Someone Like You

By DaysinHollywood

93.7K 1.3K 46

*Previously called "You're The Worst Person Ever! But Why Does My Heart Say You're The Best?"* Dakota is an a... More

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Someone Like You {Epilogue}

Someone Like You {36}

1.4K 19 6
By DaysinHollywood

Tuesday: Bake Sale Day

Well, today's Day 2 of Charity Week. It's Bake Sale Day and everyone have to sell as many baked goods as they can to win today's event.

As I walked towards the Girl's Lounge for the announcement, I searched for Holly and Lacey who were suppose to meet me here. As I looked for them, I bumped into someone.

"Woah, sorry. You okay?" says the person. I smiled and said, "Yeah, I'm fine. It's okay. People can be a klutz at times. Even me."

"Koda!" says the person. I looked up and saw Derek.

"Derek? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Looking for Holly. Have you seen her?" he says.

"No. I was looking for her too. And Lacey." I said.

"That's wierd. She texted me that she'd meet me here." he said.

"Me too." I said, looking around.

"Oh whatever. I'll probably run into her later. See ya, Koda." he says and walks away.

"See ya." I said, quietly.

"Oh Dakota! There you are!" says Holly, walking towards.

"Hey, Holls." I said, "Derek was looking for you a second ago."

"He was? Oh, I missed him. Do you know where he went?" she asks.

"I think that way." I said, pointing at the hallway, "Why do you need him?"

"Well, I wanted to ask him if we can hang out together. Like a date." she said.

"A date with Derek?" I asked, "You're getting obsessed with him."

"I am not! I just like thinking about him." she said.

"Oh sure..." I said, sarcastically.

"Anyway, I better go find him. See ya later, Dakota!" she said, walking away to search for Derek.

Holly's POV

Gawd, I wonder where he went. I want to ask him so badly! As I searched through the crowd, I finally found Derek, looking around. For me! Oh em gee! Before he could walk off somewhere else, I grabbed his hand. He turns around and looks at me.

"Hey, Holly. There you are!" he said.

"Hi. Can I ask you something?" I said.

"Sure." he said. We sat down on the couch and looked into eachother's eyes for a while.

"What'd you wanna ask me?" he asks.

"Well, I was thinking if we could hang out together. Just for one day. Alone. I know we're gonna be busy because of Charity Week but I was thinking if we could---ya know---skip one day?" I asked.

"Oh, um. I don't know, Holly. Can I think about it for a while? I'll make sure I'll answer your question by the end of today." he said.

"Ok. Take your time." I said, softly. He smiles at me and walks towards the Boy's Lounge. I sighed as I watched him walk away. He's so cute...

Dakota's POV

I finally managed to find Lacey, Hayden, and Trina. We waited for Ivy to make the announcement and saw Holly walking towards us.

"Hey, Holly. How'd it go?" I asked her.

"Good. Sorta. He told me that he'd think about it. I hope he'll say yes." she said, anxiously.

"Don't worry, he will." I said. She smiles at me as Ivy walks up on stage and grabs the microphone.

"Good morning ladies. Today is the second day of Charity Week, Bake Sale Day! So, is everyone ready?" says Ivy. Everyone cheers and shouts, "Great! Now, when you're ready, meet us outside on the main field, okay?" As Ivy walks down the steps of the stage, everyone walks outside including me and all of my friends. When we got out on the main field, in front of the stage with the timer, the Principal comes up, "Good morning everybody! Today is Bake Sale Day! Is everyone ready? The winner of today will be the team who sold the most baked goods. So, will all the girls and boys go to their team tents and start selling? Good luck!" When she ended the announcement, everyone immediately rushed to their tents and started the event.


"Let's win this thing!" shouts Holly, happily as a couple of customers started to come to our tent.

"Day 1, the girl's team won and Day 2, we have to win again! To beat the boys!" says Hayden.

"Was the car wash hard? I can't believe girls won yesterday! I'm so proud of you guys!" says Trina.

"Thanks and no the car wash wasn't hard. It was ok." replies Lacey.

"Hello, ladies. Whatcha selling?" says Drew, walking towards us.

"Drew? Why are you here? I thought you were in New Jersey right now?" asks Holly.

"I decided to stay here in L.A. for this week. I'm getting too lazy to fly over here every Monday." he replies, looking at the muffins and cakes.

"Are you going to buy some of these delicious baked goods?" asks Lacey, "They're good. I swear, who ever made these should be hugged."

"Ok, I'll buy 1. This blueberry muffin." he says as he picks up the blueberry muffin.

"That'll be $1.50 please." I said.

"I'll give you $10. Keep the change." he said as he handed the money over to me.

"Why $10?" I asked.

"Because of you." he said, kissing me on the cheek.

"Um...yeah." I said as I lightly pushed him away.

