Condemning Conspiracy

By Lusterdragon72

590 17 58

Censure the scheme of those who know not what they have done but reveal the results with a light show. Third... More

P: Working Things Out T: Curious
P: Hoping For The Happy T:Desperate
Story: Trying T:Merciful
P: Above And Below Average T: Interested
E: Moving In T: Agravated
P: In Hell T: Annoyed
P: Triggered Memories T:Scarred
Story: Doubling Over T: Confused
P: Relax T:Tense
P: Paper Airplanes T: Hopeful
P: A + A = B T: Curious
P: Proving Illusion T: Disappointed
P: Progression T: Inspired
E: Reevaluating T: Thoughtful
P: Questioning The 'Try' T: Unfaithful
E:Evolutionary T:Concentrated
Breaker One: Summer
P: The Unknown Ballad T: Hopeful
P: Outside T:Amazed
E: Note Taking T: Determined
P: The Potential T: Happy
P: Whirl T: Mixed feelings
P: The Explination T: Contemplating
P: Lasting Through Seventeen T:Happy
P: Smile Sometime T: Confused
E: Creating A Figure T: Thoughtful
E: Bus writing T: Bored
P: Nine
P: A Soothing Battle T: Hopeful
E: Last Battle
Promised This Statement.
Off Limits
P: Dedicated T: Happy
P: Lost At Sea T: Happy
P: Dedication T: Happy
P: A word of advice T: Content
P: The Past T: Amused
E: Hope. T: Thoughtful
E: Ramble T: Mixed Feelings
E: Loosing Patience. T: Frustrated and Paranoid
E: Ramble II T: Annoyed
First Official Day As A Graduate
P: Weary T: Aggrivated
P: Culturing You T: Annoyed
P: Blockage Of Intel T:Frustrated
P: Defiance T; Annoyed
P: Rap...? T: Surprised
BREAKER THREE: How time flies
P: Breaking T: Presuasive
P: A Blocking conversation T:Annoyed
E: Escalate T: Regretful
P: Mind My Own Business T: Frustrated
P: These Nights T: Aggrivated
P: Murdering Man T: Frustrated
P: True Criminals T: Frustrated
P: Writer's Curse T:Aggrivated
E: Note To Self
E: Desperately Confused T: Frustrated
E: Continuation T: Aggrivated
P: Exactly Like You T: Amused
P: Natural T: Happy
E: When you let life happen. It happens T: Excited
P: Living T: Alive
P: A Couple of Questions T: Thoguhtful
P: Messed Up T: Upset
P: The Departure T: Confused*
P: Blasphemy Cries T: Annoyed
E: dream (July 27th. 2012)
P: June 8 2012
P: Lost In Time T: Frustrated
P: Questionaire I T: Thoughtful
P: Questionaire II T: Thoughtful
E: Management T: Aggrivated
P: Battling T: Desperate
E: Today's Agenda T: Wavering
E: Writing For Your Lives I T: Amused
P: My Will T: Determined
Breaker Five: All Because Of Hopeless Determination
P: The Fighter
P: Asking Hope T: Depressed
P: The Casting Shadow
P: Being Heard T: Intrigued
P: Cursed Thresholds T: Depressed
P: Misery T: Annoyed
P: Asking For Hell T: Aggrivated
What's All Wrong - Introduction
What's All Wrong - Part One
What's All Wrong - Part Two
What's All Wrong - Part Three
What's All Wrong - Part Four
What's All Wrong - Part Five
What's All Wrong - Part Six
What's All Wrong - Part Seven
What's All Wrong - Part Eight
What's All Wrong - Conclusion

Story: Charisma T:Lost

3 0 0
By Lusterdragon72

  Ashton's eyes met her diamond reflecting soul. Sweat ran down his face as he forced down a gulp. Avoiding her was all he had done for years allowing the emotions to settle. Now, they were face to face and all he could do was declare what he had never considered himself to be. Her eyes met his.Her face was in his hands. The words of his curse echoed in his head.

  "The bullet will curve when love is the trigger." 

  Love? Did he love her? Or. Was he human? The feelings clenched his chest and embraced his heart. If he held the gun of fate to anyone else's life, would he be able to pull the trigger? Was it 'human'? Was he-human? 

