Zari and Amaya

By CFCPD6181321

58.4K 1.8K 381

A bunch of prompts about Zari and Amaya in a relationship. Some prompts are ones I've made up myself and othe... More

Captain and Friend
We're Sleeping Together, So We Might As Well Sleep Together
Gideon, The Ultimate Wing Man
Corny Jokes=Corny Girlfriend
My Home is Yours
I Play To Win
The Student Teaches The Master
Not Giving Up Without A Fight
I'll Always Find You
We Ship It
Ever The Wise
Bye, Z
To Hell and Back, pt. 1
The Mysterious Mug
Just In Case
I Don't Wanna Let Go, But I Have Too
Stopping By
To Hell and Back pt. 2
Helen of Troy
Future Plans
Meant to Be Soulmates
Our Future Is Complicated
Just Shut Up, Z
Bye, Z pt. 2
Wise Words
The Time Traveler
Earth-X/Death pt.2
The Time Traveler pt.2
This Promise
Pink and Proud
You're Not Her
I'm Not You
Beach Day
One and The Same
Prank Gone Wrong
Is It Gonna Be Me and You?
I Choose...
I Can't
Just Breathe, I'm Here
The Idea
I See You, Always
The Future is An Endless Possibility
One Repaired Timeline Later
Is That My Shirt?
Fall Apart and I'll Just Put The Pieces Back Together
Marked For Life
Two Donuts In A Dozen
Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say
The Drunk British Shapeshifter's Big Ask
I Used To
Second Guessing
Peace Be Upon Him
I Know
Nothing's Changed
Co-Captains 4 Life
Nothing's Changed...Even With The Team
We Meet Again
3 Failed Proposals Later...
Through Her Heart

You Can, We Can

448 17 4
By CFCPD6181321

Prompt: A continuation and conclusion of my previous prompt, "I Can't".

As Zari rolls over and her bed, expecting to drape her arm over the warm body that should be there, she's met with cold sheets. Zari feels her hand around the area, her eyes still shut. When she feels nothing, Zari opens one eye and confirms it. Amaya isn't there.

"Babe?" Zari yawns, sitting up and stretching her body.

Her voice painfully echoes back with no response following it. Zari tries to keep her panic in check, but when she's an envelope with her name written across in an all to familiar handwriting, it's like her her worst nightmare has become a reality.

"Amaya, baby?" Zari asks, panicking as she stands up and rushes to the closed bathroom door.

When Zari busts open the door to see the bathroom empty, she dives back to the bed for the envelope. Zari's hands fumble and shake as she tears open the envelope and rips the letter out.

'Dear Zari,..' 'I am so sorry...' 'If I could...' 'I hope one day...' 'I had to go, I had to leave...' 'I will always love you...'

"No, no, no, no." Zari mumbles as she skims through the letter, catching bits and pieces.

Zaria drops the letter to the floor and scrambles around for clothes, tossing them on hysterically. As she gets ready to bolt out the room, the letter laying on the floor catches her eye.

"Damn it, Amaya." Zari hisses as she snatches the letter off the floor and storms off to the jump ship.


"Woah, woah, woah. Slow down, Z." Nate says as he chases after the furious woman.

"Did you know? Did you know about Amaya, Nate?" Zari snaps, spinning around quickly and jabbing a finger at Nate's chest angrily.

"Of course not, Zari." Nate sighs.

"I'm going back and you can't stop me. You won't stop me." Zari argues.

"No one is stopping you, Z." Nate reassures,

"Good." Zari nods, turning away and ready to leave.

"But, I'm going with you." Nate says as he grabs Zari's hand to keep her from leaving just yet.

"Why?" Zari asks, snatching her hand away and turning to look at Nate questionably.

"Because what you're looking for, you won't find it. And it's gonna hurt like hell when you realize that." Nate sighs

"Shut up and stay on the jump ship." Zari warns.


"Keep watch. I don't know how long I'll be." Zari tells Nate as she lands the jump ship.

"Are you sure this is what you want, Zari?" Nate asks.

"What'd I say earlier, Nathaniel?" Zari scoffs as she gets out of the pilot seat.

"Sorry. I just-. I hope you find what you're looking for, Z." Nate sighs, holding up his in defense.


As Zari sneaks around Amaya's village, she finally stumbles upon Amaya's home. As Zari comes face to face with the door keeping her from the love of her life, it's like her heart is beating in her eyes. Zari takes a deep breath and carefully opens the door, the sight before her almost makes her fall to her knees and cry. There Amaya sits on the ground, her back to the door. On the ground with her is memorabilias of Zari and their relationship. An old flannel of Zari, a little note Zari had left her one day, various pictures and more laid in front of Amaya. And there was Amaya, sobbing into Zari's old flannel.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." Amaya sobs repeatedly into the flannel.

The first thing that comes to her mind is to enter and cross the room to pull Amaya into her arms. To hold her as tightly as she can and never let her go. To let words of comfort and love pour from her mouth. And Zari almost does, her foot takes a step forward with hesitation and the words of Nate cross her mind.

'Because what you're looking for, you won't find it. And it's gonna hurt like hell when you realize that.'

But it's like the universe had its own mind, Zari had made a single noise and Amaya had lift her head up. As Zari goes to make a hasty exit, her eyes connect with Amaya's as Amaya turns around. They both freeze, unable to comprehend that they see the other.

"Zari." "Amaya." They both whisper in awe.

Zari remembers Nate's word and bolts, slamming the door shut. Amaya's scrambles to her feet and yanks open the door, her eyes scanning everywhere and anywhere for the love of her life.

"Zari!" Amaya calls out.

Little does she know that Zari's still around, but hoping hiding. And there's nothing more she wants to do than call Amaya's name out and run to her. Zari doesn't, instead she goes back to the jump ship and Amaya goes back inside her home.


"I'm sorry, Zari." Nate says as Zari walks back inside the jump ship.

Zari nods, acknowledging his words but does nothing more to converse with him.

"I'll take us home, okay?" Nate sighs, placing a comforting hand on Zari's shoulder.

"Is this what you felt like? When Amaya first left?" Zaria asks carefully, looking up at him with tear filled eyes.

"No. It's because I knew she didn't love me as much as she loves you." Nate answers with a sad smile.


As Nate is taking them home, Zari slips the note from out her pocket. It seems like it's heavier in her hands than it was earlier. Zaria takes a deep, reassuring breath and then she reads the final words of her love.


'Dear Zari,

By the time you're reading this, I've already left the Waverider and returned back home to Zambesi. But I'll be truthful with you, it'll take some time before it begins to feel like home again. I'm so sorry that I did this to you. I know what I'll be doing to you by slipping in the way in the night to leave. I just know that if I try to say goodbye to you that I'll never leave. I had to go, I had to leave, Zari. I know one day you'll recognize and understand way. I just hope one day you can find it in yourself to forgive me. I hope you find someone worthy of your love, someone you can spend forever and ever with. I know you'll change the world, Zari Tomaz. You've already changed mine. I will always love you, Zari. Even when I'm with my husband, even when I'm bearing children, and even as I grow old and die. My love for you will continue. You were never just a body to keep me warm at night. You were the love of my life. Goodbye, Zari.


Amaya Jiwe.


"You'll always be the love of my life, Amaya. Always." Zari whispers as she holds her totem.

And if they focus hard enough, it's as if they can feel the others connection anchoring them.

Author's Note: vote and comment prompts please! Sorry this took so long to post, the original one got deleted and it took me a minute to find the strength rewrite it.

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