Wizardess Heart: A Tamer's Be...

By Animefan446

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Long ago, there was once a group of powerful Wizards who have special abilities that no one could ever imagin... More

Character Introductions
The Ice Tamer, Keira Mitsui
Welcome Back To The Academy
First Day Of School
I Won't Be A Weakling Anymore
The Ice Wizard's Strength
Keira Will Never Be Free
Keira's Betrayal
Tower Of Sorrows
Heading Back To Skystead Village
Skystead Village
A Fresh Start And The Return Of A Half-Brother
Suspicions Of Dark Magic
Searching For The Unicorn Spring
Keira's Dream
A Brother And Sister Reunion
I Will Come Back For You
Preparing For The Summer Break
A Warm Up For The Festival
The Magical Creatures Festival
Celebrating The Festival
Meeting Hakko Izuma
Hakko's First Day
Hakko Is A Tamer?!
Hakko And Elias Become Buddies
Danger Is Approaching
The Ice Emperor, Sora
Keira Obtains Her Mother's Weapon, Frostguard
The Ice Tamers, Sora And Keira
Keira's Training Begins
The Fortune Sage
The Cold-Hearted Tamer, Kagura Hayashi
Kagura's Past
Showdown! Tamer vs Tamer
Kagura vs Keira
The Old Tamers Village
The Fire Dragon, Ignitus and A Mother and Daugther Reunion
Father vs Daughter
The Announcement of The Magic Games
The White Dragon, Zetherth
The Mysterious Visitor
The Balance Of Power
Leon's Power And Strength
Heading Into The Fairy World
Card Battle! Hakko vs Yukino
Saving The Fairy King
Yukino Enrolls Into The Academy
Yukino's Lonely Heart
The Magic Games Begin
Card Magic Battle! Hakko vs Clara!
Showdown! Ice Tamer vs Frost Mage
Esmeralda vs Kagura!
We'll Show Them Who's Number One
Showdown! Keira vs Laura!
The Dragonsheild Guild And Gendonlune Academy Will Always Be Number 1!
We're Going Into The Team Battles!
Let The Team Battles Begin!
Twin Tamers vs Iron and Dark Mage
Hakko And Kagura vs Sapphire and Raoul
The Ice Tamers vs Dragonlord and Demonlord
No Matter What Happens! I Will Never Give Up!
My Life Has Just Gotten Exciting
Preparing For The Celebration Party
The Celebration Party
The Dragonslayer, Seiji
Irseith, The Gifted One
I Have To Be Ready For Another Attack
Seiji Knows Something That We Don't
You're Not Alone In This World
I Will Know When The Time Comes
The Battle of Gendonlune
You're Half Tamer And Half Dragonlord!
I Will Lead The Tamers On The Right Path!
The Truth About The Mitsui Family
The End...For Now
Author's Note And Sequel Coming Soon!

Who will stand and Who Will Fall In This War Of Light And Darkness?

38 0 0
By Animefan446


A few weeks went by since the attack on the school and learning about Keira using dragon tongue to command the dragon sages, Ivan looked at his guildmates including the dragon trappers.

"Nicely done, Salem, you really have served me well."

"It's all thanks to you I'm still alive and I vowed to serve you as long as I live."

"Good to know, now then, shall we make a little visit to my daughter?"

"Sounds good to me."

Salem said with an evil grin before he and the dark guildmates headed to the academy.

Back in the Academy, Headmaster Randolph, Klaus and Keira were standing outside in the courtyard because they were a little concerned about the dragon sages since they've gotten bigger and now they're the same height as Aoi and Rin's bigger forms.


I sweat dropped a little as I stared at the dragon sages forms right now and then Klaus said to me.

"This is becoming a problem, Keira, those dragons are growing way too fast."

"I know, I'm not blind, what do you expect me to do about it? perform a time stopping spell or something?!"

Headmaster Randolph chuckled at me when I yelled like that and he then said to me.

"Don't panic, I know they can't fit into the building now but, you're gonna have to communicate with them and tell them to go and be with you-know-who."

