The Assassin Named Brooklyn n...

By WhoAllowedThat

1.2M 36.1K 13K

Brooklyn Daniels, beautiful, seductive, and a master of poisons, is now on a journey of a lifetime. She is gr... More

Character Aesthetics
4| Acquaintances
5| Millions
6| Sake
7| Hands
8| Headphones
9| Cocktails
10| Friends
11| Cots
12| Ribs
13| Rome
14| Pills
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
31| Pasta
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 31.5 (Henry's Pov)
Chapter 31.5 (Keiko's Pov)
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
46| Backseats
47| Fantasies
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
51| Ferris Wheels
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 54.5 (Jace's POV)
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 60.5 (Henry's POV)
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 62.5 (Jackson's POV)
Authors Notes and Q&A
Open Discussion
Books I'm Writing!
Deadly Sins is Now Live and Available on Kindle Unlimited and Paperback

Chapter 40

12.9K 415 56
By WhoAllowedThat

Hope you guys enjoy the chapter

Make sure you vote

Chapter 40

Jace grabs a nearby bottle of shampoo and washes my hair. His hands expertly lather my hair washing away most of the debris.

Jace rinses my hair leaving it squeaky clean. "Alright." He says, "I think I got all that blood off of you."

"Thanks," I say. Jace has been washing my aching body. Always being conscious enough not to hurt me.

"Alright now. Let's get you out of that bathtub." Jace stands from the floor and grabs my hand pulling me out of the tub.

The cold hotel room causes my wet body to shiver. My body hurts so badly. Jace surrounds me with a fluffy towel and picks me up.


"This is the least I can do for you." Jace says carrying me to my room and sets me onto the bed. Jace grabs a random t-shirt and puts it on me.

"Thanks," I say. Jace sits on the edge of the bed. He runs his hand through his hair and lets out a big sigh. "What's wrong?"

Jace looks over my bruised body. His eyes look over to the blueish purple spot on my eye. "Does it hurt?"

"Not so much," I assure him. "It does sting a bit but I'll survive."

"What are your plans after this mission?" Jace says scooting closer to me.

"What do you mean?"

"Like where are you going? What are your plans?"

Shrugging my shoulders. I really don't know. My only plans are buying a house with the money. "I might stay in New York, I don't know yet. Why?"

"How much are you making from this job?"

"A million," I say with no hesitation. This is the best paying job, I've ever had.

"What if-" Jace starts his lips turning into a tight line.


"What if I pay you to quit this job."

"Pay me to quit? I don't understand, why would you want to do that?"

"Listen," Jace says grabbing my hands. "You need to quit this job, Brooklyn. It's too dangerous and it'll only get worse when you finally find my brother."

"I can't Jace," I say letting his hands go. I pull my legs to my chest staring at my feet. No one can ever quit. Either succeed, die or you're fired and dying and being fired go hand in hand. "I need to finish this job."

"Brooklyn... look at you!" Jace says distraught as he lifts my shirt up. My skin is badly bruised with a combination of dark colors all over my stomach. Most likely coming from when Daniel kicked me repeatedly in the stomach.

Pulling my shirt down, "it comes with the job Jace. It happens, I'll heal."

"Brooklyn you can't do this anymore. You're gonna die if you keep this up."

"What do you suggest then Jace? Should I just run away!?" I yell, who the fuck does this guy think he is?

"Yes!" He exclaims. "What's keeping you from leaving this behind?" I'm not allowed to quit. No matter where I go he'll find me. No one disrespects The Boss... no one walks away from the boss. You're not allowed to quit.

Alessio tried once and they found him instantly.

"I- I'm not allowed to quit."

"You can do whatever the hell you want Brooklyn. I can even help you."

"You can't help!"

"I don't want to see you like this again. I can't..."

"So what? You want to run away together? Take it from me... it doesn't work that way. Jace, the boss will catch us and it won't be pretty."

Jace stands up from my bed. "Where are you going?" I ask.

"I'm going to bed. I can't talk to you anymore. Goodnight." He says slamming my door leaving.

I can't just run away from things like him. I can't just go to another country without repercussions and get money deposited into my bank account. I don't have a choice in the matter.

I just wanna go to sleep. I've had enough, some guy beat the hell out of me and then Jace just... just... augh.

Falling back onto the bed. I stare up at the ceiling. How did I get here? Before all of this, the only thing I had to worry about was memorizing the periodic table.

What I might wear to the next party?

What I should get Bonnie for her birthday when I only have five dollars?

My life was a lot simpler. I didn't have to worry if I might die the next day or how far my shooting distance is.

Boys were much simpler too. They weren't offering you millions of dollars or saving you from crazy killers. I miss my old life.

Closing my eyes, I go to sleep. Submerging in the warm of the bed, dreaming of a simpler time.


Goddammit, I'm gonna be late for my test. Running through the campus. My hair is a mess and my idea of a presentable outfit. Consists of Mickey Mouse pajamas and an oversized hoodie.

I don't really care what I look like to be perfectly clear. I spend thirty thousand dollars a year on tuition through student loans. So, I have problems much bigger than a damn outfit.

I really screwed up this morning. I couldn't find my bookbag so I have to carry everything and I'm pretty sure I don't have a pen. Fuck me, running as fast as I can. I run into something causing me to fall and drop all of my books. Of fucking course.

Looking up I ran into a Greek God. "Sorry," I say flushed. The man looks irritated but bends over and helps me pick up my books. "Thanks," I say as he hands me my books.

"Do you know where the library is?" His Italian accent catching me off guard. Is he an exchange student?

I point towards a building. "It's right there."

"Thanks," he says walking towards the building not giving me a second glance. Well, he was pretty rude. Walking away I step on something. Looking down it's a pair of keys. It must have been that guy's from earlier.

He's gonna need these and I shouldn't leave them here. What if someone steals his car? But, I need to get to class. Looking back to my class building and towards the library.

Fuck me! "Why am I so nice," I grumble stalking towards the library.

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. Next chapter is gonna be more background. I think I'm gonna give little Brooky a break with her case and what not.

I'm gonna ruin ships by writing about Alessio next chapter.

But I was thinking as I wrote this chapter. Can you imagine a book about Jace and Brooklyn on the road together escaping the clutches of the Boss?

HAHAHAHAHA... they would fucking die. LOL

This chapter is unedited so sorry if I used the wrong form of there or to. I'm pretty lazy and I just wanted to get the chapter out.

Also, I have a favor to ask as well. If something isn't consistent in my book please tell me because I literally forget what I write in the past chapters a lot. Like I've probably reread my book a couple of times to remember.

Also tomorrows my birthday or today actually. I turn 19!!! So sorry if I don't upload...

Anyways I hope you all have an amazing day, night, evening and afternoon


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