Saving Snape

By Rumblerina

102K 5.7K 3.4K

Two girls by the names of Hazel Osgood and Isabelle Morgan had won the opportunity of a lifetime. They had en... More

Saving Snape
1. Rita Skeeter is a ninja spy lady
2. Snapey must live while Sirius tapdances
3. Won Won isnt happy
4. Harry Freaking Potter
5. I dont like Red Vines
6. People skills because people kill
7. Thats a smile, people
8. Teaspoons and troll bogeys
9. Emma-Leigh is friends with me
10. Pansy's a good girl...
11. You had me at food.
12. Ron has a problem
13. Pansy wants to apologise
Authors note
14. The rings
15. The truth about muggles
16. Harry is a poor orphan boy and we will save him with OneRepublic powers!
17. Future vocab
18. Okay? Okay.
19. The magical flashback
20. Christmas presents
21. Feelings of a fan
22. Ron breaks his wand, now Ginny's gone.
23. Use the hat, dear boy.
24. Hold your hippogriffs
25. The plan
26. We finally get... Serious
27. Free the music
28. Double flashback
29. The hideout room
30. Looks like Pansy sucks
31. Gryffindor!
32. The Magic of Books
33. A true gryffindor
34. Getting them back
35. Hanging with George
36. Presents and birthdays
37. Fear
38. I think it counts as a joke
39. I'm Frankenstein
40. Georgie-pie has lovely eyes
41. Its just comfy
42. Truth or Dare
43. Death eaters and mini people
44. I clone a clone of a clone
45. I finish cloning
46. Christmas
47. Cedric will FIND Lily soon.
48. Cedric
49. Voldysnort
50. Cleaning duties
51. Death eater meetings
52. Unsupported flight
54. The other half
55. Fireworks
56. Mama's little love hand
57. The battle
58. Tabitha and Sirius
59. Now she knows
60. Another monster chapter
61. Proving myself
62. The rest of my quest
63. Interrogation
64. Chelsea Malfoy
65. Movies
66. Chelsea facts
67. Hermione's misery
68. Bithdays and mama birds
69. (Dont even think about it) Birthday dates
70. Hatred
71. MacBath
72. Back to school
73. Torture and rebellion
74. The battle of Hogwarts
75. Nineteen years later

53. Half a christmas

1.1K 72 38
By Rumblerina

I trudge down to Hogsmeade with my little group. Well, not Fred and Em. They're off being a happy couple or whatever.

Today's the meeting to announce the D.A. so, we're all going over there. I'm going to tell off anyone who says a word against Harry. What he said about Cedric was all true.

Apart from his murderer, we all know that was a lie.

George keeps asking me about my double spy stuff, and I have to put my hand over his mouth a few times.

"Not here, George."

"Why not?" He mumbles through my hand. It's muffled, but I can hear clearly.

"Well, for one, we're currently walking in a large group with a lot of people, including a few Slytherins I'd rather never see again." I take my hand off. "Get what I'm saying?"


"Good. Oh look, we're here."

We step inside and wait for the trio to take their time. Eventually they step inside.

"About time, Harry." I say.

He sits down, and Hermione does that awkward little speech. When people start hating on Harry, I stand up.

"Hermione, can I please say something?"

"Sure, Belle."

I turn to everyone. "You think he was lying about Cedric? You think he was just joking about the death of a lively seventeen year old? I had the unpleasant experience of witnessing it in a vision. I'm a seer, and I saw it. I saw it and I wasn't allowed to stop it. Harry Potter is not lying. Lord Voldemort is back, and Umbridge refuses to teach us how to defend ourselves." Everybody shivers at Voldemort's name and I smirk. "Harry, would you like to say something?"

I sit back down with a smile and he stands up and says his bit, then sits down after everybody starts talking about his accomplishments.

Then Hermione brings out the parchment and we write our names on it.

Random fact: Luna wrote her name upside-down.


After the meeting I head down to The Magic Of Books with George and we work there until more people come to take our jobs. The whole time, George is trying to make me laugh, and succeeding at it.

He can be hilarious sometimes. I laugh so hard a few times that the owner threatens to send us away. George becomes a bit quiet after that, but at least tries to make me smile.

