AUGUST , riverdale (ii)

By -natalics

81.3K 2.5K 411

warning this book ALSO sucks completed cover by ceiestiaiobrien book 2 in the emilia chronicles Emilia and Sw... More

Before You Read
1: Labor Day
1.2: Labor Day
2: Fortune & Mens Eyes
2.2 Fortune & Mens Eyes
3: As Above, So Below
3.2: As Above, So Below
4.2: The Midnight Club
5: The Great Escape
5.2: The Great Escape
6: Manhunter
6.2: Manhunter
7: The Man In Black
7.2: The Man In Black
8: Outbreak
8.2 Outbreak
9: No Exit
9.2: No Exit
10: The Stranger
10.2: The Stranger
11: The Red Dahlia
11.2: The Red Dhalia
12: Bizzarodale
12.2: Bizzarodale
updated cast;
13: Requiem for a Welterweight
13.2: Requiem for a Welterweight
14: Fire Walk With Me
14.2: Fire Walk With Me
15: American Dreams
16.2: BIG FUN
17: The Raid
17.2: The Raid
18: Jawbreaker
18.2: Jawbreaker
19: Fear The Reaper
19.2: Fear The Reaper
20: Prom Night
20.1: Prom Night
21: The Dark Secret of Harvest House
21.1: The Dark Secret of Harvest House
22: Survive The Night
22.1: Survive The Night
22.2: Survive The Night
Thank You

4: The Midnight Club

2.1K 67 1
By -natalics

The game Gryphons & Gargoyles is taking over Riverdale. It seems as if me, Veronica, and Betty are the only ones who are sane enough to not play.  Victoria is still with Mel & Sam. We decided to keep her with them, adults, while my friends are all going ballistic over the game.

Oh, I hope SP isn't playing.

Cheryl and Toni, however, are. I don't even want to know if Fangs is. Betty and Alice are now offering me to stay with them, and I might take up on that offer. Alice would let Tori stay too, but there's seemingly already enough babies roaming the house.

Betty and I walk into class, seeing Veronica and Hermione here too. We eye each other, sitting in our seats. Jughead plops down in his next to Betty, me sitting behind her.

"Two students have taken their lives. A third tried. The common thread linking these tragedies, all three victims were playing the game known as Gryphons and Gargoyles." Hermione says. She looks at me and I give a sad smile.

Jughead the dingle head that's one day gonna kill us all speaks up, "Wait, so you are admitting the game killed Dilton and Ben?"

"Yes, Mr. Jones."

Betty leans forward. "But where did G&G come from? Where did Ben and Dilton even get it?" She asks.

Hermione walks in front of the desk. "Well, we still don't have many answers. But from the little that we do know about it, the game seems targeted at impressionable developing minds." Many kids in my class roll their eyes.

Before she can continue, the speaker fills the room. "Can we have Emilia Blossom to the office. Emilia Blossom to the office, please." My classmates all look at my suspiciously as I stand up, grabbing my black leather bag and tossing it over my shoulder. My feet carry me to the office, where I see Alice Cooper, Sam, Mel, and lastly Victoria. My heart drops.

The office lady smiles. "The counselor is letting you all use her room to talk." She tells us. We all nod, walking into the room. Mel is in jeans and a red shirt, while Sam is in a band tee and a studded jacket.

I'm first to speak. "Where are the kids?" I ask.

"With my parents." Mel smiles. I return the grin, nodding in understanding.

Alice sits, rubbing her hands on her pants. "Emmy, Mel and Sam told me everything." I suck in a breath. "And I'm not mad, if that's what you think." I nod, confused on where this is going. "However, I talked to them, and we decided it's best if you and Victoria stay in Polly's old room. Polly is in fact residing in the basement right now, so her room should be perfect for you and Tori, at least for now."

My smile grows wide. "Alice, I'd love that!" I wrap my arms around her tightly.

Maybe things won't be so hectic.

