TJL#12#Princess Of Fairy Tale

By HiddenInTheEpic

386K 21.7K 3.7K

She lives in Fairy Tale, believes all that Fairy tales she is hearing from her childhood. She lives in dream... More

Life is Colorful
Anger Won't Help
Very Special
A Call!!!
A Valid Reason
Meeting Him
Her Presence
His Girl
Something New
Stupid Me
Why Is This Hurting?!!
The Plan
Home Sweet Home
My Sweethearts
A Shock!!!
Let It Be
Simple But Attractive
No Wonder Why!!!
Lying Friends
Somethings Will Never Change
Best Or Worst!!!
Just Like That
Another Time
The Panther
A Visit To The Hospital
The Kids
Not Sure
Axton Promise
A Tensed Day
Three Musketeer
Love Him More
Bad Sign
Plan Z
GS Grand Event (Part-1)
GS Grand Event (Part-2)
What's Wrong With Her!!!
Mission Wycliffe House (Part-1)
Mission Wycliffe House (Part-2)
Mission Wycliffe House (Part-3)
Shocking And Horrible
A Safe Plan (Part-1)
A Safe Plan (Part-2)
My Girl
His World
Now Or Never
Moms Are Magic
Never Ever
Gordon Bennett!!!
Shopping For Baby
Mysterious Notes
A Maze
Enigma Of The Note
A Suitable Condition
Engagement Ring
Take Me To Him
It's For Real?!!
Break It
Magic Girl
Crazy Cousins
Surprise For Her
Happily Ever After
Crashing The Wedding
The Missing Part
Not True
For You
Beautiful Sunshine
Best Vacation Ever
No More Secrets
My Bright Star
The Memorable Party
New Storm
Soon After That
Love Of My Life
Cast Analysis
Cast Analysis
Recommended Covers

Malinowski's Call

3.5K 217 51
By HiddenInTheEpic

Natasha's POV

" Where are we going, Christian?" I asked him for the 5th time but he decided to give me one of his heart melting smile instead of answering my question. I pouted at him annoyingly.

" Patience, Babe, patience." He told me as he was driving God knows where.

" I don't have patience." I said.

" Babe!!" He smiled sweetly.

" Ok, fine, fine." I said and looked outside of the window of the car. He kept driving and I decided not to bother him. I turned on the radio.

" Are you crossed with me?" He asked but I didn't answer just pouted hard. He chuckled and suddenly stole a kiss from my lips. My eyes widened.

" Be careful. You are driving for God's sake." I said to him.

" You are looking heavenly beautiful today you know that?" He asked and I smiled. He turned of the radio.

" Yes, I know." I said. " Why did you turned it off?" I asked.

" I want to talk to you. It was bothering." He said and was silent for  a few moments, "You're killing me right now. Stop looking so cute or some day I will get heart attack." He said and chuckled.

" You won't. I will not let anything happen to you. You have my lucky watch and it will protect you." I said.

" You need it more than me, Babe." He said.

" No, I don't." I said, " I have you and you will protect me." I said.

" I failed to protect you that day." He said with a small tone.

" It was not your fault, Christian. It was an accident." I tried to make him understand.

" Still it makes me feel awkward." I said.

" I don't know how to explain it again and again. I am not going to explain it again. So, you Mr. Knight better remove that thought from your head. I won't repeat myself again." I said and tried to sound firm.

" Calm down, my little redhead, calm down." He said and I pouted.

" I am not little. I am 22." I said.

" And I am almost 25." He said.

"  I know your birthday is coming in coming week." I said.

" So, I do have some opportunities to wish something for that day?" He asked.

" What kind of wish?" I asked him.

" You can't ask me that. You have to say if you are agreed or not." He said and smirked.

" You can ask for anything until it hurt you or you want to break up with me. Other than that everything is ok with me." I told him with a firm nod. No, I don't want him to break up with me. I won't allow him.

" Babe!!!" He sighed helplessly. " I am never I mean never ever going to break up with you. If you ever think about it you will be punished. Did you get me?" He asked.

" What kind of punishment? You said you won't ever punish me." I said looking at him.

" Your will find out yourself." He said.

" You are not allowed to punish me. You are only allowed to love me. Endlessly." I said. He chuckled and took my hand then kissed on top of it.

" I love you endlessly." He said.

" To the eternity?" I asked.

" To the eternity." He said and caressed my hand. He stopped the car in front of the same café where we first time met. The café was decorated elegantly. I was feeling awkward seeing it's all empty. He opened the door and took my hand.

" Come on, Babe. Let's have some coffee." He said. I felt awkward.

" We should have dinner now. Not coffee." I said.

" Let's go, please." He said and I sighed. We entered the café and my eyes widened. The café's name changed. There was written my name on the board and there was a big butterfly sitting on the letter T and A. I was shocked. I turned to Christian.

" Since, you love coffee that much. So, I decided to give this to you." He said and I just looked at him shocked. Is he for real!!! My Prince charming. I hugged him tightly. I controlled my tears hard.

" Babe, let's go meet the employees. They must be waiting." He said and took my hand. We entered the café and it was decorated elegantly. Flowers and colorful butterfly on the walls. This can't be truth. This is dream. I thought.

" Ma'am, this is for you." Someone of the waitress came and gave me a big bouquet of flowers.

" Thank you so much." I said to her and smiled at all the employees.

" So, she is the new boss here, everyone." Christian said and I turned at him shocked. He clapped and everyone followed him. I smiled.

" And she said yes." Christian took my hand and showed them the ring. They cheered for us.

" Thank you so much for all of these." I said to the employees.

" You're welcome, ma'am." They said.

" I literally love the coffee here. I can't stop myself from coming back here again and again." I said smilingly. I was happy. I was so happy. Choosing him was not at all a wrong decision. He worth it. I was lucky getting him.

" You can come here any time you want from now and onwards. No one will stop or bother you. This is yours." Christian said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

" Thank you. I can't thank you enough, Christian. You are really my Prince Charming." I told him and he smiled widely.

" Yes, I am. Only yours. Whenever you claim me as yours it gives me immeasurable happiness. I always want to be yours." He said and I smiled.

" You're mine, Christian. You sealed your life with me." I showed him my ring and he chuckled.

" Well, yes and it's unbreakable." He said.

" It won't ever break. Nothing can break it." He said. We both smiled. We talked for a while and then came out of the café biding the employees bye. We were going to have a dinner together.

" Where do you want to go?" He asked me. I was about to answer but my phone started to ring. I smiled and took it out it was an unknown ID. I picked it up.

" Hello!!" I said. I heard someone weeping.

" Hello!!! Who is it?! Hello, why are you crying?!" I said and turned to Christian. He asked me who was on the phone gesturing. I shrugged my shoulder and shook head being completely clueless.

" Hello, please tell me why are you crying?" I know I am weak hearted. I can't see anyone crying.

" Heweo, Nate." The baby voice confused me. I heard the voice somewhere.

" Hello, who are you, baby?" I asked in a soft tone, making her comfortable with me.

" I Ar...Ari...Ariel." the baby voice said sobbing and I immediately remembered her. Ariel Malinowski.

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