You Again | A Luke Hemmings F...

By LukesLover96

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Sadie, could never be happier. She had it all, great parents, a best friend, and a boyfriend. But one day Sad... More

Chapter 1 | Relatioships
Chapter 2 | Explanations
Chapter 3 | Awkward Stages
Chapter 4 | Making Up
Chapter 5 | Make Up Time
Chapter 6 | Another Chance
Chapter 7 | Secrets
Chapter 8 | Truth Or Dare
Chapter 9 | New Feelings
Chapter 10 | A Friendly Date
Chapter 11 | New Relationships
Chapter 12 | Dead
Chapter 13 | Funeral
Chapter 14 | Tara
Chapter 15 | Song For Her
Chapter 16 | Stillworth and Irwin
Chapter 17 | Acoutic Show Misery
Chapter 18 | Moving Time
Chapter 19 | A Dick Named Connor
Chapter 20 | Accidents
Chapter 21 | Hospital
Chapter 22 | Perfect Plans
Chapter 23 | An Extra Speacial Date
Chapter 24 | London
Chapter 25 | A Date In London
Chapter 26 | Home
Chapter 28 | Halfway There
Chapter 29 | Tara's Back
Chapter 30 | A Savior Named Niall
Chapter 31 | I'm Sorry
Chapter 32 | Friends Again
Chapter 33 | Thanks and Some Other Stuff
Chapter 34 | Broken Again
Chapter 35 | Feelings
Chapter 36 | Amnesia
Chapter 37 | A Different Relationship
Chapter 38 | Happily Ever After
Authors Note. Important!
Epilouge Part 2

Chapter 27 | Tour Time

3.1K 61 43
By LukesLover96

Sadie's POV

The past two months have gone by pretty quickly, because we were leaving for the tour today. I was so excited. We were going to New Zealand first. I've never been there, I'm so excited.

"Ready to go, everyone else is waiting outside in the car." Luke said from behind me.

"Yep." I said popping the p.

We walk downstairs and all the guys and their girls are waiting in the car. When I get I greet everyone and we start jamming out to some music. You could tell the driver was getting annoyed.

We get to the airport and we check in and go to security. Security took a while, as usual. Finally we got through and now we were just waiting for the plane.

Soon we boarded the plane and we were off. I sat with Luke of course, Ashton and Anne, Calum and Casey, and Mike and Claire.

*3 Hours Later*

We finally arrived in Auckland and it was raining, great. I had to stop doing guitar lessons because I was gonna be gone for 6 months.

We get off the plane and start walking to baggage claim. I go to grab my bags but Luke beats me to it. "Luke, I can grab my bag myself."

"No it's fine." He said giving me a smile. Which I returned.

We go outside and the guys are surrounded by dozens of screaming fans. There were several things being shouted out like. "CALUM HAVE MY BABIES." "ASHOTN MARRY ME." "LUKE I LOVE YOU." "MICHAEL I LOVE YOU." It was crazy, but the guys loved their fans. The guys took pictures and signed things as we made our way to the car.

We got into the car and left the airport. It was so cold outside. We finally arrived to the hotel we would be staying in for a while. We got to the front desk and Marcus, they're manager gave rooming assignments.

-Me and Luke
-Casey, Claire, and Anne
-Ashton, Calum, and Michael

Everything was perfect. Marcus handed us our keys and we went to our rooms. All of our rooms were on the same floor. Me and Luke's room was across from the other guys and the girls were next door.

Me and Luke go inside and I set down my bags. It was only 12:3o, so all of us decided to meet up in the lobby in 10 minutes and go out for lunch. I grabbed a fresh pair of clothes an changed. I had a pair if light wash jeans with a coral tank and a beige cardigan. I paired them with a pair of brown flats. I grabbed my phone and wallet and waited for Luke to come out of the bathroom.

"Ready princess." I nodded and we left the room.

We got down to the lobby and we were greeted by the others. "So I heard there's this really good sushi bar here so why don't we go there." Calum suggested.

"I'm fine with that." Mike said.

"Sounds good." Anne replied. The rest of us nodded and we made our way to the sushi bar.

We sat down and ordered our food and drinks. While we waited we just talked about the tour.

"We go to Europe in 3 days, we won't have hotels there just a tour bus. So it's gonna be pretty crammed since there's eight of us." Luke spoke.

"I need my own bed for my makeup supplies and stuff. So one of you girls need to give up your bed." Anne said sipping her drink.

"Sadie will give hers up." Luke volunteered for me. I looked at him and he just smirked.

