The Bet Beau Brooks (A Janosk...

By ilovethejanoskians18

397K 7.5K 1.9K

Meet Cassie your average 17 year old not so popular teenager, it's the start of a new school year and nothing... More

The Bet Beau Brooks (A Janoskian Fanfiction )
What do you want from me ??
What have i done ??
A Date with Beau Brooks
The Disatrous Official Date
Date Gone Wrong
Oh Hell No
Did He Just Play Me ?
He can Cook .. NO WAY !
Well That's Uh Awkward
He Can't Get Out I'm Not Ready
Is it True ?
Matt :'(
I may, or may not be into you!
Silent Farts Are The Most Deadly
But I want to sleep next to you ;)
Why Why Why!!!
I I Did It....
Suprise Date
He won't ever find out
What did I do?
Your who?
Sleeping on the oval
I missed you
Ride home with him
But you said no
How did you get out?
Wait where are we going?
Answer one of my questions then
Meeting Nonna and Gina
Meeting the Brooks fam bam
I don't love her
The tears are real
More drama then a soap opera
Now kiss me
That's our table
What are you doing here?
I feel like shit
Shut up and kiss me
Wanna bet?
Can I have a...
What's got you so happy?
Positive or Negative?
You mean you know and love
Lets use a codeword
Sorry darl
I'm joking!
The betrayal
Get me a bucket you doofus!
She was with me


6.2K 140 56
By ilovethejanoskians18

"She's not answering we can't go in what if she's in trouble?" Fiona furrows her eyebrows half worried and another part of her using it as an excuse to back out.

"Nice try she's fine, now stop making excuses and lets go in." Emma chuckles, grabbing a hold of Fiona's arm and pulling her along inside.

"No wait, at least let me send her a text." Fiona frowns using it to waste sometime, which gladly works.

"Fine, but be quick! Don't write a long lovey dovey text."

Fiona slowly types each letter, purposely to annoy Emma. It works, instantly Emma snatches Fiona's phone off of her and types " with super cool sexy Emma bye". She presses send, turns the phone completely off and hands it back to Fiona.

"Get ready to have some fun!" Emma squeals, grabbing Fiona as they walk into the entrance of the club.

The smell of alcohol lingering the club, drunk men with beer swaying to the music, along with couples dancing. There are groups of men and women dancing and some women grinding on men. Sexy bartenders selling drinks at the bar and creeps lurking at the club. Just some of the many things happening in the one bar, Fiona starts to really doubt her decision on going to the club, however they're already inside now and they have just arrived. With Emma's stubbornness Fiona knows they won't be leaving any time soon.

I can't believe the fake ID's Emma used for us actually worked, Fiona thinks to herself. Meanwhile Emma pulls Fiona further along inside the club.

Emma guides Fiona towards the middle of the dance floor, from experience Emma always loved the middle.

Within minutes Emma lets loose, blending in with the crowd. She dances crazily to the upbeat music, not caring what anyone thinks of her or what she looks like. Pulling her hair tie from her tight ponytail, she lets her hair loose, swaying her hips to the music. She blends in perfectly with the crowd, whereas Fiona looks like a fish pulled out of the sea.

You haven't even had anything to drink yet and your already psycho at the dance floor, Id like to know what you would be like drunk then. Fiona thinks to herself but is interrupted when a stranger knocks into her.

"Sorry" he murmurs as he makes his way out of the crowded dance area, towards the bar.

"Fiona, this wasn't my idea of fun, if your not going to get your butt next to me and dance." Emma pouts, while still swaying her hips to the music.

"I don't dance" Fiona shouts over the music, crossing her arms.

"Everybody can dance!" Emma screams, she abruptly stops dancing and places her hands on her hips.

"Well you obviously haven't met me." Fiona snickers to herself.

Within seconds Emma is by Fiona's side with an unamused expression, "You are going to dance, forget about Jeremy and we are going to have the time of our life understood?"

However Emma doesn't give Fiona time to answer as she grabs her arms and drags her to where she was previously dancing.


