.The Child Of A Goddess.

By ChrisWolfblood

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(1ST BOOK OF THE GODLY CHILD SERIES) A child grew up in relative peace surrounded by people like her... Or so... More

-Latin - English-


241 20 1
By ChrisWolfblood

Amata's pov:

As I had thought all were a bit fast to react negatively when I said we'd be living in a week, Fortis was mad I didn't warn him earlier, Dea was just a lazy bum that forgot about this being a thing, Aura stood up and walked away, Deus just sighed and followed her but over all no one was happy... But I blame none of them, I wasn't thrilled either since I got to taste a simpler life again.

"Hey dad it's been a while." I just said to the sky, standing on top of the inn we were staying at, it was high but scaling it was hard with the architecture they have around here. "I still miss you, a lot but my friends help with the pain, even my mother does even if I cannot see her, I know she's watching over me... I wish you were here to see all I've done and help. I said this when you died and will say this again but I don't think I was ready for this. I'd need a guide, I do what I think it for the best of the people but I always fear it will be a wrong choice in the long run... I wish I could lay my eyes on your even just your grave again but I knew even when I left our little town that I wouldn't return until this is over... If you are up there, look over your family too okay? I know you would, just saying." I chuckled before sighing and laying on the flat roof, the sky was still blue but tints of red and orange started to appear.

"Damn I'm up here talking to myself but I gotta admit this is further then I ever imagined going, all these scars that mark my body might be painful when made but I suppose each will help me remember what adventure we went through when this is done."

I pulled my bag that I had brought up with me closer and sat up, fishing out the little book, ink bottle and feather pen I had since we arrived at the elves.

With a smile I flipped it open and started writing in it about what happened since, like a small journal I guess.

When I was done the sky was painted orange and decided to climb down too my room.

"You were gone for a while." Custos said when I climbed through the window, not even looking up from the book she was reading, ah still the same one she got from the elves it seems.

"Yeah I got a bit distracted by the sight." She didn't need to know I was talking to thin air does she?

"Alright, I suppose we could head down to eat."

"Yeah." I scanned the room for the dragons and found them again with the crystals, I'd say Viridi will soon be old enough to not need the fire crystal's warmth but Frigus will stick to the ice crystal a bit longer since it is younger. "Stay, I'll bring you guys food." I said while petting their heads.


We all ate together, forgetting the atmosphere change from yesterday when I made that announcement.

"Hey guys, random topic, what would you wish was done with your body if you died?" We all looked at Fortis strangely. "What? It is an interesting question and well we did kill a few so I wondered if I was to die how would I like to end up. We also did almost all die not long ago and it got me thinking to establish this now."

"It is an interesting question but lets not talk as if someone was going to die." Custos said while throwing a chicken bone at him.

"Yeah we will all make it together." Aura said with a smile. "After all we are a team, we keep each other safe."

"True but since Fortis asked.,. I suppose I'd want to be buried next to my father. I miss him and I just think it would be a nice resting place, it the town that is filled with beings from all around this continent." I said.

"Well if we are going on with this topic." Custos sigh, a bit annoyed I went on with it. "I'd go with you in a grave next to you so we are always side by side"

"good goddess, Custos you are becoming poetic." Dea giggled with a smile. "Well I never thought of this but maybe at sea? Demons like Deus and I aren't usually fan of the ocean because well we are fire casters but I always loved the ocean and would like it too be my final resting place."

"Jeez we are seriously doing this? This is morbid guys... But let me think... I think I'd prefer to have my body burnt and the ashes kept somewhere" Aura said with a smirk, she seemed to be getting better since she was rescued and getting close with Deus which just brought a huge smile on my face, she deserves to be happy.

"Damn same Aura, same, but like after the fire show, throw my ashes in the river going past the foot of my old home."

"Fire show? You plan to like eat gunpowder before your death?"

"Thanks for the idea Aura."

"Do not do that!"

"Haha okay okay I won't... Weeeeell Fortis? You brought up the topic but never said your wants."

"Well I'd like to be buried by the inn of my parents, under the big willow tree. it is said my great great grandpa planted the tree and was buried near it when he passed because he wanted to 'become part of it'"

"Okay!" I said, hand against the table. "Lets not bring up morbid topics okay? No one is going to die."




"Fine." (Rereading this, it also sounds like a 'fine' of disappointment lmao)


"Sure thing."

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