Teen Years & Teen Tears (Shat...

By slugism

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[Completed] Pidge just turned 18! She and her friends experience a lot of things in their teen years. Keith... More

Happy Birthday!
Pretty Boy Prince...
Vodka Drinking and Mission Planning
Potential Crime
Please Lotor, Have Mercy!
I'm Fine
Pidge's Happiness
Sneaking Out and Breaking In
Heartfelt Conversations
Welcome Home, Buddy.
It's Off to School, we go!
Bubbly Moods
The Sass that Lies Within Her
Fatal Glowing
The Sexuality of Takashi Shirogane
Psychopathic Liar
The Former Prince
Sickness Sucks
A Dull Sense of Clarity
Pity Party
Pride Parade!
Contribution to the Chaos
•My Orginal Character!•
Surprise Visitor
Depressed Witch
Q & A!
A Long Adventure
Undercover Dates
New Beginnings
Old Friends
Missing in Action
Loss of Hope
Nothing Could Go Wrong
Shadow People
The End?
Infinity and Beyond
Little Feet
Kisses, Rena <3
*whispers* hey
>_< hi >_<


211 10 5
By slugism

Allura, Lance, Pidge, Hunk, and Keith waited patiently in the waiting room.

"He can't leave. Not now." Allura kept repeating to herself.

"Allura. The doctors already said that he'll be fine." Keith reassured her.

"Yeah, princess. Cheer up." Pidge agreed.
"Your prince will wake up soon." Pidge continued, whispering in Allura's ear.

"How do y-" Allura was interrupted by a doctor, who was walking out of Lotor's hospital room.

"Hi, goodnight children." The doctor said. Keith rolled his eyes, due to the fact that he was being called a child.

"Your friend is okay, but due to hitting the ground when stabbed, he has a fractured bone in his arm. His stomach is doing better, however he needs to heavily be on painkillers to not be in pain all day." The doctor smiled.

Allura sighed in relief, he lost a decent amount of blood, and it scared Allura to know he might of died.

"Oh thank god!" Allura cheered. She rushed into the room, along with Lance and Pidge.

"Hey, Lotor!" Lance yelled, even though he was 4 feet away from the bed.

"Hello, Sorry for the worry." Lotor didn't laugh due to the pain that came along with it, but he smiled, trying to brighten the mood.

"Shut your mouth, don't be sorry! It wasn't your fault." Pidge laughed.

Keith watched from the doorway. He really didn't trust Lotor. He felt what Lance felt in the beginning, when this whole thing started. He was the one to start it. To Keith, Time was still endless. The whole thing seemed to continue, not to end.

Hunk had felt the same way, though only Keith knew that. He had to play along with the whole gang because first of all, Hunk is not one to cause unnecessary drama if not needed. Second of all, he had to agree with Pidge. Lastly, he was scared to speak his mind, but he trusted Keith.

"Keith, Hunk, are you coming in?" Pidge signaled for them to go in the room. Hunk and Keith looked very hesitant. They looked at each other with neglecting eyes.

"Sure." Hunk dragged Keith by his jacket.
"We're glad your not dead.." Keith falsely smiled. He lied. He wasn't glad that he's alive.

"Yeah." Lance agreed, putting an arm over Lotor, who was sitting in the bed in surprise.
Hunk could see alarms go off in Keith's brain.

"Keith, no." Hunk whispered, pulling him back a little. Lotor didn't do anything about it. He just let it happen.

"Hunk and I are going to get some coffee. Bye." Keith huffed, tugging at Hunks shirt.
"Yeah, we'll be back." Hunk followed Keith.

"I couldn't have just seen what I did." Keith stomped. "Look, they're just friends, Keith. Calm down." Hunk tried to help.

"No! I friend doesn't put an arm around a friend. Never have I done that." Keith slowed down, sighing.

"It's because the only friends you have is us." Hunk raised an eyebrow.

