His Beautiful Mess (Under Edi...

By akosuafrimpong22

744K 35.9K 6.2K

••^^"Meek......obedient.....naive....plain....emotional....docile....I guess she will do." I heard him utter... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
New Book Alert

Part 32

15.2K 768 169
By akosuafrimpong22

Yale P.o.V
I silently sat in the confines of my office with different emotions running through me as I watched the video of Santa Faye giving birth to Winter for the fifth time. I just couldn't get enough of it and each time, the beauty of it all was enthralling. Pausing the video, I brought my hands to the screen of the laptop to trace her tear stricken face, feeling something within me break for putting her through all that and for not being by her side but at the same time grateful for her strength and endurance.

She was such a beautiful and strong soul and now I wanted her for myself more than anything in the world. To forgive me after everything and to go as far as to share this very personal part of her life with me was very gratifying. Retracting my hand from the screen I brought it to my chest as I felt my heart skip a beat before being filled with an overwhelming sensation that I couldn't grasp, I had never felt this way before... what was happening to me. I wondered as I rubbed my hand over my chest, deep in thought.

Letting out a breath I pushed that feeling beside and resumed the video. It was the only video I had watched so far out of the other ones on the drive. The file with the title WINTER'S BIRTH had immediately caught my eye when I first opened the file and had intrigued me very much. And my favourite part was when the doctor pulled out Winter from underneath Santa Faye.But the look that had graced her face when Winter had been placed in her arms was the best of it all.

Smiling to myself, I wiped at the tears that were underneath my eyes. This was enough to make someone like me cry and I wasn't ashamed of it. I really was thankful to her for letting me have this experience.

That overwhelming sensation returned, filling my heart and intensifying the adoration I had for her. Closing the file I went on to the other one which was titled "My Last Trimester." What the hell was a trimester? I thought to myself as I opened the file and waited for it to load. The first thing that filled the screen was the huge baby bump of a very pregnant Santa Faye standing in front of a mirror in a tank top rolled up her bump and shorts. She was smiling sweetly as she tenderly run her hand over her stomach with her scars and stretch marks very prominent on it.

"Hi my love.' I watched as she cooed and smiled to her stomach still rubbing on it.

'I can't wait to meet you. Everyone can't wait, your grandma,your uncle Ju and your Aunt Holly. Even though you weren't planned I'm so glad you happened.' Her tone dropped with a saddening look covering her face.

It quickly went away with a smile gracing her face once more.

'Mommy loves you so much.' She finished off with Winter kicking in her stomach making her laugh out in delight.

I couldn't help but also laugh out from behind the screen with tears blurring my vision. This was too much, I couldn't keep watching, my emotions were all over the place and if I continued I was going to end up a mess. Shutting the mac book, I pushed it aside grabbing hold of the other contents of the box. It was a scrapbook with Winter Rae written on it with cartoon characters all over it. I lightly traced my fingers on the name reminding myself to ask her the reason for the name Winter. Don't get me wrong I loved the name but I was curious. Did her family just love weird beautiful names or what. Santa Faye, Judo, Winter Rae?

Ruefully smiling to myself I opened the book to see a baby picture of Winter wrapped in a peach blanket with a little bow in her hair and it was the most cutest thing I had ever seen. And I couldn't believe I had made that, such a perfect human being. I flipped the page over to see more adorable pictures of her with the time and week each was taken boldly written at each side of it. I lovingly glanced at each picture from when she was just one week old to when she was eight weeks old.

A knock sounding at the door interuputed me making me snap my head to it. Before I could tell whoever it was to come in, Santa Faye peeked her head inside with an apologetic look on her face.

"I'm really sorry to bother you but can I have your WiFi password?" She asked fully opening the door and making her way in.

My heart skipped a beat at the sight of her and that strange sensation was back again. All I could do was stare at her, taking in her beauty and perfection.

"Umm Yale?" She called out my name breaking whatever trance I was in.

"Yeah sure." I cleared my throat looking away from her.

I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and quickly scribbled the password on it for her. Barefooted She made her way over to my side to take the paper but came to a halt when she saw the book on the desk. A tender smile graced her face as she stared down at the it apparently recollecting old memories.

"They grow up so fast. It seems like only yesterday..." She croaked out still staring at the picture.


"She gave me sleepless nights for the first few days and weeks I brought her back from the hospital. She'd only sleep during the day and would cry through the night unless she was in my arms." She blurted out before wiping at the tears that had welled up in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to, I should probably go and leave you to it." She took a step back to compose herself before turning to me to take the paper.

