We're Just Living Reckless (B...

By Konnah

287K 3.5K 486

Alexandra Morgan just started dating her best friend in the world, Ben Bruce. But he wants to spend every nig... More

We're Just Living Reckless (Ben Bruce Fan Fiction)
i smell a rat.
Flash Delrium
When We First Met.
Out Run My Bullets
Perfect Couples Make Me Sick.
Party Til You Pass Out, Drink Til Your Dead
Great Choice
You Stupid Girl
Surprise, Surprise
Looking For Trouble
You Know She Can Take It
Familiar Faces
Take What You Want
Your Excused
Old Yellow Bricks
Crying Lightning
Say What?
Your So Funny
Guess Whose Coming For Dinner
I Feel A Weakness Coming On
I Don't Know How To Feel Now
I'm Glad You Came
Young Blood
Welcome Home
Take Me On A Journey
The Fuck.
Teenage Heart Throb
Doe Deer
How It Happened
Wake Up
Be Safe
Such Good Taste
Cheeky Bastard
Wanna Hangout?
Call Me
Here she is
Home is where the heart is. I guess.

Together Apart And The Same Old Same Old

5.7K 93 42
By Konnah

Flashback: Alex's POV

When Ben actually cared. Somewhat.

"Ben can you come over?" I was holding the phone closer to my ear. I didn't want my parents to stop fighting just to yell at me.

"It's almost 2 in the morning..."

"I know."

He was silent a few more seconds then sighed. "Yeah."

"Leave the window unlocked?"




I sighed and almost hung up when he laughed a bit. "I know, yeah I'll be there okay?"

I said a quick thanks and put the phone on my dresser looking out my door to see Emily already asleep in her room. I closed my door and locked it not even halfway to my bed when my phone went off.

'im bringing Jake'

Jake was his cat. I smiled and went in my bed, covering myself in the sheets.

A few minutes the window went up and Ben peeked in with a fat cat in his arms. "Take him, he's too heavy."

I laughed silently and held the cat. He meowed at me and jumped on my bed. "I can't fucking wait for spring." Ben rubbed his hands together. "You okay?"

I shook my head no. We stood silent a few seconds and he heard my parents yelling at each other.

"Come here." He closed the window, locking it. Ben pushed his cat to the end of the bed, (which he didn't mind at all before he went and rolled on the rug), made a spot for him to sit and started unbuckling his belt. "Uhmmm?"

Ben looked up "Want to? I sleep in boxers so I was taking my jeans off... Curious huh?" He winked and I shook my head a little faster then I should have. He pulled my hand and I was in his arms lying on his chest. "Wait." He leaned up and took his jacket off, He sat against the wall and I was still on him.

I could actually hear his heart beat. It made me smile a little. I closed my eyes and forgot about my parents, the world, and everything.

"Can we listen to something?" He whispered.

"Oh sure." I got up and turned my stereo on. "Hard-fi?"

He nodded and shifted making the bed creak a bit. I went back to my spot next to him as, 'Hard to beat' played. We were just laying there. It was nearly 4 when I asked, "Are you asleep?"

"No." My parents stopped arguing a while ago. A door shut so I guessed my dad left again, which ment my mum was upstairs watching a stupid movie, or asleep with her 'Sounds of the Ocean' or whatever.

"Do you parents always fight?" Ben moved his hands from my shoulder to my waist.

"Yeah. Always have, but they do it more. Or they try to fight when my sister and I arec asleep so we don't hear it...But, it wakes me up alot."

"What do they fight about?"

"Everything. My mum wants everything to be perfect and my dad doesn't care... He's so carefree but she hates that. But, I know it probably has something to do with me."

"Why do you say that?"

I sat up straight."I used to cut my self and my mum never let me live that down. But, I like to forget it... But, no Im automatically fucked up and shit. I fucking-," I shook my head. "Haha, no nevermind. You can go if you want. Hows Alice?"

He sat and then sighed. "Okay. Wouldn't know. She moved."


"I don't care. But, I think I'll stay." He smirked a little and pulled me back to him.



"Do you like me as a friend?"

"I thought you were my best friend or something..."


"Why?" I looked up.

"No reason. I kind of like you as more then that."

" Oh." I blushed and looked away at his cat who blended in with the shadows. His grey eyes sparkled from the street lights.

"I like you a little more too..."

He was silent and kissed my forhead. He rubbed my back and kissed my hair. "Your mum was pretty right. You are fucked up."


"You like me."

"But, you like me." I laughed looking up at him.

"Still." He just smiled and stared at me.

"Ben are you going to kiss me?"

He laughed and shook his head. "I was think about it."

I bit my lip and looked away. A few seconds later his lips were on mine. I would've kissed him back but, I couldn't help and just look at him. Ben was seriously kissing me...What the fuck?

He pulled back a bit and stared at me. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I..." I kissed him back and put my hand over my mouth smiling.

We grinned like idiots until he yawned and slouched down. "Sleep with me tonight?"

I laid down and Bens arms wrapped around me. He kissed me again but this time I actually kissed him back. We just made out, getting wrapped in sheets and each other.*

"Alex? Alexandra? Wake up I'm leaving for work." My mum banged on the door and turned the handle a few times.

I jumped. "Uhm, okay. Im leaving for school in a bit."

"Alright." I heard her heels disappear and I laid back down. Ben was gone. His cat too.

I rolled on my stomaCh and reached for my phone. I called Danny and asked for a ride to school.

"Late night?" James sat from the back and smiled.

"Yeah. Can tell?"

"Not really. Ben needed to be picked up."

"Oh." I blushed.

"You two fucked?" Danny asked once we got out and walked toward school.

"What?! No! Ew! No!" I turned and shook my head waving my hands.

"Sure." He winked and James and him laughed.

I sighed and smiled.

It wasn't until I saw Ben with his arm around another girl that I stopped smiling. He wasn't dating me but still.


I stopped staring and faked a smile. "Hi."

I suddenly got the need to just yell at him.But I didn't. I just stood smiling until I heard the word "girlfriend."

Im no different from Alice am I?

****Wooo. Finally update. Im working on it now scrubbers so check it out and dont be wank. Haha. I might rewrite this... wanted it to be different in a way idek. fuckkkk

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