I was wrong. Alice takes me and Victoria home, and we make dinner and then she works on a paper while I work on homework. Betty walks in, standing by Alice. "Dr. Curdle Jr. told me, Em, and Jughead that the circumstances of a Dilton Doiley's suicide felt oddly familiar to him." She begins. I look up from my math, tossing my eyes at Victoria, who's sleeping in a bouncer. Betty tosses a folder down, causing me and my aunt to jump. "That file is why." Betty sits down. "A case from when his dad was coroner."

"I am right in the middle of my Affirmations meeting-"

I cut Alice off. "Hold on." I say, standing up and walking towards the two. "Alice, you're gonna wanna look at it." I say, leaning on the table. Betty looks expectantly at Alice as she opens up the folder.

"Per your farm "testimony," you've clearly played G&G before and now I have concrete evidence that when you were my age, there was another suspicious death." Betty says.

I walk closer to the blonde. "Maybe a murder that took place at Riverdale High where the corpse had blue lips." I add, looking at the file.

"We can keep digging, or you can just tell us what you know about G&G." Betty insists.

"All right." Alice says quickly. She takes off her glasses, "You're right, girls. You deserve to know the whole truth." Betty and I share a look and I take a seat next to my cousin. "If got no other reason, for your own protection."

"It was our junior year. Phones had cords, Winona had Johnny, and everything smelled like teen spirit. The world was a different place, and we were very different people..."

-were cutting to KIMMY THOTS BE READY! italics are alice narrating lowkey-

I lean against the lockers, popping my gum as Alice storms by.

"A bad girl from the wrong side of the tracks, with enviable hair, no real friends. Your aunt, Kimberly, as the polar opposite. She built her reputation as the popular girl, nobody cared where she was from. She was nice, pretty, and liked. More friends than I could count."

I stand up straighter, Forsythe Pindleton Jones Junior walked by, smirking as he walked over. "Hey," He put his hand on the locker by my head.

"FP, I don't know why you're flirting." I scrunch my nose, "If I wanted you, you'd know." I kiss his cheek, giving a smile as I walk away, waving hello to Fred Andrews, who's walking to class.

I walk into the bathroom, tossing down my black hand bag. I look over at Hermione & Sierra. "Ladies, you both look stunning." I grin cheekily, looking at my painted yellow nails.

"Thanks, KK!" Hermione Gomez squeaks. A name only few call me.

"And you're hair, Kim! It's so cute." Sierra Samuels gushes. She's drawing on the mirror with lipstick, a usual thing she does.

I scoff. "Says you! Look at that curl! It's amazing!" We all burst into giggles as I place a hand on my hip. "So, I heard you and Hiram Lodge are maybe future love birds?" I hum, bumping Hermione's shoulder.

Blush pink spreads across her face. "I don't know. He seems nice." She shrugs. Suddenly, a bang from inside a bathroom stall causes us all to jump. Hermione walks over slowly, the kindness in her heart making her. She knocks, "Everything okay in there?" She asks. She opens the door, and in there is my sister, crying on the toilet.

"God, mind your own business, Hermione, shouldn't you be in a church?" Alice snaps.

I walk over, looking over Hermione's shoulder. "Oh, crap, girl." I say in shock. Alice is holding a pregnancy test.

"Are you-" Hermione is cut off by Alice shoving her, walking towards the mirror.

"It's probably a false positive. It happens all the time." Alice mumbles, shoving the stick in her pocket.

Sierra pulls away from her lipstick art. "Like 3% of the time." She says.

"No ones talking to you, Sierra." Hermione snaps back.

My sister leans against the sink. "What am I gonna do?"

I bite my lip. "Al, just talk to him-"

"I tried to talk to him and he blew me off for some vixen he is screwing." She laughs in self pity. "Ha, classic FP Jones." She says looking in the mirror.

"FP Jones?" The three of us squeal. Before Alice can say anything, Penelope Blossom, the know it all nerd walks in.

I groan, standing next to Alice. "Well, well, well, I thought I heard a party in here." Alice rolls her eyes, causing me to giggle. "Hall passes, ladies?" Hermione and I hand ours over, Penelope giving an expectant look at Alice.

"Oh, it's up your ass, Penelope." Alice remarks. I choke, giggling loudly.

Penelope scoffs. "Classy as always, Alice Smith. Just curious. Were you born with that mouth? Or is it something Southside mothers teach their bastard babies?" I glare at the Blossom girl.

