Love Will find it's way to you

By RebaMerylfanfrombel

17.1K 202 97

This will be my first fan fiction about Reba and Skeeter. There will be several (short) chapters and I hope... More

Love will find it's way to you
Love needs a holiday
When love gets a hold of you
I'm in love all over
I gonne take that mountain
And still
The angels sang
Let's open up our hearts
Somebody's Chelsea
I'd rather ride around with you
That's when I knew
They asked about you
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone
Sleeping with the telephone
We're so good together
In the garden
Angel in your arms
A new love
Forever love
She's the one loving you now
It's your call
Love land
Today all over again
Oh happy day
Softly and tenderly
You must really love me
All this time
The new me
Promise me something
Walk on
Note from writer

Starting all over again

694 6 2
By RebaMerylfanfrombel

When Reba opened her eyes she smiled widely and immediately had those love sparkles in her eyes when she saw her cute boyfriend looking at her with so much love in his eyes, softly rubbing smooth circles on her back.
"Good morning honey!" She turned her head up a little bit to look him in his eyes.
"Well good morning my love!" He smiled before he put a soft kiss on her lips.
"Mmm... I love waking up like this!" She said before she kissed him again.
"Oh you're not the only one baby. Waking up and seeing and feeling my lovely girlfriend laying half on my chest is the perfect way to start my day."
She started to giggle.
"Did you sleep well baby?"
She nodded enthusiastic. "Absolutely! Better then I did in a very long time! You really made me tired last night..."
He chuckled. "Oh but you did the same to me! I was completely know I'm not a young man anymore, so when my lovely girlfriend is hot as you are and she makes my come twice, which haven't happened since... well a very very long time... then I'm exhausted after our passionate love session."
Reba chuckled and put soft kisses on his chest. "Love session? I like the way that sounds."
He smiled and kissed her full of passion. "Yeah me too."
When he tried te get out of bed she strengthened her grip on him.
"Wait where are you going?"
He laughed. "I need to use the bathroom baby."
"Oh okay off course."
When she let him go, he stepped out of bed and she stopped him holding his arm.
"You're coming back in bed with me after it, right?" she looked him deeply in his eyes.
"You bet I will!" He said while putting a very hot, deep and wet kiss on her lips.
She smiled and bite her lower lip when she saw him walking into the bathroom. She turned back on her side for a minute and happily closed her eyes. She felt the happiest she has ever felt in her whole life.
When skeeter got back in the bedroom he smiled at the sight of his girl laying in bed, completely relaxed. He loved her so much and felt extremely happy to have her in his life.
He got back in bed with her, got close behind her and put a soft kiss in the crease of her neck. She moaned softly and took his arm to put it around her. She loved it feeling him so close to her.
He kept kissing her softly in her neck while he let his fingertips make their own journey from her shoulder to her flat belly.
A gasp escaped her mouth when she felt his fingers going inside her panties. She turned on her back and kept her eyes closed when she felt him pleasing her.
He let out a soft moan when he felt how ready she was for him.
"Mmm baby looks like you're ready for our second session of passion and love."
She nodded while biting her lower lip. "Totally..."
Reba put her arms around his waist and turned them around so she lays on top of him.
She cupped his face and kissed him passionately. "You told me you're not a young man anymore... but trust me baby I don't notice that...instead you're more experienced and you give me so much more pleasure!"
He grunts, already breathing heavily. "I gonna drive you wild my love!"
And with that they started making love, driving each other crazy with lust and passion. Both never thought they would experience this in their 60's but they fully enjoyed every part of it.
When they were cuddling and talking they got surprised by the sound of reba's phone going off. She took it from her night stand and laid back in her lovers arms to answer the call from her sister Susie.
"Hi Susie, how are you doing?" Reba asked happily.
"Well good morning Reba. You sound happy and in a good mood!"
Reba chuckled. "Yeah I'm in a very good mood."
"I bet Skeeter has something to do with it!" Susie said laughing.
Reba looked up at skeeter and softly pecked his lips.
"Yeah he has absolutely something to do with it." She winked at Skeeter who gave her a big smile.
"How is Mark?"
"Oh he's great. He's in the garden. How is Skeeter doing?"
Reba looked up at Skeeter and smiled widely. "He's doing great. He lays besides me..."
She started to laugh when she saw the slightly embarrassed look on his face.
"Oh okay... then I won't make it a long call. Tell him hi from us." Susie said laughing.
"Hi back from Skeeter. Will you tell Mark hi from us?"
"Yeah I will. But Reebs why I'm calling you... do you guys have any plans for tomorrow afternoon and evening?"
Reba looked at skeeter.
"Honey do we have plans tomorrow afternoon and evening?"
Both reba and Skeeter thought for a while.
"No we don't have any plans. Why?"
