Twilight Wings (Asia x Male R...

נכתב על ידי Tenshi_The_Vamp

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This is my first story on here so it is bound to be a bit of a rough patch but i hope you'll stick around for... עוד

Setting Sun, Dark Feathers
Sacered Gears and Fallen Feathers
Feral Priest, Brutal Angel
Everything Changes
Different If Only
The Calm
Roomates (Mini)
Familiar? part 2
Familiar? part 3
Heart and Soul Filled Shout
Leaving the Forest
The Forest of Fuji
The Days
Almost home
Dragon legs
Trials to Fight
Domination V.S Wrath
The Phoenix and The Dragons
Hell's Greatest Rooke
To be of Rage and Domination
Our lives.
licking one's Wounds
Quelling the Beast
Who in the hell!
Hellish Party
Out of hand

Different if only part 2

593 12 3
נכתב על ידי Tenshi_The_Vamp

When it happened there was a loud crash but you heard no sound.

Many voices called to you, yet you could only hear the muffled sound of it. Time felt as if it were stopped and your heart slowly fell deeper into your chest.

And at last a scream had left your body, a howl of pain and a burst of raging power as the fine line between you and the rage monster inside was finally crossed, leaving a hollow shell of anger and pain filled with power overflowing from within.

After the scream and a burst of your aura disappeared left in it's place was you, covered in a seemingly metal alloy all over you body, eyes glowing and what remained of your voice was but an echo.

The young perv and his allies had found you only to be amazed at what they had seen. When Issei tried to call to you, the blonde knight had stopped him and shook his head.

Raynare was surprised to say the least especially when you had disappeared and quickly grabbed Asia while kicking Raynare away with a loud growl audible and within a second you were gone again back to the ground floor of the church.

"Asia... don't...." A hollow voice left you, echoing through the church "you never deserved was my fault...all my please" you had said. In response a small hand reached up and held your face bringing you back slightly.

"I never meant to make you cry (Y/N) I'm sorry, but I think this may be it" Asia had said with a smile and slight tears falling. It was truly the end of the line.

"Hey come on don't say that you'll be just fine after all" your voice slowly returning to normal but it almost still had it's hollow echo. As time continued to pass one certain fallen had found herself on a church bench across from you as she used the stolen sacred gear to heal herself.

"I really must say this is touching the fact you are trying to save her when it is truly hopeless" Raynare had said with a cold laugh to add insult to injury. "To make matters worse for yourself, that damage you did to me earlier means nothing with these rings on, to heal at any moment I please truly is a blessing" she added.

For a brief moment silence fell upon the church corridor. Soon you had broken it "did you ever really care about me at all...or was it all just a play so you could reel me in and steal my sacred gear as well...was that it..." Your voice alone was enough to show that you were angry, heartbroken, and sad all in one.

"I will admit you were cute with how you acted, and to be honest I was a little jealous that Asia had your attention but none the less I had a job to do, kill Issei Hyoudo, recruit you, find Asia and take her sacred gear out" she said with at first a gentle voice but slowly it became to a more cold and business like tone.

"...Good... Because that makes what I'm about to do so much easier!" You yelled as you stood up facing Raynare but not before saying to Asia "Stay here, I'll be back with your sacred gear soon" you gave her a slight smile but the refocused on Raynare.

It was time to destroy the bonds you had made sad and difficult as it may be. Now was not the time for apologies or regrets.

In an instant you had lunged for Raynare letting your aura show itself again as well. The church itself shook from the rage boiling over, it hurt. All of what happened, having to break bonds built, and the death of a friend rearing around the corner.

Raynare was ready she quickly evaded this time around and threw a light spear through the shoulder. The mode you were in somewhat nulled the pain but blood loss is blood loss. A quick retaliation by pulling the spear out and tossing it back while throwing one of your own to make it more difficult. She was able to defend against her own but was scathed by yours.

"Getting rather careless Raynare..I must say you seem scared" you said smirking as your aura spiked again slightly.

"And you are being careless, even with the Brutus gear in hand you are slowing down and being sloppy...Must burn to fight an enemy who can heal herself" She said as she healed herself from the wound you had given her.

"It matters not if you can heal yourself, Asia trusted you, I trusted you and now...Now you are nothing more than a traitorous bitch!"  You screamed at you quickly lunged at her slamming your fist against her temple. Then quickly swinging your leg up to axe kick her down.

When she hit the ground a plume of smoke rose up and in that moment she sent three light spears at you, the first two when blocked blew up on contact, while the third pierced your abdomen and quickly vanished leaving a large gaping hole. Blood quickly poured from it as the armoured alloy on your body was cracking and shattering partially revealing your beaten, bruised, and bloodied body.

