The Girl Who Lived ☆ D. MALFOY

By shxdy028

418K 12.5K 5K

❝ i haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about ❞ ❝ i think you do, potter ❞ • • • Sorry if i... More

~ disclaimer ~
Graphic Library
- PART ONE + playlist
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
- PART TWO + playlist
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65

Chapter 31

5.5K 190 45
By shxdy028

A/N- Here you go! Another chapter. It's kind of horrible, and a bit rushed, but I hope you like it. I don't think you all know this, but I make up all of this as I go. I have no clue what I'm writing except few things I picked out that will happen. Anyways, I'll let you read. Enjoy!

Word count: 1730

(I thought it'd be cool to read this one from his perspective. Also, completely not edited 😬)

Draco's POV:

Even through my closed eyes the light hurts. As I open them, I go to rub my face and find that my arm is pinned. Realisation hits and I can't help but grin. Her silky hair was in a mess over tangles over face and shoulder, her long lashes fluttering slightly with every breath, and her full lips slightly parted. Y/n is draped over my side with my arms wrapped protectively around her waist, her face barely inches from mine, and our legs entangled half underneath the covers. My eyes are still bleary with sleep, but I don't want to wake her just yet. It's early in the morning, just when she wanted to be ready, but she seemed so peaceful. Not stressed, not scared, or hurt. I let her sleep for a few more minutes before carefully shaking her shoulders. Her green eyes become slightly visible through narrowed lids and are still glossy with sleep.

"Well, the beast is awoken," I say gently and her hand lazily shoves my now bare chest away from her.

"Go away, let me sleep." she whines, closing her eyes fully again.

"No can do, princess. We have class. Besides, you're the one who asked to be woken up with time to get ready," I explain, pulling her arms. She groans, eyes still shut.

"What time is it?" she asks groggily. I glance over at the clock on my slightly cluttered nightstand.

"Seven o'clock," I reply simply and she throws herself off of the bed to the chair where her uniform and robe lay. "What's wrong?"

"I have maybe a half an hour to get ready before people start coming out of their dorms. My hair itself usually takes double that time," she blurts before running to my bathroom to change. I just throw on my white button down shirt, remove my baggy pyjama pants, replacing them with slacks before grabbing my tie, robe, and bookbag, all in the span of five minutes. Meanwhile, I got the feeling that Y/n hadn't even taken her hair out of the scrunchie.
After about a half an hour, as she had said, she exited the bathroom. Her uniform was perfect, her face cleaned, her hair soaking wet, and an irritated expression on her face as I just sat on the end of my bed waiting for her.

"What's wrong, love?" I question, standing to meet her, but decide against it when she looks about ready to kill.

"My hair is still wet. I've tried every spell known to man, but it won't dry!" she exclaimed, throwing her hands into the air, now looking more upset with herself than someone else, so I figured it would be okay to approach her.

"It's okay, Y/n. No one that matters will care if your hair is wet or not," I say calmly, rubbing my hands up and down her arms.

"I never go to class with wet hair. They're all going to suspect something. My brother knows  I won't go to class with wet hair," she complains, her eyes still slightly narrowed from lack of sleep.

"You'll be fine, love," I reply calmly with a small smile, still holding her arms gently. She lays her forehead on my chest and I can feel her chuckling.

"Remind me to never stay up that late again. I sound like a child," she mumbles and I pull her off of me before grinning down at her.

"Will do. Now let's get to the common room. There shouldn't be too many people yet."
I was wrong.

She exited before me waving her hands and talking as though she had merely gone in to chat but it didn't look that way to everyone else. She pretended to ignore the looks she was getting from the people around her and continued staring into my eyes as she rambled on about random topics. I would state my opinion here and there just make sure she knew I was listening, but she was going too fast for me to keep up with parts. I suppose this was her way of keeping herself distracted. I only had eyes for her until I nearly ran into someone else who was a lot shorter than me. Small, milky brown eyes were glaring back at me once I'd looked away from Y/n, who had noticed as well and stopped talking.

"Well, well. This is interesting, isn't it?" her voice awkwardly high pitched an nasally, Pansy Parkinson directed her glare at Y/n who simply glared back with even worse ferocity. "And who do you think you are, staying in his bedroom? You could get in some serious trouble for that, Potter." Pansy snarled with an ugly sneer coating her already ugly features.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. Being nosy can get you in a lot of trouble as well, Pugface," Y/n growled back, hands on her hips and chin high in a snooty way I used to see far too often. Pansy scoffed, and with nothing left to come back with, she turned to leave. Before exiting the common room, however, she turned back.