"Well now you do! We are looking forward to finally meet skeeter... and not just me and Mark but also mama, Alice, Robert, Pake and Stephanie. So how about the two of you comes to mama's house tomorrow afternoon and we can all hang out together and get to meet each other... I think Skeeter would love it that you can show him around where you grew up."
"Oh yeah I would really love that. Can't wait to meet all of you tomorrow." Skeeter answered.
"Oh hi Skeeter."
"Yeah I've put you on speaker, that's easier... so I guess we'll be there tomorrow afternoon." She chuckled while she smiled widely at Skeeter.
"Perfect! And I thought that maybe in the evening we can have a double date. Me and Mark with you and Skeeter."
"Oh yeah I would love that! Great idea Susie."
"Perfect! I gonna leave you guys laying with each other!" She chuckled. "I'm really looking forward to see both of you tomorrow."
Both reba and skeeter started to laugh.
"Yeah we're also looking forward to meeting all of you tomorrow."
"Great! Bye sis, bye skeeter."
"Bye little sis."
"Bye Susie. See you tomorrow."
"See you tomorrow!"
Reba smiled when she put her phone back on her night stand and she cuddled closer to Skeeter.
"Mmm I'm really looking forward to see my family again tomorrow and to introduce you to them." She sighed happily.
He put his arms around her and pulled her closer.
"Me too baby. I can't wait to meet them."
They kissed each other softly.
"But first I gonna meet your kids tonight!"
Skeeter put a soft kiss on the top of her head. "Yeah I'm looking forward to that."
"Me too."
"Baby I have an idea..."
"Tell me."
"What if we do a little road trip? We can pack your things here, I'll drive us to my place in Texas. We can stay there and relax a little bit. And from my place I can drive us to my sisters house who also lives in Texas. We can sleep at my house and tomorrow maybe you can drive us to your mamas house... or I can drive and you can show me the way. What do you think about that?"
"Oh I love that honey. What a wonderful idea!"
"I thought you would love it." He winked at her before kissing her passionately.
"But we better get going early since it's a long drive from here to Texas."
"Yeah absolutely."
"Maybe we can take a shower together, that will save us some time."
"It will if we just shower!" He winked at her.
She laughed. "We can do that! And after that I quickly take my stuff and we can go."
And like they said they took a quick shower together and while skeeter was still in the bathroom Reba was already in her dressing looking for clothes to take with her. He heard her sighing loud.
"Everything okay there baby?" He asked her concerned while he walked into the dressing.
She sighed once more.
"No... I don't know what to wear tonight!"
He went after her and put his arms around her waist.
"How about something you feel comfortable in?" He asked while he put a soft kiss in her neck.
"Yeah maybe... but I'm meeting your kids for the first time, it's an important evening!"
He nodded while they looked at each other in the mirror.
"I know baby and it is an important and special evening but we're not going to a gala. You don't need to be all dressed up and wearing a lot of make up. You're beautiful when you're dressed up like that but your even more gorgeous when you're just your wonderful, natural self. They already know the famous reba baby... I want to introduce them to just Reba, the woman who stole my heart and who makes me te happiest man alive."
"Aww you're such a sweetheart!"
She turned her head to kiss him deeply.
"How about you wear your black skinny jeans, with that green shirt you love to wear and your boots?"
She chuckled. "I do feel comfortable in that outfit."
"Than it's perfect for tonight."
She turned around and put her arms around his neck. She looked him deeply in his eyes before she kissed him full of passion.
"Thanks for all your help honey and for keeping my relaxed."
He smiled at her. "You're very welcome baby."
They pecked each other's lips.
"How about you pack your clothes and all your stuff and in the meantime I'll make us some sandwiches and take some drinks to take with us on our trip to texas?"
"Sounds perfect!"
They shared another sweet yet deep kiss.
"I love you honey."
"I love you baby."
Soon they had everything they needed and they started their long drive to Texas. The first part drove Reba and the second part drove Skeeter. The entire time they were driving the passengers hand rested on the drivers leg and they shared some sweet and romantic looks and a kiss every once in a while (when they were waiting at a traffic light).
When they arrived at skeeters house they unpacked all off Reba's stuff, relaxed by taking a bath together and then they got ready to go to Sofie and Mikes house.
Skeeter noticed how nervous Reba was.
"Baby are you okay?"
She nodded. "Yeah... just really nervous."
He smiled softly. "I can see that. You don't have to be nervous baby, everything will go great!"
She got a soft smile on her face. "I really hope so... do I look okay like this?"
"Okay? Baby you look gorgeous... pure perfection!"
"Aww thanks sweetheart."
"Ready to go?"
She nodded. "Yeah let me just take the flowers for your sister."
Reba took the flowers and they walked to his car holding hands. During the entire drive to his sisters house Reba's hand rested on his thigh and he noticed that she got more and more nervous the closer they were the the house. He helped her out of the car and before they rang the door bell he cupped her face and placed a deep kiss on her lips.
"Don't worry baby it will go great!"
