The Assassin Named Brooklyn n...

By WhoAllowedThat

1.1M 35.8K 12.9K

Brooklyn Daniels, beautiful, seductive, and a master of poisons, is now on a journey of a lifetime. She is gr... More

Character Aesthetics
4| Acquaintances
5| Millions
6| Sake
7| Hands
8| Headphones
9| Cocktails
10| Friends
11| Cots
12| Ribs
13| Rome
14| Pills
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
31| Pasta
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 31.5 (Henry's Pov)
Chapter 31.5 (Keiko's Pov)
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
46| Backseats
47| Fantasies
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
51| Ferris Wheels
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 54.5 (Jace's POV)
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60.5 (Henry's POV)
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 62.5 (Jackson's POV)
Authors Notes and Q&A
Open Discussion
Books I'm Writing!
Deadly Sins is Now Live and Available on Kindle Unlimited and Paperback

Chapter 60

10.3K 344 40
By WhoAllowedThat

I hope you guys enjoy the chapter!

Make sure you vote!!!


Chapter 60

"You look like you just saw a ghost," Jace says.

I wish that's all I saw. I would have known what to say. But right now, I'm speechless. "I-I saw something," I say, staring at my pancakes.

"What did you see?" I know the Katherine thing is completely off-limits, but surely I can tell him about Henry and Keiko. That's too much of a secret to keep.

"Okay, but you can't tell anyone," I whisper.

"What happened?"

"When I went to find Henry and Keiko... those two were together."

"Together? They're always together, " he says as he sips his coffee.

"No together... as in sleeping together in bed naked," I say.

"What!?" He screams, spitting his coffee out. "So Henry lost his virginity to Keiko!"

"Shhh," I say, trying to quiet him down. These walls are thin. "They don't know that I know."

"Is it a secret? Are they together now?"

"I don't know. But whatever those two are, they should tell us themselves."

"Fuck," he says.


"This means we both lost."

"You lost?"

"I bet Brandon ten bucks that Henry would lose his virginity to Katherine." Hmph, he should use that money to buy condoms.

"And what did he say?"

"He thought it would be you."

"What?! I would never do that!" I shout. I do have standards. Henry is like a little brother to me.

"I knew that. That's why I thought I was sure to win. But Keiko... man I thought she would have sex with a stripper before he did that."

Keiko and Henry walk in together. Jace and I look at each other. "Did you enjoy your birthday last night?" Jace asks causing me to glare at him.

"Umm yeah, it was really fun." He coughs picking up a pancake. Keiko does the same and sits on the opposite side of me.

"I'm glad," I say. "We should do it again sometime." Keiko and Henry look at one another.

I guess there's a little tension between the two. Henry and Keiko reach for the syrup and their hand's touch. They quickly move their hands away from one another.

"You can take some first" Henry says quickly.

"Thanks," she says pouring syrup on her pancakes and handing it, Henry. The room is filled with awkward silence and the only noises heard are from the forks digging into the glass plates.

Everyone clears their plates. "Well, we better meet up with Jackson then," Henry says smiling and rushing out of the door. Keiko leaves soon after.

"That was awkward," Jace says.

"I know. Seems like they didn't plan on that happening last night." I say. I stretch my arms, my bones let out a loud cracking sound. "Alright Jace, let's go, we need to talk to Jackson before we get ready for the mission."

Jace and I walk to Jackson's room and everyone's there. Seems like Brandon made it back and he looks exhausted. Sure hope he's up to flying the plane today because we can't afford mistakes.

"Okay, everyone." Jackson smiles. "Today's the big day. We know finally know the location of Leonardo Morte and we can finally kill him. Everyone be ready in an hour."

"Keiko and Brandon go get the helicopter ready for us. Keiko, I expect to see you on the top floor by the time we get there. We need you to clear it before we get there or we're going to be screwed."

"I got it," she assures him. "It'll be easy."

