War With The Devil - BOOK 4 ✔...

By EmotionalPerson01

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Book 1 - Saved By The Devil ✅ Book 2 - Return Of The Devil ✅ Book 3 - Crowned By The Devil ✅ Book 4 - War Wit... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Update Error!!
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Change of Character
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 59
An Offer I Received
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73

Chapter 58

1.9K 121 3
By EmotionalPerson01

"Books on demon healing humans," I spoke causing some of the books to fly off the shelves. 

I quickly grabbed one and skimmed through the book. My eyes then landed on one which was using a loop of thread to sew up the inner wounds. It would allow the body to heal back to normal within an hour. All it took is a strong mind and tread. Looking at how to loop the thread, I remembered the steps.

"Return all books," I commanded to which they all returned back to place. I flashed back to my house and grabbed some tread from the first aid kit and flashed back into the bathroom with Jacob.

I grabbed the bathroom towel and shoved it in his mouth. "This might hurt," I informed him as I took off the towels from his wrist and legs. Closing my eyes, I focused and started to loop the tread in my hand with my telekinesis. I visualize the thread tying a knot to each end then folding into each other before knotting again. Jacob let out a muffled scream and I ignored it as I continued to loop and knot the tread. Once I reached the final knot, I pulled it apart and opened my eyes to see it was done. Looking at Jacob's wrists and legs to see if the wounds were no longer there.

"Where's your room in the house we were just in?" I asked as I took the towel out of his mouth. "Upstairs. The fourth door on the left," he breathed out.

I nodded my head and helped him up, "Okay, try to shower and I'll get you clean clothes," I spoke before disappearing into the house.

I walked up the stairs and walked over to the fourth door before walking in. I grabbed a bag from his closet and shoved some clothes in it. I went to flashback but paused as I thought of something. Walking out of Jacob's room, I looked around and spotted a room which had two doors. I went to open it but it was locked. With one tug, I ripped the door off the hinges and saw it was the master bedroom. I walked into the closet to see it was huge full of clothes and weapons. In the corner was a vault. I yanked the vault open and saw it was filled with diamonds and stacks of cash. Grabbing another bag, I shoved all the cash into the bag. It seemed to be about half a million.

I then shoved the handful of diamonds into a small pouch before putting it in the bag of cash. I flashed back into my room and dropped Jacob's bag with his clothes on the bed and the bag with the cash and diamonds in the closet. The bathroom door opened and I looked to see Jacob soaking wet with his towel around his waist. I watched as he limped out the bathroom and towards the bed where he recognized his bag. I went to walk out of the room but he stopped me.

"You don't have to leave. I don't mind if you stay," he called out. I nodded in understanding but still went into the bathroom to wash my hands and face. "So are you a demon?" he shouted from the bedroom.

"Yes. What gave it away?" I asked as I dried my face. "Black eyes," he informed me. I turned to look in the mirror. My eyes were black this whole time and I had completely forgotten. I walked out the bathroom and saw he was in sweats. I walked over to the couch and sat down.

"How old are you?" he asked as he dried his hair. "23 and no I'm not an old demon. I was human and now I'm a demon. Shit happens no more questions about me being a demon," I glared at him.

He just casually chuckled unphased by my reply. "You're honestly really nice for someone who's a demon," he stated.

I let out a scoff and I watched I lost his balance and fell to the ground. His muscles hadn't healed yet. I watched as he tried to get off the floor but his wrist gave out so in failure he just laid on the floor. "I would say sorry but I'm not," I replied not bothering to help him up.

"Must you be an asshole?" he questioned. I rolled my eyes, "I could just go back to killing you," I growled.

He let out a hysterical laugh, "Highly doubt that. You just wasted time and energy just to save me. Why did you save me?" he questioned.

"I told you no questions," I growled.

"No, you said no questions about you being a demon. Not about why you saved me," he smartly replied. Letting out an annoyed groan, I got off the couch and stormed out of the room leaving him on the floor. I closed the door behind me and let out a sigh as I sat down outside the room and leaned up against the wall.

Deep down I was urging to kill him but I saw no justice in it considering he had no option but to join the gang. If he was guilty and lied about it all, I would have slit his throat but there's no fun in it when the person is innocent. But, if he keeps pushing my buttons, I'm going to kill him.

Letting out a growl, I got up and walked back into the room. Walking up to him, I reached down and grabbed him with one arm lifting him off the floor. I then sat him down on the bed as I stood in front of him.

"I'm only going to say this once so listen up. You're going to go to sleep. When you wake up, I'll carry you home to where you'll reunite with your family and start fresh. Do not question me or anything I do. I'm trying really hard not to rip your head off right now so I'm going to tell you one last time to just no push me to that point. Understood?" I asked.

He nodded his head in understanding. "Good, now go to sleep," I ordered, "Your body needs to heal." He got himself under the sheets and I turned off the lights before walking out of the room.

Now bored out of my mind, I decided to check out the town I first went in. I think it's the realm full of where demons live mostly and shop. It was the first place my portal had opened to back when saving Grayson and Isabella. I formed the portal and walked in. Looking around, I saw the black shops on both sides of the paved black stone road. Looking up, the sky was a galaxy as I saw before.

