Beautiful Disaster (Cheryl Bl...

By GoodessOfNothingness

80.8K 1.7K 392

Perfect life, perfect girl, perfect friends, perfect grades, perfect parents. Oh, you're wrong. So so wrong "... More

1x2 and 1x3
1x7 and 1x8


4.1K 120 15
By GoodessOfNothingness

3rd person

Adalynn, Betty, and Kevin all walked through the halls as they talked about how Kevin found Jason's body until they reached the office where Adalynn gasped at the yellow flowers sitting on the counter where Betty usely cheeked in.

"Those are gorgeous" Adalynn gasped at them as Kevin nodded in agreement.

"Are those for Betty?" Kevin asked he office lady who rolled her eyes

"That's why I called her" she rolled her eyes. Kevin grabbed her small card and read it.

"Please forgive me xoxo, V" Kevin read form the card and gave the two a weird look.

"Who the hell V?" He asked now.

"Veronica" Betty and Adalynn said as Veronica walked in and said it too. She wore a smile and a dress along with some red flowers and a box of cupcakes in her hand.

"The yellow is for friendship I also had magnolia cupcakes because as my mom says there's no wrong that the right cupcake can't fix. I also booked us mani and petes at the salon. And a little redhead birdie told me that Roses were your favorite Adalynn so I had these picked for you" Veronica said as she handed the small bouquet of Roses to the beautiful brunette. Adalynn smiled slightly as she sniffed the roses.

"I am so so so sorry Betty. I don't know what happened to me that night it was such a basic bitch move it like I was possessed by-" Veronica went on before Kevin cut her off.

"Madam Satan?" he asked as he showed he was pissed also

"The old Veronica. And I will never ever do anything like they to you ever again I swear. And Addie I couldn't even dream of hurting someone so perfect like you. It shows how much you care for Betty and that's amaizng and i'm so sorry. Betty I swear on my mothers pearls, Please just give me one more chance" Veronica apologized to the two girls as Adalynn squeezed her hand as of telling her it was okay.

"Okay" Betty smiled sweetly

"What?" Kevin asked shocked

"Really? Okay awesome" Veronica smiled. Adalynn hugged her tightly as Veronica smiled and squeezed the brunette tight as she pulled Betty toward the two in a group hug. Kevin sighed and joined in also. The bell rang as Adalynn and Veronica left for health as they waved at the two.


Now in Biology the teacher walked in.

"There's the bell. Mouths off stables on" He said as he took a seat.

"Can I be with Cheryl" Archie spoke up.

"And I wanna be with Betty" Veronica smiled sweetly.

"Um I was gonna be with Kevin" Betty spoke to her.

"Actually Keller's with me" Moose said as he moved Kevin's chair toward him.

"I was gonna be with Adalynn" Cheryl told Archie.

"Addie can I be with Cheryl for two lab? Please" He said as he faced Adalynn who gave his a confused look.

"Yeah i'll be with Jug" Adalynn said as she walked to the back of the classroom and took a seat next to Jughead.

"Hey Jug" she said quietly.

"Hey Addie" Jug grinned, "I heard about your parents. I'm sorry"

"Don't be i'm better without them" she shrugged as she pulled the gloves on. She glanced at Cheryl who was already looking at her next to the ginger. Adalynn smiled shyly at her which she returned and turned back around.


Now at lunch Adalynn was walking toward her table before Cheryl called out her name.

"Come here" she said as she waved the blue/grey eyes girl to her table.

"Hey Cher. What's up?" Adalynn said as she walked closer and stood before the redhead.

"Would you sit with me today? Tina and Ginger are all over some of the football players and I do not want any part of those animals. Stay with me?" She asked softly as she pulled on Adalynn's hand. The brunette smiled and sat next to Cheryl with a smile.

"Wheres Adalynn?" Archie asked awkwardly as he saw the two girls and Kevin come up to him at the lunch table.

"Sitting with her girl. I ship them so much even if they are seriously so opposite. So perfect" Kevin gushed.

"Yeah opposites attract" Archie agreed and then shut his mouth once he relished how awkward everything was.

The Vixens where practicing their cheer routine where Adalynn was in the front as Cheeyl cratectet them and attempted to keep her eyes off of Adalynn's deep squats and as she would roll around the floor. Veronica got infront of Adalynn as she was now front and center. Adalynn sighed besides walked toward Cheryl who was now infront of them.

"Stand down vixens. The weather is predicting a down pour the night of he game but your already raining on my parade. With Jason so present in our collective cusionness. All eyes will be on me and Adalynn considering she will be by my side through out the game. With that said I need starpower, I need the pussycats. Stay loose and limber ladies while I make a call" Cheryl said as she rubbed Adalynn's arm and walked off. Adalynn walked toward Veronica and Betty as she slide into a split onto the ground.