"Well...that does sound like the only plan I've got especially since those three are causing a bit of a ruckus with classes lately, which by the way, wasn't my fault."

Klaus frowned at me and he said to me.

"Well then, tell them to go away and stay out of trouble."

"All right, all right."

I said annoyingly and I then looked at the three of them and I spoke to them in dragon tongue.

"Bo Ahrk Dein Aan Miin Out Ahrk Dein Hin Dein up, Zu'u Lost Aan Haalvut Daar trouble Los Bo (Go and keep an eye out and keep your guards up, I have a feeling that trouble is coming.)"

"Geh, Dii Vahdin (Yes, my Lady)."

The three of them said before they took off into the sky. Headmaster Randolph stood next to me with a smirk on his face and he said to me.

"I'm impressed how you're able to speak to your dragon sages like that, you could teach the magical creature class a thing or two."

"The sages aren't my familiars, they're not tools that can be used whenever I want, they've got the freedom to what they want."

Klaus frowned at me and he warned me.

"I wouldn't say stuff like that if I were you, the question is what are you gonna do if they get to the size of a mansion?"

"I have no idea, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it."

"*Sighs* all right but keep a very sharp eye on them, I've already got reports from the other students that they're causing trouble."

I sweat dropped when he said this and then he left. 

"I'm doomed...."

I mumbled and then Headmaster Randolph chuckled at me.

"Don't worry, I'm sure those three would have learnt their lesson besides, Zetherth maybe stuck in a cave but, he'll keep an eye on the sages especially since they're in their rebellious stages."

"I hope he does keep a sharp eye on them, I'm worried they're gonna attract the Ministry of Magic's attention and that won't be good."

"I wouldn't worry about it besides, Seiji will do his best to keep them off your back."

I looked away from Randolph when he said this and I thought to myself.

'That's what troubles me... I still don't know what Seiji is hiding from me nor do I know why I was given those three dragon sages in the first place, whatever it is, Seiji had his reasons for doing so, for now, I'll have to keep my guard up, the wind is blowing a dangerous aura in our direction... does this mean my old man is coming after me and the sages?'


Once Keira headed back to the dorms to study, the sages flew around the Academy and they could sense danger nearby and it was getting closer. Zadra looked down and he saw Ivan leading his guildmates and some of the dragon trappers.

"Uh oh, it's them!"

"We better go and warn Keira about this."

Naxlon said before he took off with Zadra and Irseith following him. Ivan looked up and he could sense the sages were nearby but they had vanished.

"Looks like they've gone to warn Keira, no matter, we'll be showing our faces soon enough, Salem, you and your friends get going and bring the dragon trappers with you as well."

"Yes, sir."

Salem said as he and his allies followed him along with the dragon trappers.

In the Ministry of Magic's medic's industry, Hakko healed another one of her patients and they thanked her before they left the room. Hakko sighed a little and then she started to sense dark magic in the distance. Hakko looked out of the window and then Leila came into the room.

"You sense it too, don't you?"

"I do and there's only one person who I can think of who's showing off this aura."

"So do I, go and get ready, You, Seiji and I are heading back to the Academy, Ivan is about to make his move."

"All right."

Hakko said as she left the room to get ready to leave. Hakko stopped in her tracks and she said to Leila.

"Before we do, can you send a message to these people, we're gonna need all the help we can get."

Hakko said as she gave a list of the names of the people who should help them. Leila smirked at this and she said to her.

"So after all this time, you want them help."

"Of course, like I said, we're gonna need all the help we can get."

Hakko said with a smirk before she left to get ready. Back in the Academy, The rest of the tamers were becoming uneasy as the presence of Dark magic slowly approaches.


I knew something didn't feel right in the air and then I stopped what I was doing and I left the dorms. Kagura and Yukino were already outside and then Yukino said to me.

"Did you sense it?"

"I sense it all right, I hope the dragon sages are all right."

Speaking of the sages, they came flying towards us and then they landed on the ground.