"Henry make sure you keep an eye on everyone especially Keiko. If anything happens to her everything goes to shit."

"Okay," he says.

"You two," He says pointing to Jace and I. "I'll see you in the lobby in an hour."

"Everyone teamwork is the only way we're going to make it out alive. Put trust in one another and please don't die," Jackson comments.

Everyone leaves the room and goes into their respective hotel rooms. "Are you going to be alright?" I ask Jace.

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, we're about to kill your brother."

"My brother is an evil man, Brooklyn. I'll be fine."

"Okay but if you feel like you can't handle it. It's okay to walk away. No one would get upset."

"I'll be fine," he says smiling. "Now get ready, I don't want to make Jackson hate me more than he already does. He might accidentally shoot me in the leg."

I walk into the shower and wash my body off. The sweat and alcohol from last night go down the drain.

Drying myself off I walk into my room. I know exactly what I'm going to wear for this mission. I put on my sports bra and underwear.

Going into my closet I pull out my suitcase. My favorite thing to wear for missions like this is my black suit. My suit looks like any old suit a man would wear but it's tailored to fit me.

The waist is cinched and the pants are tighter for my personal comfort. I look through my weapons suitcase. It's been so long I've missed you all. I grab a few knives and conceal them under my pants leg. I grab my briefcase and pack a few guns.

I conceal my favorite in the pocket of my blazer. I'm armed to the nines, ready to finish the mission.

I grab my black tie and look in the mirror. Now the hard part. How does it go again? Over and under or under then over?

"Need some help?" Jace asks me and I merely nod my head and hand him the tie.

Jace effortlessly ties it in less than a minute. It looks better than anything I could ever do. "Thanks," I smile.

"Did anyone tell you, look dashing in a suit?" He smiles looking at me.

"Maybe once or twice," I say giving him a small peck.

"You look pretty good yourself considering you stole my outfit." Jace is wearing the same thing I am. A simple black suit. It's out of character for him he'll usually wear something bold but today I guess he wanted to dress for the occasion.

"Are you ready?" He asks.

"Yeah. Are you?"

"More than ever."

"Then let's go." Jace and I walk out of our hotel room and meet Jackson downstairs.

"I didn't think we would all be wearing the same thing," Jackson says. He's wearing a black suit as well.

"This is too much of a coincidence," I say. "Do you have a secret camera in my room or something?"

"No," he says. "I just thought this would be the best thing to wear to conceal outfits and blend in with a bunch of businessmen."

"Sure," I say. Jackson hands us all earpieces and Jace a pair of black glasses and he quickly puts them on. "I assume you know what to do with these."

Jace and I put in our earpieces. "Hello?" I say.

"Hey!" Brandon yells. The sounds of a helicopter are heard in the background. "Welcome to the party!"

"Hey Brandon," I smile.

"I'll be dropping Keiko off on the roof in five minutes. That gives you three seven to get up to the top floor!"


"I'll be giving you guys instructions to where to go," Katherine interjects. "Make sure you listen to everything I say."

"Sure thing," I snide.

"Tell me when you're in a pinch. I'll shoot anything I see." Henry says.

"Thanks, Henry," I say.

"Okay let's go," Jackson says. We all walk across the street into Hotel Nebula. This place is beautiful. It's like walking into a different tax bracket.

"There's already a bunch of security Katherine. What do you want us to do?" Jackson asks worriedly.

"Excuse me! Excuse me!" The guard says to us.

"Get on the elevator!" She demands. We all speed walk to the elevator the guard rushing towards us.

"What floor?"

"He's on the top floor." Jackson clicks the top floor button closing it before the guard can reach us.

"Fuck," Katherine seethes.

"What's wrong?"

"You guys better get ready. The guy from downstairs alerted the guards and they're coming after you all."

Clicking my tongue, fuck. I take off my suit jacket and open the briefcase. In the briefcase is a series of extra ammo and an assault rifle.

"So what are we going to do?" Jace asks taking out his own gun.

