Author's Games: History

De jesusfreak202

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Want a chance to write in a competition as you travel through time? Now you can. This unique competition will... Mais

Everything You Need To Know
Introducing the Staff
National Museum of History
Reservations - OPEN
Spot 2: Sara_R_Stark
Spot 3: ariel_paiment1
Spot 4: MusicgirlXD
Spot 5: JesterheadJohnSnow
Spot 6: RondaRayl
Spot 7: FantasyTeller12
Spot 8: wordsmith-
Spot 9: Several7s
Spot 10: livelaughlove79
Spot 11: Shermanblook
Spot 12: ZSB2000
Important Notice!
Task One: Prehistoric Era
Task One: Entries
Task One: Scores and Feedback
Task One: Awards and Rankings
Task Two: Ancient Empires
Task Two: Entries
Task Two: Scores and Feedback
Task Two: Awards and Rankings
Task Three: Medieval Kingdoms
Task Three: Entries
Task Three: Scores and Feedback
Task Three: Awards and Rankings
Task Four: Exploration Age
Task Four: Entries
Task Four: Scores and Feedback
Task Four: Awards and Rankings
Task Five: Revolution and Rebellion
Task Five: Entries
Task Five: Scores and Feedback
Task Five: Awards and Rankings
Task 6: Tragedy
Task 6: Entries
Task 6: Scores and Feedback
Task 6: Awards and Rankings
A Vote...
Task 7: Modern Times - Quarterfinals
Task 7: Entries
Task 7: Scores and Feedback
Task 7: Awards and Rankings
Task 8, The Semi-Finals: World Wars
Task 8: Entries
Task 8: Scores and Feedback
Task 8: Awards and Rankings
Task 9, the Finals: Shattered End
Task 9, the Finals: Sara_R_Stark's Entry
Task 9, the Finals: ariel_paiement's Entry
Task 9, the Finals: JesterheadJohnSnow's Entry
Task 9, the Finals: RondaRayl's Entry
Task 9, the Finals: Several7s Entry
Task 9, the Finals: Feedback
The Finals: Voting
AG History: Special Awards
AG History: Winners!
What's Next?
The Winner of AG History: Several7s!

Spot 13: TheCrazyMeifwaGirl

14 2 0
De jesusfreak202


(This drawing is mine.)

Name: Shmuel (shoo-mull) Ableman

Age: 12, going on 13

Gender: male

Time they're from: born in A.D. 1928, and turned twelve in 1940. It is now 1941 for him.

Country/City: Krakow, Poland

Languages: his first language is Polish. He knows some Hebrew from studying the Torah, and is in the process of learning English.

Appearance: Shmuel has a bit of a dark skin tone from Hebrew heritage. His eyes are large and a deep, chocolate brown, his overall size relatively small since he has not yet had any sort of growth spurt yet. His hair is a dark brown, almost seeming black in dark enough light. He wears a hand-me-down, grey, fraying overcoat and soft, beige trousers, along with a normally white undershirt. On the shoulder of his overcoat lays a bright yellow Star of David, Hebrew writing on it labeling the child as a Jew.

Backstory: Shmuel was born to loving parents; his mother who emigrated from the land of Israel, and his Polish father, Filip, who has the profession of an interior painter. He was an only child for all of his life, and preferred reading books to roughhousing. Shmuel grew up in a Poland that had seen much better years, and was continuing to decline. In 1939, Poland was taken by Nazi forces. For about two years, his family suffered through the Nazi regime.

Personality: Shmuel is a quiet and, frankly, quite timid child. He liked to stay indoors and read, both from the Torah and from any book he could get his hands on. His family is Orthodox Jewish, so he also had learned to make Kosher food at a young age. His mother fondly likened him to Jacob, the youngest son of Isaac and Rebekah from the Book of Genesis. He dreads and fears that his father may be drafted into war, or worse, captured and taken by the Nazis to...wherever they take the people they capture. He doesn't know.

Weapons: possibly a worn kitchen knife from his mother's knife block, a small pistol, or an automatic rifle. He's only twelve, so probably the knife.

Friends and family: the closest relationships he has are with his mother and father. His mother is an immigrant from Israel named Sarah. She taught Shmuel how to cook a proper Seder meal with her aid for Passover, prepared him for his Bat Mitzvah, and healed up his scrapes and bruises. His father, Filip, taught his son all about painting and even some rudimentary woodworking skills. Shmuel loves his parents dearly, and wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.

Favorite hobbies: reading the Torah, exploring around the Polish countryside, cooking, reading in general, gathering flowers for his mother and making new paint for his father.

The Day: It was bleak and cold the day the small boy was taken from the side of the small creek flowing through the Polish woods. He had just been playing by himself, soaking up the coolness of the air and the soft crunch of the frozen leaves beneath his feet. When the agents came, however...he thought his life was going to end there. The poor boy froze up as the people came towards him. He couldn't run. He could barely move. He though they were some kind of special Nazi...
He was wrong.
"Please, don't take me!! I..I want to go home!! Let me go home!!"
The boy had wailed in Polish as the people captured him, tears building in his big brown eyes.


