Lost - A Greyson Chance Love...

By Mockingrey

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Beautiful, clever and close to perfection as they say. But in every good story, there'll always have to be a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 2

2.4K 50 9
By Mockingrey

       "Good morning, Tamia," he welcomed me with his low voice.

     "Good morning, Xander! Happy Graduation Day!" I said as I stand up from my bed. Mary's behind him, carrying our breakfast.

     "Happy Graduation Day to you too! By the way, good luck about the honors list."

     "Oh, same to you!" 

     "Shall we eat breakfast now?" he asked.

     "Sure, sure. Of course."

     Mary set the food on my coffee table near my Mac and we ate bacon, egg and French toast. After eating, he went down maybe with his parents. Probably mom and dad still don't have an idea that they are here. 

     Xander is getting annoying every single day. Can he just stop?

     I took a quick shower and put on my uniform since it is required during the mass. I put on a bit of foundation and curled my hair. 

     When I got down from my room, my parents and Xander's parents are there, chatting with each other. They are probably talking about the hotel stuff. 

     When I got down from our staircase, everyone stared. I just gave them a sweet smile.

     "Ash, darling!" Aunt Eleanor, Xander's mom, welcomed. She kissed me on the cheek and hugged me tight. "You look pretty!" she added.

    "Thank you!" 

     Mom interrupted our conversation and said, "Shall we go?" 

     "Alright, let's go," Uncle Henry, Xander's dad, said.

     I went to my mom's car since we'll use that one and Nicolas, our driver, opened the door for me. 

     "Thank you, Nicolas," I said.

     "Of course, my dear," he answered with a smile.

     Nicolas has been so good to me and my family. He's been our driver for 7 years already. Yes, he's that loyal. Actually, he's also like my butler. He's always there for me since I'm the youngest in the family. He fetches me to school and on the way home. He also saved me once. When I was 9, someone almost kidnapped me while I was playing in the park. The guy didn't know that Nicolas who was just beside me, is somewhat my butler. So he grabbed me and Nicolas punched him straight on the face. I fell down on the floor. The guy got the chance to run but Nicolas didn't care about him anymore. Instead, he lifted me up and took me home. That incident made my parents trust him so much more.

     Ward family also got into their car and we went to school at the same time.

     When we arrived, the first thing that got into my mind is to find Paris. In no time, I found her by the hallway. Our families went to the auditorium for the mass. 

     After hearing mass, we are supposed to come back at 2 in the afternoon for the awarding session. At 9 o'clock, when the mass ended, we went back home to rest for a bit. 

     At lunch time, I wasn't able to eat that much. I wonder who's going to be the Valedictorian. Paris, Xander or me? Mom's probably expecting that it will be me. 

     "Ashley, what's wrong?" Mom asked.

     "Nothing," I answered.

     "Yes, there's something. Tell me, dear."

     "Well, I'm bothered about the honours list. You are probably expecting a lot."

     "Oh darling, it's okay if you're not on the top. I'm sorry for putting tons of pressure on you."

     This is so touching. It's the first time I heard something very nice from my mom. These words made me regret about not being a good daughter to her. I always knew that she only wants what's best but I took it the wrong way. 

     "Thank you for understanding, mom. And you don't need to be sorry. I know that all you want is the best for me. And I want to thank you for that."

     She hugged and kissed my forehead. 

     At 12:30, a stylist went to our house just to fix my hair and make-up. I put on my en creme lace dress and beige wedges. Mom went behind me and while we were facing the mirror, she put on a necklace to me. It says "amour" which is a French word for "love". 

     "Thanks mom," I said. 

     When the stylist finished putting a damp of make up on me, we already went to my school with my mom and dad of course, Linda and Mary. While we were on the car, I'm becoming nervous about being a freshman though I'm still going to study in Manchester Academy. Well, I know that I can do it anyway.

     The ceremony started and there were opening remarks and blah blah. I don't really put my attention on those things since I'm really worried about my rank. What if Xander tops me out? 

