His Beautiful Mess (Under Edi...

By akosuafrimpong22

744K 35.9K 6.2K

••^^"Meek......obedient.....naive....plain....emotional....docile....I guess she will do." I heard him utter... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
New Book Alert

Part 33

15.7K 792 152
By akosuafrimpong22

It'd been one week and two days now since we moved in with Yale and everything was going great with the exception of a few things. Winter was loving every moment of being here and not going to school,my relationship with Adam was going well,work was great and it was such a relieve Yale wasn't trying to stop me from going to well considering the fact I had his beloved Ben chauffeuring me around,and besides that he wasn't talking to me after all so yeah. After the kissing incident and the the exchange we had that night after coming home with Adam, he had completely shut me out, barely speaking a full sentence to me.

Although he did acknowledge me when we passed by each other, he wouldn't look at me, not like how he use to and I did kind of missed that.  To be honest, I felt bad for saying all that I had said, but he had no right to question me on my choices and I had been so pissed at him for doing so and  him not being hostile or cold towards me like I had expected made me feel more like the villain.  I guess you could forgive but you couldn't forget. And I also been so ashamed of myself for kissing him back and actually enjoying it and for being so weak.  He definitely did know how to touch me to bring my body alive and ignite an unexplainable desire within me.

Sighing to myself, I set the lotion  down and blankly stared at my reflection in the mirror with my mind still filled with thoughts of Yale. A slight knock sounding at the down brought me out of my thoughts. Who could it be at this time? Was it Sara? I wondered as I got to my feet securing the towel tightly around me. During the days that I have been here, I had grown to like the older lady and how kind she was and I could see why Yale liked it. She was such a warm heart and always liked to mother everyone she came into contact with. I made way to the door and opened it only to find Yale standing there in all his glory.

"Wanted to ask if you could prepare the necessary documents that would allow me to travel with Winter and also acknowledge me as her father." He went straight to the point staring blankly pass me.

What did he mean by "allow him to travel with her"? Was he planning on taking her away from me? The blood drained from my face at that thought making me panic. Was my worst night about to come true. He must have noticed the worried look on my face and read my mind which made him continue with what he was saying.

"I'm not planning on taking her away from you. I'm not that heartless and if I wanted to, I would had done so long ago. I just received news that my grandfather is sick and it's not looking good. I want her to meet him before..." He paused with pain etched all over his face not able to continue.

And at that moment all I wanted to do was to comfort him but I held myself back knowing very well what a single touch from him could do to me or if he would like that. Yes I'll admit it, some parts of me still had feelings for him but I couldn't bring myself to accept them. I had been on that road once and I wasn't and out to go down that path again.

"I'm so sorry to hear about your grandfather's detoriating health." I offered itching to touch him.

He solemnly nodded his head at what I said with him still not looking at me. Why was he not looking at me?

"Ahh I'll get the necessary documentation done as soon as I can." I added when I realized he wasn't going to say anything back to me.

He muttered out a lowly thanks before turning to leave.

"Yale?" I called after him stepping out of the room I had moved in to after that night.

He stopped with his back to me waiting  to hear what I had to say. I wanted so badly to scream at him to look at me even if it was just for a second. I didn't know why him not looking at me like I was the most exquisite thing on earth was getting to me so much. Ohh it was bugging me alright. Pushing my emotions aside, I crossed my hands across my chest before asking.

"If you don't mind, I'd like to come too."

"Sure." He blankly replied before continuing on.

The real reason I wanted to go was to see Mr Dante, he'd been so kind to me once and I wanted to see him again.

'C'mon, the only reason you are going is because you are afraid he's going to take her.' My subconscious retorted at me.

I stood there staring after him wishing he'd at least turn once but he didn't. Adjusting the towel, I returned to my room feeling gloomy and  sad than earlier.