"It would be a pity if the rest of the school heard of your whereabouts last night," she spat, and Y/n just let out a humourless laugh.

"Go right ahead. You think I care?" she replied confidently with a smirk on her face. Pansy just grinned wider.

"Oh, we both know you do. What about your dear brother?" she answered with fake innocence. Y/n continued to glare, but said nothing.

"Shove it, Pansy. It's not like anyone will even care," I growl, discreetly placing my hand on Y/n's forearm, who looked ready to hex Pansy into oblivion. Pansy gave a satisfactory grin before finally leaving the room.

"Nothing is going to happen. You'll be fine," I say sternly, turning to face my girlfriend before she had the chance to make the situation seem more awful than it really was. Her jaw was clenched and her hands balled in fists.

"Oh, I hate that girl so much!" she exclaims, scoffing with an infuriated face. "Let's just go to class," she mutters irritably before throwing her book bag over her shoulder forcefully, and I decide it best not to argue or dawdle.


Walking into Defense Against the Dark Arts, we attempt to ignore the looks we were getting from a few Slytherins and even a few Gryffindors. I glared back at them, noticing how jittery Y/n was getting because of the Gryffindor stares. We found our usual spots, and I made her laugh throughout the whole class period, even causing myself to get in trouble one or two times, but I didn't care. Snape wasn't the happiest with me at the moment, so I'm guessing this didn't make it much better. Making faces and smart comments about Snape's teaching under my breath made Y/n's face red with pent up laughter, and a few times she had to cough in order to cover up an escaped giggle.

"Mr. Malfoy, if you continue to distract others, mainly Miss Potter, from my lesson, then I'm going to have to give you detention," Snape's fury filled voice rung through the classroom, causing a few scattered snickers through the room. I just grinned slightly in return.

"My apologies, professor," I reply, my voice dripping with forced sarcasm. Y/n was nearly shaking, trying to force back her smile and laugh. Once class was over, she punched my arm, still laughing over what I'd done.

"You could have gotten us both in trouble. Particularly yourself. I'd rather you didn't get put in detention." she giggled more as we continued down the hall.

"Well, what can I say? You're not the only one with a knack for getting into nasty situations," I answer with mock pride.

"You are a piece of work, you know that?" Before I could respond, a voice rung out in the hallway.

"Y/n." Harry Potter had called out to her, walking up behind us with an infuriated expression on his face, not unlike the one Y/n had worn earlier this morning.

"What, my dear brother? What do you want now?" she asked, very obviously annoyed. Still, her response just seems to make him even more angry.

"You know exactly what I'm here for," he snaps at her and I almost interfere but Y/n's yelling stops me.

"No, actually, I don't. So how about you tell me what the blood hell's got your wand in a knot rather than being upset!" she shouts back, flailing her arms like she usually does when she passionate about something. He's fuming by now, and they're standing barely a metre away from each other.

"Why the hell did I just hear that you spent the night in his room?" His voice was filled with malice, but I just continued to stand by and let her fight her own battle.

"So what if I did? And why would you even believe that!" she shrieked back, stepping even closer to him. He seemed to take that as a challenge and stepped forward as well.

"I'm trying to protect you, alright? I've already told you, it's no good!" he answered, yelling and flailing his arms as well. I couldn't tell whether or not he was talking about me, but I couldn't care less. All I cared about was whether or not Y/n was harmed.

"And I've already told you to shove it! You're wrong!" she shouted back. Inches away now, Potter's expression was filled with unbridled fury.

"You're unbelievable!"

"At least I'm not a biased pushover!"

"At least I'm not dating a death eater!" At that, the sound of a canon going off and waves of black magic exploded in the hallway. I was thrown back slight, but didn't hardly get the worst of it. Once everything was clear again, I could see two bodies on the floor and rushed to the one nearest to me after realising it was Y/n.

"Y/n!" She was kneeling, still conscious and looked surprisingly unscathed, but her expression held sheer horror. After shaking her head slightly, she barely acknowledged me and stumbled over to where the other body lay. Her brother. She held his head in her arms and sobbed.

"What have I done?"

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