Twilight Wings (Asia x Male R...

By Tenshi_The_Vamp

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This is my first story on here so it is bound to be a bit of a rough patch but i hope you'll stick around for... More

Setting Sun, Dark Feathers
Sacered Gears and Fallen Feathers
Feral Priest, Brutal Angel
Everything Changes
Different If Only
Different if only part 2
The Calm
Roomates (Mini)
Familiar? part 2
Familiar? part 3
Leaving the Forest
The Forest of Fuji
The Days
Almost home
Dragon legs
Trials to Fight
Domination V.S Wrath
The Phoenix and The Dragons
Hell's Greatest Rooke
To be of Rage and Domination
Our lives.
licking one's Wounds
Quelling the Beast
Who in the hell!
Hellish Party
Out of hand

Heart and Soul Filled Shout

377 4 5
By Tenshi_The_Vamp

"The was unbearable, the wind whipping past. It burned. How did it even come to this...Why am I here. What even happened? I'm in a crater...with this giant looming over me...I don't wanna...die" you thought to yourself as your eyes slowly shut.


"I can't let him grab me like that again" you said as you hovered above him feeling your side. Two ribs were slightly cracked not to mention the metal of the Brutus gear was showing some wear and tear as well. "My ribs already hurts but not that bad" you mentally said to yourself.


Everyone watched the fight taking place. Most with awe at how strong Titan was and not to mention that he was quite fast even though he a gigantic.

"To believe a familiar alive could be this powerful" said Kiba as he observed.

"Many are known to be strong that is not wrong. He is a powerful Challenger but Titan only accepts those of the top caliber." Zatouji proclaimed as he looked up towards where you were.

"Still I believe he can do it I've seen his power first hand he just needs to wait for the perfect moment and strike" said Issei as he watched in awe.

Meanwhile Asia didn't say a word as she watched with hope burning in her heart, yet she couldn't help but to worry for you. Then Rias placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"Don't worry. (Y/N) is powerful. He won't stop till he's won this fight. And even then if he doesn't he won't stop till he makes it back to you. So don't worry he'll come back, the good ones always do." Rias said to reassure Asia that you would return to her. Asia smiled due to this and nodded as she looked back to you.

"(Y/N) please win..I know you can so..make sure you come back!" Asia shouted to you and upon hearing it a smirk drew it's way across your face as you showed a thumbs up.

Back to you

"Sorry big guy doesn't seem like I'm allowed to lose now. I'm gonna end this in a flash!" You shouted at Titan. After recollecting yourself you charged at him not sure of an all together plan of what to do as you fell towards him. One idea came to mind though. One close of the eyes and you found yourself in your subconscious.


"Hey dragon! I know you're in here somewhere! I need some more power I'm taking on this big guy, goes by the name of-" you were about to finish until the dragon finally spoke.

"Titan. Yes I heard it all, after all I do live inside of your soul young one. So it is power you seek?" The dragon cold and calculated asked, more boomed. He stared into your eyes seeing your determination.

"Yeah I made a promise to someone that I'd come back so please, just enough power to beat this guy is all I'm asking for." You said to the dragon trying your best to convince him. As he looked at you his glare softened into a slight stare.

"Fine I shall Grant you my power Thankfully you've taken advice given and trained so your body can handle what I'm about to give, not to mention you've used it once before so go forth with my power backing your fists! Brutalize you opponents, and show not a sliver of hesitation!" The dragon bellowed loudly as a new found power flowed through your body. "Oh and about your injuries I can keep them held together till the fight ends so don't worry about damage all to much" the dragon added as you left.

Outside of subconscious

As you fell you could feel the wind against your face and then you opened your eyes. Once you did you let out loud and powerful shout that almost seemed to shake the land and to others they seen the aura of a dragon surrounding you.

"Wait what is this magic aura surging around (Y/N)" Koneko asked as she seen the aura flare highly.

"A dragons true power. I'm surprised that Brutus is allowing his power to be used so freely" said Ddraig the dragon inside of Issei. Causing Issei to look to his hand in surprise.

After the large aura flare, the dragon aura surrounded your body forming a dark metal on your body like the night at the church when Asia died.

"This form? Heh! Awesome now I can totally kick ass!" You shouted as you came down with a hard fist slamming into Titans jaw. From there using the momentum you had to rebound off a tree to his gut you used both knees hitting hard knocking the giant back a good amount. But at the same time he tried to grab you, yet you were able to stop his attempt by stopping his hand but when you did this his other arm came and slammed with a closed fist doing what many thought was fatal damage.

Zatouji hung his head slowly shaking it. He slowly looked back to Titan has his fist collided with his flat hand that had been stopped. "I am terribly sorry, but...this is the fate of most who challenge Titan. Crushed from the fists of the god summon familiar."

Everyone was wide eyes and mouth agape. Asia began to slightly shake as she slowly looked down " promised me.." she said as small tears began to build.

"What a tragic fate to befall him." Said Akeno as she looked upon the scene until.

"Wait everyone! Look Titan's hands! Th-Their-" Issei began as he seen them slowly being separated slightly.

Asia looked up slowly "you promised'll come back I know you will." She said as she watched said scene before her.

You let out a loud shout as you began pushing apart Titan's hands with all your strength. Your arms buffed up majorly coated in a new shiny and beautiful metal with engravings covering it.

"I've released more power to you but due to this it will only last a short while end it quick or meet your immediate Doom. I've raised your physical strength phenomenally but as I said due to this" Said the dragon in your head. You nodded as you began pushing once enough distance was made between the two hands with a quick burst of magic power you flew out of the gap made.