"Luke, I don't want to sleep in the lounge." I complained.

"I didn't say you were sleeping in the lounge now did I. Your sleeping with me princess." He said smiling. Everyone else just laughed.

"Fine." I said finally giving in.

Soon are good arrived and we devoured it. The guys had show tonight so thy needed to eat.


We were at the arena where the guys would be playing tonight. Right now they were at sound check. Us four girls were running around backstage pissing off the security guards. Which was so freaking fun.

I creeped up behind one of the security guards and jabbed his sides with my fingers. I ran off and he was chasing after me. He finally caught up to me and threw me over his shoulders and carried me out to the seats. Anne, Claire, and Casey were already sitting out there with security guards behind them. Guess they got caught too.

The guys were still singing.

"Life's a tangled web, of cell phone calls and hash tag I-dont-knows. And you, your so caught up in all the blinking lights and dial tones."

Luke sang looking at me, I couldn't help but look back into his eyes.

"I'll admit I'm a bit of a victim in the world wife system too, but I found my sweet escape when I'm alone with you." Luke said winking at me, I felt my cheeks heating up on me.

Calum started singing. "I like the summer rain, I like the sounds you make."

Soon the guys finished the other songs on their set so they went I the dressing room.

Us girls walked back in there and the sight was unpleasant. All four guys were in their underwear just causally walk around. It's like they do this all the time, wait never mind they do. Especially Calum.

"Hey girls." Mike said waving at us.

"Put some pants on you ass." Casey said keeping herself composed when she really wanted to laugh.

All four guys got up and put their pants back on. Phew. I didn't want to see Calum, Mike, or Ashton in their underwear. It was a little awkward.

It was now 5 minutes till show time for the guys. All of them were nervous.

"Guys, don't worry they're gonna love you." I said reassuring them.

"What if they don't?" Ashton questioned.

"Why the hell would they be here if the didn't." These four were such idiots.

"Boys, your on. Go kick some ass." Marcus said pushing them into stage. The crowd started to roar and I mean roar. They were so loud, the guys were living the dream.

"Hello Auckland, we are 5 Seconds of Summer." Ashton yelled into the mic.

The guys start playing 'Good Girls' which for me is a personal favorite.

Us girls started singing along. "She said to me, forgot what you saw, cuz good girls are bad girls that haven't been caught." We sounded horrid.

After a few more songs the guys finished their set, which was hands down amazing. They came off stage and they were sweating like crazy.

Luke ran up to me an engulfed me in his arms. Eww. "Lucas, get off me your sweat."

"Never, plus you know you love it." I rolled my eyes and he soon let go of me.

We went back to the dressing room and hung out for a while. We then went back to the hotel. We said our good nights to everyone else and headed off to our room.

"Y'all were amazing out there." I said grabbing my suitcase and getting pajamas.

"Thank you princess." He said pecking my cheek.

I wen to the bathroom and showered quickly an changed into my pajamas. I made Luke take shower after me because I was not sleeping next to somebody drenched in sweat.

I walk over to the bed lay down and pull out my phone. I opened up twitter and started scrolling through my feed.

@sadieeeparker stay away from Luke he's mine bitch

@sadieeeparker he doesn't even love you, he just feels bad for you.

@sadieeeparker your ugly as hell, what does Luke see in you, bitch.

@sadieeeparker it's really unfortunate your still alive

@sadieeeparker go die, your ugly. Luke is only dating you because he feels bad.

I started crying, what did I ever do wrong to these people to make them hate me. Yeah I'm not the prettiest girl on the planet but they don't need to say it to my face. I chucked my phone at the wall it made a dent in the wall but it didn't break. I kept crying. Why me, it's not fair.

I couldn't stop crying, it hurt so bad. What's wrong with me.

I heard the bathroom door and Luke came out. I quickly wiped my eyes and put on a fake smile.

"Princess what's wrong?" He asked sitting next to me.

"Nothing." I replied a bit to quickly.

"Okay, the why is your phone halfway across the room and why are your eye red?" Shit. He knew me to well.

I started to tear up a bit again, he pulled me into his lap and rocked me back and forth. "Luke, y-your fans h-hate me." I choked out. By then I was sobbing. "I'm the reason your losing fans."

"Then they were never real fans, the true ones will support me in any decision I make." He said wiping the tears from eyes with his thumb.

"I love you Luke Hemmings." I said pecking his lips.

"I love you more Sadie Parker." He said kissing me cheek.

He laid down next to me and pulled the covers over us. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him. He kissed my temple and I dozed off.

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