She thanked me and was well on her way out the door but I didn't want her to go. I wanted her close to me, to spend some time with her.

"Don't go, please." I muttered out getting to my feet.

Santa Faye turned around with a confused look on her face probably not sure if she had heard me right. Clearing my throat, I made my way from behind the desk with my gaze trained on her.

"Please don't go. You are not a bother....you can never be a bother. And I'd like to hear more of our daughter's "baby days"." I joked which made her chuckled to herself and seeing her do that alone brought me some kind of peace.

She stood there for a while contemplating on what to do.

"Only if you are not busy." I added giving her an option.

"I'm not really busy. I can spare a few minutes." She looked down at the paper in her hand fidgeting with it.

Her gaze came up after a moment to lock with mine and we just stood there caught up in the moment but she averted her gaze after a while, breaking the moment. Clearing my throat, I reached for the book from the desk and proceeded to where the couch was at the corner of the room. She got the hint and joined me there sitting next to me but still keeping a safe distance. Although she had forgiven me and we were now on good terms and all I still felt she was keeping her guard up,well that was smart of her because if she knew the things I wanted to do to her she wouldn't even be in the same room with me.

Smirking to myself, I opened the next page of the book to more baby pictures of Winter.

"This one was when she was three months old, at five and then at eight months." She pointed at several pictues in the book before flipping over to the next page.

"And here is when she started to crawl. It was a nightmare for me. She was all over her nursery and it was hard to get her to stay put....."

I attentively listened to her as she talked about all of Winter's escapades when she learnt how to crawl,when she started teething, when she had her first solid meal, her first words, her first steps and her first birthday. She stopped mid sentence when she realized she had been taking non-stop flashing me an apologetic grin.

"Don't stop on my account. I love listening to you talk about our daughter." I admitted giving her a lopside grin.

She awkwardly pushed a stray hair out of her face before reaching out to flip the next page. My hands also reached forward to flip the next page and our hands coincidentally met with mine brushing against hers. It lingered there for a brief moment and I could feel tingles burst through my fingertips. She must have felt it too and attempted to withdraw her hand but before she could, I took her smaller one into mine loving the softness and feel of it.

I gently caressed the back of her hand with my thumb as I stared down at the light freckles that dotted her hand.She tried to free her hand again but I only tighten my hold careful not to hurt her. Slowly lifting it up, I brought it to my lips to place an innocent kiss on it. Her deep intake of breath was enough to tell me she was affected by my action. I kissed her hand again this time around letting my lips linger for much longer.

"Yale?" I heard her whisper out my name which caused me to look at her.

Her big brown eyes were staring at me with her lips slightly parted and I couldn't resist anymore. Still holding her gaze I drew closer to her till our bodies were pressed side by side and my head was just a few inches away from hers. Closing my eyes, I inhaled in her familiar scent which was hers alone, letting it fill my senses.

"Yale." She called out my name again slightly shifting beside me.

"Let me have this one moment Faye."

She stayed still after that giving into my request. I continued to breath her in to calm my raging senses but that wasn't helping. I needed to feel and taste her lips on mine, feel her body pressed to mine, caress every inch of her body but I knew I couldn't rush things for fear of her shutting me out completely. Maybe I could kiss her, that would be enough to calm my senses for now. I thought to myself as my hand found its way to her face to push tendrils of her hair out of her face and tuck them behind her ear.

Slowly, my face inched closer and closer till it was just a breath a away. She hadn't retreated which was a good sign, maybe there was hope after all. Gently, I brushed my lips against hers waiting for her to fringe or something but when she didn't, it gave me the go ahead I needed. Steading her head, I properly kissed her tasting her lips, she didn't respond for a moment but accepted the kiss. She kissed me back prompting me to deepen the kiss and pull her much closer than she already was.

I heard her soft moans which drove me insane and directed all the blood in my body downwards. I loved it when she did that. Gently, I leaned back in the couch taking her along with me to settle her on my lap. She straddled me wrapping her hands around my neck. My arms went around her waist pulling her closer till our bodies were one. She deepened the kiss running her hand through my hair. Who had thought her to kiss this way? Because I certainly hadn't. I wondered to myself as I trailed my hand up and down her back.

The next thing I knew her hands were already fumbling with my tie trying to get it off. Did she really want this or was it just a moment of weakness. Whatever it was I didn't want her to stop....I did want to get her pregnant again after all. She finally managed to get the tie off and dispose of it before her trembling hands came to rest on my chest, working on the buttons. I was turned on even more at her dominance of taking things into her own hands. All I had wanted was a kiss but this was much better.