Name: Argenti Pathrinos

Age: 21

Gender: male

Time he's from: born 10 A.D. It is currently 31 A.D. for him.

Country/City: Rome/Roman Empire

Languages: Latin, Hebrew, Greek, and a bit of Arabic.

Appearance: Argenti is a Roman citizen, with longish, tan-brown hair and narrow silver eyes. He's prim-looking, very proper and almost never out of order. He wears a smartly colored toga, mostly white with hints of red and yellow. He is tall for his time period, and is almost the height of Abraham Lincoln. The only other clothing he can be seen wearing is a red-stained leather belt and linen underclothes for rest at night

Backstory: Argenti was born to a Roman noble family in the year 10 A.D., and has much to show for it. He grew with a glorious education, even voyaging to Greece to learn from philosophers and astronomers. He became obsessed with the sciences of the world, and began to record everything he could fathomably write. He soon learned of Jesus in his twentieth year, and set off to find this so-called "Son of God" and to ask him questions of the world.

Personality: Argenti is a quiet, studious man, known by those who know him to be easily set off if disturbed when studying scrolls and such. He has an intense hunger for knowledge, and will fervently ask questions to anyone in a higher ranking than him.

Weapons: A bronze dagger hilted on his belt

Friends and family: His father, Markus Patherinos, whom is proud of his son for his major success in the world of philosophy and natural biology, his mother, Augusta Patherinos, whom sees her son as a large success as well. Timothy, Argenti's younger brother, seems to dislike his sibling for his accomplishments and natural curiosity.

Hobbies: studying the natural world, finding old scrolls or books, learning new languages, studying history, traveling the Roman Empire.

The Day: Finally. Argenti had almost made it to Galilee. That was where the man who is called the Messiah was, was it not? The silver-eyed man had just unmounted his not-so-noble steed, a hardy mule who had carried all of the man's books and scrolls. He was just about to enter into a small town to re-supply when the agents had come upon him. They had been completely unexpected, and the Roman had even dealt a few blows to a couple of them before being subdued.


Name: Arthur Forger

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Time he's from: approximately 1861, the start of the American Civil War. He was born on August 22, 1834.

Country/City: Hannibal, Missouri, United States of America

Languages: English

Appearance: Arthur has extremely light brown, short hair and constantly dirty skin from working in wheat fields all of his life. He wears some old looking flannel shirts along with worn trousers held up by relatively new suspenders. He had simple brown eyes and a kind smile.

Backstory: when Arthur was born, slavery was at its height in America. He was born in the relatively new town of Hannibal in the relatively new state of Missouri. He was a farm boy his entire life, and worked in the fields along with other boys his father hired to help the small farm. His family never owned any slaves, and were content to sit back and watch their plants produce what food and money they needed. That was until the Missouri Compromise, and then, the Battle of Fort Sumpter. The draft came in, and Arthur was suddenly a Union soldier.

Personality: Arthur can be seen as a stereotypical farm lad. That's because he kind of is. He's a gentle soul always up for a glass of whiskey with his father or his friends. It's safer than the water, anyway. He never found slavery quite as delightful and profitable as many people did, and worked his own small farm with a few friends. He's that person who would offer you a cool glass of beer on a hot work day.

Weapons: a Henry Rifle, a smoothbore pistol, and a bayonet.

Friends and family: his mother, Henrietta, died during childbirth with him. His father, Pete Forger, was a hardworking, Missouri-bred farmer who took life slow and accepted God's gifts as they came to him. His best friend and soldier-in-arms was Jacob Werner, a dirty blonde haired and brown eyed man about two years younger than him. These two had been together since childhood.

Hobbies: harvesting the fields on a good day, taking a swim in the Mississippi River, fishing for bass and other fish, visiting pubs and saloons for a shot of whiskey every now and then.

The Day: Arthur had just completed some harsh training from a Union higher-up, and was refilling his rifle for some target practice. An agent had come up from behind him, placing a cloth over his mouth and causing the soldier to pass out. When Arthur came to, he let out a flurry of colorful language and demanded to be released.


Name: Josephine Philippina

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Time she's from: 1775 A.D.

Country/City: Lexington, Massachusetts

Languages: English

Appearance: Josephine has soft brown, curly hair that falls in small ringlets.her eyes are a cornflower blue, and she has creamy pale skin. She wears relatively nice clothing, her head most often times capped in a bonnet.

Backstory: Josephine was born on April 11, 1757, to Lukas Philippina and Rachel Philippina. Her parents, citizens of the colony of Massachusetts, made sure to get the best education they possibly could for a girl at this time. She learned mathematics, excelled in Literature, and developed a keen love of the natural world and how it works. She learned how to weave excellently from her mother, and made quilts for her neighbors and even the British guards whom most of the people around her despised.

Personality: Josephine is a quiet girl for most of the time she is around people, preferring to simply listen instead of interact. When alone, she loves to read and even do some writing of her own. She wishes to one day publish her own book, and touch thousands, if not millions of lives throughout the colonies.

Weapons: A musket, steel bayonet, and sometimes even a kitchen knife.

