The Chains of Love (Completed)

By wonderlessgemini

399K 9.6K 1.8K

*You been warned. This book has very explicit sex scenes. You must follow me in order to read them because... More

The Chains of Love
Authors Note I
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Author Note II
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapters 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Author Notes III
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42 The Finale!
Author Note IIII
Sequel/Author Notes
The Sequel
The Sequel II

Chapter 39

4.6K 146 28
By wonderlessgemini


I saw that Smiley had bruises and cuts on his face. I knew thay had gotten into a fight. The question it over. And i mean OVER! Like this whole 'thug' shit. Its not worth it. I rather date a broke Smiley than a dead Smiley. LoLo cant even get fucking married without shit happening. I know if I get married that shit aint gon' fly with me. You can damn sure guarantee that! Then my best friend gets shot and possibily lost her baby. On top of that all the other girls die too. Like damn it was a damn massacrade or some shit. I felt like I was in some BET gang movie. I love Smiley but I do NOT approve of his lifestyle.

"You sould get some sleep" he said.

"You should clean up that mess" I said not looking at him.

"Whats wrong Bae"

"This shit would never if yall had regular jobs." I said truthfully.

" Man don't start with that crap okay. You knew who I was and who your brother was from the jump. So come over here with some bullshit"

"Its not bullshit. I almost lost my life. My best friends...sisters almost lost their lives. Over what?! Money? Drugs? Power?"

"Be what you sayin"

"Y'all need to leave this gang shit ad just do y'all"

"It ain't that easy bae" he said walking away from me.

I hated him at the moment like NIGGA open your eyes!! You are close to death! I was about to go to the cafeteria when the doctor came.

"Family of Janea Jocks" he said as we all stood up.

"Yea" Steven said. Buddy looks tired as fyck. I ain't never seem him look so bad.

"Janea is responding to our treatment very well and as for the baby...A bullet...missed it by 2 centimeters. The baby is doing fine" he said. Let me tell you ya girl hit nae nae HUAHHHH!!! Steven look better than he did three minutes ago and everyone else look relieve. After we all talk and decided what to do when Nae gets out. The plan was to get our shit and get the fuck out and NEVER return to Vegas. Shiddd sounds like a plan to me.


It was nice to hear about the baby. Cuz lawd knows Steven would have my head if it didnt. Today Nae was getting out of that damn hospital and I couldnt be any happier. We all pile on in a rented car and drove to our hotel.

"Alright everyone get your bags and leave. Dont worry about anything else. Dont lookor speak to anyone but Marie Jane" I told everyone before unlocking the door."Whose Marie Jane" the girls ask?

"You'll know when you see her" I said quickly as I got out the car. Everyone followed as I went in the hotel room.I knew everyone was tired but damn they walking like zombies. So like yall niggas want to die today or nah. I got to the guys room and the door was crack open. I pulled my gun out and stick half my head in I saw a string going from the door to something but i didnt know what. Smiley didnt see me and he oush me forward making me open the door all the way. I saw a bomb with 45 seconds only. Shit!.

" Smiley!!! Everyone go go go go NOW!!!!!" I yelled as i ran. Everyone was running. I was yelling Bomb Bomb and everyone in the hotel was going crazy. I didnt see my clan and I got scared.

Then there was a BOOM!!!! And everything went dark..............

a/n hey guys let's Vite and comment!! This book is coming to an end. If you want a sequel let me know.I do this for y'all. Cuz Lawd knows I miss sleeping!

Smiley leaving?!?!

Shout out to
@_trippyshvt3(read her books)
If you want a shout out Vote and comment! If I forgot you message me!!

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