Teen Years & Teen Tears (Shat...

By slugism

13.4K 420 417

[Completed] Pidge just turned 18! She and her friends experience a lot of things in their teen years. Keith... More

Happy Birthday!
Pretty Boy Prince...
Vodka Drinking and Mission Planning
Potential Crime
Please Lotor, Have Mercy!
I'm Fine
Pidge's Happiness
Sneaking Out and Breaking In
Heartfelt Conversations
Welcome Home, Buddy.
It's Off to School, we go!
Bubbly Moods
The Sass that Lies Within Her
Fatal Glowing
The Sexuality of Takashi Shirogane
Psychopathic Liar
The Former Prince
Sickness Sucks
A Dull Sense of Clarity
Pity Party
Pride Parade!
Contribution to the Chaos
•My Orginal Character!•
Surprise Visitor
Depressed Witch
Q & A!
A Long Adventure
Undercover Dates
New Beginnings
Old Friends
Missing in Action
Loss of Hope
Nothing Could Go Wrong
Shadow People
The End?
Infinity and Beyond
Little Feet
Kisses, Rena <3
*whispers* hey
>_< hi >_<


147 5 3
By slugism


"JAMES?" Veronica yelled, straining her voice.
"Where are you..?" She said, being more quiet.
The glass shattered, pieces everywhere. Veronica had multiple cuts wrists, palms, legs, and probably her face. Her door was closed faced down, the concrete preventing her from getting out.  "Damn.." She mumbled, the sunlight reflecting on her glasses.

Everything pained, physically and mentally.
James wasn't beside her, as Veronica already noticed. Nadia and Adam strolled through the streets, no sign of anybody. "I bet they're hooking up.." Adam said in a sing song voice.

"Shut up. They aren't." Nadia rolled her eyes.
"Sure.." Adam laughed. Nadia sighed, but she couldn't help but smile. "Do you have any siblings?" She randomly asked, speeding through another street.

"No, why?" Adam answered, glancing up and down the streets. "You'd be a good brother." Nadia complimented. The comment made Adam smile. "How did you get Keith's number?" Adam queried, feeling like this whole situation was a little out of place.

"Lance sent it to Ronnie for safety reasons or something. Ronnie sent it to James, since he asked for it. I just saw him on James's contact list and I decided to add 'em." Nadia acknowledged. Adam nodded, holding onto the girl's shoulders. "You don't look like somebody who would ride a motorcycle." Nadia stated.
"It's because the motorcycle isn't mine. White's my color. Not red, never red. It's too bold, and I'm a casual guy." Adam rambled.

"Okay, I didn't ask about your favorite color." Nadia laughed, blazing down an alleyway.
"Where are we going?" Adam questioned, looking ahead of them. "We're taking a shortcut back to Pidge's house. I figured I'd meet your friends while I'm at it." Nadia smiled, looking back for a spilt second.
"Alright.." Adam agreed.

Veronica kicked her way into the drivers seat, leaning sideways. The car was completely wrecked, Veronica didn't know if she could get out. The street was still quiet, with the occasional honks from the street over. The drivers door was thankfully unlocked, and Veronica gratefully sighed. The window was gone, and she opened the door from the outside, well she tried.

Veronica stuck her hand out cautiously, being careful that she didn't cut it with the remaining glass. The handle shifted, her hands getting a grip on it. It slid, and the door opened. "Oh God.." she closed her eyes in a state of relief. Veronica stood up on the seat, being the car was on it's side and she couldn't just walk out.

The door pushed all the way out, and Veronica jumped on top of the car's left side. She unstably balanced, realizing she didn't have her phone. "Shit!" She cursed, looking in from the left side window.

// Incoming call from Ina Leifsdottir  //

"Nope, no, no, no!" She grunted, looking at the caller. Veronica slid her legs back into the car from the window, out reaching for her phone.
"Come on.." She stuck her tongue out due to concentration. The call ended suddenly.
"No! Fuck." She grunted, her feet sliding to be kept in place.

"Hey, is that a car?" Nadia's eyes widened, just as she turned down the alleyway. She sped up, her heart rate increasing at a rapid pace.
"Stop the bike before you jam into it." Adam hopped off the moving motorcycle, running toward the accident, or not-accident. Nadia stopped her rose colored bike abruptly, and she gulped. "Please don't be James and Veronica."
Nadia said in a pleading tone.

Adam jumped up on the wheel, peering in through the window. There appeared Veronica, her feet dangling. "Veronica!" Adam shouted, holding his hand out. "No!" Nadia yelled, sprinting over. Veronica took Adam's hand, pulling her up. "Ronnie.." Nadia bit her lip, taking her other hand.

