Wizardess Heart: A Tamer's Be...

By Animefan446

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Long ago, there was once a group of powerful Wizards who have special abilities that no one could ever imagin... More

Character Introductions
The Ice Tamer, Keira Mitsui
Welcome Back To The Academy
First Day Of School
I Won't Be A Weakling Anymore
The Ice Wizard's Strength
Keira Will Never Be Free
Keira's Betrayal
Tower Of Sorrows
Heading Back To Skystead Village
Skystead Village
A Fresh Start And The Return Of A Half-Brother
Suspicions Of Dark Magic
Searching For The Unicorn Spring
Keira's Dream
A Brother And Sister Reunion
I Will Come Back For You
Preparing For The Summer Break
A Warm Up For The Festival
The Magical Creatures Festival
Celebrating The Festival
Meeting Hakko Izuma
Hakko's First Day
Hakko Is A Tamer?!
Hakko And Elias Become Buddies
Danger Is Approaching
The Ice Emperor, Sora
Keira Obtains Her Mother's Weapon, Frostguard
The Ice Tamers, Sora And Keira
Keira's Training Begins
The Fortune Sage
The Cold-Hearted Tamer, Kagura Hayashi
Kagura's Past
Showdown! Tamer vs Tamer
Kagura vs Keira
The Old Tamers Village
The Fire Dragon, Ignitus and A Mother and Daugther Reunion
Father vs Daughter
The Announcement of The Magic Games
The White Dragon, Zetherth
The Mysterious Visitor
The Balance Of Power
Leon's Power And Strength
Heading Into The Fairy World
Card Battle! Hakko vs Yukino
Saving The Fairy King
Yukino Enrolls Into The Academy
Yukino's Lonely Heart
The Magic Games Begin
Card Magic Battle! Hakko vs Clara!
Showdown! Ice Tamer vs Frost Mage
Esmeralda vs Kagura!
We'll Show Them Who's Number One
Showdown! Keira vs Laura!
The Dragonsheild Guild And Gendonlune Academy Will Always Be Number 1!
We're Going Into The Team Battles!
Let The Team Battles Begin!
Twin Tamers vs Iron and Dark Mage
Hakko And Kagura vs Sapphire and Raoul
The Ice Tamers vs Dragonlord and Demonlord
No Matter What Happens! I Will Never Give Up!
My Life Has Just Gotten Exciting
Preparing For The Celebration Party
The Celebration Party
The Dragonslayer, Seiji
Irseith, The Gifted One
I Have To Be Ready For Another Attack
Seiji Knows Something That We Don't
You're Not Alone In This World
I Will Know When The Time Comes
Who will stand and Who Will Fall In This War Of Light And Darkness?
The Battle of Gendonlune
You're Half Tamer And Half Dragonlord!
I Will Lead The Tamers On The Right Path!
The Truth About The Mitsui Family
Author's Note And Sequel Coming Soon!

The End...For Now

73 0 0
By Animefan446


After the invasion, the students wouldn't stop talking about how we Tamers and our old rivals from different schools teamed up with us to take down the dark guild. However, now that we know what my father is really planning to do after he took down the dragon king, we were all determined to become stronger and take him down once and for all. Seiji, who I learnt is my grandfather, is gonna take me to the birthplace to the dragons but, I wanted to spend at least one day with Yukiya so that way he won't feel lonely.

Yukiya and I were given permission to go into town for the day so we can spend one last day as a couple before I leave tomorrow. Yukiya and I walked through town while holding hands while our familiars were following us from behind to at least give us some privacy.

Yukiya and I walked through town for a while and then we got to a cafe. We ordered some ice cream sundaes and we also ordered some fish for Aoi and Rin and a dog bone for Wolfy. As we were having our sundaes, Yukiya spoke up.

"So how are your injuries? you got beaten up pretty bad."

"I'm not as sore as before, besides, these injuries are nothing and thanks to Lady Lyla's healing, I'm back to normal, I can see why Hakko admires her."

