Wait, so what you're telling...

By sweettart2

360K 1.9K 309


Wait, so what you're telling me is that HE'S my mate?!?!?!
Wait, so what you're telling me is that HE'S my mate?!?!?! chapter two
Wait, so what you're telling me is that HE'S my mate?!?!?! Chapter three
Wait, so what you're telling me is that HE'S my mate?!?!?! chapter four!!!!
Wait, so what you're telling me is that HE'S my mate?!?!?! chapter five :D
CHAPTER 6. become and fan and you can read it. its apparently rated R
Chapter seven
Chapter eight :P
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven.
Chapter Twelve!!
Chapter Thirteen!
Chapter Thirteen!
chapter fifteen!
chapter 16
Chapter 17! :P
Chapter 18
New chapter 12-6
new chap please read
Happy New Year!
ohhh man
Snow storm!
water bottles are cool?
first dance :P
2-10 new chapter!
new chapp
snow snow go away :(
nail polish
chapter 29?
new chapter 3-
chapter 3-26
Chapter 37! PIC OF ETHAN!
chapter 4/16
chapter 4/17
I think this is chapter 38? :)
chapter 39?
Chapter 40 (:
Chapter 41
chapter 42!
Chapter 43
WSWYTMITHMM?!?!?! - Chapter 44
WSWYTMITHMY?!?!?! - Chapter 45
WSWYTMITHMM?!?!?! Chapter 46


7.3K 40 8
By sweettart2

Hey guys! I really enjoyed reading all your ideas for the story! I thought about what I think would be fun to read and write, and will be using it in my story! Thanks so much! It was cool listening to what you guys, as the readers, wanted to happen. Again thanks for the ideas, they mean so much!

Also, does anyone want a chapter to be dedicated to them? I'll do it if you REALLY want to. :)

Anyway, heres the chapter, hope you love it!


I was on my way home from the pack meeting. Let me tell you, it was boring. Pointless, and now I was sprinting back to get to my mate and make sure she was safe and sound. 

This is what I hate about being an Alpha, you have to go to meetings, whether its treaty gatherings, problems in the distric, war, or whatever, you have to leave your family.

I didn't sign up for this.

When I got to her house, I shifted, and climbed up to her window.

I let out a sigh of relief when I saw her sleeping in her bed. 

I can get really worried about her sometimes. It would be my fault if she got hurt.

The thought of someone hurting her gets me angry, but she always calms me down.

I climbed into bed with her, and put my arm around her. She, still asleep, turned around and cuddled into my embrass.

My mate was only wearing a tank-top with pants on, and against my naked body, it obviously felt good.

I really do wish we could do couple things, like sex. Mostly sex.

But, I'll wait for however long she needs, because...well 'cause shes that awesome.

I wonder how she said no. I mean I know she just had to say no, but how?

What with the mate hormones and everything. I'm still in shock, I wont lie. I don't even know how I stopped myself. She was nearly naked, so close. 

But she said stop. And I did.

Vanessa stirred in her sleep a little and started mumbling things. All I could make out was my name, sorry, and landon. 

First, I was really happy she even thought of me in her dreams, but who the hell is Landon, and what is she sorry for?


I woke up and noticed it was early. The sun was only just rising. Ryan's arm was around me, I kissed his arm and got up out of bed.

I walked downstairs and noticed nobody was home again. I grabbed a cup and poured coffee in.

I walked outside and sat on the pourch drinking my coffee. As cliche as it sounds, it was really peaceful.

Just listening to the birds chirping, the cars in the distance, and the rabbit helping her little bunnies out.

I smiled at the bunnies. I wanted to do that. I wanted to be helping my little kids learn how to walk, how to ride a bike, how to shift, or how to write their name. I want that.

I wanted Ryan to be doing that with me. I smiled when I pictured it. Me, Ryan and little boy. A little boy who looks just like his Daddy. Same eyes, same nose, but with my hair. Blonde hai, blue eyes, and tan just like his Daddy.