The girl was now on the side of the car.
Nadia was on the ground, now pacing back and fourth. Adam lifted the girl down, Nadia engulfing her the second she got down.
"Ronnie.." she whispered as she hugged her friend. "Don't scare me like that ever again!" She shouted, her legs curled around Veronica's waist.

"Are they like oblivious to their gayness?" Adam said lowly as he shook his head slightly.
"I promise I won't." Veronica promised, patting Nadia's back. "Okay, but where's James?" Nadia dropped her legs to the ground, still holding Veronica's shoulders.

"I-I really don't know. I just woke up.." Veronica said with guilt filling her. If James hadn't offered, no, forced Veronica to catch a ride with him, none of this would've even been happening. "It's okay, brainiac." Adam smiled, and James's face appeared when she looked at him. "We need to find him." Veronica determinedly stood.

"We need to wake the others, and tell the whole story. Are you ready?" Adam leaned on the crashed vehicle. "I hope so." She sighed, Nadia helping her walk to the motorcycle. "Let's see how this goes.." Adam exhaled sharply.

// Incoming Call from Adam Wright //

Keith's phone rang rapidly, he rolled his eyes.
"Come crying back already?" Keith scoffed.
"No, we're not crying. You'll be. Your little friend, James, is missing. Wake everybody up." Adam solemnly ordered.

"Wait- James is missing?" Keith screeched, hurting Blake's ears. "Yes. Now go." Adam hung up. "James is missing?" Blake asked as Keith rushed by. He nodded frantically, running to the middle of the living room.

"ALLURA!" He yelled, shaking the girl.
"WHAT?" She bolted upright, Lance coming down the stairs with a toothbrush in his mouth. "Is Alluwa okway?" He asked, his words muffled. Keith nodded, smiling falsely.

"What is it, Keith?" She asked in an annoyed manner. "James is missing!" He flailed his arms. "And let me guess, something else happened and we have to be the detectives...as always?" Allura crosses her arms.
( Btw, she looks at the camera like she's in the office)

"Mhm.." Blake agreed, opening the box of Frosted Flakes with his mouth. "I'm gonna wake the others." Keith smugly grinned, sprinting up two stairs at a time.
"Hunk, Pidge!" He rung around the doorway.
Pidge was already awake, being she woke up at 5:00 a.m. every morning.

"Hey." She smiled. "James is missing?" Keith actually showed emotion. "Wow." She sarcastically said as she rolled her eyes. Hunk was snoring loudly on the bed. "HUNK!" Keith shouted. Hunk grunted, rolling on his back.
"What?" He spitefully answered. 

"James is missing!" Keith ran and jumped on the real life teddy bear. "I couldn't care more." Hunk sighed. "What's going on?" Lance asked as he button his shirt from top to bottom.
"James is missing." Keith snapped his head toward his boyfriend.

"You've said that same sentence 3 times in one minute." Pidge jumped off the vanity. "Where's Veronica? Is she downstairs?" Lance asked, peering down the hallway. "No, wasn't she upstairs just a moment ago?" Blake asked, walking up the steps.

"No." Lance gulped. Harper and Romelle were passed out on the couch before they heard Hunk's name being shouted. "AH!" Romelle screamed, thinking Hunk was endangered.
"Jesus." Harper preached, looking at her girlfriend. "Sorry.." she giggled.

Adam busted through the loud and crazy house, Veronica and Nadia behind him.
"I don't know, she's not in the room with Shiro-VERONICA SERRANO, WHAT HAPPENED?" Lance turned around, and to his surprise, his sister was standing there with cuts and bruises.
"Lance. I'm going to explain." She took a step back, Nadia holding her. Nadia looked at Lance with fearful, almost terrified eyes.

"Alright, we'll explain downstairs." Blake tilted his head in the direction of the lower floor. "Let's go." Pidge gestured for them to follow.
Hunk unwillingly got out of bed, Keith and Lance followed. Romelle and Harper panicked when they saw Veronica's condition.

"Oh no.." Romelle lowly gasped. Harper's eyes widened. "Well.." Veronica began, her limbs aching her. Romelle and Harper hurried to the table. "TAKASHI!" Adam pounded on the wooden door.

"What?" He leaned over the bed, his phone in his hands. "Get out of bed!" He scolded. "Go downstairs. Something happened." Adam shook his head and mumbled something under his breath before walking away.

Allura, Nadia, Romelle and Harper, Lance and Keith, Hunk and Pidge, and Blake were gathered around the table. "I was going to see Nadia at 12:00 a.m." she blinked, her eyes scurrying away from Lance's.

