Little Red

By katevajones

2.8K 252 105

Dani's life was much more than just a childhood fairytale. She'd spent the last ten years isolating herself f... More



24 4 1
By katevajones

Dani woke up with a groan as she could feel a painful throbbing against the back of her head. The sound of gravel being run over caught her attention, and it was only then that she opened her eyes to see that wherever she was dark. Her eyebrows furrowed as she tried to move her arms, only to discover that they were tied together with a rope. Looking down, Dani raised an eyebrow at the fact she could easily undo the rope around her hands. Meaning whoever tried to kidnap her...

Was an absolute idiot.

Another groan of pain came out of Dani's mouth as the driver ran over an object in the road, which caused her body to jump up and a shot of pain to rush through her skull. She closed her eyes as she tried to remember everything that had happened before she passed out, and her eyes shot right back open in shock once the memories came flooding in.

Dani slowly walked over to the bed where a sleeping Henry lied and frowned as she noticed that his body wasn't moving at all. Behind her, Henry soundlessly emerged from his closet with a hard object in his hand and watched with his signature smirk as she fell right into his trap.

Dani's frown only deepened as she inched closer to the bed without -what she had assumed to be- Henry making any movement at all. A gasp of shock left her mouth as she pulled the covers back, only to discover that what she saw in the bed was a bunch of pillows.

"What the hell?!" she exclaimed before Henry made his move as he successfully knocked her unconscious.

"Clever bastard," Dani muttered to herself and grunted as she was thrown again once the car came to a complete stop.

Just as she heard the sound of footsteps approaching, a plan formed in Dani's mind, and she quickly shut her eyes as the trunk door opened.

"And the sleeping beauty remains..."

She heard his voice say before she felt hands begin to pick her body up. Before they could fully lift her, however, Dani opened her eyes and grunted as she hit her head against Henry's, which caused him to groan out in pain and take a shocked step back.

Jumping out of the trunk to reveal her untied hands, Dani glared at the wolf with eyes full of hatred. "Oh, Hello there, Henry. What a surprise it is to see you here," she mocked before launching herself at him.

Henry's eyes widened as he looked at her before they both fell to the ground with Dani gaining the upper hand as she landed on top of him and punched him as hard as she could before screaming out in shock as she was forced onto her back.

The feeling of Henry's nails scraping down her body caused Dani to cry out in pain before she gasped as she felt a hard punch to her stomach.

"I should've ended you ages ago!!" Henry yelled in disgust as he took another hit, which made Dani cry out again.

The feeling of hands wrapping around her throat caused her to gasp for air as she looked into his devilish eyes.

"You..are...NOTHING!!" he exclaimed with a glare.

Dani screamed as she brought her arm out and pistol-whipped him as hard as she could, which caused him to fall back to the ground unconscious. Sitting up with a cough, Dani looked at him as she held her hand up to her throat and frowned as she noticed her cape was missing before she slowly got up as she realized the only thing she did was knock him out.

It wasn't over.

Without a second thought, Dani took off in a random direction without any clue as to where he had taken her. She just hoped to the heavens above that there were people around.

Dani's eyes widened as she spotted a huge building with lights shining from it in the distance, which caused her to breathe out in pure relief before she ran to it as fast as she possibly could.

"HELP!! SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE!!" she shouted as she got closer to it.

Slowing down once it came into view, Dani quickly realized it was a barn, but didn't question it as she placed her gun back in its holster and walked over to the front.

"Hello?! Is anyone here?!" the girl called out as she ran over to the door and opened it as quickly as she could.

The inside proved to be much larger than the barn appeared as Dani struggled to find her way around for help.

"Hello?! I need help! I-"

Her words were cut off by a loud gasp of horror as she stopped in her tracks once she'd turned a corner to discover a sight she never expected to see. Tears formed in her eyes as she looked at the person that was tied up in a chair.

He looked as if he'd been tortured for days.

"D...David?!" Dani whispered in shock before she gained her senses back and ran over to him.

"David...Hey, David, you have to wake up...please David, you have to wake up!!" she whispered to the man tearfully as she moved behind him to untie the rope around his arms with shaky hands.

Just as Dani successfully untied the rope, a groan came from in front of her, which made her sigh in relief as she quickly went back around to face him.

