Teaching The Bad Girl To Be G...

By Golden_RJ

80.9K 2.3K 153

"Is it a turn off?" She grins while revealing her purely white teeth as she inches her face closer to mine... More

Author's Notes.
Getting to know the characters
Chapterd 1: DOUGHNUTS! And Busy Mornings.
Chapterd 2: Jinx Vinx Café
Chapterd 3: We seriously DON'T need to talk
Chapterd 4: What? I am sobbber
Chapterd 6: Didn't expect you as a lesbian
Chapterd 7: N-no, I'm Not A Murderer
Chapterd 8: We're Going To California?
Chapterd 9: Jokey Joke
Chapterd 10: Wheres my bra?
Chapterd 11: No drunkie-slow your role
Chapterd 12: Women Love A man in Uniform.
Chapterd 13: Did You Just Tell Me To Shut Up?
Chapterd 14: You're a Legend
Chapterd 15: Laser Tag Kickass
Chapterd 16: Lesbo Phase?
Chapterd 17: Like Disappear
Chapterd 18: Infamous Ky
Chapterd 19: Why the shitty "Hmp"?
Chapterd 20: Slumber Party?
Chapterd 21: Wait, sex dreams?
Chapterd 22: It's My Cheat Week
Chapterd 23: Fuck Off
Chapterd 24: Aren't We All Curious
Chapterd 25: Does he fucking stalk me
Chapterd 26: Take me home
Chapterd 27: BAD-BOY-STYLE
Chapterd 29: Sad moments
Chapterd 30: Funday Sunday
Chapterd 31: Lactose intolerant
Chapterd 32: Laser Tag Kickass pt. 2
Chapterd 33: Dan the Man
Author's Notes
Chapterd 34: But you're not a girl
10k YOU SAY?
Chapterd 35: Boxing 101
Chapterd 36: Skin tight dress
Chapterd 37: Rocky Balboa
Sharing Love

Chapterd 5: I'm disgusted

1.7K 49 1
By Golden_RJ


I don't necessarily know why I show up to these banquets, I guess to at least acknowledge my mother still exist and "truly loves donating 10,000 dollars a year" to this towns orphanage. One of the curiosities of my family and their name. That's my mother for you though, investing in something she has no idea she's writing a check for.

She's in Milan right now, doing god knows what, so I'm here to take her place. Dressed business causal as usual. I smile at the people that greet me, yet I'm not too fond to be here. Sitting in a room full of fake, entitled people, who can care less if this town fell to to shambles. Majority of the people sitting in here have beach houses in Florida that they'll rather be at  than here.

A hand snakes around my shoulder. I glance over , only to become face to face with my old probation officer. Officer Scats. Her grin widens once she sees the passion mark on my neck. I quickly cover it. I don't need her in my business.

"Go to a party before the party?" She chuckles. Giving her champagne a swirl. My face stays in it's bitter sweet glare. My jaw clenched at the lack of entertainment I'm getting now.

"You consider this a party?" I state flatly.

"I mean there's music, food, drinks, dancing. Just a more high prestige one?"

"With older men and women, our mayor. Not really my kind of party, and if it's yours, I say we need to get you out more," I throw in a joke to not be such a bitch. I think she knows the tension between us, it isn't good.

"I'm all yours if you want." I turn to her, to see that flirtatious glare,I raise an eyebrow.

"How's your husband?" That surprises her. She raises a sharp eyebrow, confused by the question.

"How's your relationship?" She questions. I grit my teeth, the tit-for-tat game. The game I hated playing with her every time I had to see her.

"Still broken up," I restate. "Ahhh," She says as she takes the last sip of her champagne.

"I said, once you're off, I don't want to see you anymore." She says randomly. I nod.

"And I got off of probation and I never spoke to you again." I whispers to her, biting at my lip. She looks good, always does, even in her work clothes. This dress seems to hug every curve she owns, revealing the tits I saw a few times, just more exposed now. Her husband doesn't know what he's dealing with, or how to handle it, which basically explains her behavior.

"I didn't mean literally, I just meant back in my office." She says, moving closer, the space closing between us. I glance at the woman sitting across from us, she's too busy recording her daughter and her daughters husband doing stupid dances on the dance floor. I turn my attention back to Vanessa.

"Yeah, well you told me it was inappropriate for you to be sleeping with me." She shakes her head, her arm playing with the seams of my blazer. She has a husband, her husband is also standing on that stage, deputy Scats...he's an asshole.

"But you were no longer on..."

"Yeah, and I was still getting over my ex also," she rolls her eyes. She hated my ex, I think half this town hated her. I never realized that until we called it quits. Well I found out she cheated and was using me for my money.