Lance was accepting, but obviously he had his limits when it came to his sister. He'd snuck out before, for King Alfor's sake, he was a felon.
Sneaking out wasn't that big of a deal for Lance. One his friends almost killed a man by throwing him of a building, his boyfriend and best friend faked being cops, they underaged drank. And all of that happened before they found out about their supernatural abilities. Lance wasn't the great role model.

"And I ran out, no jacket or anything. Just my boots, phone, and wallet. Romelle and Harper ratted me out for some reason, for humorous purposes I'm assuming." Veronica continued hesitantly. "I felt...off. Like I knew something was going to happen. I wasn't fucking paranoid I swear. And I'm not mentally ill." Veronica shook her head.

"I fell, my palms and knees were scrapped badly. The same time, James was calling me. I was a bit agitated and my hands hurt like hell.." Veronica showed her cuts, Adam and Shiro just walking back in.

"But I answered. He noticed I was acting, not like myself...and he asked if I was okay. You could imagine how that went." Veronica laughed, two salty tears running down her cheeks. "He demanded I tell him where I was going." Veronica hung her head low.

"We went down this alleyway, talked about some stuff. Then we went down an alleyway, made a sharp turn, and felt a bump under the car after somebody screamed. We didn't move.." Veronica felt so venerable, and Nadia was gentle but still tough.

"A pair of head lights.." Veronica covered her mouth. "They hit James!" She fully sobbed, and Nadia looped around to her side of the table.
"Shh.." Nadia whispered, rubbing circles on her back, softly. "They..They.." Keith and Pidge exchanged looks of horror.

Everybody else was confused, especially Lance.
"What the hell? Why are you guys saying 'they'? It's not even helping-" Lance was interrupted but Allura's gasp. "It's two people."
Allura ran her hands though her hair.

"No way.." Harper bit the inside of her cheek.
Everybody waited for Veronica to stop crying before they could ask her the question. "Hey, Ronnie." Lance sat directly in front of her.
"Were there two people in the car?" Lance grimly asked, waiting.

"No. One driver." She answered, and the whole group grit their teeth. "Damn." Romelle bit her upper lip, thinking. She tried playing out Veronica's explanation more than two times, and it all didn't make sense. "How would the shadow person know where you were going? Did you see anybody on the streets?" Hunk was just as confused as Romelle.

"Wait, how do we know this is the shadow person?" Lance turned around. "It would only make sense, Lance. One of two things happened, and either way, both James and Veronica would get hurt." Shiro blinked exactly two times.

"Number one of the two things is: kill James, hide the body. Then Veronica would come and tell us. That one really doesn't make any sort of sense. Because, what would the shadow person get out of it?" Pidge explained, beginning.

Keith's eyes lit up. "The other reason would be: The shadow person took James, and injured Veronica. But why would he take James?" They all hit a stump. No way they could move all at once. "We have to spilt up. And we aren't doing the usual pairs. It'll be too distracting." Adam stepped forward.

Lance looked at Keith with a worried expression. "So who's choosing the pairs?" Allura asked, looking at Shiro. "Everybody find somebody that you don't usually go with." Shiro shrugged. "No! I'll choose the pairs!" Lance stood up forcefully. "No way in hell, Lance. You'll pair yourself with Keith." Pidge pushed him back down.

"Fine, jeez, you chaotic teens." Shiro chuckled a bit. "Let's see.." Adam and Shiro stood side by side. "I think we should have Hunk and Harper go together." Adam looked Shiro for approval.
He nodded, and by the sound of the words, Hunk ran upstairs to get dressed.

"Keith and Pidge?" Shiro hesitantly said.
"Nope, they're too much of a common pair, and they'll do their own thing. Shiro and Pidge!" Adam smiled. "I'm fine with that." Pidge sighed. "Lance and Blake." Nobody argued with that. "Keith and Nadia." The two exchanged looks. They had similar personalities, so we would see how that went.

"I'll pair myself with Allura." By now, Shiro didn't even have a say in this. Whatever Adam said, goes. "Veronica and Romelle are left." Adam tilted his head, then nodded.
"That should be fine." He smiled.

"Now the mission is...find James." Adam grinned. "Keith, I'm taking your motorcycle." Blake smiled, and Adam tossed him the keys.
"So what am I gonna ride on?!" Keith screeched. "I have a bike. We'll use that." Nadia dragged Keith toward the entrance.

What a hell of an adventure this would be.

// Hey, Rena here! Hope you're enjoying these intense chapters, because this is just the beginning. Anyways, I hoped you enjoyed! //

Word Count: 2235

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