She sighed. "I hope so!"
"It will. And I'm here to support you."
They shared one last kiss before they rang the doorbell. Sofie and Mike opened the door both very enthusiastic.
"Hi brother, reba so happy to see you two again."
"Happy to see you again sister." Skeeter smiled while he hugged his sister.
"Hi Sofie, so happy to see you again! Please these are for you." Reba smiled while she handed her the flowers and hugged her.
"Oh wow these are beautiful. You didn't need to bring anything but thanks."
"You're very welcome. Hi Mike." Reba said smiling.
"Hi there Reba. Happy to see you again. And can I say you look beautiful!"
"Aww thank you." She chuckled while she hugged Mike.
Skeeter put his arm around her waist and whispered "I told you baby, you look beautiful!" in her ear before he put a soft kiss on her cheek.
Reba smiled at him.
"Aww both of you look so happy and totally in love. So happy to see you both like this." Sofie smiled.
They all shared some smiles with each other before they went into the living room where Mike gave them something to drink.
"The kids aren't here yet?" Skeeter asked his sister.
Sofie chuckled. "No I told them to come at 9 pm instead of 8.30."
"Oh why?" Skeeter asked his sister surprised.
Sofie smiled while she looked at skeeter and reba. "Blake told me about his reaction to your announcement of your relationship and he knows he reacted badly. But I figured out that you probably told reba about it?"
Reba nodded. "Yeah he told me the same day."
"I thought he would so I can imagine how nervous Reba is to meet the kids and especially blake so I asked you two half an hour earlier so she could get a little more relaxed before they arrive."
"Aww Sofie That's so sweet of you... thank you I really appreciate that." Reba said thankfully.
"Yeah thanks Sofie. You thought well cause she's pretty nervous." He smiled at his sister before he put a soft kiss on Reba's cheek.
"You don't have to be nervous, everything will go great! Blake already regrets his reaction and he's thrilled to meet you... and Kristi she's on cloud nine because she can meet one of her all time favourite singers." Mike smiled.
"Aww happy to hear that." Reba smiled.
All 4 of them were talking about how reba's trip to Italy went, what she thought about her present from skeeter and off course about their relationship. At exactly 9 pm they heard the doorbell ring.
Skeeter laughed when he looked at his watch. "Wow exactly 9 pm!"
They all stood up and went to the door. Skeeter noticed how reba got quiet and he took her hands in his and looked in her eyes.
"Don't worry baby it will go great. I'm here for you. Love you."
She smiled at him. "Thanks honey. Love you too."
He cupped her face and kissed her deeply before Sofie opened the door.
"Hi Kristi, hi Blake."
"Hi aunt Sofie, uncle Mike."
Both hugged their family before they went to Skeeter and Reba.
"Hi sweetie, hi son." Skeeter smiled widely when he hugged his kids.
"Kristi, Blake this is Reba... my girlfriend."
"Honey these are Kristi and Blake, my kids."
"Hi Kristi, Hi Blake very nice to meet you."
"Hi Reba so happy to meet you!" Kristi shouted enthusiastically while she hugged Reba.
Reba looked a little nervous in the direction of Blake. But her nerves immediately went away when he looked at her with a big smile on his face.
"Hi Reba. Very nice to meet you." He also hugged her and reba felt a huge weight falling of her shoulders.
They all went into the living room and toasted on Reba and Skeeter. Everybody looked surprised when Blake said he wanted to say something.
"Dad, Reba I'm honestly really happy to see both of you here and to see how happy you make each other. Reba I'm sure that my dad told you about my bad reaction to the news about your relationship..."
Reba nodded.
"I thought a lot about that conversation and the same night I apologised to my dad with a text but I also want to apologise to both of you personally. I'm really sorry about the way I reacted. The news of my dad dating was a huge surprise for me and I didn't know how to react to it. But I thought a lot about it and I talked about it with aunt Sofie and Kristi and I realised that my reaction was because I was just really surprised to hear that. It's been 3 years since mama past away and dad really deserves a new love and a lot of happiness in his life. And now I see both of you together I can see you make him really happy and he makes you really happy. You're both shining and you make a wonderful couple. So I wanna toast to my dad and Reba and I want to say Reba, welcome to our family."
Both Reba and Skeeter were very touched by these words from Blake and they both had tears in there eyes.
Skeeter stood up and hugged his son tight. "Thanks son, I can't tell you how much this means to us
Reba followed skeeters example and hugged Blake. "Thanks Blake, that really means a lot to us and I can't tell you how happy this makes me. I was really nervous to meet both of you but I didn't expect things to go this good."
Blake smiled."You're very welcome!"
They all had a wonderful night together. Sofie made a great dinner and Reba and Skeeter told his kids everything about how they met and how their relationship grew. They all got along really well and it was an incredible night.
Back at Skeeters home they kept talking for a while before they felt in a deep and very peaceful sleep in each other's arms.

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