Well, at least this one won't die.

That night I'm woken up by somebody coming through the portrait hole. I cast a disillusionment spell on myself and tiptoe down the stairs. Mr Weasley just got attacked.

Oh goody! (Note the sarcasm)

I head back to the girls dorms, and open the door to the fourth years dorm, where Ginny is sleeping. I take off the charm, then wake her up.

"In a few minutes somebody'll come for you. Don't freak out, he's safe."

"Who? What?"

"I'm a seer, and I know what's up. I'll stay with you, but I might not be there when you're summoned to Dumbledore's office. Just keep calm, he's alright."


"You'll find out, Gin."

I stay with her until she's called to go to Dumbledore's office. I walk with her to the common room, and the twins are in there, waiting. They look really confused and worried.

"Fred, George. He's fine. You don't know who yet, because I don't think I'm supposed to tell you. When you do find out, just know that he'll walk out alive. It would have been fatal if not for Harry."

"Thanks." They say quietly, then walk out with Ginny. I go back to bed.


That Christmas, I spend the first half of the day with Severus. I give him an everlasting Lily. It won't die. I also give him the last book.

"Just don't read it in front of me, please. I'm still not emotionally healed from your memories."

He chuckles softly. "If you say so."

He hands me a broomstick. It's not a firebolt but it's perfect. We spend the rest of our time together inside, just being a family, which is more than enough. Too soon, I have to go to Grimmauld place.

Severus apparates us there, and I turn to him.

"Won't you stay?"

"People will question. It's better we keep it quiet, especially around Harry. After the war is over, you can climb to the top of the astronomy tower and shout it out for all I care. Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas... Dad."

He smiles fondly and dissaparates. I wait for number 12 to appear, then walk inside the door. I'm ambushed by eight redheads, while Mrs Weasley tries to stop them from squashing me to death.

"Let her breathe!" She shouts, and everybody smiles sheepishly.

"Hey, Weasleys."

They laugh and I adjust my bag.

"You're sharing with me again." Says Ginny. "I'll come with you." She sits me down on my bed and closes the door.

"So why are you so eager to be alone with me?"

"Girl talk."


She rolls her eyes. "You're the only single lady around here who isn't interested in books or hanging out with Sirius. You must have a crush."

I blush. "Maybe."

"It's not Harry, is it?"

"No, he's all yours." I wink at her.

"Do you think he knows?" She asks, going bright red.

"No way. I have a plan, though."


"Make him jealous. I know him inside out, and when he can't have a girl, he wants her. Once she's his, he won't let go unless they weren't meant to be. And you, my ginger friend, are the perfect match for him."

"You sure?"

"I'm sure. Just make sure he sees you going out with guys, make sure he knows. He'll fall for you by the end of next year, I promise."

"I'll help you as well, if you'll tell me who it is... If it's who I think it is, you're doing fine."

"Who do you think it is?"

"I'm not telling! I swore I wouldn't tell you who it was. All I'll say is that someone likes you. A lot."

I blush. "Any clues?"



"No." She looks me straight in the eyes. Her eyes are what give it away.

"So it's one of your brothers, huh?"

"I won't tell you which one."

I'm about to start guessing, when the twins apparate into the room.

"Hello girls, what're you talking about?"

Ginny smiles sheepishly and I giggle.

"Come on, Belle." Says George. "You can tell us."

"No I can't." I say, grinning. "It's not my place."

They turn to Ginny and I smirk. She squints at me before shooing the boys out of the room. She turns to me.

"That wasn't fair!" She tries to keep a straight face.

The key word being tries. She ends up giggling, and I join her.

Soon, we're laughing out loud, not caring that the twins left and extendable ear in here.

George's POV

The girls start laughing and I can't help but smile as I hear Belle. Her laugh is light and bubbly, just like her personality. Fred notices my smile and nudges me.

"It'll happen soon, buddy. Just wait." He grins and leaves me to go write to Emma-Leigh. I smile even more and go back to listening.


To all the shippers: it'll happen soon, just wait.

The George's POV was my small offering as a sorry for not uploading earlier present.

I hate writer's blocks. They suck.

QOTC: do you ship Snumbridge? (I hope not)

Please vote!


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