One by one buttons came undone until she finally reached my belt. Santa Faye paused, breaking the kiss and resting her head on my forehead.

"This is wrong." She whispered out shaking her head on the process.

I kept silent not knowing what to say. Someone knocking at the door made her bolt right off me and off the couch to pull down her dress which had now rolled up to her thigh.

"I should go. Thanks though" She picked up the piece of paper before hurriedly heading to the door.

I got to my feet already buttoning up my shirt and heading towards the door too. She took a second to compose herself before grabbing hold of the door handle. Santa Faye opened the door and acknowledged whoever was behind the door before disappearing out of sight. Letting out a frustrated sigh I went to check who it was only to find Sara standing there with a knowing smile on her face.

"Lunch is ready. Will you be eating with the the Miss and your daughter?" She asked looking the way Santa Faye had just gone.

"No, I'm not really hungry. Just serve the two of them." She nodded her head in understanding before retreating back to do what was needed.

Shutting the door, I went to pour myself a drink to calm myself down. That had been so close..so so close. Taking a sip, I smiled to myself thinking about what had just happened not long ago. Ohh she definitely wanted me alright but she was holding back but that wasn't going to stop me, I was going to fully use that to my advantage.

Later That Evening
I laid in a hamock outside with Winter on my chest going through her baby pictures with her. It was amazing how the simple things could bring you so much joy and satisfaction, I just loved spending time with my little girl and after watching most of the videos I felt closer and knew her more than now. But what kept bugging me was the fact that I hadn't seen Santa Faye since the office incident and I was pretty much sure she was avoiding me. Classic Faye, just her old self. I smiled recalling what a naive and shy girl she had been. Did her ears still turn red when she was embarrassed?

"That's me Daddy." I heard Winter point out in the book raising her head up to mine.

"Yes princess." I placed a kissed on top of her head amazed that she hadn't taken after her mother in any kind of way....well she had taken after her kindness.

She returned to flipping over the pages pointing out more pictures of herself and giggling but my mind was far away focused on her mother....her beautiful mother. I couldn't stop thinking about her and I couldn't get her out of my mind. Just the thought of her filled my heart with that same sensation I had been feeling all day.

"I want ice cream Daddy." I heard Winter yank on my shirt after a while bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Vanilla, chocolate, oreo,strawberry?" I asked, tickling her in the process which made her giggle out uncontrollably, throwing her legs up.She really was my joy and I was so thankful for her.

She had just finished with her dinner not long ago and I didn't know if it was such a good idea to give her ice cream but I couldn't say no to her. Picking her up, I got to my feet and set her high on my shoulders before proceeding inside to get her what she wanted.

We got to the kitchen and found Santa Faye also coming in all dressed in a pair of ripped jeans that really brought out her curves and a lacy black camisole tucked into the jeans. Was she even wearing anything underneath that.....I thought to myself as I eyed the long grey cardigan on top on it with her hair and make up done.....She really did look pretty. She came to a halt when she saw me but didn't look at me.

"Why are you all dressed up?" I asked, setting Winter down and making my way to the fridge, having no clue as to what was going on.

"Umm....a date." She answered still standing where she was.

I went stiff for a moment with my blood running cold at the mention of the word "date". What did she mean by that?Jaw clenched, I expelled the agitated breath I was holding in before closing the fridge. I was pissed and mad as hell but I wasn't about to let it show in front of my daughter or her.

Seriously!! She was going on a date, with who?. I thought we were making progress after all that we shared earlier on. Who was she going out with?Was it that douche I had seen her with? I furiously thought to myself wanting to punch a wall. Hiding my rage, I grabbed a bowl from the cabinet and a scoop to dish out some of the ice cream for Winter who sat there watching the two of us.

"Who is he?" I managed to ask, not looking at her for fear that I might just break.

"Umm a friend."

"You know it's not safe. Anything can happen. How well do you even know this "friend"?" I coldly spat out turning to look at her.

"Well thanks for your concern, but I'll be safe. Here's my number though, incase of anything." She got a contact card out of the bag that hung on her shoulder and placed it on the counter before making her way to place a kiss on Winters cheeks.

"Be good hunny. Mummy will be right back." She coed to Winter who was more focused on her ice cream than what Santa Faye was saying.

And just like that she left without saying another word. I stood at the counter fuming and wishing to punch that douche. She was mine.....only mine and I would be damn if I was going to just sit around and watch someone steal her away from me.

