back to a much simpler time, when Thalia, Alec and I had little to worry about. A time where the world's politics and gods' Will did not have life altering consequences for millions. I take a deep breath in and try to remember this current moment. Soon the music stops and the musicians break for a brief rest.

"How was the meeting? Were there any fights? Any exciting competitions? Like who can eat the most watermelon in a minute?" I ask him as we turn around to return to Leo and my crates.

"Watermelon eating contest? Just what do you think we do at these meetings?" He asks with a quizzical look.

"I don't know. Gossip about other mages, paint each others nails, mud wrestle. The list is endless." He sighs at the thought of my lists.

"Why do I even bother?"

"Cause let's admit it, without me life is too boring, too predictable. I'm the fuuuunnnn one!" I say spinning in the middle of the street.

"What is she doing?" Leo asks staring at my dancing form.

"I have no clue." My captain says as he waits for me to finish my antics. Soon enough I make myself dizzy enough that I have to stop spinning. "Are you ready to go?"

"Wait a minute!" I pick up my two heavy crates. They now tower over everyone's head. "Now I am!" I say, my voice muffled by the wooden crates.

"Just what did you buy? How are we going to get these back to base?" Leo asks me, staring at the tippy top of the crates.

"You really wanna know what's in the box?" I ask him, my head poking out from around the box. He shakes his head in excitement. "Alright!" I put the boxes down on the ground and unstack them. "Be prepared to be amazed!" Both men stand over me as I bend over to open the crates.

"It's just glass and plants... how is that exciting?" I dramatically gasp at Leo's unenthusiastic comment.

"I am going to pretend I didn't just hear that!" I cried, upset that no one else shared my fervor. Fuegoleon proceeds to pick up one of the roots and an empty glass vial.

"This is wyrmroot and single use vials. You're making high grade mana regeneration potions." I look him in the eye.

"You know! I can't believe you know! I feel so honored!"

"I've seen the formulations in your notebook when you write in the dinning hall. But why are you buying all of this with your own money? The magic knights and royal hospital should be supplying you with everything you need." He says putting the supplies back.

"That's cause it's not just mana regeneration potions. I've also got supplies for common colds, viruses, broken bones, muscle aches and pains. You name it I think I've got every ingredient I need. But it's not for the magic knights or the hospital."

"Huh? Are you going to sell it?" Leopold asks, taking a second look at the ingredients. I smack him over the head.

"Gods no! Who do you think I am? Gueldre Poizot? Leader of the Purple Orcas? I'm making them for the commonwealth." Fuegoleon seems surprised by this. I start closing the two crates. "I've found that most doctors in the common realm and forsaken realm either don't have the knowledge or resources to treat the greater population. Most of the people can't afford the treatment given at the royal hospital either. So I've been using my own funds to make high efficiency treatments and distribute them to the town's churches in order to improve the quality of life. I don't think anyone should have to decided whether to pay for medicine or food. So I work hard in hopes that I can improve just one life." The two men just stare at me as I start to stack the crates.

"That's a very noble and honorable thing to do. It's a great way to help the citizens of Clover even if your skills as a knight don't lie in combat." Fuegoleon's praise makes me smile slightly. If you only knew it was to lessen my guilt as a failure of a guardian then you wouldn't be saying that. After the two crates are stacked I squat down and pick them off.

"Well shall we get back?" I ask. The two mages each grab a crate out of my hand. "Huh? Wait you don't have to do that? I've done this a million times!"

"It's fine. You make the potions, we'll do the lifting." Fuegoleon says adjusting his grip on the crate. I blush at the idea of him carrying my shopping spree haul for me. I hear a slight crash as Leo drops the box with all the roots and seeds. In his defense I jammed packed both crates so I wouldn't have to use a third crate.

"What the heck! How were you going to carry two of these up all the steps! You don't even have any magic!" I giggle at the young royal.

"I don't know Leo. I don't know. Lot's of practice I guess." He grunts as he picks the crate back up. I walk over to him and take the crate off his hands with ease. "The small discomfort of carrying this up the steps is nothing compared to those waiting for my potions." I say as I start heading back.

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