Voltron: Legendary Defender (...

By Rumatyy

390K 6.7K 3.9K

This show is great, I highly recommend you watch it if you haven't already! If you'd like, you can request! I... More

Help! (Lance x Reader!)
Treacherous (Keith x Reader!)
Home sick (Shiro x Reader!)
Innocent (Male!Pidge x Reader!)
Nightmares (Hunk x Reader!)
Surprise! (Shiro x Reader!)
Altean Promise (Rolo x Reader!)
Close Combat (Keith x Reader!)
Hide and Seek (Shiro x Reader!)
Authors note
Reckless (Pidge x Reader!)
Comfort (Lance x Depressed!Reader)
Nostalgia (Allura x Reader!)
Nyctophobia (Keith x Reader!)
Secret Admirer (Pidge x Reader!)
Competition (Lance x Shy!Reader x Keith)
Best friends (Platonic!Lance x Chip (OC))
Remorse (Shiro x Reader!)
Happy Halloween~
Shower of Kisses (Keith x Male!Reader)
Not Telling~ (Lance x Reader!)
[ R e q u e s t s C l o s e d ] + Thanks!!
Always Be Here (Hunk x Reader!)
Soulmates (Lance x Reader!)
Home For Christmas (Shiro x Reader!)
Insecurities (Keith x Fem!Reader)
Fateful Meetings (Lance x Reader!)
Mind Games || Part One (Pidge x Reader)
Remember Me (Shiro x Reader!)
Winter Wear (Keith x Fem!Reader)

Mind Games || Part Two (Pidge x Reader)

559 21 2
By Rumatyy

Pidge was very kind, especially under the circumstances of their meetings. For that, (y/n) could never in her right mind dislike the younger woman, no matter what. To be perfectly honest with herself, Pidge wasn't the first Paladin she had tried to contact. The red Paladin was the number one, however the connection was disrupted due to his unsteady emotions overtaking his actions. Yet, she could still feel the unconditional love for his family, the Alteans, and most of all, his teammates. Pidge had allowed entrance unconsciously, unlike the others who built their so-called walls up. With ease, the pilot of the green lion had managed to embrace the idea of having her spiritual energy transferred and slip into her memory and gain an understanding of what she was like. She truly was a sweet girl, that Pidge.

"Hey Pidge, I'm so happy..." She murmurs, head resting against the boy with brimming lime green skin who was getting colder and colder by day. "I'm so very happy to have met you..."

"(y/n)? Were you able to get help?" Huron, her Olkari little brother had asked.

His cold as ice fingertips tangled with hers and she let out a shaky exhale, revealing a small cloud of breath soon to follow. He had grown thinner without much to eat, the parka only doing so much to warm his frail body up. All she could do was nod in response, a weak grin forming on his face. Huron had tried his best, her beloved little brother would soon disappear into nothingness and become part of the world itself if nobody was able to get the two out. She didn't like the idea at all, waking cup and holding her brother close was the only thing that kept her fighting spirit so high. If Pidge was able to somehow fin them, then she wouldn't have to sacrifice her energy for her dear younger sibling. The (h/c) haired woman didn't want to wake up one day to a lonely, empty feeling. Losing her brother was out of the question. Not even in other universes will she simply abandon him, he was her everything.

"Huron, don't force yourself to talk, okay?" (y/n) whispers, stroking his head with her other hand that was wrapped around his shoulder. "I'll do everything I can to get you out."

He blinked, his amethyst hues glinting with anxiousness and he shakes his head as fast as he could move. He pulled his hand away slowly from hers, averting his gaze to his legs that he soon pulled closer to his chest, embracing them and into hiding.

"What's wrong, Huron?" the (h/c) haired female questions, hand placed on his shoulder.

"Don't be rash, (y/n). Or I'll-," he paused, interrupted by his rapid coughing that seemed to go on forever, "-I.. I'll never forgive you..."

She gasped, arms cradling the younger man in her arms quite like it was her last. She didn't want that. She squeezed his arms gently, his frail body matching the cold temperature. It was now or never, the decision that she had let her mind procrastinate over and over seemed to be the only way out of that isolated place. She had focused her energy into her mind, squeezing her eyes shut. It was as if her heart was being tugged at, the limp body that was once her brother made her lose focus. Quiznack! No, this couldn't be it for her brother. No, no, no.

"Huron?" She calls, eyelids still forced shut keep the freezing tears away, "Huron, answer me. Please."