Cassie's POV

"Thank you again, for letting me stay in your wonderful home" I say to Vincenzo as he walks into the room, carrying a handful of different blankets.

"Are all those blankets for me?" I gape at how many there are, there's got to be at least 6 different blankets.

"Of course they are, it gets very chilly at night." He laughs, placing them on the ground and one by one neatly setting up the bed for me to sleep in.

"It would have been fine by me, to sleep on your luxurious couch," I say truthfully.

"Don't be silly, we've got a spare bedroom that's hardly ever been used, so you might as well sleep in here tonight." He says waving me off.

"At least let me set up the bed, it's the least I can do," I say grabbing the blankets out of his hands. I start setting up the blankets for the double bed which is more then needed for me to sleep in.

"Okay, if you must." he chuckles, stepping back.

He clears his throat, "You know you must be one special girl, for Beau to bring here." he says and I try to stay calm. He really doesn't realize wer'e not together does he?

"Wer'e actually not that close, um Vincenzo.. look were not -"

"I know it's okay" he interrupts, smirking. So that's where Beau gets his smirk from.

If he knows, then why does he keep thinking that we're together, this is so confusing.

"I know your not up to that stage yet, but I can tell you're very close, by the way Beau looks at you." My cheeks fail on me and instantly heat up.

"Stage?" I murmur confused.

"You know sex, I understand love and the desires but I would advise you and Beau to wait until marriage. I can trust you with that, but I'm not so sure about Beau. Being a man myself, I can understand why he wouldn't want to wait.But please consider it and if you do, at least use protection, I'm sure you don't want mini Beau's to have to take care of, at least not yet at this age." Vincenzo says and I am completely caught of guard, it has already gotten awkward and to make matters worse I choke on my own saliva.

"I'm okay, I'm okay" I choke out at his worried expression.

"Yeah um, we're definitely not, uh.... at that stage yet and we won't be anytime soon." I hate lying, but technically I didn't. I just avoided the truth. Since we aren't at that stage right now, since were not even together and won't be having sex ever again.

Beau can be the one to tell his nonno that we're not together, because it's just gotten awkward now and I don't know what to say now.

"That's great to hear! I'm glad I got that awkward conversation over with! I'm going to go downstairs and see how everyone else is. If you need anything else just let me know." Vincenzo says smiling, I smile back and thank him.

Within moments he has left the room and I let out a shaky breath. That was awkward and I really hope I don't have to endure in another conversation like that again. I grab the last blanket which goes ontop of the bed and I reach over to tuck the ends of the blanket in, even though I'm going to be sleeping in the bed soon.

Without realizing someone had walked in, I hear footsteps coming towards me. Before I can even react, hands are suddenly placed on my waist and I scream in shock.


The night consisted of Emma dancing and Fiona waiting, Emma would try to persuade Fiona and even force her to dance as best as she could but Fiona wouldn't budge.

Fiona stands with an unamused expression, watching as Emma dances to multiple songs. If only I had the confidence like Emma, but she doesn't understand that I wouldn't know what to do. I have no idea how to dance but she makes it seem to easy, so tempting but no I can't.

Emma runs over to Fiona, her once hair out, now tied up loosely because of all the sweat dripping down her body.

"You really got into it, whoa your sweating like a pig." Fiona laughs in amusement.

Emma smirks and Fiona backs away, unsure of her intentions. She has a feeling that she won't like what is to come and she is right.

Emma grabs Fiona and pulls her into a hug, holding her tight and not letting her go.

"Sweaty hug" Emma squeals and Fiona shrieks.

"Let me go, ew okay that's enough, stop! Omg you smell," Fiona says attempting to scrunch up her nose in disgust.

Emma lets go instantly, looking at Fiona with huge worried eyes.

"Do I really smell?" Emma pouts, attempting to sniff herself.

"Had to get you off me somehow," Fiona says cracking up laughing and Emma eventually joins in.

"That's not funny! You scared the hell out of me."

" You believed me though and it got you of me instantly." Fiona giggles.

Emma slaps Fiona on her shoulder, enough so that it would hurt but not enough to leave a mark.