"Hey Addie" Betty grinned as Veronica kissed her cheek a bit annoyed with Veronica hear but Adalynn didn't mind. She liked Veronica.

"After this practice i'll totally need a petscure. You?" Veronica said to Betty as she sipped her water. Betty rolled her eyes.

"I'll have homework" Betty said which made Veronica sigh and began to stretch her legs along with Adalynn.

"I know everyone grives differently but Cheryl's hosting a pep rall to deal with her lose. That's either brilliant or psychotic" Veronica joked.

"Veronica she just trying to ways not to think about him all the time and not deal with her parents" Adalynn defended her girl.

"Yeah well Cheryl's not putting on a act. Pretending like she's a butterfly when she's really s wasp" Betty said which made Adalynn look at her confused. Veronica glared slightly.

"For the record the only reason I went into that closet was so Cheryl wouldn't" Veronica said.

"It doesn't matter Cheryl wouldn't have done anything if Archie would have said to stop now i'd appreciate it if you'd stop talking about her like you know anything because you haven't even taken the time to get to know her" Adalynn defended Cheryl.

"Your right i'm sorry Adalynn. But Betty it's true that's all I did it for" Veronica said to the two girls.

"Oh so you did it to protect me?" Betty said with a sarcastic smile.

"Damn straight" Veronica said to the blonde

"So nothing happened between you and Archie in the closet then?" Betty laughed as she stood up and pulled Adalynn with her. Veronica stayed silent.

"Oh my god really? I thought you just talk considering you knew Betty liked him. Veronica who does that? I'm sorry I really did like you but I only forgave you because I thought you didn't do anything but you did" Adalynn laughed in disbelief with a eye roll.

"Archie and I were fine before you got here" Betty said hurt to the latina.

"If by fine you mean he was oblivious and you were pining after him with quiet desperation" Veronica glared as she stood up.

"Who do you think you are?" Adalynn glared at her as she walked forward but Betty held her back.

"We were friends at least. " Betty shot back.

"You where walking onemorial eggshells around him scared to tell him how you actually felt" Veronica said as she rolled her eyes.

"You don't know me Veronica. Either of us" Betty said as her and Adalynn went to walk off.

"It is not my fault he doesn't like you" Veronica said as she swung her hands around. Adalynn stormed toward her now only standing a few inches away from her.

"And it's not her fault you felt the need to makeout with him in the closet. No matter if he liked her or not you know crystal clear Betty liked him and you still did it which is what a untrue bitch of a friend would always do" Adalynn glared as Betty hurried and pulled her back not wanting hands to be swung.

"Oh how like you stand up for Cheryl even though she's the worst out there. How you seemed to be some perfect girl but your truly not because your family isn't even together and your bisexual and to scared to tell anyone" Veronica said to her which caused Adalynn's face to fall as she just stared at her. Veronica now relized what she said.

"A I didn't-" Veronica said but Adalynn cut her off.

"Stay the hell away from me" she said as tears left her eyes and she ran out of the gym

Adalynn sat on the bleachers outside and let all her tears fall. She cried because her father, her mother, that Betty knew her biggest secret. Everything. She was alone. Or she though she was.

"Adalynn? Are you okay?" a deep voice said, as she looked up she saw Moose looking down at her. She wiped her eyes as he sat next to her.

"I'm fine thanks Moose" she faked smiled.

"No your not. Why don't you tell me what's wrong. Where best friends after all" He suggested as he got closer to his life long best friend.

"My dad. He's dead and he deserves it Moose. He use to hit me and touch me when I told him to stop. He never did. And my mom just sat back and watched like it didn't mean anything and I put on this act in front of everyone to seem like this perfect girl when i'm not. I'm not at all and I'll never be okay again. And now i'm staying with the Coopers who act like i'm apart of there family when i'm not. There's all so perfect and happy with their green eyes and blonde hair and bright smiled. There a god damn billboard family and I look like some shadow with them. I don't fit in there and I hate that nothings good anymore. My family's broken, my friends are broken, my grades are close to being broken, i'm broken. I just can't do it anymore Moose. I want the world to just go" Adalynn cried as Moose starred at her with glossy eyes.

"Don't say that Addie. Don't say that please. You've got me and I don't know what i'd do without you. We've been best friends sense kindergarten. You where the first person I talked to that day and I couldn't lose you. Yeah your broken but everyone breaks at some point you just have to give someone the prices to put you back together again" he said as he rubbed her back. Adalynn now looked at him through the tears and lonched herself at him as he held her close to his much bigger body as shhed her quietly as she cried into his riverdale high tee shirt.