It was no use. The sun that lifted her spirits every day had sank into eternal rest and the only way to bring him back would be to use her energy. It was weakening, spending so much time in that small cube prison drained it day by day, until there would be no more. That was it, it was no or never.

"Huron, I-," she pauses, grasping his chilly hand in hers, "I'll save you. So please, don't stay mad at me, okay?"

The glistening (e/c) irises that couldn't bear to look at the lifeless body of her beloved had let the flow of her tears enter his mind, all the memories of his replaying over and over like a broken record. She touches his forehead, lips gently placed there so her life force could enter his now hollow body. 'Oh please... Save my brother...' the very thought was the only thing that had whirled within her now worried mind.


Pidge had felt the absence of (y/n) immediately, even if she had endless possibilities of what could happen to the (h/c) haired female, all she could do was search and pray. She inhales, then exhales, repeating the process in hopes that it'll help even a little bit with her riled nerves. It was hard to shake off once the anxiety kicked in and, in the end, her breathing exercises were deemed as useless. Can things really get any worse? At least they weren't yet on the Galra's radar. Or so, she would like to assume. As much as she hated to admit it, there were things that even she couldn't predict, the Galra were sneaky.

"I'm sorry..."

The sudden soft voice had resonated throughout her mind, playing like a song on repeat, and she hated it. Why did things happen like this? Why were they sealing away (y/n) like that in the first place, not to mention the people that were most important to her. Something seemed fishy indeed.

"Pidge?" Matt, her brother. He worried so much, it was annoying sometimes.

"Hey." Was all she could think to say. "Was just thinking about the Galra again."

"Pidge, my little sis." He repeats, taking a seat next to the shorter Holt. "She's a nice girl, huh?"

The brisk moment those words escaped his stupid lips, Pidge's face was flushed pink knowing all too well who he was talking about. The sudden realization that he was watching over through monitors seemed to click, which would also mean he knew. The vivid memory and the feeling of a pair of lips pressing against hers resurfaced, causing a surge of butteries to erupt within her stomach. He knew too much. Of course, her brother came to tease her, a small chuckle accompanying his pleased expression and she buried her face into the pillow.

"Hunk and I were able to locate a distress signal." He starts, and Pidge quickly shoots up into a sitting position, "The thing is, we're not sure if we should take a chance to see if it's her."

"What do you mean?" Pidge asks, throwing her legs over the bed frame to stand up. "It has to be her."

"Well-," her brother pauses, averting his gaze towards the door, "never mind. I'll meet you in the green lion, there's something I need to do first."

She nods, getting into the standing position. She knew it wouldn't be easy, nothing ever was. Inhaling, then proceeding to exhale, her adrenaline rush had gotten even higher. Pidge hoped that the older woman didn't go that route, otherwise she wasn't sure what to do. Their meeting was supposed to be sweet, which would then bring them closer as not only friends, but perhaps something more in the future. Wait, what was she thinking? Groaning, the sandy brunette sprints down the corridor towards the barricades, where the tunnel would lead to the green lion that had helped her so many times.

'Here I come, (y/n). Just wait for me...' with that very thought kept safely and locked away within her mind, Pidge grips onto the handle bars and swiftly glides down the zip line.


"Pidge, there are too many of them. It's too dangerous!" Shiro shouts, of course Pidge knew that already, but she couldn't just abort the mission.

"I know." She responds, clenching onto the steering wheel and watching the screens intently. "Shiro, please, let me do this."

The silence that soon followed shortly was filled with tension and she did pity the black Paladin for a moment, after all he did oversee the decision to the end. After careful consideration, Shiro had agreed with reluctance. A simple 'Fine.' Was more than enough and she was grateful.

"Thank you, Shiro." She says, gripping the wheel in the direction of the shielded ice before her.

"But be careful." The head of Voltron replies, voice soft and stern.

She nods in response, a grunt of agreement soon to follow and the green Paladin roughly lands on the bumpy gravel grounds. 'We got your back' was the last thing Lance had said before taking cover behind a large boulder, only for it to become nothing more than debris. She can't lose focus now. With that, the green Paladin slams through the swam of Galran's tailing her, keeping her away from the task at hand.

"I can take down the forcefield, if I can just get closer." Matt says, and Pidge nods, watching her brother exit the lion.

The pilot of the green lioness knew he could do it and come back safely. She believed in him.