"David?!..David, Hey...Look...Look, it's me!! It's Dani!... Hey...Hey, you look at me, David!!" she said as she held her stepfather's head up so that they were facing each other.

A tearful laugh of relief left her mouth as she watched his eyes slowly open.

"D...Dani?" David stuttered once his eyes had focused, and Dani nodded with a tearful smile.

"Yes! Yes, it's me! It's Dani!! You're okay!! You're okay...Oh my God, you're going to be okay!!" she reassured him as she continued to hold his face up. "You just have to stay awake for me. Can you do that for me?"

David weakly nodded as his tearful eyes stared into his daughter's. "You're here," he said.

Dani gave the man a smile of reassurance as she nodded and said, "I'm here. It's going to be okay. I promise you it's going to be-"

A painful scream cut her words off as she suddenly felt herself being pulled by her hair away from David, whose eyes had widened at the action and person behind it.

"No," he mumbled and weakly fought against the ropes. "No!...Dani!!"

"Oh, Little Red...I'm going to have so much fun with you," Henry said as he dragged her further and further away from her stepfather, who continued to look at his daughter in heartbreak and fear, and Dani's own heart broke as she realized why.

He didn't think they would make it out alive...

"Do whatever the hell you want with me...just don't hurt him," she grunted while trying to pull her hair away from his tight grip.

"But what would be the fun in that?" Henry questioned with a mocking pout that made Dani scowl.

She groaned out in pain as he threw her against a wall and glared at him as he bent down to face her.

"You know, why do I feel as if we've done this before?" Henry asked with a smirk.

"Maybe it's because you like to recycle the same weak ass moves," Dani spat.

Henry's smirk fell at her words as he leaned in closer to her.

"You're going to wish you kept that pretty little mouth of yours shut," he darkly said and looked away before smirking again as he looked back at her. "But I think I've come up with a proper punishment for it..."

Dani's eyebrows furrowed at Henry's words as he got up until her eyes widened as he turned around to walk towards David.

"NO!! NO, LEAVE HIM ALONE!!" she shouted as she tried to get up, but Henry was quick to turn around and slap her with all of his strength, which caused the girl to cry out as she fell to the ground in pain.

"When are you going to learn to NEVER UPSET ME LITTLE RED!!" Henry yelled at her and returned to David.

Dani watched with tears in her eyes as David looked at her with eyes full of determination.

Save yourself, he mouthed to his daughter, which caused her to furrow her brows again.

Dani's eyes then widened in shock as the man got up and attacked Henry, who was taken by surprise, but quickly gained the upper hand as David was still badly weakened.

"DADDY!! NO!!" Dani screamed in horror as she watched Henry knock him unconscious.

Tears ran down her cheeks as she stared at her father's deathly still form. "Daddy," she sobbed.

"Well...I don't think that ended him, but it'll do...for now," Henry said with a smirk as he walked back over to the girl.

Dani let out another sob as she continued to stare at her father.

Henry bent down to the girl's level and frowned when she turned her head away from him. "Aww, what's the matter Little Red? Are you feeling a little left out?"

"Rot in Hell," Dani spat through her tears as she turned back to face him.

Henry smirked. "Not before I deal with you," he said in a low tone and backed away.

As soon as his back was turned, Dani looked around to find a weapon to use against him.

"You know Little Red, I was actually hoping we could put the past behind us and start over," Henry said as he walked over to, what appeared to be, a closet.

Dani scoffed at his words, which made his ears perk up, and she just knew he had his hideous smirk on his face.

"I know, I know...Ugh, I would never be friends with someone as monstrous as you, Henry Wolff!!" he said before going into what Dani thought was an awful impersonation of herself.

She rolled her eyes and searched around some more before her eyes immediately lit up as they came into contact with an old stick of wood.


"But I really truly did...Once I saw you again for the first time, I thought to myself...Wow, what a truly remarkable young beauty she is," Henry said in thought as Dani quickly grabbed the piece of wood and scooted back over to her original spot before standing up just in time for him to turn around.

Her heart dropped as she instantly caught sight of the knife in his hand.

"So now you're a monster and a perv?" she asked with an eyebrow raised, feeling incredibly disgusted that the wolf had actually found her attractive.