     It's almost at the end where they'll announce the honours. I already have 6 awards which are best in Math, English, Science, History; appreciation of club work in Media Communication and Journalism. I know that my mom is so proud.

     "I'm proud to say the names of the most outstanding students this school year. It's my pride and honour to state the names of these students who really worked hard for the peak spot," Mrs. White, our principal stated. 

     I looked at my back to find Paris since her surname is Skym. When I saw her, I just put my thumbs up and smiled at her. When I got back from my sitting position, Mrs. White started talking again.

     "Third honourable mention is Jessica Edwards from 8-A. Congratulations!" 

     This is so nerve-wrecking. Why am I being so nervous anyway?

     "2nd honourable mention is Patrick Wright from 8-A also. Congratulations" ..... "1st honourable mention is Paris Skym!" 

     I clapped my hands very loud. I'm very proud of my best friend. 

     "Our salutatorian is... Ashley Tamia Hyland!" 


     I'm stiff. I didn't even bother to stand up at first. But my seatmate tapped my back and said congratulations which snapped me back to reality. 

     I stood up and smiled at everyone. I walked up the stage and my mom put on the medal on my neck. I hugged her tight and whispered, "I didn't make it to the first spot. I'm sorry, mom." and she answered, "You didn't have to. I'm proud of you." 

     My eyes are filling up but I tried not to cry on the stage.

     "And last but not the least, our Valedictorian, Alexander Ward!" 

     Yes, my suitor just beat me on the honor list. Oh well, who cares anyway?

     Then it's time to say my speech. 

     "Good afternoon to everyone. I'm Tamia Hyland, your salutatorian. It's an honour standing here in front of you all. Well, I'll make this really short. First, I want to thank my friends, classmates and teachers. They helped in building a better me. And second, I want to thank my mom. I always thought that she's pressuring me but when I thought about it deeper, she just wants the best for me. If it wasn't for her, there's no Tamia standing here. So yeah, thank you everyone and happy graduation to my batch mates!" 

     When I looked back, a tear fell. My mom opened her arms wide and hugged me. I love her so much. 

G R E Y S O N ' S  P O V :)

     "I'm coming, mom!" 

     "Faster Greyson, we'll be late for the ceremony." 

     "I'm coming, chill down." 

     "Alright, alright. We'll be waiting in the car."

    Sigh. Mom's always in hurry. It's my graduation day today and I'm almost late. Who cares anyway? 

     By the way, I'm Greyson Chance from Edmond, Oklahoma. Well, I'm just that typical boy who loves soccer and music. I study at Edmond Christian Academy and currently in 8th grade. Finally graduating in middle school. Well, I'll tell you more about me later since I'm going to be late now.

     So I ran off to the car. 

     "What took you so long, Greyson?" mom asked. Her name is Lisa by the way.

     "I can't find my tie so I just grabbed dad's in your room." 

     "Okay, just put it on already."

       After a 15 minute-drive, we finally arrived at school. All of us ran to the auditorium since the guard said that it will start in 5 minutes. 

     When we got there, I sat on my seat next to Andrew Chandler. 

     "Dude, I thought you're late again." he laughed.

     "Good thing I'm not." 

     There were a lot of opening remarks and blah but I'm not listening because I'm distracted by the smell of Daniela's perfume in front of me.

      Then it's time for the announcement of honours list.

      3rd honourable mention... 2nd honourable mention... 1st honourable mention... Salutatorian... Valedictorian...

     Our valedictorian is Mr. Greyson Chance!

     "Ha, congrats man!" Andrew said.

     "Haha, thanks." I stood up, went up the stage and stated my speech.

     Mom also came up to put on the medal. After the ceremony, there were a lot of picture-taking. 

     I really don't understand why I'm included in the honours list. I'm not really into studying. Guess it's just really in my blood. Ha! Just kidding.


votes are always appreciated ;) hahah thanks for reading xx ~ krissy

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