"I saw her recently you know." I shrug my shoulders. Okay? Why is she telling me this. I'm kind of glad I don't have to have any run ins with her. I avoid any conformational encounters. So that means staying away from bars, because she was once a bartender. Restaurants because she was a waiter, she worked a lot of crappy jobs, which is why I liked her. She wasn't like the others, the high prestige girls who saw me as being a young entrepreneur, thriving business that's bringing in a quarter of a million every year. Adding on to my sperm donors (father) assets, investments, that my mother, by the way, still has ties to.

"I think that whore is fucking John," she chuckles while rolling her eyes. John is her husband, Deputy Scats as mentioned. I shrug, she isn't my business anymore.

"I-I miss you a lot," she tries giving me a friendly smile, but it's hard to accept. Me knowing her, knowing her ways. Knowing that if she doesn't get her way, blackmail would be her next route.

I try to concentrate on something other than her. The people, the music, the dancing. I glance near the exit, only to see Sean and Jay exiting in a dispute. She's upset, you can tell, her nose is flared and her cheeks are red. I quickly rise, walking away from Vanessa who calls after me annoyedly. I ignore her, she wants nothing.

I stand near the exit, debating on whether I should help her. It seems as if Sean is pressuring her into talking to him. She doesn't want to talk to him and she's also fed up. I peek around the corner, he grasp her wrist tightly and I can see her squinting in pain as she squirms in his grasp, demanding he lets her go.

"Sean you're hurting me!" She cries out. I don't think any longer.

"Jay!" I hear him say.

"Dude let her go, you're hurting her and she's totally done with the conversation. Just return to your table and leave it as is." Jay glances over his shoulder at me. Her eyes are filled with confusion. Sean turns towards me also. He doesn't seem to be pleased to see me and I feel the feeling is mutual.

"Kylie mind your fucking business." Kylie, ouch. He told me stop calling him dickhead, I respected his wishes and stopped. I tell him to stop calling me Kylie, for transitioning purposes, and he doesn't listen...I guess I'll go back to calling him dickhead, it sounds better than Sean anyways.

"Can't, being super saver bitch is my duty." I let out a light chuckle. My eyes roam the girls, while hers roam me. Checking out my physical appearance. I guess she's finally noticing me. Which is weird because I've known her for awhile.

" You can stare longer and discover what I'm wearing under." I call out to her flirtatiously. She turns her her nose upward, staring at Sean disgusted.

"Ky stay the hell away from my girlfriend," he warns. Ouch, that kinda hurts, seeing I told him to stay away from her years ago.

"Word around town is that you kids broke up."  Obviously they broke up a long time ago, but I guess dickhead can't let go of what he lost. Sort of like my ex, constantly calling me, I got my number changed 3 times, thanks to her.

"Ex! We broke up 6 months ago jerk!" She clarifies. Her words are almost as venomous as mine. She hates him, it's clear. I would too, he embarrassed me the way he did her.

After that dispute, Mari dad came to break up the altercation. We went our separate ways, well I went to the bar because Vanessa was still sitting at my table, and I can't deal with that, not now. I didn't stay for dinner, I ended up leaving, for a short smoke break. Lord knows I needed it, after Edgar, a retired marine, talked my ears off. It was pleasing at first to talk to him, because he didn't talk my ear off about todays fashion or how many cars he owned, he talked to me about what it was like being a marine. He talked, and talked, and talked some more.

Finally releasing me from the conversation, I head back inside to see if my sister showed up, she was suppose to be my plus one but I guess not. These events are beneath her. I scan the room, too many faces but none Deck. I prepare to leave until I see Jay, sitting alone at the table sulking.

I decide on if I should approach her or not. I have been "bothering" her all of today. I mean what's yo one more encounter. It'll be good. I hesitantly approach her.

"You've had way too much to drink." I state as I stand behind her. She brings the flute from her lips and stares at me in annoyance...clearly.

"Did I?" She questions.

"Yeah you did, but don't worry because last time I showed up I was wasted and high." I don't know why I over shared that, but I was at my lowest and I wanted to be honest. I don't drink much anymore, well heavily. I try to avoid that.

"Sharing stories are we, should I care?" That's rude.

"Just trying to inform people that this "banquet" shit is useless, and you always have to run into people you either fucked or their spouse." I could only be honest. I understand why my mother never attends and now I feel as if I should've pulled a Jy and just never showed.

"Oh you know those things to well, seeing you had sex with my boyfriend." That stunned me. She think I fucked Peters. That's fucking disgusting.

I'm disgusted.

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