Henry's eyes darkened at Dani's words as he walked back over to her, which immediately caused her to back away in a failed attempt at getting away from him as she bumped into a wall.

There's no use, she thought to herself, I'm trapped.

"Maybe, I was...right until the moment you opened that sassy little mouth of yours," Henry said in a bitter tone as he stood in front of her.

They were so close to each other that Dani could feel his breath as it fanned over her face.

"Now I want nothing more than to end you," he then told her, and Dani's breathing quickened at his words.

Her body then froze up completely at the sudden cool feeling of the tip of the knife as it ran up her stomach before reaching her neck as Henry raised it so that she was forced to look into his eyes.

"We could've been so perfect together, Daniella," he whispered, and Dani's heart rate quickened at his usage of her name.

In the ten years that they'd known each other, Henry had never called her by her real name.

"But as I stare into your beautiful brown eyes...all I see is red...and I feel nothing but hatred for you," he continued as he lowered the knife, but Dani's eyes never left his in fear of what he'd do next.

"What if I told you...that I felt the same..?" she whispered and watched as his eyes lit up slightly at her words before they narrowed in suspicion.

"Felt the same way about what?" he questioned, and Dani found it extremely hard to hide her disgust as she said her next words.

Please forgive me, Mikey.

"About us being perfect together," she softly said. "The truth is I got older, I couldn't stop thinking about you...but not in the way one would think...and as soon as you requested my visitation, I thought, why not? I could finally tell you how I really felt about you..."

Henry's features slightly softened at her words before his eyes narrowed again.

"You're lying," he growled in anger, and Dani immediately shook her head.

"No! No, I'm not! I swear!!" she told him and watched as his eyes softened slightly. "I know my words and actions may have shown a different feeling...but I really did have some kind of feelings for you...I mean...I know I shouldn't have...but I just couldn't help myself.."

Dani looked him straight in the eyes as she said her words, which caused Henry's features to soften completely before his breathing hitched as she slowly raised her leg up the back of his thigh.

"You're attractive...but I knew I'd be wrong if I were to act on my real feelings for you, so I covered them up with hatred...but I find that the more I reject my love for you...the stronger it grows," she told him in a seductive tone and bit her lip.

Henry's eyes clouded over in lust as he let out a throaty growl. "I don't think this is a game you want to play, Little Red," he said while rubbing his hands up her thighs. "I've been known to be quite the lover."

Dani hummed as she raised her hand to caress his cheek. "Well, maybe I'd like to see for myself."

Henry growled again as he lowered his head to her ear and smirked as she shivered. "You are a treasure, my savory Little Red," he whispered, and Dani's eye twitched as she felt him press a kiss against her neck.

"And you, Henry Wolff, are an absolute," she said in a seductive tone, which he shivered at before her eyes darkened.

"Sick BASTARD!!" she then yelled as she quickly raised the piece of wood and hit him as hard as she could with it, which caused Henry to yell out in pain as he backed away from her.

Not taking any chances, Dani quickly ran away as he fell to the ground and tried to find her way to the exit while making sure to keep her distance away from David. It wasn't long before she heard the sound of Henry's rage-filled voice from behind her, which caused her to gasp and pick up her pace.

"You little BITCH!! I'm going to fucking end you!... And then, when I'm through with you, I'll go after that precious little brother of yours!!"

More anger coursed through Dani's veins at Henry's threat on her brother, but she managed to stop herself from acting on it as she continued to run.

Her body then froze in pure shock as she turned a corner and came face-to-face with a wall.

She was stuck.

And he was going to get her.

Panic began to rush through her at the sound of footsteps running closely behind her as she quickly looked around for another way out, and sighed in relief as her eyes spotted a ladder not too far away from her. Not caring at all where it would lead her to, Dani ran over to it and immediately began to climb up.

"You can run from me, Little Red, but you can't hide! I will find you!!" Henry angrily called out just as she reached the top of the ladder and found that it led to an old attic.

Given that she didn't have any other options, Dani carefully stepped onto the floor and immediately tensed up as the wood creaked beneath her feet.

"Little Red, come out, come out from wherever you are," Henry's voice teased from below.

Holding her breath, Dani gently walked across the wooden floor as her body stayed tense with each creak that she'd heard. The sound of old metal squeaking caused Dani's ears to perk up as her heart rate increased.

He'd found her.

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