The Story Of Raven Lee *wattt...

By ImVampirekitty

531 69 83

Highest ranks Ive had: #2 in mistory #173 in loss #251 in powers #724 in tricks #792 in Fae "Not all things... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 13

3 1 2
By ImVampirekitty

I feel Slade's strength pushing me back. Her war hammer making contact with my great sword. The sound loud like a thunder clap echos off the stone walls around us.

I am pushed so far back that two more steps and my back would hit the wall.

I drop my sword tip into the ground. I lean against it breathing hard. Never taking my eyes off her. She stands tall not winded in the least.

'What the living hell?' I mentally shake myself.

I see her kick off again with blinding speed. The ground becomes covered in sand with each step she takes. I notice she uses it to slide her feet across the ground, much like a snake would on its stomach in the desert.

She has so much speed I barely have time to think. I bring my great sword up again in a defense stance just as her hammer takes another blow down at me. Her arms showing no struggle from the weight of the swing.

She pushes me back another step. My hair brushes the wall. She drives her hammer down harder a look so odd crosses her face. A look of victory. My heart pounds hard I feel so weak.

Her hammer comes closer and closer to my face. With it so close I can see the fine details. Beautiful cligerfy runs up the handle to the gleaming dubbel sidded hammer. The beauty of the rubys and sapphires set in the stone face gleam softly. I become distracted and fascinated.

"Raven focus!" Saber's voice cuts in his tone teaching. With great effort I push back. The cool energy fills up inside me again.

So much wind forms that my hair is blown back. Using it I make the blade thicker. My eyes focus on it as it becomes a silver glittering mass. I see the blade take on more definition. It looks so much sharper then the real sword from my memories.

Her eyes lock with mine as she watches the blade. A light grin makes its way to my lips as I see her eyes dilate. I hear her heart beat a step faster but quickly beats normal as if its nothing.

"Good now push her back! Defend and strike back!" I hear his voice call out again. My grin widening I tighten my grip on the silver handel.

With new strength and will I shove her back. She doesn't go far and I see why. Her feet are wrapped in stone holding her in place. The sand has harden into what looks like two hands holding her ankles.

"Nice trick." She smiles sweetly at me.

"Earth tis me favorite element Baby." She touches her chin in a thinking manner. Taking this time as a distraction I bring the air from the room to me. The atmosphere gets thick and hard to breath. I watch her turn to me sharply.

With blindng speed I kick off the ground. No sound is heard. The wind acts as a boost to my speed.

Closer still, she doesn't see me coming fast enough. I dring my great sword down in front of her sticking it into the ground. The blade missing her face by inches.

My hands grab her war hammer. Twisting it from her hands I unarm her. She watches me closely her eyes focused solely on me. I see a glob take form around her head. I notice its air that she is creating to breath.

With ease I crumble the hammer into dust. The beautiful work of art gone. The dust is quickly picked up by my winds and I fashen a curved hunting blade from the icy winds I draw up. I finish it with a handle made from the dust that was her war hammer. I take it in my hand gripping it tightly for a second. Bright rubys and saphires embed themselves into the stone nicely. I hand it to her. Her silver eyes slant in an odd way.

I snap my fingers and my great sword is gone in gust of wind. I slide back from her, keeping the winds around me. I feel a new energy filling up inside me. Its so solid and hard to move.

Slade looks at me more closely. Her eyes watching my every move. Slowly horror fills her face,like she noticed what I'm going to do.

"Raven no!" She starts to come at me. I hear her bare feet hitting the ground. The sound echos back to me.

"Your not ready!"

"NO! STOP! SLADE!" Saber's voice thunders a large male hand to her chest stops her dead.

I blocked them out. The confusion of them to much. I focus on the energy that's not wanting to budge. I see the color of green and reach for it.

I'm drawn to it in a way that feels right but wrong too. I reach for it with great curiosity.

Pain shoots through my head at the first light touch. My natural instinct is to retreat but I push it to the side. I reach deep down inside and grab hold tightly and pull. Soon the pain spreads from my head down. Filling me up and taking root.

"It'll kill her Saber! She's no' ready for em all! Her spirit cou'd be pulled apart!" I hear Slade her voice full of sadness and worry.

"She is different then you. Different then all of you. Including Deliverance and Arson." A knowing tone rings out in his voice.

I pull harder on the green energy, I call the silver air energy to me using it to help me. It comes to my aid with ease.