Three Days Later.
Sitting at my little corner on Yale's private jet, I tried to focus on the magazine I was reading but I couldn't. I couldn't help but stare at the sight in front of me. Yale was asleep with Winter curled up on his chest with his arms protectively around her. They both looked so adorable that I couldn't help but smile to myself. Picking up my phone, I decided to capture this moment just for future memories. Getting up to my feet to get a better angle and shot, I took the picture with the phones capture button making a very loud noise. I froze,fearing I was going to get caught. My fears soon became real as Yale lazily opened those hazel orbs of his to curiously state at me. I stood there frozen and feeling awkward as hell for being caught in the act.

I waited for him to ask what I was doing or for him to make a remake but nothing. He just gave me a long stare before closing his eyes, apparently going back to sleep. I let out the breath I hadn't even realized I was holding in as I went back to take my seat. I felt so embarrassed for what I had just done and my heart thudding within me wasn't helping.

Sinking into the chair, I covered my face with the magazine, quietly  mumbling to myself. I eventually stopped and positioned myself comfortably in the reclining seat as I felt my eyes get heavy with sleep.

Someone lightly tapping on my shoulder brought me out of my sleep. Where we already here? I thought to myself as I opened my heavy eyes to peer into the face of Yale who was looming over me.

"Are we here?" I groggily asked,stretching.

"Yes." He answered straightening up to his full height and I couldn't help but let my eyes wander over the expanse of his shirt clad chest and muscles. He really had an amazing body.

I thought to myself as i sat up in the seat, taking off the blanket. Wait, who had placed a blanket over me? Had it been Yale? Of course it was him, who else was on his plan with us.

"Where's Winter?" I asked looking around for any sign of my daughter.

On cue, she emerged out of no where tumbling into my arms with a wide grin on her face.

"Mummy mummy, I'm going to be a pilot when I get big." She joyously announced pointing in the direction of the cockpit.

"That's great hunny."

"Yes, daddy said I can be anything in the world." She smiled at her father who in turn smiled down at her.

But Yale's smile disappeared when his gaze meet mine.

"We should get going. It's already late." He said already picking up Winter and heading out of the plane.

Sighing to myself, I rubbed the sleep out of my eye before I grabbed hold of my bag still thinking at his behaviour towards me. Why was he not really talking to me bothering and getting to me a lot more than I had expected. Weren't we friends anymore? I wondered as I got off the plane and into the awaiting car.

Winter looked excitingly outside the window as the car drove through  what seemed to be the countryside of Tuscany. I hadn't been here before and it was nice to enjoy the scenery condisering the last time I had been in Italy I had been somehow drugged during the whole journey. Pushing those thoughts away I focused on my daughter who couldn't stop "oooing" and "woowing" at everything she saw and from the look on Yale's face he was loving it all. He would occasionally point something in a far distance to her and they would both stare at it till it full disappeared out of sight. The two of them were enjoying each others company and I was pretty much sure they didn't even know I was with them in the car.

Looking out my side of the window, I too began to watch the endless stretch of green lush land with few houses dotted on it. Where we we even going to? The middle of nowhere? I thought as I absent mindedly  hummed to myself to pass time.

Soon a house coming into view in a distance caught my curiosity making me squint my eye to get a better view. It looked old, and grand and beautiful at the same time, like something out of those historical romance movies. It didn't take long before the car came to the road which lead to the house. Both sides of the road were lined with long pine trees and oak trees that cast shades on the car. It came to a halt in front of a driveway with a fountain in the middle with thd driver getting out to quickly get the door and hold it open for me to step out.

Still enchanted by this place, I got out, looking around the place with trees and flowers planted all over. Yale was already out of the car with Winter,a  broad and genuine smile was plastered on his face as he  looked around. I paused to look at his beautiful face admiring the hard lines and the stubble on his face. Maybe he was smiling this much because he was happy to be home or something.

