Saving Snape

By Rumblerina

102K 5.7K 3.4K

Two girls by the names of Hazel Osgood and Isabelle Morgan had won the opportunity of a lifetime. They had en... More

Saving Snape
1. Rita Skeeter is a ninja spy lady
2. Snapey must live while Sirius tapdances
3. Won Won isnt happy
4. Harry Freaking Potter
5. I dont like Red Vines
6. People skills because people kill
7. Thats a smile, people
8. Teaspoons and troll bogeys
9. Emma-Leigh is friends with me
10. Pansy's a good girl...
11. You had me at food.
12. Ron has a problem
13. Pansy wants to apologise
Authors note
14. The rings
15. The truth about muggles
16. Harry is a poor orphan boy and we will save him with OneRepublic powers!
17. Future vocab
18. Okay? Okay.
19. The magical flashback
20. Christmas presents
21. Feelings of a fan
22. Ron breaks his wand, now Ginny's gone.
23. Use the hat, dear boy.
24. Hold your hippogriffs
25. The plan
26. We finally get... Serious
27. Free the music
28. Double flashback
29. The hideout room
30. Looks like Pansy sucks
31. Gryffindor!
32. The Magic of Books
33. A true gryffindor
34. Getting them back
35. Hanging with George
36. Presents and birthdays
38. I think it counts as a joke
39. I'm Frankenstein
40. Georgie-pie has lovely eyes
41. Its just comfy
42. Truth or Dare
43. Death eaters and mini people
44. I clone a clone of a clone
45. I finish cloning
46. Christmas
47. Cedric will FIND Lily soon.
48. Cedric
49. Voldysnort
50. Cleaning duties
51. Death eater meetings
52. Unsupported flight
53. Half a christmas
54. The other half
55. Fireworks
56. Mama's little love hand
57. The battle
58. Tabitha and Sirius
59. Now she knows
60. Another monster chapter
61. Proving myself
62. The rest of my quest
63. Interrogation
64. Chelsea Malfoy
65. Movies
66. Chelsea facts
67. Hermione's misery
68. Bithdays and mama birds
69. (Dont even think about it) Birthday dates
70. Hatred
71. MacBath
72. Back to school
73. Torture and rebellion
74. The battle of Hogwarts
75. Nineteen years later

37. Fear

1.2K 66 48
By Rumblerina

For the rest of the school year, I help the twins with pranking, and pretend to be shocked when something 'bad' happens. I also spend a bit of time with Severus.

These holidays I'm going to his house, yay!

Buckbeak's getting 'executed' today.

Poor Ron. His leg's going to hurt for a while.

I just hope the tree doesn't smash Hazel to a pulp.

I'm so positive.

"Belle? You okay?"

George waves a hand in my face. I look up at him.

"Yeah. I was just lot in thought."

"What were you thinking about?"

"That hippogriff is getting executed today."

"I saw the cut, Malfoy was lying."

"I know. I wasn't there, but Hermione told me about it."

"There's nothing we can do, the execution is happening at sunset."


George looks out the window. "Your friend will be out tonight."

"Oh yeah, the moon. We're not exactly friends. I know him, but it's acquaintances. He'll be fine. He has his ways to resist biting innocent kids."

"Why the kids example?"

"That's how he was turned into one."

"Ouch. Which wolf?"


"Double ouch."

"He's fine now. Half wolf, but fine."

"What are you two talking about?"

"Oh, hi professor Lupin. Just the moon. I can already see it. It's pretty, isn't it?"

We make eye contact and I can tell he's seriously creeped. "Yes, very pretty."

He walks outside, probably to follow everybody into the shack. I turn back to George. "I'll introduce you to him tomorrow, if you want."

"Sure. School finishes tomorrow."

"Oh yay. I'm going to my new home tomorrow."

"You must be excited. Is your dad still a surprise?"

"Yes. I don't exactly want to tell anyone who it is. He's not into everybody knowing."

"I understand. Is he nice?"

"Yeah. To me, at least. He's also giving me loads of freedom, due to the fact that I know more defensive spells than most people my age."

"Sounds like a cool guy."

"He is."

"It's getting dark, let's go to the common room."

I follow George up and we sit beside a window. I stare out over the grounds. George sits a bit further away than me.

"How do you cope with heights?" He asks softly.

"I've never really been scared of them." I whisper. "To me, there are worse things."


"Friends dying. Wars. Cold-hearted murderers, death eaters."

"That's pretty dark stuff."

"The world can be a dark place." Everybody comes out of the shack and the moon comes out. Everybody except Lupin is in the shadows. "There he is." I point at Lupin and George follows my finger.

He can't see the others, and looks away just before they approach him.

