Addicted Book 3: Life And Dea...

By FfreaksonlyY

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Chapter 1: "Nice girl talk?"
Chapter 2: "Don't Call Me Sir though, Just Jordan"
Chapter 3: "You Are More Than Enough In My Book"
Chapter 4: "You're the Only One, Like Always"
Chapter 5: "I'd Guessed That You Wanted To Fuck Me Like A Slut"
Chapter 6: "When Will You Understand?!"
Chapter 7: "We Don't Speak Of This, Okay?"
Chapter 8: "His Dad Was In Prison For Raping A Woman"
Chapter 9: "I Knew This Wasn't A Good Idea"
Chapter 10: "Who Does She Think She Is?!"
Chapter 11: "Hopefully I Was Able To Help"
Chapter 12: "You Could've Stopped This!"
Chapter 13: "I Don't Know What This Is"
Chapter 14: "Uh.. d--done."
Chapter 15: "Okay, Kyjuan."
Chapter 16: "Well, Just Don't Take Too Long..."
Chapter 17: "Better Watch Your Nuts Little Squirrel"
Chapter 18: "I Can't Hurt Her Like This Anymore!"
Chapter 19: "Leave, And Don't Be Here Whenever I Get Back."
Chapter 20: "I Gotta Go Now!"
Chapter 21: "Let Me Help You"
Chapter 22: "An Interest?"
Chapter 23: "I Guess I'll Catch You."
Chapter 24: "I Think I Might Like This Place."
Chapter 25: "Fuck Her."
Chapter 26: "What's There To Talk About?"
Chapter 27: "I Personally Decided Not To Be Stuck On This."
Chapter 28: "Temper, Temper."
Chapter 29: "She's Not What You Think."
Chapter 30: "So, What Did You Do Before You Came Here?"
Chapter 31: "And It Is...?"
Chapter 32: "Oh Who Am I Kidding?"
Chapter 33: "What Do You Mean?"
Chapter 34: "Weak? I Know."
Chapter 35: "Every Detail."
Chapter 36: "Perfect? It's Freezing."
Chapter 37: "Shut Up and Drive."
Chapter 38: "Finally, You're Awake."
Chapter 39: "Goodnight."
Chapter 40: "It's Time You Knew The Truth."
Chapter 41: Make Your Own Happiness