Getting my phone out of my pocket I sent a quick text to Ben to follow her to wherever she was going and update me on everything she did. I really had to act quick now before someone stole her from me....I had to come up with a plan and fast.

It'd been an agonising hour already since Faye left and Ben still hadn't called to update me or anything. I picked up my phone checking the time for the millionth time,it was five minutes past eight. I was so frustrated and my mind wasn't helping either as it kept on conjuring images of her kissing another man and I just couldn't take it. My heart was hurting and the only thing that was keeping me calm right now was the presence of Winter by my side.

I looked down at her happily singing along to a cartoon song having her fourth bowl of ice cream.....I really was a bad parent. Bringing out her card from my pocket I blankly stared at it when an idea suddendly popped into my head. My gaze shifted from the card to Winter. She had said to call in case of anything right? Well what if something was to happen to Winter...I thought to myself already feeling like a totally jerk for having to use my daughter to my advantage. It was amazing what jealousy could make one do.

I quickly picked up my phone and dialed her number waiting for it to connect. She picked up on the third ring laughing as she said hello.

"I think something is wrong with Winter." I lied feeling very bad for it.

"What? What's wrong with her?" She asked with alarm in her voice.

"I think I gave her too much icecream and she's complaining of a severe stomach ache." I lied again casting a glance at Winter who was still involved with her cartoons.

"How many bowls of icecream did you give her?"

"Two,three maybe."


"Can you come now?. I'm totally at loss as to what to do." I held my breath waiting to see if she would fall for it.

"I'll be right home." I heard her say before I ended the call with a satisfied look on my face.

It had work. Winter was her weakness alright. The easy part was over, the hard part was having to make Winter look sick. Or maybe I could just tell her she got better before she got her. I thought to myself as I gazed at the child.

A car pulling up in front of the house made me get up from where I sat on the couch gently setting Winters head down. Finally, she was here after twenty long minutes, I had even thought she wasn't coming.Thankfully she had fallen asleep not long ago so I didnt have to lie further. I headed to the door to get it but stopped when I heard a male and a female voice chuckling and having a conversation at the same time. Who was she with? I silently stood there tuning my ear to hear what was being said.

"I'm really sorry it had to be cut short." I heard Santa Faye's voice.

"Don't be. I really had a great time."

"Yeah me too."

"Well I hope your daughter feels better soon. Goodnight Faye."

"Goodnight Adam."

So that s*no*ab*t*h' name was Adam. My hand clenched into a fist with hate for him seeping through my blood. Why wasn't she coming in already? What was taking her too long? I opened the door only to find him making an attempt to give my Santa Faye a kiss on her cheek with her just standing there not doing anything to stop him. The guy stepped away from her when he noticed my presence.

"Yale." Santa Faye turned to look at me with a flustered look on her face.

"Umm this is my friend Adam. Adam this is Yale umm my friend."

"And father of our daughter." I added that very important minor detail she had left out.

"Hi nice to meet you." The guy stretched out his hand to shake mine.

I scoffed staring down at his outstretched hand with contempt. He really was audacious. I kept on staring at it not making any attempt whatsoever to accept it. He withdrew his hand after a moment with a smirk on his face.

"Well goodnight. Talk to you later Faye." He directed at her before making his way to his car leaving Santa Faye and me all alone.

"You brought a stranger to my house?" I coldly ask talking an intimidating step towards her.

"He's a friend." She defended making her way past me.

Slamming the door shut, I followed her inside still made as hell and jealous.

"I can't believe you'd kiss me back the way you did and later go out with that a*s afterwards. Didn't you feel anything at all?" I demanded, surprised at how cool and collected I was considering the fact that I was raging with jealousy. She stopped and turned to me with a bewildering look on her face.

"Kissing you back meant nothing Yale. It was just a kiss, a moment of weakness, I didn't feel anything...nothing at all." She threw at me shrugging her shoulder as if it was nothing.

I didn't know why but hearing her say those words tore at my heart. Was I in over my head? Maybe it was best if I just gave up this stupid notion that I could get her back. Maybe it was best I left her to move on with her life.

Not muttering another word for fear of saying something I would regret, I masked up my hurt and made my way past her to pick up Winter and head upstairs.

"I thought you said she was having a severe stomach ache?" She asked from behind me.

"Yeah well she's fine now." I kept on going not breaking my stride.

Hey loves....another chapter done. Thank you all for the support so far. I really appreciate them and I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment.💙💙.😊😊

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