"Ouch! Don't hit me, I'm offended!" Fiona exclaims and rubs her now sore shoulder, she sends glares to Emma.

"Technically it was a slap," Emma giggles and Fiona slaps her.

"Pay backs a bitch, yeah I know that feel."

"Ow , okay technically I did deserve that, but it really hurt." Emma whines.

"Now, follow me this is where the real fun begins." Emma smirks and Fiona looks unsure.

Fiona follows Emma, they both take a seat at the bar on a red stool. Fiona starts swinging around in circles, giggling.

Realization hits Fiona as she looks over at the now, devious smile on Emma's face.

"No, no, no, no, no Emma," Fiona says emphasizing on 'no', she's absolutely serious in her tone of voice, not a hint of humour clear.

"Come on, just one drink. You have to!" Emma pouts.

"I'm not drinking, you can and I will be the stable one here, that makes sure we get home safely." Fiona crosses her arms, annoyed that Emma keeps pushing her to drink.

"First you don't want to dance and now you don't want to drink. Seriously Fiona we're at a club, what did you expect?" Emma says becoming slightly annoyed.

"Well I only came out here for a good night, thank you very much , but I already am and I don't need a drink or to dance to be happy." Fiona says smiling in satisfaction.

"Well you need to loosen up, because we are not leaving until you either dance to one whole song or you drink. So which one is it? Cause trust me I can stay here all night." Emma chuckles humorously.

"Fine one drink that's all!" Fiona says crossing her arms in defeat.

"We're going to have so much fun, once you loosen up a bit eh" Emma rushes over to Fiona grabbing her and squealing.

"We would like to have a drink please, what do you recommend?"


Cassie's POV

"Beau you scared the hell out of me don't do that!" I scream, punching his shoulder.

"Sorry babe." He chuckles.

I try to not overreact at 'babe', he said it so casually which shouldn't bother me but it does.

"Are you having a good time, your not bored are you?" he asks worriedly and pokes my side.

I jump immediately at his touch and he starts laughing, "Of course I'm not bored! This place is amazing and your family are just absolutely gorgeous!"

"Your gorgeous!" he beams and my eyes widen.

"So..... we should probably go back down. Your family might be wondering where you disappeared to."
I say wanting to change the subject, but it doesn't seem to work.

He stares at me for a moment, making me uncomfortable. I look down and back up and his still staring. I look back at him and then look away embarrassed. From the corner of my eye I can see clearly, that he is still looking and I don't know where else to look, my shoes, the floor, the window?

I go with the window, I pretend that I'm fascinated by the window but it's dark outside so I can't see much. I turn to face Beau, this time I'm prepared to not be the one to look away.

"Your not used to compliments are you?" Beau smirks.

His right I mean I've had compliments before from Fiona and Emma, but by a guy not really. Besides my ex Matt, but he would never call me gorgeous, beautiful or pretty just sexy. Or he would compliment my body which when I think back on now, did he even love me for who I am? or did he 'love' me because of my so called 'looks'.

Beau continues to stare and I don't bother saying anything, since he will pick up on my lie and I will end up humiliating myself even more.

"Cassie you are so beautiful, I don't know how you don't realize it" Beau frowns and places both of his hands on my shoulders.

"I-I uh t-thank you I guess" I stare into his piercing green eyes and stutter at my words.

He affectionately places his hands on my cheeks, then they wander towards my forehead and down to my nose. "Beau what are you-

I am stopped by his hands on my lips, he starts tracing the outline of my lips and I am about to pull away however his hands cup my face, he leans in and within seconds he kisses me. It wasn't long like our usual heated kisses, it was short and sweet.

He pulls away slowly, looking deeply into my eyes, his hands still cupping my face gently. "AAAAAH CHOOOOO!" I sneeze not very lady like at all and Beau pulls his hands away from me instantly. Well that just ruined the complete moment how embarrassing, I start laughing and Beau frowns.

He smiles at me and then walks out of the room, "Wow you kiss me and then you leave," I say angrily, I'm so disappointed in myself. I have to stop getting my hopes up.

Beau turns around and looks at me amused," I've got to piss, but if you rather me hold it in." He smirks and I shake my head laughing.