It hurt, this pain, it was dragging you down. Muscles aching, bones creaking or cracking, your heart pounding in your ears. A sound you hated, the sound that reminded you of where your anger has brought you. The sound of impending peril, or adrenaline rushing through the veins after a battle or fresh kill. If it were to enjoy now, it would be with your death, the odds were stacked against you. Damage from the previous battle trying to keep Asia away from Raynare with a falling apart body was not healed. And the basement battle, along with Freed Zelzan. Damage was piling up, and you were lucky to still be standing after all your body had fought through.

Raynare stood before with a spear of light spear "I was wishing it wouldn't end like this you. You were powerful before you became starved, lost all the muscle you held and never got the sleep you needed. Truly this downfall is but of your own doing." She said with a slightly saddened tone hoping to get you to come back to her side. To no avail but a good attempt if one were a basic being.

"Sorry.... couldn't hear over all the lies...and bullshit spewing from the way do you want a breath mint or some toilet paper for that..." You said with a dying laugh, and a low gasp for air. Everything was swirling...or was it just you? It was slowly getting darker as well but you could tell Raynare backed off a bit..or did she. It didn't matter after all It was all fading away your vision, hearing, sense of touch. The wounds you had didn't hurt anymore like they did. Time was running out for you and Asia, and sadly you must have gotten a bad end. It was time to sleep.... forever more
. . . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . .
. . . .
. . .
. .
"(Y/N)! Get up! Hey don't quit yet!" Said a voice. Upon opening your eyes you saw Hyoudo across the room near Asia. Sacred gear activated and angered, yet his eyes clearly showed sorrow.

Upon looking over you could see the steady rising and falling of Asia's chest had stopped and by the look of her it was not so long ago. Her eyes were shut, her body limp, and her lungs empty. You began to feel a slight tear fall from your face. Then another, followed by more. A soundless scream which slowly filled with sound. Followed by an attempt to stand which failed due to your condition. Raynare gave a pitiful look before dodging a lunge from Issei and his sacred gear.

"Will you truly die here like some whelp and give in. I truly thought I picked someone stronger to wield me but I guess I was mistaken." A loud bellowing voice in your head spoke, and echoed. What the hell was all that supposed to mean.

Either way when Issei had failed his attack the spear that was meant for you went to him instead. Knocking the poor bastard off balance for a secondary strike just as she did to you. Quickly tossing two more his way piercing just above the knees. Without healing walking would certainly become much more difficult on him.

Today was a shit day. The only thing you could think of was that you were critically injured, death right around the corner, Asia's death, and whether or not Issei would be close behind.

"Just run moron don't let yourself be killed....a second time by the likes of a little ain't worth throwing your life away for one who has already passed and another who won't last much longer...just get outta here Hyoudo!" You screamed at him. It hurt to shout like that but it was a last ditch effort to save him.

He didn't listen in fact he seemed to be talking but you couldn't hear him besides for "...I'm a devil now too so what do ya say, just this once I need a little help..." He soon stood you could feel a magical aura radiating from him. He was certainly hurt, teetering even but somehow he still had a whole heep of strength left in him. It was terrifying yet amazing. Then it happened, his sacred gear. The double critical changed to become something much more powerful. You recognized it immediately.

"Sekiryuute how I've longed to even look upon it...he might win this fight.." the voice said again.

"I could buy him a second at the least, it'll be all he needs... Here goes nothing" slowly raising from the indented Wall as blood finds itself leaking from your wounds.

"Hey bitch! You didn't forget about me now did you" you screamed as you had thrown a large chunk of rubble at her. Causing her to fly up to dodge it drawing her focus to you.

"How are you still standing your body was broken including your will all but a few short moments ago!" In her rage she failed to notice Issei who lunged for her.

When he had grabbed her a look of all out fear had plastered itself to her face. As he landed an giant punch sending her through the Church window ,with what sounded like a harpies cry of a scream. It was over, finally over.

Issei landed and nearly would have fallen if not for the blonde gentleman knight. As you watched them a smile crept across your face as your body fell with a silent thud.

Everything went to black...
Breathing slowed..
Body limp.

"...N).....(Y/N)!...ake up.......ave to wake u..." The voice was familiar but you weren't able to move or to make the slightest sound. You felt your body going against your every decision. Eventually it felt as if you were being moved.

Then nothing for what you could guess was a while. When you had awoke you felt sore still but alive. As you slowly got up a small voice said with you.

"Did I fall asleep, and am I still in the church?" You could see everyone smiling including a new face. A man with long red hair and adorned in what looked to be elegant armour. But at the moment your concerns were elsewhere as to the voice beside you.

As you looked to your side the source of the voice mimicked you and as your eyes met you stared into a pair of soft green orbs. Both your's and her's filled with surprise. A smile found it's way to your face slowly.

"(Y/N) what happened? I know we are in the church but-" when she had looked down she quickly turned beat red. Your eyes soon followed hers to see your hands were intertwined, in other words you were holding each other's hands. You could hear a few small giggles and laughs from the group.

As you looked back to Asia she seemed highly flustered by this. As you both looked away and pulled your hands away slowly but both of you smiling slightly.

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