205 7 0
By FfreaksonlyY

"Baby! Come back in here we're still going over names!" Symphony called to me as I stood in the kitchen making noodles.
"Yeah babe I'm coming, I'm just starved." I called back.
She was due in 2 days, and her stomach was the size of a watermelon. I loved it. We also found out the gender of the baby a couple of months ago. We'd found out it was a girl. She moved to the sound of our voices. We've been trying to think of the perfect name for months, and never felt any kind of special tingle inside of us to any of the suggestions we came up with.
Yes, Angelique, my ex wife and my daughter Donna's mother, was not happy about it at all. Why? I don't know and I don't care.
Donna and Trenton, who were out at the mall together at this moment, were halfway through their senior year in high school. I was so proud of them. Trenton is still playing basketball, Donna is singing at the games and at other school events and she joined the acting class. She was also still with Taylor.
Kiara, Ruby, Kyle and Diamond make their visits when they can. Kyle is continuing on in college with Diamond and Kiara is now a manager at the restaurant she works at. Ruby had a best selling novel last month as well.
Freshie had came to visit a couple of times and we caught up with each other. She'd gotten a better job as a design assistant and was still rowing her boat deeper into that career. Mona called from time to time, but Symphony wasn't having it at all.
We went to court months ago, and I was ruled not guilty on terms of self defense and defending my family from the amount of men that were shooting at us. Things were great. Big house, nice cars, successful and well paying jobs, the kids were on top of their game in school--I couldn't ask for anything more.
"Kyjuan!" Symphony screeched.
"Yes babe, damn I'm coming!" I said, chuckling and walking back over to her on the couch with my bowl of noodles after they were cooked.
"Okay. So we have ummm...Karly." She said.
"Nah." I shook my head.
"Nah." I said.
"Kristina?" She raised her eyebrows then made a sour face.
"Nah." We both said and shook our heads.
"Oh look at this one! It's pretty good." She said as I swallowed a mouthful of noodles. She showed me her phone.
"Kalani. Hm. Kalani... Sheridan Davis." I said slowly. Symphony smiled. I put Gram's first name as her middle.
"U-um.. Kyjuan?" She said, beginning to breathe hard and look serious.
"What's up baby?" I asked.
"Either I just pissed my pants, or..." She said, looking to me. My heart dropped and my eyes bulged.
"Shit... oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!" I said, running to the bedrooms and grabbing my keys, wallet and phone. I picked her up from the couch and carried her to the car, sitting her in the passenger seat and putting the seat belt on. I began to drive as she began to clutch my forearm and give me a serious look. She began to breathe harder. I began to grow more nervous than I'd ever been.
"Kyjuan floor it!" She screamed. I jumped and went faster. "Is this how fast this thing can go?!"
"No but I'm going 60 in a school zone." I said. She groaned.
After we got to the hospital, we were immediately taken to the second floor where the birth unit was. She began to scream, making me jump again.
They got her into the bed and she grabbed my hand and put it on her stomach. Another doctor came in with gloves on. He and the doctors began to talk.
"Kyjuan?" Symphony said to me. I looked to her. Sweat was on her forehead.
"I'm so glad you're here this time." She said. I smirked before it shortly faded as she screamed. The doctors got in front of me and began to examine her--hooking her up to monitors so we'd know her heart rate, and taking her body temperature. I watched. After they moved I pulled a chair by her and held her hand in mine as I heard the beeping increase, signaling her heart beating faster.
"Uh... are you supposed to be doing that?" I asked the male doctor who's first 2 fingers were inside her.
"Yes sir, I have to feel for contractions." He replied. I looked at him with a blank expression.
"You deserve a raise." I said flatly.
"She's 5cm dialted already." He called to the nurse.
"Would you like an epidural or natural?" She asked us.
"Uh we--" I began.
"Epidural please!" Symphony shouted. She began to scream. The nurse hurried off and returned with a needle, lying her on her side and administering it to her in her lower spinal area. I bit my lip nervously.
She laid back flat.
"Ugh, I feel pressure!" She said.
"Right between your thighs ma'am?" The doctor asked. She nodded, breathing rapidly.
"Alright, on my count I'm gonna need you to begin pushing soon okay? I'll bring you into the counting when it's time. Dad? Emotional support. Nurse, get towels and scissors. It's almost time Ms. Martin." He said. She looked to me.
"You're so lucky you're a guy." She said with a pouting face.
"Yeah... not to be an asshole or anything but I'm really enjoying being a guy right about now." I said nervously while grabbing her hand. After saying that she screamed from the pain and squeezed my hand with strength I had never realized she had. Strength that was off the charts for a woman. I held my breath through the pain.
"Alright Ms. Martin. You're dialated enough to begin pushing. On my count okay? Let's take some calm deep breaths first. Everything is fine. You ready?" He asked. Symphony nodded. "1.. 2.. 3, push!"
Symphony screamed and began to push, while squeezing my hand and cutting my blood flow. Tears began to stream down her cheeks and her forehead was shiny with sweat. I stood and smoothed her hair.
"Alright take a breath. That was good. One more time, okay? 1.. 2... 3, push!" The doctor signaled again. Symphony's screams filled the room.
"It's okay baby you've got it, you're doing just fine." I said in her ear. She stopped pushing.
"Good one!" He said.
"Shit this hurts!" Symphony wheezed.
"It's okay baby, you're doing great. You've got this, okay?" I said to her. She nodded.
"Alright here we go Ms. Martin push!" He said. She began to push and scream. I winced, realizing how much pain was going through her body.
"The head is poking out. Would the father like to see?" The doctor asked. I gulped.
"Hm?" I said in a slightly higher pitch.
"Your child's head is crowning, would you like to precieve the view?" He asked quickly. I nodded, forgetting how to use my words. He looked at me awkwardly. I began to walk in that direction, realizing I was still standing in one spot.
"Holy shh.." I began, feeling my chest heave and my heart drop. I'd never seen a vagina so opened in my life. With something coming out of it as it's tearing blood coming out of it and over it, that is. "Jesus," I mumbled. After finishing being creeped out, I focused on our child.  Her hair and forehead was showing.
"Alright, we're looking at 2 or 3 more pushes and we will be successful. Are you ready ma'am?"
"Mhm let's get her out. Please." She said while out of breath. I nodded.
"1.. 2.. 3, push." He said. Symphony began to push and our child came out more.
"Amazing, only one more and we can get her right on out. We may have to make an incision first, in time for your next contraction. Nurse, scissors." He said. The nurse came by with scissors.
"W--w-wait I don't understand, where are you going to cut her?" I asked.
"The vaginal opening, it'll make an easier passageway for the child to come out." He said *snip*. Blood began to ooze and gush out.
"Oh jeez." I said quietly.
"Don't worry. With all of the other pressures and pain involved on top of her epidural all she should feel at the most is a minor sting if even that." He said. I nodded with my hand over my mouth.
"Alright. Final push. Father, would you like to be the one to retrieve your child?" He asked. I nodded.
"Y--yeah." I said. The nurse gave me a pair of gloves and scrubs to put on. After I did, they were ready. My heart pounded.
"Alright, stand right about there." He said. "Here we go. And push Symphony!" He said. She began to push and scream louder. She slid out of her more, and the doctors were able to pull her out. I grabbed her, she wasn't moving at all.
"Now, quickly turn her on her stomach and pat her back hard enough for the amniotic fluid to drain from her lungs. Hold her at a slight downward angle. The goal is to get her to cryso she'll breathe, she'll cough everything she needs to out." He said. I nodded and began to pat her back, slightly harder until she breathed. Seconds later, she cried. My chest caved in.
"Now we snip this," The doctor said, handing me the scissors. I cut her umbilical cord. The nurse gave me a blanket to wrap her in. She was beautiful. My eyes began to sting.
"Congratulations. You both have a gorgeous baby girl." The doctor grinned. Symphony teared up and thanked the doctor.
Even covered in blood and amniotic juices, she was still the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. Her eyes were big, her hair was wavy and soft, and she stared into my eyes while crying, as if trying to read who I was. A year escaped my eye. I walked over to Symphony and sat her in her arms. Symphony cried.
"My goodness she's so beautiful." She said. I wiped her face.
"She looks so much like her mom." I said. She smiled at me.
"I love you... I love you so much Kalani." She gasped. My heart skipped as I noticed she accepted the name. It would only make sense. She began to come as soon as we said the name out loud.
By this time, Kalani stopped crying and just stared at us.
"Ms. Martin? We're going to have to take her to clean her up and give her the proper shots." The nurse said. Symphony nodded. The nurse took her.
"Kyjuan," She cried. I looked at her, wiping my face. "You've made me so happy."
"You know... I didn't realize until now what I've truly missed out on." I said softly. She put her hand on mine.
"And now you've changed it and you'll experience it now. You've been an amazing father and always will be." She smiled. I smirked and kissed her forehead.
"You know, now I've gotta... Baby?" I said suddenly. Her eyes were shut. "Babe. Symphony, wake up!" I said, shaking her arm. She didn't. The doctors left the room when they took Kalani. I shouted for them and they began to rush in. "She's not responding."
"Her pulse is slowing." The nurse said.
"Huh?! No, no no...." I softly said, rubbing her forehead.
"She's losing too much blood. Mr. Davis, I've read in some of Symphony's files that she's donated blood to you before, would you mind donating?" She asked quickly.
"Yes, do it! Hurry!" I said, sitting in a chair. The nurse got the needle ready and the doctor began to set up surgery. She came back with 5 tubes and a needle and began to take my blood.