"Go piss, before you pee your pants!" I chuckle and wave him off, surprisingly he runs.

I shake my head and laugh as I make my way downstairs, to where the rest of his family are relaxing on the couch eating cake, wait what did we miss?


Fiona clumsily walks over towards the bar, along with Emma trying to follow her without loosing her within the crowd.

"Faster Emma" Fiona squeals and Emma shakes her head smilling.

As Emma reaches Fiona, she is already seated on a stool giggling, as she swings her legs back and forth.

"Coming back for another shot I see?" the sexy blonde bartender winks at Fiona, and she giggles more to herself.

"She would like something stronger buddy," Emma says her elbows leaning on Fiona's shoulder and Fiona turns to face her in doubt.

"I'm not sure Emma, i'm getting very tipsy," Fiona squeals trying to steady herself on the counter.

"So drink or no drink?" The bartender with the name tag Nick says, as he looks between the two women.

"She'll have something strong, we'll both have another shot the same as the first one!" Emma squeals, taking a seat on the stool next to Fiona.

"I'll be back in a sec, won't be long ladies" Nick the bartender says and then his gone.

Nick makes his way back to the font of the bar, he places a shot in front of Emma and one in front of Fiona. Emma hands him a ten dollar note, "keep the change," she winks and he gladly does.

The club starts to get hectic, that's when Fiona and Emma decide that they have had a lot of fun throughout the night, they decide to take a quick stop to the bathroom then leave. However Emma's favourite song burn by Ellie Goulding starts playing, Emma grabs a hold of Fiona making their way to the dance floor one last time.

Fiona willingly dances with Emma, the once uptight and self conscious Fiona, now carefree and giggly under the influence of alcohol.

They are both swinging their hips and mouthing the words to the music, unaware of the two guys watching them closely.

The two men, one with short blonde spiked hair and a brunette with slightly longer hair pushed to the side, make their way over to the two girls.

Emma is approached first ,by the blonde guy who places his hand out in front of Emma. Emma looks at his hand placed right in front her confused.

Does he want money?" She ponders to herself, but her question is answered "Do you want to dance?" he asks and she gladly agrees. They dance together to the music, mucking around and making up moves as they go.

Fiona is approached next by a guy around about her age, taller and with light brown hair. "Want to dance?" he asks winking. Fiona isn't so sure at first, but she gladly agrees.

The next song starts playing and the music becomes louder, Fiona is getting all sweaty and the guy she is dancing with is getting very touchy. At first it wasn't that noticeable for Fiona, but once his hand slides up her dress, she shrieks.

Emma immediately rushes to Fiona's side, Emma slaps the guy and they rush off quickly, to the ladies bathroom, before the guy could even react and run after them.


Cassies POV

"I can't believe we missed the singing for the cake!" I say sadly, to Beau sitting beside me on the couch, however Gina overhears.

"I told Luke to tell you guys, he said he went upstairs and told you two that we were going to do the cake." Gina interrupts, she has a confused expression and looks at the both of us.

"He didn't even come upstairs, from what I know of. If I had known I would of ran down the stairs, Nonno only turns 80 once, I'm not that self conceited!" Beau exclaims.

Just at that very moment, Luke walks into the living room ,along with Jai and some cousins. Luke looks up at us talking and turns around, walking back into the kitchen.

"Luke get back here!" Gina calls.

Luke walks back into the living room with a defeated expression, he takes a seat on the furthest couch away from Beau and I.

"Why are you sitting so far away?" Gina chuckles and Luke shrugs.

"Beau was just telling me that you never told, Beau or Cassie, that we were going to do the cake. When I specifically told you to and you told me you did."

Luke lets out a frustrating groan, "Fine okay I lied, I didn't tell them. It's not a big deal , stop making a huge fuss over cake. They still got a slice to eat so whoopee, everything is solved."

Gina sighs, "I don't like liars." she walks off, not saying another word to any of us, however she gives Beau and I a smile and it makes mea little less worried.

Luke pulls out his phone and immediately his attention to anyone is gone, I stare at him wondering what got him so worked up for.