Friends and family: Josephine's mother is Rachel Philippina. She learned a great deal about sewing and mending clothing from her loving mother, and still uses that in her everyday life. Her father, Lukas Philippina, was hellbent on making sure she was a smart girl. She loves her parents dearly, and wishes to make sure they know she is the intelligent girl they want.
Hobbies: Knitting quilts, watching the stars at night, watching the nearby river and taking notes on it, capturing small animals to know more about the natural world.

The Day: it was just after Lexington had been raided. Josephine was in complete and utter shock, not thinking that the British would take it this far. It was hard to imagine this ever happening...she had gone out to the riverside to think and plan on what to do, what side to choose, when the agents had surrounded her. She cried and pleaded with them, begging them all to let her go, but none of them listened.


Name: Elizabeth Ignatius

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Time she's from: A.D. 1434

Country/City: Nazareth, Israel

Languages: Hebrew, Arabic, some English, Latin

Appearance: Elizabeth has extremely dark brown hair, brown-sugar skin, and dark brown eyes so deep they are almost black. She has a pleasant smile, and almost always wears a light fitting, flowing, white dress. She often goes barefoot, and loves to have flowers in her hair.

Backstory: Elizabeth was born in the small town of Nazareth in the early fourteen hundreds to a strongly Catholic family. She was raised in the Catholic lifestyle, and grew up with an intense love for God. She eventually left home at the young age of seventeen, going on a religious journey to spread the good news and develop her own faith.

Personality: Elizabeth is cordial to everyone she meets, keeping almost an everlasting flow of love pouring from her heart. She thoroughly enjoys helping others, and that seems to be the best part of her day. She wishes to join a convent, but is unsure of what to do when she joins, or if she even does.

Weapons: A steel sword and shield, the Rosary, a Crucifix.

Friends and family: her mother, Mary Ignatius, and her father, Michel Ignatius, are both devoted Catholics and would have it no other way. Elizabeth loves them both dearly, and wouldn't replace them for anything in the world.

Hobbies: sitting in prayer, weaving crowns of flowers based off of the Liturgical seasons, enjoying the sound of nature, traveling and going in pilgrimages.

The Day: Elizabeth had just gotten out of a long three hours of adoration of the Holy Host when the agents came to get her. She had tried to peacefully, yet fearfully, persuade them to leave her be, which of course failed. She was sobbing by the time they reached the National Museum of History.


Name: Joseph Greggors

Age: 32

Gender: male

Time he's from: A.D. 1598

Country/City: Florence, Italy

Languages: Italian and Latin

Appearance: Joseph has brown-silver hair, his eyes an aquamarine shade of blue and a small beard on his chin. He normally dresses in simple clothing, and is most often splattered in paint.

Backstory: Joseph was born in the city of Florence to two parents of the arts; one a painter, one a sculptor. He seemed to almost inherit these traits as he matured, deriving a love of the arts and of paints from his artistic parents. He strived to paint like the grand portraits he had seen in lavish galleries, and studied the way almost everything looked.

Personality: Joseph can be a bit stingy at times from not getting enough sleep from painting, but luckily is a simply happy man. He is hardworking and now quite talented in the arts, especially painting. He takes great pride in his work.

Weapons: a smoothbore musket, a sword, and a short, blunt knife used for mixing paint.

Friends and family: his mother, Teresa Greggors, is a painter of extreme realism. She takes months and months on each piece, making sure it is perfect. His father is a sculptor, and has made many statues around Joseph's parent's house. Joseph has a great relationship with his mother, but not such a good one with his father.

Hobbies: painting, learning the anatomy of new creatures he has never painted, painting with his mother.

The Day: Joseph was just finishing up painting a beautiful portrait of a cat when the agents came to take him away. He fought back, stabbing one of them with a dull paint knife before being captured.


Name: Mariana Rose

Age: 10

Gender: Female

Time she's from: 1689

Country/City: Fatima, Portugal

Languages: Portuguese

Appearance: Mariana is a small girl, her hair a light strawberry blonde and her eyes a soft blue. She has very cream colored skin, and wears simple, childish dresses and bonnets on the occasion. Her hands are small, her hair extremely long for her age.

Backstory: Mariana was born a bit early, and her parents feared that she wouldn't survive. By God's mercy, she in fact lived, though had a bit of a slower development. Despite that, she was a insatiably curious toddler and an energetic girl, though she preferred the indoors and doodling with the chalk she could find. She loved to go out in her mother's garden from time to time and explore, and still does.

Personality: Mariana is an extremely curious girl, and will ask you tons and tons of questions on anything she knows little about. She loves to sit in her mother's garden or by the fire on a cold night, reading books or drawing with chalk.

Weapons: a leather book, a kitchen knife

Friends and family: she was educated by her father Philippe and her mother Lauren. Her mother is a fantastic cook, and her and Mariana are quite close.

Hobbies: reading, drawing, watching pl;ants grow, planting

The Day: Mariana was having a calm, peaceful day in her mother's garden, smiling happily as she planted a small flower. An agent had scooped her up, muting her screams if terror with his hand before rushing back to the time machine to bring her to the future.

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