"Watch your tone, Penelope-" I'm cut off by Alice slapping her. Hermione and Sierra gasp as I laugh.

The red head looks back at my sister. Throwing down the clip board, she shouts, "You trashy bitch!" And slaps her back.

That's how the fight started.

And that's how I ended up in detention.

Mr Featherhead looks at all of us, along with FP Jones and Fred Andrews. "Welcome, to Saturday detention."

I look at the people in the room. I knew them all. I was in the same clique as FP, Freddie and I had made out a few times in the locker rooms. Sierra and I had classes all out through middle school together. Hermione, I sat next to in math. Penelope, well, we were on the student council together. I had been friendly too all of them. In fact, most of them invited me to parties and sleep overs a lot of the time. I never attended them, though.

And well, Alice was my sister. We both reside on the Southside, she lives with our parents, who are Serpents. However, I live with our grandparents, visiting Mom and Dad on the Weekends.

"Seven people with seemingly nothing in common."

"The bad girl."

"Alice Smith." My sister raised her hand.

"The rebellion Catholic."

Hermione Gomez?"

"The teacher's pet."

"Penelope Blossom."

"The artist-athlete."

"Fred Andrews?"

"The Political animal."

"Sierra Samuels."

"Your aunt, River Vixen and not to mention most popular girl in school."

"Kimberly Smith?" I raise my hand, looking to my right.

"And the ladies man."

"Forsythe Pendleton Jones Jr.?" FP raises his hand and smirks at me, causing me to roll my eyes, scoffing. I lean back in my chair, looking over at Alice, who's basically gushing over him. I smirk, looking back at the principal. They were so gonna have sex before today ends. If not them, FP was going to with someone.

I sigh, putting my face in my hand as the Principal goes over the rules. We all gawk at the 1,000 word essay rule. I smirk, lifting my foot to see how far away from Fred Andrews chair I would be if I wanted to kick it.

Perfect distance.

After almost two hours, I was playing with my nails, looking at the clock. Alice, annoying carving into the window sill, making us all want to throw ourselves out of a five story window.

"Dude, can you not?" Fred asks. I giggle, he looks at me, giving me a small smile.

Alice looks over. "Dude, can you bite me?" I roll my eyes, resting my head in my hands again.

"Oh my god, shh!" Penelope shouts. Tom Keller walks in, him and Sierra kissing and all of the sorts. Who would've thought those two were dating.

Freddie Andrews finally speaks up. "Guys, we've been going to the same school since kindergarten. How do we not know anything about each other."

I hum, stepping out of my seat and sitting on FP's. "We're not friends." I shrug.

Penelope follows my statement. "Cliques don't cross-pollinate." I roll my eyes.

"This isn't Heathers, Penelope." I retort. "We're all just from different families, have different interests. We all know of each other, I have had classes and been partners with all of you, but we just don't talk, that's all." I say simply. FP smirks, looking at my hiked up skirt. I roll my eyes, looking back at the front.

Sierra speaks up. "Well, we've got six more hours to kill, and no one to impress. How about a round of Secrets and Sins?" The group all begin to smirk.

"You guys do that." I hum, standing up. "I have to ask the principal a question." I huff, walking away.

I open the door, my 1,234 word paper in hand. "Mr. Featherhead, I finished my essay early, and the group is quite chatty." I hum, leaning towards his desk. "I was wondering if I could make up detention time by working around the office in during study hall and after class?" I smile kindly. I was always able to get out of messes. Especially ones regarding my sister.

Mr. Featherhead thinks for a moment. "If you help Ms. Bell, I don't see a problem." He finally decides. A smirk spreads across my face. "Another teacher also needs help grading, if you need to waste time, that will work." He says. I stand up, confident until we hear loud shouting from across the hall.

I look back at Featherhead. "Well, looks like I got out of detention just in time." I smile. He nods, both of us rushing over.

This time Penelope and Hermione were fighting.

And that's how The Soon to Be Midnight Club got 4 more Saturday detentions.


part one kiddos
do you like kimmy? she's kinda not gonna be a huge character for the story but ya know whatevs

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