"Keira, your father is on his way and that's not all, he's got dragon trappers!"

"Dragon trappers?!"

I shouted in a shocked tone and then Kagura held her sword in anger.

"They're the worst enemy of the Tamers since ancient times, why would they still exist today? I thought they quit their jobs."

"My guess is, Father must have convinced them that the dragons are still alive even now, why else would they be here?"

Yukino said to us and I then had an idea.

"If that's the case, then we better let the others know and we're gonna need some reinforcements."

"From where? the Dragonsheild guild?"

"That was my first option but, they're too far away from here, it'll take them forever to get here even if they did get our message straight away."

"What do you suggest then?"

Kagura asked me and I then looked at the sages and I knew someone who can help.

"I know someone who can help... Naxlon."

Naxlon looked at me and I said to him.

"Bo Wah Fin Sot Dovah Ahrk Fun Rok Mu Need Aak (Go to the white dragon and tell him we need help.)"

"I'm on it."

Naxlon said before he took off into the sky and I then said to the other two.

"Until Naxlon comes back, you two be ready for a fight."


They both said in unison. I looked at Yukino and I said to her.

"Yukino, go tell Headmaster Randolph and Klaus that danger is coming and be quick about it."

"OK, but what about you and Kagura?"

"Kagura and I will get to the main gates and we'll hold them off for as long as we can."


Yukino said to us before she took off running. I looked at Aoi and Rin and I said to them.

"Aoi Rin, you two go tell the other Tamers what's going on and tell them to get to the main gates."

"We're on it!"

Rin said before she and Aoi took off into the sky. We headed to the main gates and once we got there, the two dragon sages growled as they waited for the enemy to show up. Kagura drew her new sword and I transformed into my Ice Empress armour.

"Listen, guys, there's every chance that Father and the rest of the dark guildmates are gonna be stronger than before, so be on your guard."

"We will besides..."

Kagura looked at me with a smirk on her face before she continued to speak to me.

"We'll follow your lead, after all, we all knew that you'd be the one to lead the Tamers on the right path."

I smiled at Kagura's comment and then Yukino, the twin Tamers and Sora showed up in time.

"Kagura's right, after all, some of us won't be here because of you."

Sora said with a smile and then Yukino stood next to me with a smile on her face.

"Sora and I were trapped in the darkness for quite some time, we both thought that Father was the right person for the job but, we were both wrong, you're the right person for the job and nobody else can be a good leader other than you."

I smiled at their comments and I thought to myself.

'In a way...I'm glad to be their leader and perhaps one day, I will continue to find the remaining Tamers in this world and lead them on the right path but, the goal can wait...'

I looked at the main gates and we could hear the banging sounds from the other side meaning they were going to bust through the gates at any given moment.

'Right now, we've got a battle to win and this will be one war that no one will ever forget.'

I thought to myself with a smirk on my face. Suddenly, there was an explosion and then Salem and his men charged towards us and I shouted.


The dragon sages roared loudly and then my fellow tamers and I charged towards them with our spells and weapons ready.


Way up in the sky, Zethereth watched the fight and chuckled a little as Naxlon joined the fight.

"Well...this certainly takes me back, wouldn't you agree, the descendant of the great Dragon Tamers."

Zethereth said as Seiji flew next to him while riding on a green-yellow dragon, which is also a dragon sage and his name is Kargon, Protector of Life. Seiji smirked at Zethereth and he said to him.

"Looks like you're the only dragon who knows who and what I really am."

"So it would seem, my kin and I knew about your ancestor but we all thought your kind were wiped out and now you're calling yourself a dragonslayer."

"That's  because I was the one who defeated Apocalpyse's brother in battle, that's how I earned that title."

Seiji looked at the battle below and he watched Keira's fighting abilities.

"Looks like she's got the dragon sages under control and they trust her completely, I knew it was the right idea to give those eggs to Keira, it seems my theory about her was right as well."

"You know too don't you?"

"Of course, but the main question that's on everyone's minds, who will stand and who will fall in this war of light and darkness?"


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