Wizardess Heart: A Tamer's Be...

By Animefan446

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Long ago, there was once a group of powerful Wizards who have special abilities that no one could ever imagin... More

Character Introductions
The Ice Tamer, Keira Mitsui
Welcome Back To The Academy
First Day Of School
I Won't Be A Weakling Anymore
The Ice Wizard's Strength
Keira Will Never Be Free
Keira's Betrayal
Tower Of Sorrows
Heading Back To Skystead Village
Skystead Village
A Fresh Start And The Return Of A Half-Brother
Suspicions Of Dark Magic
Searching For The Unicorn Spring
Keira's Dream
A Brother And Sister Reunion
I Will Come Back For You
Preparing For The Summer Break
A Warm Up For The Festival
The Magical Creatures Festival
Celebrating The Festival
Meeting Hakko Izuma
Hakko's First Day
Hakko Is A Tamer?!
Hakko And Elias Become Buddies
Danger Is Approaching
The Ice Emperor, Sora
Keira Obtains Her Mother's Weapon, Frostguard
The Ice Tamers, Sora And Keira
Keira's Training Begins
The Fortune Sage
The Cold-Hearted Tamer, Kagura Hayashi
Kagura's Past
Showdown! Tamer vs Tamer
Kagura vs Keira
The Old Tamers Village
The Fire Dragon, Ignitus and A Mother and Daugther Reunion
Father vs Daughter
The Announcement of The Magic Games
The White Dragon, Zetherth
The Mysterious Visitor
The Balance Of Power
Leon's Power And Strength
Heading Into The Fairy World
Card Battle! Hakko vs Yukino
Saving The Fairy King
Yukino Enrolls Into The Academy
Yukino's Lonely Heart
The Magic Games Begin
Card Magic Battle! Hakko vs Clara!
Showdown! Ice Tamer vs Frost Mage
Esmeralda vs Kagura!
We'll Show Them Who's Number One
Showdown! Keira vs Laura!
The Dragonsheild Guild And Gendonlune Academy Will Always Be Number 1!
We're Going Into The Team Battles!
Let The Team Battles Begin!
Twin Tamers vs Iron and Dark Mage
Hakko And Kagura vs Sapphire and Raoul
The Ice Tamers vs Dragonlord and Demonlord
No Matter What Happens! I Will Never Give Up!
My Life Has Just Gotten Exciting
Preparing For The Celebration Party
The Celebration Party
The Dragonslayer, Seiji
Irseith, The Gifted One
I Have To Be Ready For Another Attack
Seiji Knows Something That We Don't
You're Not Alone In This World
Who will stand and Who Will Fall In This War Of Light And Darkness?
The Battle of Gendonlune
You're Half Tamer And Half Dragonlord!
I Will Lead The Tamers On The Right Path!
The Truth About The Mitsui Family
The End...For Now
Author's Note And Sequel Coming Soon!

I Will Know When The Time Comes

32 0 0
By Animefan446


Dominic got back to the hideout in the mountains and he explained to Ivan that he had failed. Ivan was about to lose his temper with him until Salem said to him.

"Wait! before you get angry! I have another plan in mind, what if we capture those who are closest to Keira and make a trade with her."

"There's no way that will work, she's smarter than she looks, I have a better idea in mind, the Headmaster is immortal since he's one of the three guardians of the Tower of Sorrows and the eastern forest, he knows where that white dragon is."

"Huh? white dragon? you mean Zetherth? but, what would he know about that dragon?"

"Before my idiot brother got caught, I sent some of my familiars to keep an eye on Keira and her friends and it turns out, some of the dragon languages that Keira used during mines and the magic game battle rounds, a certain dragon had taught her, one of my familiars have found out that Keira was taught by none other than the King of the skies himself but the problem is, he's hiding somewhere in the forbidden forest and only the Headmaster knows about him."

Salem frowned slightly and he mumbled.

"That little brat, so that's how she was able to control that dragon sage."

"What was that?"

Ivan asked him and then Salem explained to him about how Keira was able to understand the Dragon's tongue and how Zadra responded to her command. Ivan's eyes widen in shock when Salem told him this and he then said to him.

"Are you sure? Did Keira really spoke to one of the dragon sages and gave it a command in Dragon tongue?"

"Postive, because if it wasn't she would've spoken to that Dragon sage in English."

Ivan couldn't believe what he had been told and then he smirked evilly and he started to chuckle. Salem was confused because he thought that Ivan would have been shocked angry at this. 

"Um...Master? what's the matter? why do you find this so amusing?"