"Well, I'll see you later. Thanks for the muffin!" he said and walked away.

"Cute. He still cares about you." says Holly, smiling.

"I know. But he's probably trying to win me back." I said, sighing. I glanced at Drew and started staring a little. "Can I tell you guys something?" I asked.

"Sure." says Hayden.

"What is it?" asks Trina.

"Remember last week, Caleb got shot and had to go to the hospital?" I started.

"Yeah. What about it?" asks Lacey.

"Well...before that happened, I was taking a nap. And I had a dream. In the dream, I was in New Jersey and Drew called me and asked me over to his house. I said yes and headed over. When I got to his house, we spent time together...alone. We were watching a movie and then, he told me that he loved me. After that, we kinda sorta started making out. While we were doing that, Caleb comes and breaks up with me. When he was about to walk out the door, someone shot him on the back 3 times. I turned around and saw Drew with a gun in his hand. He was the one who shot him in my dream. He then told me that I was better off with him than with Caleb. I started freaking out and then I woke up." I explained.

"Oh my gawd. Deja vu much?" says Holly.

"I know. What if Drew was the one who shot him?" I asked.

"I dunno. Dreams can be scary sometimes and create deja vus. Some dreams come to real life and some dont. Yours sound like its real which is pretty wierd. Drew might not be the person who shot Caleb." says Hayden. I shrugged and stared at the ground, sadly.

"Cheer up, Dakota. Drew isn't the person who shot him. Just think of that." says Lacey, putting her hand on my shoulder. I nodded as a customer approached us.

"Good afternoon, girls. How is the event coming along?" asks Mrs. Woodson.

"Hi, Mrs. Woodson. We're good. We had I think 7 customers so far." says Lacey.

"Then, I shall be the 8th." says Mrs. Woodson as she grabs two cupcakes and hands Hayden the money. She then looks at me, "Are you alright, Miss Ribbons?"

"Huh? Oh, um, yeah. I'm fine." I said. She smiles and nodds, "That's good. Anyway, I should go now and look at the other girls' tents. Good luck!" She walks away as we all said, "Thank you."

"She's so nice. I wish she would be my mom." says Holly.

"That'll be so nice. Nicest mom ever." giggles Lacey. I giggled too and smiled at them. Suddenly, I felt something cold grabbing me by my ankle. I screamed and looked down, "CALEB?!"

"Hey, North Dakota." says Caleb as I knelt down.

"Oh my---ugh. Caleb, don't scare me like that!" I said.

"Sorry. That was the only way to sneak over here and see you. So, what's up?" he said.

"Caleb? What are you doing here?" asks Trina.

"Hey Trina. I just came to visit my #1 girlfriend." he replies.

"Yeah, #1." I said.

"It's true." he said as he stood up and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"You should go back to your tent. You'll get in trouble." I said.

"You know I don't wanna." he whines. I smiled and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"Not working..." he said.

"Just go." I said, pointing my finger at his tent.

"Nope. I'm gonna stay. I can help you guys win Charity Week and win the ultimate prize at the end." he said.

"What's the 'ultimate prize'?" asks Hayden.

"A flat screen TV, hot tub, laptop. I overheard my dorm adviser talk about the prizes." he said.

"Oh my gawd. A hot tub?" squeals Holly, "We have to win that!"

"Are you telling the truth?" I asked.

"Yeah. What, you don't trust me?" he said.

"No, I trust you. It's just that...nevermind." I said, shaking my head.

"Ok, whatever." he said.

"Caleb Delacroix, please return to your tent immediately." shouts the Principal on the megaphone.

"Told ya." I said.

"See ya guys." he said, walking towards his tent.

"He can help us win Charity Week, huh?" says Holly.

"Holly, he won't. And he can't either. It's called cheating." I said.

"Well, I'm not desperate but I want to win the hot tub. Just chilling in the hot tub, reading a magazine." she said. I sighed and pictured the hot tub. Holly's right, we need to win.

"Is the hot tub all you think about?" says Hayden.

"Mostly. It can change our Junior year lives." says Holly.

"C'mon. Let's stop dreaming about the hot tub and get back to work." I said as another customer approaches us and purchases muffins.


Finally, Bake Sale Day is over. Everyone stops selling and walked towards the stage where the Principal was holding the microphone and a clip board on the other hand.

"Everybody, may I have your attention please? You all are probably anxious to know the winner for today's event. Well, today's winning team is............the Boy's Team!" shouts the Principal. All of the boys suddenly woots and shouts as the girls clapped for them.

"Congratulation, guys." says Trina as all of my friends gathered around.

"Thanks. We were good." says Derek.

"This isn't over yet. We, girls are going to kick your asses for tomorrow's event. Be prepared." says Holly.

"We'll see about that." says Caleb.

"It's on." said Derek.

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