"Luke?" I ask but he completely ignores me.

"Luke?" I repeat but he doesn't respond, I look at Beau and he raises his eyebrow at me.

"What are you doing?" Beau whispers in my ear and I give him the biggest smile I can manage.

"Luke?" I repeat, louder and surprisingly he turns his phone off.

"I heard you the first time." He mutters annoyed.

"It's rude to not answer, when someone is talking to you." I say as I fix up my ponytail which is coming loose. I feel lumps forming from the top of my head, so I just take the hair tie out and let my hair out loose.

"Fuck, you look so hot with your hair out" Beau whispers for only me to here and I manage not to blush, but a giggle escapes my mouth.

"It's rude to welcome yourself into a family party uninvited." Luke says glaring at me.

"Luke we've been over this, Beau invited me, I'm sorry if your offended but there's nothing I can do about it. I can't make everyone happy but If you want me to leave then I will."

"Then why are you still sitting down, get out!" Luke glares, however before I can even get up Beau gets up and sits on my legs.

"She's not going anywhere bro, now shut up and if you aren't going to say anything nice then piss off!"

"Beau get off your squishing me!" I try to act serious but end up cracking up of laughter.

"Beau I'm serious, I can't talk properly if your making me l-laugh!" I choke out and Beau just chuckles but thankfully actually listens to me and gets off.

He sits besides me, carefully watching me like I'm going to pounce at Luke in any second. I giggle at the thought, only to find Beau and Luke looking at me like I'm crazy.

"Look I'm not here to cause any trouble I swear, why do you hate me so much. Just tell me what I have done to you so I can fix it as best as I can. " I plead with Luke.

He looks straight at me, his glare gone. " I don't have a reason, I just don't like you okay. I don't like you and Beau together and I just want the be..." he pauses for a moment and looks at Beau, Beau mouths "no" and I stare at both of them confused.

Luke sighs, "Look I just don't like you, I'm sorry but that's the cold hearted truth. Not everyone is going to like you. I don't have a reason, I just don't and unless there's a really great reason for me to like you, then I don't see the point. " He huffs.

"Okay.." I say not at all feeling better with the situation, but hey at least I know I haven't done anything wrong.

Luke leans back on the couch, turning his phone back on. He catches me staring and I prepare for the glare, however there isn't one, he just groans and continues with what he was on with his phone.

I feel hands wrap around me and I immediately know it's Beau, I lay on his chest and I feel his fingers smoothing out my hair. He then starts playing with my hair and I become relaxed. I know that I shouldn't get so close to him but It feels right, for now I'm just going to enjoy the moment and be happy because who knows when I will be this happy again.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I stare at my phone in bed, in the complete darkness, my phone light nearly blinding me. I start looking through my useless messages from telstra until I find a message from Fiona.

Hey Cassie, sorry about before my phone was on private so I'm guessing that's why you didn't call me back. Hope your okay, I'm sure you fine and i'm just overreacting like usual. You would never guess where I am right now, clubbing, yes you read that right clubbing with super cool sexy Emma bye.

I smile while reading her message, I send her a quick message back letting her know that I'm okay and that she has to let me know all the details tomorrow. I shut my phone off, then lay it onto the bedside table.

I lay in the warmth of the bed, pulling the blankets over me. I suddenly shiver, Vincenzo was right about it getting chilly at night. I roll over onto my side, cuddling the blankets to me as I try to get to sleep.

The door suddenly creaks open, I sit up from the bed looking over at the door for any movement. There's nothing there I tell myself. I watch too many horror movies, I chuckle to myself and try to get comfortable again.

However I then hear footsteps, I shot up from bed again but it's too dark to see anything so I lay back down,. I'm not going to get up again, stop being stupid Cassie there's no need to be scared. Even if it was a ghost, which is definitely isn't, it can't hurt you anyway, so calm down and go to sleep.

I close my eyes and keep them shut, i'm slowly relaxing my nerves gone, until I feel like I'm being watched. I stay completely still and silent, that is until I hear breathing.