I said as I looked at the bandages on my wrists, my left shoulder and a plaster on my cheek. Yukiya smiled at me and he said to me.

"That's good to know, I'm also surprised about you being a-"

"Shh! not so loud, we're not supposed to talk about that, Seiji swore me to secrecy including you and the others."

"Sorry, but, how does it feel to have a grandfather as the dragonslayer?"

"I'm still reeling from the shock of it, but, in a way, I'm glad to know the truth especially what my old man's real goal was this whole time."

I said as I remembered the times that my old man put me through all those months ago. Yukiya looked at me and he then said to me.

"I still can't believe you're gonna be leaving tomorrow."

"I know it might feel like I'll be gone for a long time but, eventually, after three years have passed I'll be back."

Yukiya smiled at me and he then held my hand.

"I know you will."

Yukiya and I smiled at each other when he said this. Wolfy suddenly decided to brush his side against my leg which caught me by surprise. I looked at Wolfy and then he rested his head on my lap.


"Yukiya isn't the only one who's gonna miss you, the animals and the other magical creatures will miss you."

I smiled at Wolfy and I gently patted his head.

"You know, I've been doing a bit of thinking, Yukiya and I can't keep calling you Wolfy, it's starting to sound a bit childish and annoyingly now."

"You're just realising that now?"

"Hehe, sorry, but seriously though, I have been thinking what else to call you, I think the name Seth should suit you better."

Seth looked at me surprised and so did Yukiya. Aoi sat on my shoulder and he said to me.

"That name does suit him better than Wolfy."

"That's true and Seth's right you know."

Rin said as she sat on my other shoulder and she said to me.

"We'll miss you too."

Rin and Aoi rubbed their furry cheeks on my face making me giggle.

"Hehehe, hey cut it you two that tickles."

"You're not taking Aoi and Rin with you?"

"Sadly no, sure Aoi has lived on the mountains but, Dovah Strunmah is ten times taller where Aoi used to live, so I've asked Yukino to look after them, besides, she's always wanted to have a familiar for a while now so I figured Aoi and Rin will be good familiars for her."

Aoi and Rin sweat dropped when I said this and then jumped off my shoulders.

"What did I say?"

I mumbled and then we left the cafe after having lunch. After wandering through town, Yukiya and I decided to visit the spot where we first met which was near the lake. Yukiya and I looked at the lake's horizon and we both smiled as we remembered the day we met.

"It still feels like yesterday I used to be that clumsy helpless wizard and now look at me, I've come a long way since then."

"I know, this spot will always be our special place, after all, it's where we first met."

"It always will be, Yukiya."

I said as I looked at the lake's horizon. Yukiya then took my hand and he then said to me.

"Keira, promise me that you won't forget me?"

"I promise, I will never forget you, I will come back and I'll always love you."

"Good, I love you too."

Yukiya and I kissed each other on the lips while our familiars looked away while covering their eyes with their paws or in Aoi's case, his wings. 


Today was the day that I was leaving the Academy and everyone was gonna miss me. Yukino hugs me tightly and she said to me.

"I'll miss you, big sis!"

"Really? it was only yesterday that you wanted me gone."

"That was before, I don't want you to go!"

I ruffled Yukino's head and then we pulled away from each other. Aoi and Rin stood next to her and I said to her.

"Remember to look after Aoi and Rin for me."

"I will."

Hakko came over to me and she gave me a pouch filled with potions.

"There are some healing potions in there in case you need them, I've also added a few recipes that I was able to find thanks to that book that Seiji gave to me during the celebration."

"Thanks, Hakko."

Hakko hugs me after I said this. Kagura stood there with a small hint of blush on her cheeks and she said to me.

"I'll...miss you."

"Hehe, I'll miss you too, Kagura, make sure you look after her Klaus."

Klaus smirked at me and he patted Kagura's head.

"Of course I will and I'm pretty sure my little brother will do the same with Hakko."