Taking his daughter's hand and yet again totally ignoring me or not saying a word to him he headed to the door with the driver already coming out of the house for the rest of the bags. Rolling my eyes at him, I followed behind him already pissed off at his behaviour. It was getting annoying And as much as I hated to admit it, him being this way was beginning to tore at my heart more with each passing minute. A beautiful woman with dark hair and russet eyes, stylishly dressed came out of nowhere and made her way to us when we entered with a welcoming smile on her face.

She came to a stop in front of Yale to tenderly place her hand on his face and look at him with her eyes misting up. Yale's hand joined hers there at his cheek with him putting a kiss in her palms before hugging her. A string pulled at my heart and for dome reason I felt jealous. I didn't like how they were staring at each other or touching each other.  Who was this woman, anyway? I thought to myself as I looked away, biting the insides of my cheeks.

The two of them finally broke apart from each other before the two started speaking in Italian. It all seemed like three years ago back in AnaCapri. My smile disappeared from my face as memories of AnaCapri and all the bitter experience I had gone through resurfaced in my mind. I quickly pushed those thoughts aside and put a smile back on still standing there like a statue as I watched them. The lady who finally realized two other life forms with Yale brought her inquisitive gaze to me before shifting it to Winter.

"I see you brought...company?" The woman smiled my way before looking up to Yale.

He cleared his throat and gave me a sideway glance out of the concern of his eye before scratching the  back of his head.

"Yes. This is Santa Faye Wilson." He stated pointing at me like i was some tree.

"And this sweet little princess over her is my daughter." He happily announced picking up Winter into his arms.

The lafy stood there astonished and lost for words but quickly recovered from it to curiously stare at Winter, who waved at the with a smile on her face.

"Are you my grandma?" She innocently asked making the woman chuckle out.

"No child. I'm your great Aunt." She corrected Winter with a crinkle in her eyes.

Wait, great Aunt? As in his father's sister? This lady here, was his aunt? Woow. He'd never mentioned her before and I had meet all of his aunties. This was all so confusing and unbelievable. Finally,some attention was thrown my way bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Aurora, this is Santa Faye, Winters mother. Santa Faye, this is Aurora, my aunt." He properly introduced us to each other with the later stretching her hand forth for a handshake.

"Pleasure to meet you Mrs Aurora." I gladly took her hand shaking it still doubting that she was his Aunt.

"Darling please,I'm no Mrs. Just call me Aurora. And trust me the pleasure is all mine." She patted the back of my hand before letting go.

"You guys must be tired. Come in come in." She ushered us into the lavishly and beautifully house decorated with both antique and modern pieces. It was truly beautiful just like any of the Benenati houses I have been in.....lavish yet simple.

"Why don't you show her to her room Aurora. I'll go on ahead and see nonno." Yale directed at his Aunt before excusing himself. I watched as he headed in a direction which led down a hallway.

"Right this way." She directed making her way up the stairs prompting me to follow her and watch as she gracefully climbed the stairs.

"I didn't know Yale had an aunt.A young and beautiful one at that." I uttered out when we reached the top of the stairs.

"I didn't know Yale had a daughter or a baby mama at that, who is also a friend." She threw at me raising her eyebrows.

"Touchè. But I wouldn't  call myself a "baby mama" and our relationship is complicated. You wouldn't understand." I tried to explain.

"Of course not. So long ass you are not assurer his money like all the other women then you can call yourself whatever you want." She gave me a cynical smile before proceeding.

What had she meant by what she had just said. And was that a cynical smile? I stared after her trying to analyze it all. One thing was clear though, she did not like me.

Later That Evening
I sat at a table outside with Mr Dante, Yale, his Aunt and Winter having dinner under the big Tuscany star lit sky. It was so very awkward and I couldn't make eye contact with Mr Dante, hell I couldn't make eye contact with anyone at the table except for my daughter. And to make things worse Mr Dante kept staring at me.

Mustering up the courage, I lifted up my head from my plate and directed my gaze to him to offer him a smile. It was the first time I was seeing him again after three long years and he didn't look well. Although he hadn't changed much, he looked more old and tired  but his warm eyes still looked the same.