Titan's eyes followed you as he reeled back for a punch. When he did throw said punch you spun out of the way and ran down his arm reaching his face quickly punching his jaw as hard as you possibly could, yet due to that and your bodies limits as well as previous injuries incurred the metal the beefed you up shattered along with the dark metal that formed, all the was left behind was your normal arm.

"Damn it dragon wasn't lying about this power not lasting overly long...Shit it hurts! But I still gotta try! I may have shattered my right but a boxer has two fists for a reason, and so do I!" You yelled throwing all of your power into your left fist hitting as hard as you could doing devestating just like with your right fist, but as well just like your right the metal on it shattered all the way to just your bare arm.

"Shit...if I hit him again with that force it'll destroy my arm but it seems like it's my only choice! Eat this!" You shouted dashing at him once more planning to end it with a final blow but as you did Titan dodged and the quickly with one hand swatted you down.

As you fell from the large hit it felt like time slowed down. Your ears were ringing from the impact. The wind felt like cold daggers cutting into the skin. Then you slammed to the ground with a loud boom and a dust cloud rising as a large shadow loomed over you.

"The was unbearable, the wind whipping past. It burned. How did it even come to this...Why am I here. What even happened? I'm in a crater...with this giant looming over me...I don't wanna...die" you thought to yourself as your eyes slowly shut.

Titan's fist began to come down. Once again it all seemed to happen in slow motion. Your thoughts began to drift.

"I'm so sorry Asia...I tried..really hard but didn't seem to be enough to take this guy matter what damage I do to him he continues to stand I really don't want die but I don't believe there is any other way out. Brutus gave me all the power he could yet still I.." your thoughts began to trail off until it went black for a moment.

When the light came back your eyes slowly opened revealing what seemed like any other day except, it was raining. The sky was dark as could be, lightning and thunder struck in unison and the rain fell heavy.

"What happened? Last I remember Titan was about to punch my final light out..." You said as you looked around as you floated above everything. As you looked down you saw your group of friends all dressed in black. You followed them from above "hey guys where are you going?" You asked receiving no response at all. Figuring following would lead you to find out anyway no more questions were asked until they reached a grave site. With a tombstone that read as such.

(F/N) (L/N) beloved son, friend, and loved one. Died as he lived fighting honorably till his last breath.

"So I really did die huh... It sucks but hell I gave it everything I had so I'm not full heartedly displeased I guess...." You mumbled to yourself. You looked up seeing your father walk forward knowing this would be ugly.

"N-No h-He..he isn't dead my son isn't dead there is way I had...I" he was enraged he was an elder man with black hair with a slight bit of blonde highlights. Not to mention he was a leader class fallen angel. You floated down in front of him.

"Pa... I'm sorry...I... I did exactly as you said pop, I held my head up high..even before they got to ten pop I was aiming for the sky" you said with a sad laugh "you always loved Hamilton pa.." you said as you looked to him then slowly put your arm around him only to fall straight through "guess I'm a spirit no one can since I'm dead"

Then your king/master had shown his face, he looked sad. Distraught in a sense. Your father Azazel turned to him quickly and angrily.

"This was your fault Zechs! All your fault you turned him into a devil and made him stay with them to go get that familiar and now look what had happened! My son lays dead for your actions, what says you!" Azazel shouted catching you off guard.

"I never knew the god summon Titan would have been his choice. I never thought he would try to jump the gun like this truly is I am sorry Azazel...but what is done is-" SirZechs began with a heavy heart until he was interrupted.

"Don't even finish that sentence! Don't even!" Azazel had yelled. You looked to him worried.

"Pa...I..I'm so sorry I couldn't stay alive for you" you said tears starting to well up. Looking to your friends their sorrow didn't seem to have any limit.

"While you may be the governing fallen angel quit this behavior we are all in mourning of (Y/N) just the same as you!" Came an out burst from Issei. You looked to him seeing his tears. Not far behind him was Kiba shaking slightly.

"I should've intervened...I could have saved him but I.....Asia I'm so sorry" said the blonde haired Knight as tears fell from his gallant face. Your heart sank seeing this. And something stirred within. Especially once you looked to the side seeing Asia knelt at your tombstone.

"You were supposed to come back to promised" she stopped as tears began to choke her words out and replace them with sobs of pure sorrow.

It hurt more now you could feel a deep pain. As memories you haven't even created began to flash through your head. Future dates with Asia, a proposal, the wedding day, a romantic honey moon, a grown you with kids riding piggy back as Asia held a small baby. You could hear it all, the happy laughter, the tears of joy, the correcting of wrongs done by the kids. Then it was gone replaced with black.

"N-No! COME BACK! CO-COME BACK TO ME DAMN IT!" you screamed into the blackness. You kept screaming more and more. Rage escalating as your sorrow was fueled. It began to echo loudly.

Finally your eyes snapped back open. Right before Titan's hand could hit you. You let out a powerful rage incarnate worthy roar. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!" As soon as you rose up, you put your hands up stopping Titan's fist surprising the giant especially when as you lifted it slowly once it was high enough you began to punch it rapidly and wildly. Aiming wasn't needed here just speed and pure power. The speed itself created the illusion of six arms hitting it at once, as it dragged on your left arm finally broke after q hard punch. Reeling back slightly before Titan could bring his fist down you balled up your right fist and hit him with all you had left in the one arm doing enough damage to stagger him and bring Titan to one knee.

"... can't...can't kill me...not with... pathetic that..." You said in your worn down state. Your right arm was now broken as well but you had won the battle. And you had let out a vicious victory scream.

This battle had been yours.
The god summon Titan was now your Familiar.
You proved your worth.
. . . .
. . .
. .

Victory cheer for you pal you got him I'm sure someone will notice my references during the battle and for those who do congrats.
Anywho you nearly died so yeah that's something. But hey future wife is a healer so guess your good.
Not to mention new power ups so yeeeee!

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