Elias blushed a little when Klaus said this. Azusa smiled at me and then he hugs me and I hugged him back.

"You stay out of trouble while you're gone."

"You better do the same because I won't be there to help you out of a sticky situation like last time."

"*Chuckles* like that will ever happen again."

I giggled after he said this. Headmaster looked at Seiji and he said to him.

"You make sure you keep a sharp eye on her."

"Don't worry, I'll be sure she behaves herself and before you know it, she'll be a different person by the time we're back."

I smiled at Seiji when he said this and then Hakko asked me.

"That reminds me how are you two gonna get to Dovah Strunmah?"

I was wondering the same thing until Seiji smirked at Hakko and he said to us.

"That's easy, there's a reason why Dovah means Dragon."

Seiji whistled loudly and then a green-yellow dragon appeared from the skies along with Zethereth. I was shocked by this and then the two of them landed on the ground making the earth shake a little. I was shocked and surprised when I saw them and then Seiji said to me.

"As I told you before, the mountain is high up in the mountains and to get there, you need a very powerful flying familiar like these guys."

"Wait you mean?!"

Seiji nodded his head and he said to me.

"Of course, that's why I asked Zethereth to come with us, the dragon sages are too small for you to ride and Kargon doesn't like anyone but me to ride him."

I looked at Zethereth and I asked him.

"You agreed to this?"

"Of course, it's been a while since I've seen the mountain, it's time for me to stop hiding in the shadows of a dark cave and start heading back home."

I smiled at this and then Zether lowered his head and neck, making it easier to climb onto his back. I smiled at this and I was excited at the same time. Seiji got onto Kargon's back and he said to me.


"Do you need to ask?"

I said with a smile and then Seiji looked straight ahead.

"OK, hang on tight and try not to scream."

"Don't scream? what do you mean by- whoa!!"

Kargon and Zethereth suddenly started running and then they began to flap their wings and then they took off the ground.



Seiji laughed at me and he said to me.

"You OK back there?"

"I think I lost my lunch back there."

"Don't worry that happens! look at the view!"

I sat up a little and the view was amazing, I saw the Academy and the whole town of Gendonlune. I looked at the courtyard where we took off and the others were smiling and waving goodbyes to us. I smiled at them and I decided to give them a parting gift. I opened my palm and I cast the ice towards the Academy making the dragonsheild logo.

Seiji smiled at me when I did this and then the dragon sages caught up to us. I looked straight ahead and the horizon looked beautiful. Seiji looked at me and he asked me.

"We got a long journey ahead of us and it's gonna be a very long training period."

"I don't care, as long as I can get stronger to beat my old man and stop his plans, it'll be worth it."

I looked at Seiji and I smiled at him.

"After all, I'll have you to help me train, Grandfather."

Seiji looked at me surprised and he then smiled at me.

"Yeah, let's go!"

Kargon and Zethereth roared in reply and so did the dragon sages. 

Play video~ (A/n I figured this song would be perfect for the ending and I know it's part of the Hobbit trilogy but I don't care! :D)

Oh, misty eye of the mountain below
Keep careful watch of my brothers' souls
And should the sky be filled with fire and smoke
Keep watching over Durin's sons  


After Keira and Seiji left, the rest of the tamers returned to their daily lives, well almost. Hakko was in one of the classrooms practising healing magic. Once she was finished healing a fish, it started flop about and then it went into the fish tank. Hakko giggled and then Lyla came into the room.

"Nicely done Hakko, you're becoming a natural."

"I've always had this gift since I was little Lyla."

Lyla smiled at this and she then said Hakko.

"But this is only a stepping stone to becoming a proper healer if you want to reach my level you'll need to work on not only your magic but also other magic spells that you can use in battle."

"I always thought healers weren't allowed on the battlefield."

"True, however, if you use magic as I do, then you can join your friends in battle so you better make sure you work your butt off if you still want to be my apprentice."