"She finally looks at me." He uttered out in a hoarse voice with his eyes crinkling.

I let out a laugh, with tears welling up in my eyes. I had missed him so much,his kindness and his humour.

"How have you been dear child?" He asked not taking his eyes off my face.

"Good. What about you?"

"Well I'm slowly dying but I'm great anyways." He joked laughing a little.

How could he make jokes about death and still manage to laugh about it? 

"I'm sorry." I offered my sympathy but he waved it aside.

"What you should be sorry about is  allowing this moron over here use you for his gain and keeping my great granddaughter from me for all this time." He said in all seriousness with any hit of playfulness gone from his eyes.

I went stiff at that, taken aback by what he had just said. He knew? He knew everything? Yale had told him everything there was to it? Slowly, my gaze shifted from Mr Dante to Yale who already had his eyes fixed on me. My heart jumped inside my chest, happy that he was looking at me again, even if it was just for a moment. I couldn't believe he had told his grandfather the truth,everything was out in the open now.

He shifted his gaze after a while concentrating on his food. Aurora who had been watching all that was going on spoke up as she was confused.

"What's going on here and who used who for what?" She asked looking from Yale to me.

Before she could say anything else, Mr Dante beat her to it.

"Aurora, why don't you help me up. I'd like to go for a stroll with my two beautiful girls." He directed at her already setting Winter down from his lap.

I knew very well what he was up to. He was trying to give me and Yale some alone time which was somehow needed because I needed to talk to him.

Murmuring something underneath her breath, she got to her feet and gently helped her father up handing him his cane. I watched as Mr Dante took hold of Winter's hand with Auroras arm linked in his other one and made their way down a path. When they were fully out of sight, I brought my attention back to Yale who was still very involved in his food.

Taking a sip of my white wine, I set it down playing with the stem. I didn't know why but now that we were all alone I didn't know what to say. We sat there in silence as seconds passed into minutes with the sound of crikets chirping.

He finished with his meal before he lifted his head up.

"I guess you finally told him." I stated the obvious still playing with the stem of the glass.

"Yes, I should have done that a long time ago."

We fell silent after that, with me not knowing what to say next.

"So about Winter's last name. I think it should be change to Benenati. She is one after all and she should bare her father's name." I took another sip of my wine.

"Really?" His face lit up with that with him leaning forward in his chair.

"Yeah I have thought about it and it's... right."

"Thank you. So very much. I really appreciate it." He looked up at me with those hazel orbs of his twinkling a bit.

Bringing the glass to my lips I took a long sip of the contents in it needing it for what I was about to ask next. I knew I wasn't suppose to asks but I just couldn't keep it in anymore.

"Why have you been avoiding me?" I set the glass down letting out a breath.

"I haven't been avoiding you." He softly muttered.

"Really? You barely talk to me unless it's important and you hardly look at me nowadays. Why don't you look at me?" I boldly demanded even though I knee I sounded stupid.

He took in a deep breath and released, before connecting his gaze to mine.

"Look at you? Look at you when every time I do I feel my heart being torn apart because I can't have the one person I want.?" He uttered in all honestly with his gaze still on me.

"I...I..I...." I stuttered,finding it hard to get any word out.

I did know he wanted me, and some part of me wanted him too but I didn't know he was hurting because of it. He was hurting because of me?

"You made yourself clear with what you said the last time. I'm not going to interfere with your life or with your choices or force and impose my will on you. You've moved on, i get it." He said with a small smile which looked forced before getting up to his feet.

"Don't stay out here too long."  He advised before picking some of the plates and making his way inside the house.

Eyes still glued to the seat he had just been in, I tried to process what he had just said with my mind in shambles.

Hey geng 😀, another chapter done. I hope you enjoyed it. I don't want to make this story a long one that's why I keep cutting some parts out. I want to finish this fast I can start something new. 😊😊

Anyways don't forget to vote and leave comments.....they make me happy. You guys already know I love y'all right? 😊💜💜💜

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