"Why do you ask? it's because that daughter of mine doesn't know the power that awakening inside of her, this is also another reason why I should pay a little visit to that Academy and when we do, Keira is going to get the shock of her life when I tell who and what she really is."

"So what's the plan?"

"We need stronger guildmates, go to our allies and find the strongest guildmates you can get your hands on and also, find experts on trapping dragons."

Salem nodded his head and he said to him.

"Yes, sir."

Salem then left the hideout and then he and Lily went to their allies for help.



I was in the Headmaster's office and I have the three dragon sages with me. Headmaster Randolph looked impressed when I told him how I was able to get their names right and what their abilities are.

"Nice work Keira, I'm impressed you were able to name the three dragon sages and hatch them without any bother."

"I'm actually surprised myself."

I said as I petted Zada's head as he nudged his head gently against my cheek. Klaus looked at them and he said to me.

"Well, I'm glad you feel that way, but, haven't you noticed that they're starting to get bigger?"

I looked at the dragon sages and he was right, they were starting to get bigger and they were few inches taller than Aoi and Rin's smaller forms. 

"I have actually, I'm starting to think they're growth is a lot faster than a magical creature's and an animal's growth as well."

Headmaster Randolph chuckled and he lets Irseith climb onto his shoulder.

"That's because dragons tend to grow a lot faster than your usual animal and magical creatures, if I were you, I'd keep an eye on them because the last thing we need is those three growing into their 'monster' size and scaring off a few students."

"That's exactly what I'm going to do trust me, the last thing I need is the ministry of magic getting on my case about these dragon sages."

The dragon sages snickered a little and then we headed to class. Once we got to class, Liz, Elias and Yukiya were looking at the three dragons who were sitting on my desk. Elias was a bit surprised when I told him how I was able to hatch them.

"So you just gave three of the dragons a name and they hatched? I'm a bit surprised you were able to do this."

"I am as well, but still, the three of them are amazing to look at aren't they?"

I said as I gave Zadra a piece of meat. Zadra looked at it and then he used a little bit of his frost breath to freeze the meat and then he took the meat from my hand. I giggled a little and then Liz asked me.

"Did you teach them to make their own food like that?"

"Not really, half of the time they pretty much teach themselves."

I said as I tickled Nalon's head. I looked at Elias and he was reading a letter. I smirked at him and I said to him.

"A love letter from Hakko by any chance?"

"It is from her and no, it's not a love letter."

Elias said before he hides the letter in his bag. Irseith giggled and she then spoke up.

"Looks like someone has a crush on Hakko."

Elias glared at Irseith and he then said to me.

"Can't you get those three to stop talking?"


Elias sighed before he walked away from us. Just then, the calk started to move on its own and then it wrote on the blackboard.

'Classes will be taking place in the courtyard'

"*sighs* here we go again, come on guys."

I said before the rest of us headed to the courtyard. Once we got there, Klaus was already there waiting for us.

"Professor Schuyler was going to teach you today but unfortunately, because of a certain someone's Dragon, he used his frost breath on him and now he's caught a cold and he's unable to attend class for the next few days."

Zadra lowered his head and I then said to Klaus.

"That wasn't my fault and besides, how was I supposed to know that Zadra was going to sneeze and use his frost breath at the same time?!"

"It's still your fault, either way, try using a muzzle or a leash on those overgrown reptiles."

Naxlon glared at Klaus and he was about to use his breath on him but I managed to shut his mouth in time.

"Don't even think about it, Naxlon! you guys have already gotten me into enough trouble as it is if you guys even think about causing another ruckus, I'm going to use your scales for a new pair of boots, understand?"

I said as I glared at the three of them and they both nodded their heads. I released Naxlon's mouth and he shook his head afterwards. 

"I swear, looking after three dragon sages is hard work, I thought it was going to be a piece of cake but no..."

I said to Yukiya and then Liz laughed nervously.

"Well, look on the bright side at least you're learning dragon tongue from them and learning new spells from them as well."

"I suppose you're right."

I said with a small smile on my face. As practical magic class went by without any hassle, the sages were becoming uneasy for some reason and so were our familiars. I let Zadra sit on my shoulder and I asked him.

"What's the matter, Zadra? why are you and the other familiars acting up?"

"We can sense danger."

I looked around but, I couldn't sense anything aside from the students casting spells on each other while using a protection spell on their cloaks.

"I don't sense anything."

"Not right now you can't but, you will eventually, we've got stronger senses than an animal and a magical creature's senses since we've got special abilities."

I understood this after Zadra explained this to me. I looked up at the sky and I could faintly sense something wrong in the air.

'It's faint but there's definitely something wrong in the air, I don't know what it is yet but, I will know when the time comes.'


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