Twilight Wings (Asia x Male R...

By Tenshi_The_Vamp

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This is my first story on here so it is bound to be a bit of a rough patch but i hope you'll stick around for... More

Setting Sun, Dark Feathers
Sacered Gears and Fallen Feathers
Feral Priest, Brutal Angel
Everything Changes
Different If Only
Different if only part 2
The Calm
Roomates (Mini)
Familiar? part 2
Familiar? part 3
Heart and Soul Filled Shout
The Forest of Fuji
The Days
Almost home
Dragon legs
Trials to Fight
Domination V.S Wrath
The Phoenix and The Dragons
Hell's Greatest Rooke
To be of Rage and Domination
Our lives.
licking one's Wounds
Quelling the Beast
Who in the hell!
Hellish Party
Out of hand

Leaving the Forest

299 4 4
By Tenshi_The_Vamp

When you woke back up everyone surrounded you. There were smiles all around. Your eyes went down to a weight on top of you seeing Asia laying on top of you with a green glow coming from her hands. She was doing her best to heal you so as a reward for such you wrapped you good arm that was newly healed around her.

"Hey my love, how long was I out? And where did Titan go?" You asked slightly craning your head upward to see the giant not to far away crouched down.

"You passed out shortly after your victory scream, your body almost seemed broken beyond repair....I was so almost" she began as her tears began to flow at the thought that she nearly lost you. Remembering when you had been evaded and swatted down by Titan. You pet her head gently to show her that you were still here. She buried her face into your chest as her tears flowed. You smiled and kept petting her calming her with each stroke.

"Don't worry. I ain't dying not anytime soon, I'm gonna die when I'm old and wrinkly after having been happily married to you all my life with a few kids, and funny thing a name wise I came up with was Emma...with at least for a girl ya know.." you said with a slight laugh as you kept petting.

Once you had finally risen from the ground with Asia still clinging to you, your gaze drifted to Titan.

"So big guy, how 'bout it. Me and you team up, you as my familiar and all?" You asked the giant he gave a nod and said something in an odd language only you were able to understand. To the others they only heard jibberish.

"You who has stood and battled me have shown great spirit, and have impressed me with the effort and weight behind each punch, I would be happy to call you my master." Said Titan, once again this was only understood by you to everyone else it was not at all understandable.

"What did he say, all it sounded like was a deep demonic voice speaking some weird fucked up language" said Issei confused by the god summon.

"He basically said he wouldn't mind being my familiar and that I proved my strength." You said clarifying for everyone.

After all was said and done you had made your contract to bond Titan to you and Asia to bind the Sprite dragon which she named Rassei to herself.

It was all and all a good enough day and finally the return home. Once you had walked in you dropped to one knee for a moment. Clutching your side.

"I could only hold your wounds together for so long. I had to release what was left, while most of it was healed your bodies fatigue wasn't, while your ribs may be restored your body won't realize it till a later point, relax yourself..pushing your body more could lead to further damage" the dragon said in your head as you slowly nodded rising back up with Asia's help.

"Brutus released his grasp on my wounds....while I'm healed my body is still drained looks like I'll have to take it easy these next few days to fully recover." You said with a sore laugh. You looked ahead and slowly made it to your room. Once there you crashed onto the bed.

Everything was sore, for a moment in time you had passed out. Upon wake up you looked around seeing Asia wasn't there you Assumed she returned to her own room for the night. You rose up from bed slowly.

"Damn it.... everything is still sore, not to mention I smell rotten...I need a shower" you slowly rose and dragged yourself to the shower slowly. Once inside you sighed and started it relaxing under the stream of hot water once undressed and in.

"My body can barely hold together after a fight like that...I need to get stronger.." you said as you stared at the ground while in there. You remembered slowly your fight with Titan. You felt your ribs. You winced slightly, feeling the burn from them.

Upon feeling them you heard a voice from a distant memory.

"Hurts doesn't it (Y/N) matter how strong you are a broken rib is a broken rib... you'll be sore but you'll heal at the least" said the voice as it smiled upon a younger you slightly beaten up.

"Thanks..I guess...ani-chan..." Said the younger you as he held his side wincing.

"So explain to me again why they hit you with a tire iron? I mean hell you may be a fallen angel but they still do damage" he asked with a laugh as the memory faded away.

"If only you could see me now Ani-chan....I'm hurt once again...but this time I have a girl looking over me... you'd laugh at me and probably use pick up lines to joke around...." You sighed taking a small step back in the shower. But due to this and convenience for plot! You had slipped and fallen from your being slightly off balance making a loud this ring through the house.

"Fuck! Shit that hurt!" You shouted forgetting to manage your volume while holding your side. You had landed on your arm and ribs. For certain it stung and hurt like hell.

Due to only focusing on the pain you hadn't noticed footsteps rapidly coming towards the bathroom from the kitchen. You heard the lock on the bathroom door rattle slightly before the door opened leading to Asia standing there with a worried look in her eyes. She had a towel in her hands, along with an ice pack, and some pain relieving medicine.

"Asia..? What are you doing up..I thought you were asleep." You somewhat asked but not really. She slowly made her way over with a blush handing you the towel while looking away. It took a moment for your brain to reprocess that you indeed were naked, and bare as could be you quickly turned beer red and grabbed the towel and with a hand up slowly wrapped it around yourself. After making it back to your room and changing  on your own Asia came into your room once you were decent.

"Originally I was asleep next to you but I heard you groaning in your sleep and you sounded in pain so I went and put together an ice pack with a small pain relieving cream....if I used this in tandem with my healing it might have helped you a little...but the. I heard you fall and scream in the bathroom so I grabbed a towel and ran as fast as I could..." The poor girl explained, she was worried for a reason. Her new boyfriend/you weren't exactly the most graceful not to mention a little reckless. You had nearly died after all. Her heart ached at the sight of you hurt and broken body. And yours ached to see her like this, you slowly reached your arm up but stopped short of her shoulder.

"I did this...she hurts because of my stupid actions.." you thought to yourself. Asia noticed you hesitation and the look on your face. She could see the guilt in your eyes, all she could think of to make you feel better was to walk closer and hug you.

"As reckless as you may matter how hurt you are, no matter how dangerous the situation, I'll always be there to heal your wounds... because I love you" she said as she snuggled herself closer to you gripping your shirt. A smile plastered on to her face as she said all of this. Your heart was set at ease for a moment as you seen her actions and felt the warmth of her body against yours.

You let out a light yawn as you wrapped yourself around her as well. You as well slightly pet her head as you both stood in the moonlit room that was yours. You slowly looked over to the open window and smiled.

"Let's get some can heal almost every wound my love except for Stamina. And I'm a little sleepy so I reckon it won't be long before I finally pass out again." You said as you slowly let go and walked to the window to shut it and close the shades.

Slowly but surely both you and Asia went to lay down in bed. The night was calm as you both held one and other close and fell soundly asleep.

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