  But. At the same time was Ashton sympathetic? She had done nothing to him. Well. Nothing that required her life's payment. Her wrist held no shackles and her ankles were not held down. The only reason she stood her ground and gazed into his eyes was because of him. He held the gun that pointed at her face. 

  Even if he forced himself to to shoot in another direction away from her, the curse would sentence her death. Regardless, of how much he didn't want her to die, if he pulled the trigger, that be would be the end. Was it because he loved her? Or was it because he cared? Love wasn't caring was it? Still. He couldn't turn away and she would let him. She would let him pull the trigger. He knew. And that's why he didn't 

  She loved him. That much. He knew. She spent most of her life drowning herself in thoughts of him. Finally. She was able to move on in life and have many other 'significant others'. However, she would never betray him in the sense of love. She was always an option. One not stable but welcoming. 

  And because of that... He ran.

  No other woman in his life would be able to say that she loved him first. No other woman was allowed to be his first kiss. They experimented on each other, fought the world together, and built standards upon each other. And yet. Now. Two full decades later. Here they were. Her eyes as gleaming as ever. Locked with his. No where for him to run yet she was free. 

  She could run from him. Yet she didn't. She would never. 

  And that's why he hated her. 

  Hate was useless. It was a strong misunderstand. But. Since there was no true 'darkness' there was only the absence of light. Then. Would there be no true 'hatred' only the absence of love? He scowled at himself for falling in love with her in the first place. 

  He would never admit his love. He would only show it. It existed inside of him. In the depths of his experiences and other factors. The curse was placed in many dreams. And then, a decade and a few years ago he heard the curse consciously. 

  The grip on the gun mocked him. He didn't want this. He never wanted this. He wanted to run. Run away from her. After hearing the curse he desperately searched for another, feeling love in each relation. However, he knew none of them would ever outdo her will. 

  She smirked. A half smile and half frown. She was still. He wanted to scream, he wanted to yell, but he was mute. If it weren't for the fear he would be crying. But his arm was extended towards her with the gun in hand. It was a force. And the more he denied it the more seconds that gave her a chance would pass. However, there was a limit. He knew that he couldn't strain for too longer. He gave himself five minutes at the maximum. 

  Her passionate stare comforted him and tugged at his heart. He could never love someone the same. And she. Would never love anymore more. An excuse. He tried to think of excuse for her to leave him. He had ran from so long than he almost forgot why. 

  Why had he developed the desire? Because she made the mistake. She left him physically. They desperately tried to separate. And now? Here they were. Her stubborn will and passion allowed him to let her pay. She wanted him to take her life. He knew that she felt that longing. She loved him after all. And yet, on her left ring finger was a mark of another man. Her loyalty to him frustrated him. Why? Why after so long? 

  It had been two decades since they had been together. Two. And she still had the guts to take a bullet for him--from him. He was flustered. What made him so special? She had vowed to another. Yet he knew she would leave anyone the moment of his request. Because she believe in him. She believed that  there was a chance. And there was. However, he buried it deep down inside him. Hoping. Hoping that it would disappear. 

  And now. It uncovered itself. Growing int a stronger force, spreading roots in the soil that he had layered over it. Relationship after relationship giving it only a chance to awaken in his darkness. His palm sweated and his fingers twitched. All he had to do was shoot. And then the agony of the moment would dissipate.

  Although, would it be gone? All his feelings for her. Her determination? Would he be able to live knowing that he had taken her life? No. It was a selfish act. There was nothing more. He wanted to live on. But. How would he explain to her vow of his act. No cameras could explain his emotions. There were none around. No one crossed their five minute path. And here he was, tears rolling down his cheeks. Silent. With the ring of the gun in his ear. Her half frown half smile turning into a glorious grin. Her eyes filled with forgiveness and freedom. Bullet curving exactly as the curse said, Ashton watched as she fell forward. 

  Every memory that he had with her played through his head. The intense shock in his heart gave way to his knees and his breath. Eyes slowly fading from light, he was forced to into paralysis. Gun scurrying away as he hit the cement he was obligated to watching her depart as he too stood on his own, meeting her eyes once again. 

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