I woke up, rubbing my eyes. I noticed a bandage wrapped around the crook of my left arm. Wait...Symphony.
I got out of the bed I was in, noticing I was in a different room. I left the room and looked around for the room she was in until a nurse stopped me.
"Mr. Davis?" She said. "Follow me." She smirked.
We walked all the way to the end of the hallway then turned left.
"Here she is." She smiled, opening the first door on the right. I went in. Symphony held Kalani in her arms and smiled at her. I grinned.
"Daddy's finally awake." She smiled at Kalani. She made a noise. I sat by them. "She's beautiful." She handed her to me. Kalani began to instantly grin at me and grab at my hands. I smiled at her. Her hair was so soft and wound up into curls. Her eyelashes were long and her eyes were tawny brown. Her skin was almost pale and her lips were bright pink. She was the tiniest baby I'd every seen, so fragile.
"I love you beautiful." I said to her. She began to laugh. A nurse came in with a clip board. "How long was I out for?"
"About 5 or 6 hours." The nurse said. "I've come to see if you guys have come up with a name yet?"
"Yes, " Symphony said. "Kalani Sheridan Davis." She smiled and looked at me. The nurse wrote it down.
"Beautiful name. We'll get everything squared away shortly." She said, smiling and leaving us to bask in our own presence.

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