She Is Love . ((Tyga Fan-Fic...

By TheeHuggableThug

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Introduction .
Chapter 1 - Morning Buzz
Chapter 2 - Morning Buzz pt. 2
Chapter 3 - Caught You
Chapter 4 - Forgiving
Chapter 5 - The Morning After
Chapter 7 - Chill
Chapter 8 - Friday
Chapter 9 - Cause We Like To Party!
Chapter 10 - Consequences
Chapter 11 - The Talk
Chapter 12 - The Talk pt.2
Wazzam ?
Chapter 13 - Roadtrip
Chapter 14 - Old Friends , Old Memories
Chapter 15 - New Friends
Chapter 16 - Just The Beginning
Chapter 17 - Different
Reader Alert
Chapter 18 - Not So Soon
Chapter 19 - Yo' Own Thang
Chapter 20 - Doing Me
Chapter 21 - Moving On
Chapter 22 - Chasing Love
Chapter 23 - Things To Do
Chapter 24 - Opportunities
Chaptet 26 - Missing You
Chapter 25 - Meetings
Chapter 27 - Everything Is Just Peachy
Chapter 28 - Handling Bidness
Chapter 29 - Leaked
Chapter 30 - Time Spent
Chapter 31 - Bedroom Meeting
Chapter 32 - Straying Away
Chapter 33 - Friends
Chapter 34 - Daddy's Girl

Chapter 6 - Tennesee?

498 21 1
By TheeHuggableThug

((Latch - Disclosure ft. Sam Smith))

Now I got you in my space,

I won't let go of you.

Got you shackled in my embrace,

I'm latching on to you.




I pulled him back over to them. Its Thursday now. If I can get an answer by today we can leave by Saturday. Friday, we would be packing then, partying. I hope this plan work out.

"Guys. Listen." I said. They turned their attention to me.

"Okay so my dad that lives in Tennessee invited me to stay the week with him, which is next week. I would sure enjoy some company."I said pleadingly.

"You want us to come? " Heather asked.

"Naw . I just said it just to say it. " I said sarcastically. "Ofcourse I want you guys to come. "

"Hell yeah I'm coming. I heard Tennessee bitches got big booties. Ima have me one on each side. " Chris said laughing and smiling. Honey shot him a glare and he settled down and cleared his throught. "I ,uh, mean Tennesee is going to be great. I love nature and the big open fields and stuff like that... "I snickerd at him.

"Honey got that ass in check. " I said making them laugh.

"Anyway what yall say. " I said looking at all of them.

"I'm in. "Honey said. Chris said yeah, agreeing.

"I'm coming. Trell yo' ass coming too. " Heather said. Trell said "what?" but she gave him the same look Honey gave chris and he got quiet.

"I'm coming girl. "Michael said.

"Sorry guys I can't come. I got hella booty calls this week and next week. So ima be a busy" Mijo grinned. We laughed.

"Alright. I'll text you guys with the details. C'mon Micheal the bell is about to ring. " I said. Just then the bell rung and we split.

My first period class today was Journalism where our main focus was strictly on writing. I had this class with Michael only. We sat at long tables. Kind of like Lab but it had nothing on the tables. It was four people to a table. We sat in tall stools which was pulled up to the high tables. Michael sat next to me.

"Bae, you got a pencil pen?" he asked. I chuckled silently. I passed him one.

"Bae you got some paper?" he asked again. I gave him some of my loose notebook paper.

"Bae. Ain't no lead in here. " I laughed quietly. I knew he got school supplies. He just want bother somebody. I put my finger to my lips telling him to hush. I turned my attention back to my paper where we were supposed to be writing about our hobbies or special talents. I was writing about cooking.

I felt something touch my butt but, I thought I was tripping. Then I felt something grabbed it so I turned to the side and there was Micheal with a big grin on his face. Why did I have to be seated next to him? I stuck up the middle finger then turned around.

"Oh so its like that? " he said in his normal voice which is considered loud because the class was completely silent. Everybody turned their heads this way and he pointed to me even though every knew it was him. A few people laughed, including me, and some turned around.

"Michael be quiet. " Mr. Teller said not looking up from his computer. His computer was facing the class meaning that he was turned from us in order to be on it. Michael snickered and I turned back to my work.

Michael started rubbing my thigh. I had no problem with that though. Then he rubbed my inner thigh. I glared at him. That was one of my spots. He smiled at me. Oh god. He wanna play. I started back writing and with him rubbing my thigh, it was hard trying to concentrate. Then he moved his hand up and slighty brush my privacy. My eyes grew wide and I got drenched. I turned to Michael and gritted through my teeth, silenty "Michael stop"

"Ms. Love do you need to be escorted to the office? " Mr. Teller said casually typing.

"No. I-"

"Well quiet."

I rolled my eyes as Michael tried his best not to laugh.

Oh my god, this is just first period.




-SCENE- Yeahh . Just a lil sum sum. Lmaoo. Lemme tell yall something. My momma told me to tone it down with all this cussing and some mo' isshh. Like, BISH WHET. This like a outlet to me. I love doing this so don't try to tell me what to write and how to write it! Mann . She pissed me off. But its whatever...


Kik - @PertriceS.

Instaa - @__.lightbright ((Two Underscores))

Twitter - @Raaawwwwrrr

Wattpad - @TheeHuggableThug

Kik me . DM me. Message me. Comment.

Let Me Know Wassup.

Peace out loveysssss.


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