I scream but as soon as it starts, a hand is placed on my mouth. I stop screaming since there is no use, my eyes widen, this is the end no one will hear me scream while I die.

I look up teary eyed and out of breath only to find.....

"BEAU, WHAT are you doing here?" I shriek but lower my voice so I don't wake anyone up.

"I came to see you," he says and I feel the bed dip, I move over since it's a double bed and there's plenty of room.

"What are you doing in here? Weren't you comfortable sleeping in the other bed?" I whisper.

" I was actually, but I couldn't get to sleep so I went outside for a walk-"

"You went outside for a walk, at this time of night. Are you crazy?" I whisper interrupting him.

He clears his throat "As I was saying before you rudely interrupted me" I try to suppress my giggle but fail miserably.

"Let me finish omg, so anyways I went for a walk and then I thought why not scare Cassie?" He chuckles and I glare at him, even though he most likely won't even be able to see it.

"That was not funny, I thought it was a ghost or a murderer had broken into the house!" Beau bursts out into laughter,

"Shit sorry, I hope I didn't wake anyone up." he whispers.

I roll over to the right side of the bed only to find, Beau moving closer to me. His hands find their way to my thigh and I scream. "They're freezing, omg get them off me!" I say attempting to move away but I'm already near the edge of the bed.

"Won't take long for them to warm up." He chuckles and I can just imagine that smirk of his making its way onto his face.

"he he he he," I try to suppress my giggle, but I end up laughing loudly and very weirdly.

I turn around to face Beau, his warm hands now moving from my thigh to my hip and resting comfortably over my stomach. I move closer to him "Night Beau," I whisper.

"Night Cass," he whispers back and leans forward and kisses my nose.

"Was that your forehead?" he asks and I shake my head laughing.

"Nope that was my nose."

Beau hums to himself, pulling me closer towards him and I snuggle into his chest. He sighs in content and I smile back. I wish that I could stay as happy as I am now at this very moment for a long time.


"Are you okay?" Emma asks extremely scared and worried about her friend.

Fiona doesn't make eye contact but nods. "I'm fine, he just got very touchy and I-I" Fiona says as tears stream down her cheeks forcing her to stop talking, as she tries to hold the rest in.

"Its okay shh, I understand." Emma says soothingly rubbing her back in comfort.

"Lets get out of here." Emma says grabbing Fiona and slowly leading her out of the hectic club.

"Can I have your phone, I'll call a taxi since we both have had too much to drink to be able to drive." Emma chuckles but Fiona stays expressionless.

"Emma enters the pass code and dials the number, when suddenly she is violently knocked into. She drops the phone, but thankfully it hasn't smashed since it didn't land on the screen.

Fiona screams in shock, she bends down to pick up her phone, when she comes into eye contact with the guy from the dance floor before who is also bending down.

He picks up her phone smiling, "Thank you!" Fiona says however the guy doesn't give her phone to her. Instead he calmly walks away, with her phone in the palm of his hand.

Fiona stands there in shock, she starts to go after him without him even noticing, his just a little more then out of reach. However Emma grabs her. "It's too late Fiona, lets go before we get into even more trouble."

"THAT'S MY PHONE, HE JUST TOOK MY FUCKING PHONE!" Fiona screams, she looks from where he was walking, but now his completely gone and out of sight. I would have got him, she thinks to herself.

Little did Fiona know that by that one simple action, she has put not only herself but Cassie in danger. If Fiona had known what was to come, she wouldn't have listened to Emma and she would have tackled him to the ground, but she didn't know.


I just got to say that I feel so bad I didn't reply to all of your comments on the last chappie, I've been busy but I read them all. You guys are so sweet, I just had to give you an update today because I finally was able to finsh the chap and your comments made me inspired. I'm so sorry for the late update but I tried to make this chap extra long for you guys!

Let me know what you thought of the 3rd person point of view for Emma and Fiona, it's something new for me so I thought I might just give it a try. I hope the changing of POVs from Emma and Fiona to Cassie, wasn't too confusing. I have some unexpected things that will gradually happen hehe, things will start to build up so yeah i'll be updating again love you chickas bye :)

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