We didn't live in this house. No we lived in a different house, a nicer house. The house was smaller, but more of a family house.

Were we ready for a baby just yet?

Then Ryan walked out the door with a coffee mug in his hand. I smiled.

"Goodmorning, gorgous." Ryan said, then leaned down to kiss me.

"Morning." I said while blushing. He called me gorgous. I love it when he says things like that, beautiful, gorgous, love, or even when he says my Stella, or my mate.

We both just sat there. There was a silence, but not an awkward silence. It was nice actually.

I was still thinking about the baby. It was so cute. I was deep into thought when Ryan called my name. I snapped out of the day dreaming.

"I'm sorry what?" I asked. Ryan just laughed and shook his head.

"I asked you what you were thinking about?" Ryan said still with a smile on his face.

Should I tell him? Will he want the same as I want? I should tell him.

"I-...Umm, I well..we should, ermm,-"

"Stella what is it?" Ryan asked. I looked at him. His face showed love. Love towards me, along with confusion. He looked so cute when he was confused. His eyebrows moved together causing his forhead to wrinkle in this cute way. I smiled a little, then realized I was spacing out a little bit again.

"Ryan, I want a family."

(A/N was about to stop right here, but Kid Cudi put me in a good mood)

Ryan face was unreadable. He didn't want what I wanted, I knew it. 

I stood up, and walked inside, letting tears fall silently.

Ryan stopped me before I could even get to the door.

"Stella.." He said while hugging me. I cried into his chest.

Why was I even crying? Why did I feel so upset over this. Of course he wasn't ready for a child, he was still in school. Why was I wanting a child, I was only 16! No matter how I tried to reason this, I still wanted what I wanted. I mean his face was just blank. What did that mean! I didn't realize just how much I was crying until I could feel my own tears water on his shirt.

I pulled away, trying to stop crying.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I said while wiping my tears with my sleeves. I opened my eyes to try to see what Ryan was thinking.

Ryan was looking down at me, upset and maybe a little...happy?

"Stella...I don't know how to say this," He said, I think to himself, "I want a baby. More than anything. But I just don't think our lives are free enough for a baby. You have school, I have school...." Ryan trailed off trying to think of reasons.

"But what else, Ryan? Why else can't we have a family? Why can't we get something for ourselves? Let's forget about life for a while, and just think about us!" I screamed near the end. I had to say this, I just had to. There was no damn reason we couldn't have a kid, and he knew it!

Ryan thought for a while. And I mean a while. Like a good five minutes, but finally he spoke.

"I don't want to make you give up your life for us Stella. I want you to have fun as a kid! I want you to love your high school years! What are people going to think of you when they can see a baby in your belly?" Ryan answered. 

"I don't care what other people think of me! I only care about us, and by us I mean our lives together! And I'm not a kid, you're only four years older than me!" I yelled to him. Why was he turning this into a big thing.

Ryan didn't say anything else, so I had to let out everything.

"You're not trying to convince me, Ryan, you're trying to convince yourself! You know this is what you want, why can't you just let yourself have it!?"

Ryan still didn't say anything.

"Say something, already!" I screamed, the tears coming back now. Ryan finally looked to me. He looked at me with the upset face again. He grabbed my face in his hands and forced me to look at him.

"Stella, I don't want you to do this for me." He said clearly.

"I'm not doing this for you, I'm doing it for us." I answered. My tears were gone now. It was weird. I only cried for a second.

Ryan didn't say anything, instead he kissed me. He kissed me hard, and with reason. Was he saying yes? He picked me up, and brought me inside.

I hope so.


Hey guys! How'd you like it? I hope you really liked it and will now vote or become a fan *wink wink* LOL

So I plan on bringing Landon into the story soon, maybe in the next chapter, or the chapter after this.

I really liked writing this chapter so I hope you like reading it! 

TEll me what you think, do you think she'll get pregnant? 

Do you think they're really ready for a baby?

Do you think Brennen will like being an uncle?


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