"Not helping, Hunk. Why would Lance do that? Doesn't he know by heart that I'm the jealous type? Ugh! I just wanna go home and be with one friend. Like only one. This group is starting to give me headaches everyday." Keith fussed, brushing his bangs out of his face.

"Okay. How about this, me and you go back to my apartment, and we hang out. We will leave them here right now, and go. I can make up an excuse for why we went home. And you are telling the truth, the group has become more toxic." Hunk's stomach swirled, he fidgeted.

"Thanks, Hunk. But what do you mean by toxic?" Hunk and Keith just exited the hospital.

"I mean, we have divided into groups of two. Allura and Lotor have to be hooking up. It's undeniable. She literally was with him when he was stabbed. That means they had to have gone somewhere, not walking to Allura's apartment." Hunk began to explain, but opening the car door.

"Lance and Pidge have been locking me out the trio lately, and Pidge is really bossy. Lance tells her everything about you, and she sleeps with you guys. How do you think I feel? I'm sad that she wants to stay away from me so badly, that she sleeps with her best friend." Hunk looked down.

"Hey, I was kicked out many times just because Pidge wanted to sleep with Lance. You know how much I come into your room and sleep on the floor? It's insane." Keith shook his head, looking at the boy.

"Then there is Shiro. He keeps to hisself quite often, correct? He kind of reminds me of emo you, but with a hint of happiness. He told me he's struggling with Allura and Lotor. He's very depressed. I tried to get him help, but it was no use." Hunk drove off.

"Yeah, we're the only ones he talks to." Keith furrowed his eyebrows when he got a text.

My Loverboy: Hey, where you guys going? I see you and Hunk in the van.
Sent: 10:56 p.m

Soft Boy Keith: Hey, we're both really tired. Hunk will pick you guys up at the entrance now. Um, I'll sleep by Hunk's apartment. You and Pidge can get the room, and Allura will get the guest bedroom.
Sent: 10:58 p.m

My Loverboy: Aww! Okay, we're on our way down.
Sent: 10:58 p.m

Keith rolled his eyes.
"Pull up by the entrance. We're gonna drop them at Pidge's House then go to your apartment. Now Lance cares if I'm with him or not." Keith huffed, whining.

"Don't go to hard on him, Keith. He doesn't know better." Hunk stopped by the entrance door. Pidge, Lance, and a puffy-eyed Allura came out.

Keith was silent when they entered the van.

"He's doing great." Lance said. He was in the phone with Coran.

"Great to hear, son. Alrighty, talk with you later." Coran hung up.

"So I hear Hunk & Keith are having a sleepover." Pidge peered over to the two boys who sat in front.

Sweat was bursting from Keith's forehead. He was trying to hold back from yelling at all their asses. Keith was always different from rest of the group. Holding his opinions, thoughts, and emotions in, it's what he does best.

"Y-Yeah." Hunk didn't know what to say. He said he'll come up with an excuse, which meant he will. Will. Had hadn't planned one out already.

"Why though?" Lance asked, taking a Snapchat of Allura to send to Lotor. Her eyes were all puffy, swollen almost. Her hair was a frizzy mess, and her clothes were stained with blood.

"I-um.." Hunk struggled. Keith could tell his bandana wearing friend needed some help.
"We feel bad sleeping over at Pidge's House all of the time. My house is all the way in eastern Altea. Hunk lives close, so we figured we could get to know each other better." Keith lied, the words almost coming out his mouth naturally.

"Oh, okay..." Lance hummed, trying to take the perfect picture of Allura.

"Stop it, Lance! I look horrible!" Allura whined, causing Lance to put the phone down.

"Guys, we're here." Pidge sighed, shaking her head slightly. She opened the van door, nearly slamming it into Allura's face.

"Okay, Bye!" Allura and Pidge waved, while Lance stopped by the passenger's window.
He knocked on it, signaling for Hunk to roll it down.

"Bye, babe. I'm going miss you." Lance smiled.
Keith reluctantly became Mr.Smiley face himself. "Bye." Keith rolled his eyes.