With the winds helping me I'm able to feel the green energy enter me. The feeling of sandy earth feels me. My mouth feeling extremely dry. My lips crack like dry earth.

The pain has my head spinning, making me stagger. I breathe hard. Feeling my body getting heavy like stone. I stand my ground with great effort.

My bones make a craking sound maiking me howl in pain. Every singel bone takes it turn breaking. I can stand no longer.

The smallest fragmets of bone burrow out from my skin. Small trails of blood follow only to stop quickly as small grains of sand and dirt enter my skin where they left out.

My eyes watch as fear takes hold. The dirt has a green light to it and I feel something taking shape inside me. Under my muscles my bones thicken and take shape once again. My this time they feel harder stronger. I feel like metal has been replaced my bones.

With the last done taking shape in my hand, whuch I open and close looking at it, my mind gets drozy I fight to stay aware.

I hear a women's cry from somewhere. A cry so soft. A cry I've heard before.

"Mama?" the word leaves my lips on a soft whisper.

"Your not done yet Raven!" I hear a voice shot. I'm jerked back into focus. My eyes open to see a face close to mine. The face of a man I've seen somewhere before but can't place.

After his words leave his lips I see a hot golden energy reaching for me. The color so hot and bright it blocks the man's face. I have the urge to run from it.

This gold energy needs no pulling. Its out to clame me. It reaches for me eagerly. Long ribbens of gleaming gold shoot towards me. As it grabs on it clings to my arms leaving burns in its wake. I scream in agony. The pain so great I fall to my knees. Blood seeps from the raw blistered flesh as black ash, that was my skin, falls to the ground.

The energy follows me to the ground. I feel it spread over me. Inside me. It burns my throat so no screams of pain can be heard. It blisters my skin all over as it spreads leaving me tender and bloody to the touch.

The heat is under my skin, inside my muscles traveling deeper to my organs and bones. I feel as though my eyes are burning from the inside out as it reaches my head.

"S! You promised me! You gave me your word!" I hear mama's voice breaking. I open my mouth to speak to her.

"Jasmine its ok. She needs to do this. She will be fine. I promise. I'll never let her be in any real harm." I find I don't follow the conversation. I do know that this person knows my mama's name.

I collapse onto the ground. The hot energy inside my chest now. Burning my lungs burning my heart. I feel the outside layers fall free inside and out. I feel the second layer become strong and heat proof. I lay there wounded. Soft whispers greet me that I can't make out even with my new hearing. Feeling beaten and vulnerable I curl into myself.

Something touches me. Just a soft brush at first then something cool wash over me. Something cool and wet. It soothes my burnt body. I open my burnt eyes to see a vast blue energy flooding towards me. It swallows me up. My body feels the current and I hold onto it.

This new energy floods into me with ease. Healing the burns inside as well. I stagger a moment feeling as though I'm in a boat.

Quickly the energy becomes angery. I hear water rush around me then its pouring down on me. Into my open eyes and mouth. I feel I'm choking, drawning. My fear beats at me telling me I'm going to die.

I feel my vains take on a new form one that runs quickly but thickly. I feel my tear glands fill to the max and know the moment when they start to run with blood tears.

The watery blue energy travels to my heart last. It wraps it in a watery fist. Squeezing tightly that it feels like its about to be completely crushed. My lungs fight the fear trying to fill with air but can't find any.

The last moment when I feel the very last of my air supplie ending I reach for the soft light Silver energy. It rushes in giving me air. This energy freeing but wild. I feel my lungs expand wide. Wider then they should but no pain is felt here. Only the urge to fly.

I feel my body let go. Feel it release all pain and fear. I feel myself become lighter the air. A warm and cold breeze take turns entering my lungs and spreading to my body. A small smile forms on my now healed lips.

"Raven. Use them all. Merge them as one. Finish the cycle. You are the spirit that can bound them all as one!" I hear from somewhere the man's voice.

As if a switch has been hit I draw the four energy colors to me. Fear and worry start to rise up inside me.

"Don't let it consume you! Stay calm and focused." I take a deep breath and start with the silver energy that I know now is air. It is cool light. Very comfortable to me. Very pure and welcoming. I slowly reach for the green energy I know to be earth. Its hard and heavy. I still struggle with its strength.

"Yes Raven. Your doing great. Now finish it."

With tremendous will I reach for the gold energy. I know its fire. Its hot and dangerous. I face my fear and it dims to a soft glow. With a soft breath I reach at last for the blue energy. Water. It twists and pulls. It flows around me like a snake almost squeezing.