"Kill them before they can kill us," I say putting the gun together quickly. "Here," I say handing each of them the extra ammo I packed.

"Thanks," Jackson says taking his jacket off rolling up his sleeves. "Jace stay behind me and Brooklyn."

"I can protect myself," he argues as he checks the ammo to his own gun.

"Whatever," Jackson says rolling his eyes.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jace says his tone full of anger.

Are we really going to do this? Now?

"Nothing," Jackson quips while laughing. "It's just that you are only here because of a door. You're a liability as far as I'm concerned."

"A liability?" Jace grabs Jackson by the collar. Jackson looks him dead in the eyes and smirks.

"I would let go if I were you," Jackson says to Jace.

I click the emergency stop button. "Would you two stop! We are here for a job and you two are acting like children."

"He started it," Jace says

"No you started it," Jackson adds on.

"It doesn't matter who started it. We need to focus on our task at hand."

"If you guys are done. The elevator is going to stop on the next floor." Katherine says over the earpiece.

"But we're not on the top floor yet. Can't you do something?"

"I need some time but that guard from earlier alerted the rest of the building of your presence. So be prepared to have a shoot out."

"Fuck," I mutter. "We've only been here for a few minutes. I thought we would have more time."

"You two get ready," I say pushing the emergency button.

I pick up my gun and aim it at the door. I take a deep breath.

Don't die Brooklyn.

The elevator door opens and there are four guards there. "Fuck!" They say picking up their own guns.

Not fast enough boys. Jace, Jackson and I shoot before they get a chance, sending them all to an early death sentence.

"Good job you guys," Katherine says. We all pile into the elevator. "Next I need you to get to the thirtieth floor and walk to the top floor using the emergency exit. When the elevator door opens I need you to make a break for it."

"Where's the emergency exit?"

"It's at the end of the hall to the right. Be careful, I saw a few guards going into the emergency exits."

"How many?" I ask

"Thirty but I'm sure you can handle it," Katherine says. Yeah easy for you to say that when you're watching behind a computer screen.

The elevator door opens and we all run down the hall. "Katherine said to make a right at the end of the hall."

"There's someone to you guy's right. Take them out!"

Surely enough when we turn the corner someone's there. Jackson quickly grabs them and slams them against the wall knocking them out. Jackson opens the door for me and Jace and we begin our run upstairs.

"They're down there!" A guard shouts downstairs pointing to us.

"Shit," I say ducking for cover. Jace moves out of hiding slightly causing me to pull him back. "Stay here!" I shout.

Jackson and I look to one another. Jackson and I run up the stairs avoiding all the bullets. Jackson shoots at one guard and he falls to the ground. Someone shoots at us from above and I send a bullet back causing him to fall off the railing.

"Come on!" I yell to Jace and he runs up the stairs. Jackson picks up the assault rifle from the guard we just killed and aims it up. He shoots the guards one by one and I do the same.

Their dead bodies falling down the stairs. We all run over them never looking back.

"I'm at the hotel. I'm about to drop Keiko off." Brandon says over the earpiece.

"Good, Keiko we're almost there," Jackson says running up the stairs.

"Watch out!" Katherine screams.

A loud explosion follows and the building starts to shake. "Hello! Hello?" Jackson yells. "What the fuck was that? Brandon!Katherine!Keiko? Henry?"

A series of bullets can be heard through the earpiece.

"What is going on out there!" I scream. "What was that explosion? Where did those bullets come from."

"Oh fuck! Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck!" Henry says quickly hyperventilating. "Shit shit shit shit shit!"

Well, I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. Sorry, it took me so long to update.

I'm just having really bad writer's block and so many things are happening right now in my life.

Anyways back to why you guys are here... Where do you think the gunshots came from? Did I kill someone?

Mwahahaha, I'll upload again tonight so you can find out.

I hope you guys have a super, amazing, fantastic, day, night, evening and afternoon.


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