In the shadows. (H.S) [A...

By Aneesa2580

890 142 192

"There's something in the shadows. It finds you in a cold room. Silhouette against the wall." Elizabeth Rose... More

In the shadows.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33.
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 5

25 6 1
By Aneesa2580

Okay. So now what?

I'm not sure what to do. It's like talking to Christina left me even more confused. She did state some facts about a bar being down the street and my hallucinations.. but they are the last thing I wanna think about at the moment. I start to walk on the street, not even knowing where my feet are taking me. 

However, my mind drifts off to those eyes. Those green eyes... They were so beautiful but deadly at the same time. They were so bright, yet so dark. They were so mysterious. Usually, I can figure out the other person's intentions by just looking in their eyes. Because in my opinion,

"Eyes shout what the mouth shut."

His eyes were emerald green, but they were something I haven't seen before.. I can only use one word to describe them. That is, mesmerizing. Because that's the only thing that can describe why I was there just frozen and listening to him. If it were anyone else, I would've said something or at least done something to get them away from me. I'm not a weak person that lets the other control their life. But with him, it was like my body was completely frozen and the words were stuck in my throat. Why..? 

Oh God i need to stop thinking about him!

I decide to go to the police station. I'm too messed up and shook to ignore the encounter I had with that stranger. Thinking about my conversation with Christina, she said that maybe he was drunk or on drugs. To be honest, I don't know.  

Thinking about the conversation with him, how he agreed with the fact that he was indeed the customer from the coffee shop and how he said that he can't let me go. And lastly, how he said that he will be back soon... That conversation being so specific, does not seem like he was some random drunk guy after all. I have to do something about it. I should file a report at the police station. I can't risk it for God's sake! 

After a while, I'm standing in front of the police station. I'm completely frozen, lost in my thoughts. I have never been so confused about what to do my entire life. When I think about the conversation that I had with him, I don't want to waste a second and just go straight in there and file a report. 

But then I think about what Christina said.. What if I was really hallucinating? Are my hallucinations back? Maybe I should see my doctor or start my medication again. Maybe, my brain is just messed up because of my fears. Maybe, Christina is right. What if it all wasn't real? It was just my imagination? Or even if it was, maybe he was just a random guy on drugs. 

I have been standing here for a while now. Thinking about all of the things, weighing my options. Maybe I shouldn't report right now. First, I should probably figure out if I've started to hallucinate again. If that asshole is back, then he won't be able to get away this time. I have to be brave. I have to get through this. It's nothing compared to the things that I have faced in my past. 

I decide to go to my house. I need to sleep. I've had a very long day today. I'll deal with this shit later. Sleep is very important to me. So, I can't skip that over my messed up thoughts possibly.

I make my way to my house. I don't like to call that place my home, because it isn't. They say, "A home is a place where your heart is." And mine is nowhere to be found. I can't seem to find that bitch. It's like I'm not that ambitious anymore. I don't have any passion left for anything. Feels like I'm just here because of Christina and Niall. If it weren't for them, I would be dead a long time ago. Christina has been my friend for the longest I can remember. She knows me even better than myself sometimes. She has always been there for me. She has helped me through a lot. She's one of the reasons I moved here. 

I reach closer to my house, looking towards the ground while lost in my thoughts. However, I'm dragged out my thoughts when I bump into something. It feels hard. My eyes widen and my heart nearly stops beating when I focus on the ground to see that I didn't bump into something, but I actually bumped into someone...


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