That night as Moose dropped off Adalynn at her new home; the Cooper house hold to be exact. She waved good by to her close friend and hurried inside.

"Oh hi darling. Where'd you go I figured you would walk home with Betty?" Alice asked as her and Hal sat in the kitchen discussing a few things.

"I'm sorry Alice, Hal I should have called it's just this girl today said some god afoul things to me about some stuff and a friend of mine offered to take me to pops and I just lost track of time. Won't happen again" Adalynn told the two adults that were looking after her.

"Don't worry just call next time" Hal said as Alice nodded.

"What did this girl say to you?" Alice asked as she reached out for the girl to take a seat in the middle of them.

"Just stuff about my parents and how I want people to believe i'm perfect. I don't know it just hurts my feelings" Adalynn sighed and shrugged her shoulders.

"You are perfect doll. Keep that head up and don't let rude bitches get you down" Alice stroked her hair as she grinned. Adalynn now headed up stairs to see Cheryl walking down with a sad look on her face.

"Cheryl. What wrong what are you doing here?" Adalynn asked as she pulled Cheryl into her room.

"I went to far with asking Betty about Jason and Polly. She told me to leave before she killed me. I know she wouldn't really just shook me a little after Jason" Cheryl mumbled as she looked down a wiped a tear.

"Cheryl I wouldn't let Betty or anyone for that matter kill you or so much hurt you. You can stay here with me tonight if you want. Well just hide you" Adalynn smiled and Cheryl laughed a little before she held Adalynn and squeezed her slightly.

"Sure. As long as I can wear that beautiful pale blue shirt you have. The sweater one" Cheryl grinned at Adalynn through her thick lashes. It was Adalynn's turn to laugh now.

"I'll even let you keep it"

And with that Adalynn headed down stairs to see Betty, Alice, and Hal sitting in the living room.

"Oh hey Addie I was just about to come up and get you. Dinner is about to be ready" Betty smiled at her best friend.

"Actually I came to ask you guys if it would be okay if I just turned in early tonight. Today's been a rough day and I ate at pops. If not it's totally fine I can come down" Adalynn said to the three blondes.

"No no get you some rest. We'll be fine" Hal said as he picked up bed plate and put it away. Adalynn wished the family goodnight before running up the stairs and swinging her door open and then shutting it again. Once she turned she saw Cheryl was undressing and pulling on a pair of Adalynn's silk red pajamas she owned. Addie tried hard not to stare at the redhead as she blinked.

"I hope you don't mind. I saw the red and just couldn't resist" Cheryl giggled as did Adalynn.

"Don't worry. Red suits you" Adalynn said before stripping down and changing as well. Now it was Cheryl turn to stare at Adalynn's almost bare body as she put on some dark green pajamas and crawled into bed beside Cheryl.

"You okay? You just ran off earlier and Betty said you were upset which was why you weren't home" Cheryl said as she faced Adalynn as their noses nearly touched.

"I'm okay. Are you?" Adalynn asked Cheryl.

"Not really but being here with you makes it better. When i'm with you Adalynn I feel so much safer in my life. Like all the evil is gone and I can be myself. It makes me realize how much of a horrible bitch I am too. To everyone but you" Cheryl mumbled as she glanced between Adalynn's beautiful eyes and her plump pink lips.

"Your not horrible Cheryl. You've gone through a lot so when you act out is under stand able. We can work on it if it bothers you. I'll help you through it" Adalynn said as her eyes became a little droopy but she saw Cheryl's smile.

"Thank you.For everything Addie" Cheryl said as she looked at the gorgeous girl.

"Always. Goodnight Cher" Adalynn yawned as she turned her back toward Cheryl and closed her eyes. Cheryl stared at Adalynn's back for a few moments before scoring a little closer. Adalynn's eyes opened a little now and she smiled knowing what Cheryl was trying to do. The brunette reached behind her and took hold of the redheads hand and pulled her closer toward her and allowed Cheryl to spoon her and squeeze her hand slightly and the two closed their eyes.

"Goodnight Adalynn" was the last thing the two heard before falling asleep in a deep slumber


The next morning Adalynn woke up as she felt warm arms around her body. As her eyes fluttered own she noticed it was 6am. Which went she woke up a hour before she usely did. Her body shifted slightly so she was now facing the figure that was holding her and saw it was Cheryl who was still fast asleep. She smiled as she saw her mouth was slightly gaped and a little drool was coming from the side of her mouth. Adalynn took her finger and wiped it away softly carful not to wake the sleeping beauty. She struggled out of Cheryl's arms easily before making her way down stairs and poring a small thing of apple juice and making some toast that had strawberry jam smeared on it. As she walked back up stairs she sat the two thing beside Cheryl, kissed her forehead and began to get ready the next day.


I love them sm

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