"Heights scare me sometimes." He says quietly.

"Everybody's scared of something." I say. We sit in silence.

"So is the wolf dude from Hogsmeade?"

"No. I don't know where he lives. You'll meet him tomorrow."

"It's late, we'd better get to sleep."

We stand up and I wave to him before going up the stairs.


"George, wake up!"

"How did you get in here? You're a girl!"

"The founders must have trusted girls more, because the stairs aren't enchanted. Now get dressed, we're going to meet that guy. I'll be in the common room."

I walk down the stairs and five minutes later, George follows.

"Fred's still asleep. Let's go."

He follows me all the way to Lupin's office. Lupin opens the door as we stop outside the door.

"Please no criticism, I'm leaving today."

"I'm not even going to hold you back, but I just want to say you're a great teacher. Also, George was wondering who my werewolf acquaintance was." I step in and George follows me.

"How did you know?"

"I have my ways. Has Harry come yet?"


"Well, he's coming to see you later."

"I assume you know about this." He gestures to the map and I nod. "Going to tell me how?"

"Probably not."

"Okay, well, Hazel was brilliant last night. I wish I had seen it."

"She had a brilliant teacher. We'd better get to breakfast. Bye."

"Bye... Snowy."

"Moony." I grin and George steps out with me.

"That's Moony?!"

"Yeah. James Potter was Prongs, Peter Pettigrew was wormtail, and Sirius Black is Padfoot."

We walk into the great hall and sit down with the trio.

"Great work, Hermione." I say. "I said you were right."

"Have you seen Harry?"

"He's probably with Lupin."

"Dad has tickets to the Quidditch world final. Wanna come?" Asks George. "He's invited both of you. And Hazel."

"I'll have to ask my... father, but he'll probably say yes. I'll send an owl." I say.

"Great. Hermione?"

"I'll ask my parents." We eat in silence for a bit.

Hermione looks up suddenly. "Belle, are you coming on the train?"

"No, I'm getting picked up from Hogsmeade."

"What will happen to Hazel?"

"She'll have the castle to herself. It'll be pretty boring for her, only having Dumbledore for company. McGonagall and Trelawnley stay in their rooms all day."

George chuckles. "It will be very boring. Personally, Fred and I would trash the whole place and prank what's left of the teachers, but Hazel isn't us."


Soon everybody arrives and we all talk for a bit, then pack. Except for Hazel, so she sits there, waving after us. I think while we pack, she moves to the room of requirement.

Or she could go party with the house elves, you never know with that girl.

After I pack my bags, it's time to take them down to Hogsmeade. Of course, I don't put them on the train. I wave everybody else, then sit down to wait on a bench. Hagrid comes over to me.

"Why aren' ya on the train, Isabelle?"

"I'm getting picked up."

"Who's pickin' ya up?"

"My father. He's not keen on the world knowing we're related."

"Doesn' sound too nice."

"Well, he just adopted me, so I understand."

"Oh. Well, tell whoever it is I said hello."

"I will." I smile at him as he turns back towards the castle. Severus comes down a few minutes later. He has a small bag with him.

"Take my arm."

He apparates us to Spinner's End, and opens the door to the nearest house, I walk in and he follows me, then closes the door. He motions for me to follow him and I do. He takes me to a room at the end of the hall and opens the door.

I step in.

"I don't exactly know what you like, but it's okay for you to decorate."

"It's perfect!" I exclaim.

It has white walls, a creme carpet, a single bed with white sheets, and a wooden desk. There's a white closet beside the bed, complete with a set of wooden drawers.

"Really?" He says.

"It's a blank canvas. Like you said, I can decorate it, or just leave it, because it's perfect how it is as well."

"Great. Well, I guess I'll just leave you to settle in. You can go anywhere in the house, I have nothing to hide from you, just don't make a mess. I'll be in the living room if you need me."

I unpack, putting my clothes in the wardrobe using magic. I have enough clothes for 3 different outfits. I have all the other necessary things like pyjamas and other things a normal girl has.

Soon, I'm done with those and I pull out my Gryffindor banner from Harry. I hang it on the wall beside my bed. I don't have any windows in here, that's odd. I wave my wand and a fake one settles itself on a wall. I charm it so that it shows Hogwarts.

I conjure a bookshelf and levitate it until it's beside my desk. I set my homework down on it and slide my school books onto the bookshelf. There's a blank wall now. This one, I turn red, then I turn the others gold.

The red wall is going to be where I put photos and drawings.

I push my now empty suitcase into the corner and go to find Severus.


So here's the new room!

And I made the chapter longer for you guys.

QOTC: what's your favourite thing in a playground? Swings, seesaw, etc.

Please vote!


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