As I walked down the street, I received a bunch of stares and whispers. Rolling my eyes, I continued to explore. My eyes then landed in an ally way. At the end of it were a door and a guy guarding it. Above him was a neon sign which read Red Drops. Walking over to him, I watched as some people in front of me dressed up walked in. As I made my way to the door, the guard eyed me for a second before opening the door. I walked in only to be greeted by coldness and fog.

Music was blasting and demons and witches were dancing and drinking. It was a nightclub. As I made my way to the bar, I received a bunch of stares but I proceeded to ignore them.

The bartender made his way towards me and nodded.

"What's your best drink?" I asked. "The Blood Strawberry Vodka," he replied. "I'll have one," I smiled.

He nodded his head and went off to make my drink. A person sat next to me and I looked over to see it was a guy with brown hair and yellow pupil eyes.

"What are you doing here?" the guy asked. My eyebrow rose, "Excuse me?"

He let out a chuckle as if he found my response amusing. "Well, everyone knows who you are and who you belong to but he's not here so why are you?" he asked.

"Well, I'm currently on the run and I decided to check this place out," I shrugged.

"Name's Ventzel. Ven for short," he smiled as he stuck his hand out for me to shake. "Skylar. Sky for short but I assume you already know that," I greeted back to which he nodded.

My drink was then placed in front of me and I looked to see it was a glass with a strawberry with red vodka. I took a sip of it and felt myself smiling. It tasted so delicious. It was a mixture of vodka, strawberries and something salty but barely made it since the strawberry drown it out.

"What is this made out of," I squealed as I started to chug the drink. "Slow down there," Ven chuckled, "It's not like Earth alcohol and its strawberries, vodka, and blood," he informed me.

I stopped chugging the drink and stared at him blankly. "Blood?" I questioned. He nodded his head, "Human blood to be exact," he stated. I stared at my cup which was now half empty. "Well, I've come this far," I shrugged before finishing it.

"I'll take 4 more," I spoke to the bartender who nodded. "I'll take a red whiskey on the rocks," Ven hollered. A few seconds passed by and we bother were now drinking. We spent the entire time talking about random things and whatnot. I was honestly loving my drink. It was amazing. After my third drink, I felt totally buzzed.

"We should go shopping after. I wanna see the clothes they have," I slurred out as I drink my fourth drink. Ven nodded, "I know the perfect place," he smiled. He then placed down some silver coins on the counter to which the bartender took.

"What's that?" I asked as he helped me down the stool. I went to walk but stumble over my own two feet to which he caught me. He then lowered himself for me to get on his back to which I did. As we walked out the club, he took a coin out of his pocket and gave it to me.

"It's hell currency. One hundred silver here is worth a dollar on Earth. Depending on what you buy here, it's cheap. You also have gold," he pulled out a gold coin and gave it to me. "One gold here is worth a thousand in dollars."

I looked at both coins. They had the same design from and back. I tried to read the names engraved but I was too drunk. I returned the coins to Ven before we walked into a store.

"Oh my gosh!! This is so cute," I squealed as I hopped off his back and ran over to a black short feathered skirt.

The feathers were a beautiful mixture of blue, purple and pink. I picked it up and ran around the store and found a black crop top with belts that wrapped about the breasts and neck. Walking over to the shoe aisle, I picked out a nice pair of high heels. I then ran over to the changing room and tired it on. Walking out of the changing room, I looked over to Ven who just shot me a smirk as he eyed me.

"I'll take that as a yes," I giggled. 

I grabbed my clothes and threw them into a portal which led to my room in my mansion. I grabbed my card and closed the portal. "Do they take credit cards?" I asked turning to Ven. He nodded his head and I grabbed his hand before we walked over to the cashier. She typed something into the screen and the price displayed on the top.

(Outfit below)

"6 golds and 400 silver," she spoke which was basically $6,400. I swiped my card and she nodded gesturing that was it. "Let go back to the club," I squealed and Ven and I exited the store. We walked down the street laughing at random things before entering the club. I drank a few more drinks and felt my whole body click again but this time I felt so carefree. Ven and I were now on the dance floor dancing crazy.

"Skylar!" a voice shouted in my head to which I recognize it as Godric's. "Godric!" I shouted back. He then appeared in front me pissed off. However, his eyes then shifted to my outfit, then my hand with a drink and then to our surroundings. "Hi," I squealed as I drank out my drink. The cup then disappeared back to the bar. Pretty neat if you ask me.

"It's night time! You were supposed to take care of Jacob but I already sent him home. Now let's go home," he shouted over the music. I shook my head, "I like it here. Ohh, do they have houses for sale here?" I asked looking to Ven who nodded his head.

"No! We're going home right now. I'm taking you home back to the guys and Lucifer," he spoke as he tugged me towards the door. I then pulled my hand out of his grip. "NO! I'm not going back," I whined.

Godric turned on his heels and glared at me. "I found out that you were supposed to make it back midday before your humanity is permanently switched on. You're fucking going home," he hissed as he grabbed my hand again. I pulled my hand out of his again to which he quickly picked me up and threw me over his shoulder.

"Help!" I shouted causing the whole club to go quiet. "Fucking help her and I'll make sure I permanently kill you all. No to mention she's supposed to be with Lucifer right now so try me cunts," Godric growled. No one moved and he flashed out to my mansion. 

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