I hold them all in my hands struggling. Each one facing off with it opposite. I feel the opposing sides of all four fight for the right to consume me. My soul fights back demanding to be the one in control. The strain leaves me breathless and my body trembles with each lash they take at one another.

The wind knocks me back with tornadoes only to have the earth wrap around me to steady me.

The earth will shake my foundation just to have the wind lift me to safety.

The fire lashes me with fire whips burning flesh only to have the water put it out and heal me.

The water turns turbulent and drinches me in icy water only to have the fire dry and warm me.

The constent back and forth gives me whiplash. I growl at least my frustration at its limit. I feel my spirit take hold with my physical body. Its presents a trigger I never knew I wanted or needed.

With great strength from deep with in my spirit and myself as we fully merge as one. I pull all four together. They fight pulling away. They know the strength that I have found. They know that will prevail. They fight even harder, but I laugh darkly.

"On no you don't. I'm tired of the game. I'm gonna be the winner. Ill be the master not you." With one final tug they all merge. The energy so frighting and powerful it seeps into me. A huge force that I never expected. I take a breath a scream of power leaving my lips.

A blinding flash happens before my eyes. A loud bang is heard. I'm thrown back hard and hit what feels like a tree.

Ever so slowly I open eyes, having closed them from the flash. I'm not longer 'in mh head' but back by the water. The scene before me is shocking. Trees and shurbs are burning softly wild winds are blowing around the now open space. The ground has a huge crater where the water used to be. New vegetation is growing where it looks like it was burned away. I look up in time to see Slade and a man falling from the sky along with all the water and animal life that was in it. They land with a huge splash.

I jump to my feet and run to Slade. I wrap my arms around her.

"Are you alright?! What happened?" She only nods her head breaking the hug.

"Yo al'igh love?" she looks to my face but her eyes grow huge and she stops speaking.

"What? What's wrong?" She just stares at me her mouth hanging open like a fish.

"Well she's in shock at the moment I do believe." The stranger comes out of the water. His silver gray hair dripping. I squint my eyes at him.

"I. I've seen you before." I jump back seeing my bag on the shore. I reach inside to grab a blade mama packed for me. I look around not finding Saber. My stomach turns with worry.

'Where are you Saber?' I use the mind link Dev thought me.

'Im here Raven.' I hear his voice and I calm down a bit.


'Right in front of you. In my true form.' At his words I become confused. The silver haired man steps closer. I take a defensive stand.

His face is hidden from me and I growl.

"Who are you? Show me your face now."

"Didn't want you to find out this way but I had no choice." He says on a sigh as he reases his head.

I drop my dagger when I see the face looking back at me. It so similar to my own that it takes me a moment to realize the eyes. One of deep forest green and the other a deep glowing yellow gold.

"Sa-Saber?" I stutter his name and he nods.

"That that can't be. You you look like that man in Dev's past. And and that was so long ago." I take a step back as I try to remember. He steps closer his face having a look I've seen reflected at me from my own.

"Yes Raven that was me then and there is still more for you to find out." At that moment Slade walks over. Her shock gone.

"Well we'll come to that there later Saber." She touches his shoulder and with a look of great sadness nods. He then drops on all fours and is transformed into the cat Saber I know. He walks with his tail down to my bag where he closes his eyes.

I look to Slade. She sighs sadly watching him.

"It hard'er fo him then the rest o' us" is all she says not meeting my eyes.

"What happened here?" I hear Dev's voice and turn to see him looking around the destroyed clearing. He looks to me and I hear a startled gasp leave him.

"What?" I ask fear taking hold. He walks up to me and takes my hand. I let him lead me to the now settled water.

"Look." he points to the water and I see my reflection. There staring wide eyed at me is eyes I've never seen before. One is gold and silver the other blue and green. I jump back from the sight.

"What the hell is wrong with my eyes?" I look to Saber who has risen his head.

"Nothing is wrong with them. You've just gained control of all elements." he walks over to me and sits. He continues when he sees I don't move away.

"We all have a base element we're born into. Like me, you have more then one. Hince the two colored eyes." Slade hands me some cloths which i accept.

"But your more. More then even I am. You have all four. Your spirit has finally mastered them all. You have a new gift that has always been your birth right." He looks at me like he wants to say something more but he just lays down instead.

I watch him curious and confused but oddly not afraid.

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