Don't Say NO [Book 1]


6M 171K 21.4K

Warning: may contain strong language, sexual contact, and violence Dawn acts like a complete airhead... Еще

Don't Say NO
Chapter 1 (Edited)
Chapter 2 (Edited)
Chapter 4 ( Edited)
Chapter 5 (Edited)
Chapter 6 (Edited)
Chapter 7 (Edited)
Chapter 8 (Edited)
Chapter 9 (Edited)
Chapter 10 (Edited)
Chapter 11(Edited)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Message + Characters
Please look out for these books of the Don't series

Chapter 3 (Edited)

319K 7.3K 3.5K

After the woman left I was taken to a car, she was waiting in the car looking out of the window. Her long, blond hair was beautiful; I desired to touch it.

"Hello, my name is Dawn. What's your name?"

The woman looked at me for a moment then looked at her driver and said, "we may leave now," her voice was stern and cold. The car began moving.

She seemed irritated about something and I just couldn't put my finger on it. Why should she be angry anyway? Suddenly, I wanted to play with her hair again. 

"May I play with your hair?" I softly squeaked out. Immediately she turned towards me, giving me a disgusted glare.

"Keep your hands to yourself, human," she spat at me. 

I reached over to her, ignoring her disgust and touched one of her locks. She instatly slapped my hand away, making my hand throb in pain. She hissed at me, her fangs showing. That reminded me of my cat, Piccolo. Suddenly I screamed, the woman backed away. 

 "Oh, my cat. I forgot, I was going to buy food for him! Mr. Piccolo must be baring his fangs right about now! I hope Morgan didn't forget about him! You know he never liked her! She didn't like him, she said she would cook him one day... Oh my god what if she ate him!?" I was rambling about my cat.

The woman started to laugh at that. "What's so funny? It's true! She is a scary woman! She tried to cut off his tail one time!"

"Who on Earth would name their cat Mr. Piccolo?" She stopped laughing, but she was smiling. "You do talk a lot, but I believe it's time to sleep," she said as she looked me in the eye. I started to get sleepy, I tried to force myself to stay up but I couldn't. I wanted to say goodnight, but for some reason I couldn't. How rude of me.

When I woke up from my sleep, I found myself in a messy room.  I saw a clean desk, the bed was not made, there were plenty of Playboy magazines all over the floor, and next to me was a closet with a poster on it. The poster was of a woman sitting down with her legs open. It must have been to arouse people as she seemed to have no underpants on and was... Erm... Wet.

It was no surprise that I was chained to the wall, again. The room smelled of sex and I know I was not doing anything. How could have I, I'm chained to the wall. Playing with my chains I tried to get out but it made such a loud noise that I stopped.

The door suddenly opened and a man poked his head in. He looked young for his age, he was probably in his forties. "He's not here yet," he said politely. Huh? Who is not here yet?

"Hello, my name is Dawn," I said with a smile, hoping to make conversation.

"Hello, my name is Frederick Van Wolff, it's a pleasure to meet you," he smiled back. His fangs came out when he smiled. "I'm sorry, I'm so old that my fangs seem to come out whenever they please."

"That's okay. Um, could you help-," that's all I managed to get out of my mouth before I was rudely interrupted.

"Frederick, dear, what are you doing in here?" I remember that voice, it was the same woman in the car.

"I was hungry and was going to ask Connor to eat with me. I didn't know that he had a guest," he said as he moved closer to her.

"She's not a guest dear, I brought her here for Connor. "

"Was that wise, Marika?" He questioned. So Marika is her name.

"Maybe not," she smiled at him as she leaned in to kiss his cheek.

Whoever this Connor was, I envied him. To have two parents love each other and to love him as well. My parents once loved each other but then my father left. I was left with my mother and my younger sister, Edea. When I left for collage I heard that Edea was living with our aunt, a few weeks later, rumors spread that my sister was dead.

I shielded myself away from all my family members, who were really just my mother and my aunt. I surrounded myself with work, friends, and Mr. Piccolo. I lived in a two room retirement home surround by the old people and they're not that bad.

"Don't yell at me boy!" Marika shouted with power.