"Lance, when the forcefield is down, I'm going to need you to blast a hole through the ice." Pidge announces, getting a strange noise from Lance. "Only you can do it."


"-Him?" Hunk cuts off, causing a groan to escape Lance's lips.

"Of course, I can do it." Lance says, brimming with confidence. "But uh, won't it affect the people inside?"


"Hunk, shut your quiznack." Lance interrupts, "okay. I'll do it."

"When I give the signal, do whatever it takes to break the ice. It won't hurt the Olkari, they use special cloaks and parkas specifically for the weather inside. To repel enormous snowfalls, hails, etcetera." Pidge complies, honey brown hues following Matt's every movement.

Focused on her brother, Pidge came to a halt in the lioness, piercing gaze full of seriousness. If it wasn't timed well, there was no guarantee they would be able to do that again. The green Paladin had kept the Galran's company, keeping them as far away from the Olkarian's as possible. Then, without warning the forcefield fell, revealing a large seal of ice in the middle of the planet. It was now or never.

"Now!" Pidge calls, Lance already in position and ready to fire.

The red beam had hit the side of the red large solid, slowly melting a hole big enough to walk through. The team had celebrated the freedom of the prisoners for a moment, watching as the leader and his men had retreated. Another infiltrate complete.

"We did it, guys!" Hunk shouts, landing his lion beside Pidge. 

Shiro was the first to make it into the frozen space, cradled in his arm was a feeble looking Olkari, pale meadow green skin losing its colour and sound asleep. The saddened expression of his seemed to match her brother's, head shaking as he exits the cold environment.

"Pidge, I'm sorry..." Matt whispers, walking towards his younger sister.

"What are you talking about, Matt?" Pidge asks, jumping out of her seat and running out quickly, anxiousness gradually growing with every step.

'This can't be.'

'No way'

She had sprinted inside the desolate, cold prison, a woman had been spread out on the ground. It was so lonely in there, how could the two spend deca-feeb's in such a place? Pidge had crouched beside the body, (h/c) hair messy, eyes closed shut gently, like she was dreaming something sweet. The pilot had placed a hand on hers, tears flowing, there was no hope now, was there? It was unfair. Pidge wanted more time, to laugh, to cry together, is that just some hopeless dream now?

"Pidge, we need to-," Lance paused, averting his gaze to the ground, "-take your time."

"Lance..." she manages, holding the pale hand to her cheek, "Stay. Please."

"Oh.." Hunk whispers, standing at the entrance with Lance.

"Pid... ge..."

The muffled, weak call for her was the lifeless body. It was (y/n).

"Hey, (y/n), I'm here. Please, don't say anything." Pidge responds, sniffling. "We're here to save you."

The delicate, proud smile she attempted to flash was too much, if only Pidge came sooner.

"I'm..." (y/n) starts, "fine."


It took a while getting used to, ever so often the (h/c) haired female would have to rest in the pod, building her stamina and power once more. Today was no different, Pidge had patiently sat in the room, swinging her Bayard around to pass the time. Occasionally, her brother would pop in to check on the two to see how they were. Just then, the pod had let the fog smoke up the room, a lively woman flashing a grin as her body fell to the floor, Pidge attempting to catch her and failing.

"This is not how I wanted our first meeting to go, Pidge." She whispers, shuffling her position so that the smaller female could stand up again.

"Well, welcome back (y/n)-."

"-Did I hear the pod opening?" Matt.

"Were you spying on me?" Pidge asks, arms folded over her torso, a sigh escaping her lips.

"We may or may have not been waiting." Her brother replies, a smirk whipped on his facial features.

"We?" (y/n) asks, puzzled. Then, a shorter Olkarian man pokes his head out for the final reveal.

"I thought we were alone." The green paladin whispers, disappointment washing over her facial features.

"You like her~." Matt and Huron coo in sync.

"Shut up!" (y/n) and Pidge respond, staring at each other in surprise.

Of course, the two had enjoyed each other's company more than they should. Pidge was forever grateful, those (e/c) full of optimism and glinting with curiosity once more.


A/N: Sorry, the details took hella long to write. Thanks for reading this trashy author's chapter!! I was actually wondering how long it would turn out, but also didn't want to make it a sad end for Pidge, oh my gosh. Hopefully I can update again tomorrow, depends if I feel like writing. I'm very picky with words nowadays lololol. This is unedited, may take some time to fix anything tomorrow. Laptop is in serious need of charging. Till next time loves! ❤

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