"Hey, um..I'll call you when I get up." Lance awkwardly said, sensing something was definitely wrong with his boyfriend.

"Yeah. Bye." Keith was begging for Lance to leave, literally screaming it. He guessed Lance was deaf, since he was still there. Hunk stared weirdly at his tan friend, also wanting to leave.

"Love you." Lance started stepping back, kind of getting the signal.

"Goodnight, Lance." Keith looked down, rolling up his window as Hunk pulled off. Lance was left in the dust, once again. How many times was this going to happen? How many times was he going to get shut down?

His heart shattered into little tiny pieces. That was the very first time since the first 2 weeks of their relationship that Keith hadn't said 'I love you' back. It was the worse feeling in the world, besides from being miserable.

Lance broke down right then and there, on the road. Hundreds of hot, salty tears streaming down a face that didn't deserve to cry. He thought Keith loved him. He wanted Keith to love him.

Hunk had just pulled off, so Keith saw when Lance shattered like glass. "Hunk stop the car, please." Keith didn't care if he was angry at Lance, or even disappointed. He made a promise to the boy that he would always be right there to help him.

"You're coming with me and Hunk, Okay?" Keith helped the boy up, him still sobbing. Keith has no clue what he had been crying about, but he would find out soon enough.

Once Lance was in the backseat, Keith called Coran to go stay with the girls. They couldn't leave them there by themselves, since Lotor or his former generals could bust in at any moment.

The black haired boy sat in front, watching his speechless boyfriend sob quietly in the backseat.

~ 5 minutes later ~
Lance got into the house first, knowing the locks by heart. Hunk gave Keith a sad look, while Keith was confused. Hunk had known what was wrong with Lance. Keith didn't at all.

Lance threw himself down on the guest room bed. Keith peered to Hunk.

"I'm going to see what's wrong." He whispered, tip-toeing to the guest room. He heart beat was quickening with every step.

"Lance?" Keith opened the door, stepping in, then closing the door again.

"Yes?" Lance threw his phone down, almost in a angsty tone. He felt sad, only to play it off as rage.

"What's wrong?" Keith was a little frightened, to be honest.

"What's wrong? I don't know, Keith. I really don't know. Maybe I'm a crybaby. No, Keith. You left me in the dust like everybody else.
H-How could you do that?" Lance let tears flow from his azure eyes once more.

"I was leaving you for one night, Lance." Keith smiled as he held Lance's hands.

"No. No, the whole thing was because you didn't say 'I love you' just like Allura, just like Pidge. I got that feeling of denial again." Lance cried, leaving Keith's heart shattered, just like his.

"I'm sorry. I do love you. But, you do know that I'm the jealous type, Lance. I was jealous! I mean how could you put an arm around our former, and maybe even current enemy! He wants us to fight, Lance! Don't you see that." Keith was choked by his words.

"What are you taking about?" Lance almost completely uncertain of what made the boy jealous in the first place.

"You has an arm around Lotor, God, I'm so stupid, none of this would happened if I was just gone, right? If you didn't know me!" Keith nearly ripped his hair out, he felt rage and disappointment with himself.

"No! I can't live without you." Lance hugged his boyfriend tightly. "Even if we disagree, or argue, we'll always be Lance and Keith. Once the couple that was the most simple, that turned to the most complicated." Lance's muffled words said.

"I love you, Lance." Keith reassured the boy that even if they fight, Keith will still love him. Keith would love him for the rest of his life, even if things went wrong.

"I love you too." Lance sighed into the boy's shoulder. After a few minutes of each other's presence, Keith broke the silence.

"This is our first argument." Keith giggled, which turned into a full blown laugh.

"I wouldn't call it an argument, I would call it...hmm, yeah it was an argument." Lance beamed.

Keith and Lance both walked out, Lance wearing a blue onesie, Keith wear a red one, and Hunk a yellow.

"Ah! My boys have made up!" Hunk cheered.

"Get used to it. It's all part of being complicated." Lance laughed.

"Guys. Shiro's back." Hunk's eyes widened.

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