I realized that another person was in the room. He was tall like Frederick but a little more buff than him. He was young and breathtakingly beautiful. I looked him up and down, and there was no denying that under his black shirt, there was a nice six pack. Thinking about it made me drool a little bit. His hair was short and brown like his eyes. This must be Connor.

Connor yelled something back and Frederick gripped him by the collar showing him his fangs. Connor did the same, then they hissed at each other. This is wrong, family shouldn't fight like this. "Stop!" I yelled. The three of them looked at me and Frederick let the boy down.

"You're a strange one," Frederick noted as Connor adjusted his shirt.

"She is odd," Marika whispered. "Back at the market there was a dead body right next to her and out of all the girls, she was not scared. A woman who does not fear death."

"Family... shouldn't... shouldn't fight like this. Fighting is bad," not minding what they were saying about me.

"Shut the fuck up. You do not have a say in our matter," Connor retorted with venom.

"I have the right to say whatever I want," I said defensively.

"Do you even know what in what position you are in?"

"What position?" I was somewhat confused.

"Mother, you didn't tell her," Connor turn to her and waited for an answer.

"Marika," Frederick whispered.

"I was going to tell her in the car but she kept talking and I didn't know how to shut her up. She was a chatterbox," His mother said as she continued on but I didn't have time for this. "Look Connor, it's time that you get serious and stop with these games."

"Games? You think I want to be responsible for another human pet?"

"Um... I'm still here, if you please, I have someone waiting for me," I said. Connor looked at me. It felt strange when he looked at me. "I don't have time for this," I continued.

"What time do you not have, human?" Connor asked. I didn't know what to say. I just wanted to go home, that's all. All he was doing was making me more stressed than I already am and he knew it.

"I will take her but I will not be responsible for her death."

My death? What are they talking about? Well I guess he did say 'another' so there had to be more.

"Good," Marika looked at me, "take care of him, pet," she said as was walking away.

"Wait, wouldn't he be the pet since I'm taking care of him," I asked them in confusion. 

"Watch what you say, human," Connor yelled angrily at me.

Marika looked at Connor and me. Then Frederick whispered in her ear, "I'm really hungry, dear." She suddenly smiled and stroked his cheek, saying, "then we better feed you, dear." She purred sexually as they headed out the door.

Connor glared at me as he started to mutter to himself. He walked up to his desk and sat on the chair in front of it. Now seated, he started to read something, he pulled out a notebook. Was he going to leave me here? 

I moved my arms around, jiggling the chains so they would make a loud noise. My hands started to sweat, maybe I can slip out. I pulled my hands downwards but it didn't work. Really, how did this happen to me? I paid my taxes, supported the gay community, I helped the old couple next door. I had gone to church once, that has to count for something. No, it this because I didn't say hello to the homeless guy that hangs around by my work place, but he's so creepy.

"Will you stop playing with your fucking chains?"

"I will stop if you let me go," I just simply wanted out. Mr. Piccolo was waiting and I'm here 'playing' with chains. I continued to 'play' with the chains.

"That's it," he said as he threw a pen at me. I watched it coming towards me. It landed only inches from my ear. That poor wall, you didn't need that kind of treatment. Connor was out of his chair and making his way over to me. He took the chains off. I rubbed my wrists. 

"Now be quiet," he said before picking up his pen. I watch him walk to his desk and then I started making my way to the door.

"Thank you, I'll be leaving now," before I could even touch the door knob, I felt this gust of wind hit my back. Connor's large hand grabbed my hand and pulled it away from the door knob.

"Who said you could leave?" He asked angrily as he pushed me against the door.

"I have someone waiting for me. Thank you for letting me go, but I really have to leave. He can't live without me and I can't live without him. So please. let me go," Connor was angry. He pulled me to the bed. Throwing me on it. On the bed his hands were glued to mine.

"If you leave this place, I will rape you where you stand," he threatened with his fangs out.

"Well, I don't think that's very nice," I replied.

"You belong to me, and me only. Forget your beloved, you're mine now," he said with an evil, deathly tone. How dare he say he has claimed me? I belong to no one but myself. I'm sorry Mr. Piccolo, I belong to you. I promise I'll feed you, so don't die.


"No?" He questioned.

"I belong to no one... But Mr. Piccolo," I was getting angry and I never get angry.

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