"Of course! I promise I won't let you down!"

Hakko said with a smile and then Lyla patted her head.

"Good to hear."

Calling out father oh
Stand by and we will
Watch the flames burn auburn on
The mountainside

And if we should die tonight
Then we should all die together
Raise a glass of wine for the last time

In the courtyard, Sora was practising his ice magic and then Headmaster Randolph came over to him.

"Working hard as always Sora."

"Hi Headmaster, yeah, I figured since Keira is gonna be training hard to beat Ivan, I better do the same."

"Good to hear but, have you ever considered becoming a teacher?"

Sora was surprised by this and he shook his head for a no.

"Not really why?"

"Well, we've got a few students who will be coming here to the Academy next year and some of them are willing to know more about ice magic after watching you and Keira at the magic games, so, what do you say about becoming a professor in ice magic?"

Sora smiled at this and he nodded his head.

"Of course! Master Zara always did say that she wished could have taught more wizards to use ice magic."

"Good to hear, then you better get studying and keep practising."

"Yes, sir!"

Desolation comes upon the sky

Now I see fire
Inside the mountain
I see fire
Burning the trees
And I see fire
Hollowing souls
I see fire
Blood in the breeze
And I hope that you remember me  

Yukino was in Klaus' office and she was studying and practising her magic. Yukino groaned a little and she mumbled.

"My head hurts."

"Don't start, you were the one who asked me to help you study and besides, you also asked me to help you become a Prefect."

"You're right, sorry but all of this study is giving me a headache."

Klaus shook his head and he then said to her.

"Stop whining, what do you think Keira would have said to you?"

"She would have whacked my head and shouted at me."

"Exactly, now stop whining and get back to studying!"

"Yes, sir!"

Yukino said as she looked back at her notes. Kagura was watching them the whole time and she chuckled at Yukino's reaction. Yukino looked at Kagura and she said to her.

"Hey! what gives?! why aren't you studying?!"

"Oh, I will be studying all right especially since the knight's exams will be coming up soon and I've applied to become one of them."

"You are?!"

"I am, as much as I hate to say this but, Keira has become an inspiration to all of us, including me, so that's why I'm gonna be a member of the Hayashi knights and become one of the captains if I'm lucky enough."

Klaus smirked at Kagura's comment and he said to her.

"That's quite a goal to hear from you Kagura."

"Of course, especially since I'm your buddy, I'll be skipping a few grades anyway."

"That's true."

Yukino hid her smirk behind her book and she thought to herself.

'Those two make a lovely couple, I hope Leon and I will be like that someday.'

Watch the flames burn auburn on
The mountainside
Desolation comes upon the sky

Now I see fire
Inside the mountain
I see fire
Burning the trees
I see fire
Hollowing souls
I see fire
Blood in the breeze
And I hope that you remember me  

And so, this is where the story ends...for now, Keira was once a weak and scared girl but now, she's grown up to be a strong woman and she will someday become the leader of the Tamers and protector of the dragons.

For if the dark returns
Then my brothers will die
And as the sky is falling down
It crashed into this lonely town
And with that shadow upon the ground
I hear my people screaming out

Now I see fire
Inside the mountains
I see fire
Burning the trees
I see fire
Hollowing souls
I see fire
Blood in the breeze

I see fire (oh you know I saw a city burning out) (fire)
And I see fire (feel the heat upon my skin, yeah) (fire)
And I see fire (uh-uh-uh-uh) (fire)
And I see fire burn auburn on the mountainside  

The End...







*Extended Ending*

In the deepest parts of the dragon caves where the final battle took place between the dragons and wizards, a loud growling sound was echoing through the caves. In the shadows, two golden eyes shun through the darkness and they were dragon eyes.

"So...in three years time, history will once again repeat itself, but, who will stand and who shall fall in next war between my kin and the wizards?"

The dragon moved into the light to reveal it's black-red scales and this dragon was none other than the King of dragons, Apocolypse.

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