The day I'll never forget-Mac...

By aglover98

22.3K 737 127

Malcom was 12 when he gave him self up. He met a girl named Ariana when he moved school due to bullying. She... More

Music ❤️
Emma and Alisa time ❤️
Emmas birthday. ❤️
Nursery ❤️
College ❤️


526 19 3
By aglover98

"Ariana" Emma yawns "yes Emma" Ariana smiles "where's daddy" she asks "daddy just gone home to speak to his mum okay" Ariana explains. "Did I sleep here" she asks "you did, daddy slept here too because you looked cute" Ariana giggles "where did daddy sleep" she asks "next to you" Ariana smile "where did you" she asks "we all fit in this bed" she chuckle and she nods.

"I'm not baby sitting that child" Karen raises her voice "that child is mine" Malcolm replies "how come I didn't know about her then, Malcom your promised me that she was pregnant" his mother says "I didn't know my self" he adds "you want me to have an education but I have a little girl to look after that doesn't work out Mum" he says "well work something out" she says walk-in back upstairs. Malcom grabs Emma's bag and takes it back across the road after he's got changed.

"How did it go" Ariana asks "she won't have her" he sighs "daddy leaving" Emma asks as her bottom lip wobbles "daddy's got school" he explains "who am I staying with" Emma asks "Ariana's mum is that ok" he asks and she nods. "Ariana I don't want to make you late you can go" Malcom says "nope I'm waiting for you" she giggles

Malcom got Emma dressed before he handed her to Joan making sure she was 100% sure she wanted to looked after her.

"Bye daddy" Emma waves. "Bye Emma" he smiles before him and Ariana walk out the door. "How you feeling" Malcom asks Ariana "I'm good why" she asks "you can tell me if you feel uncomfortable" he tells her "Malcolm I fine with tears fact you have a daughter. I love you and if that means a little girl than I accept that" she tells him kissing his lips "I'm going to have to look for a house" he sighs "why" Ariana ask "because my mums not a accepting Emma" he says "she will do Malcom she just needs time, you always have my house as a back up if you need to stay" she tells him

"Why you so good to me" he asks "because your the most caring person in the world, you could have just turned your daughter down but you didn't" she explains "off this topic now" he asks as they approach the school gates.

"Joan" Emma asks "yes baby girl" she asks "why does daddy mum hate Emma" she asks "Emma sweetheart, Daddy's mummy doesn't hate you she just didn't want her son to have a kid just get" Joan tried her best to explain to the little two year old.

"Do you like me" she asks "I do" Joan says trying not to upset her even more. "What do you want to do till your daddy gets back" she asks "Can we park" she asks "of course you can" Joan smiles at her putting her coat on.

"Emma" someone says "hi" she smiles "you are" Joan asks "her mums carer" she smiles "why are you hear" Joan asks picking Emma up as she jumps up. "I've come to bring Emma some stuff" she says "can you wait till Malcom gets home" Joan asks "of course" she smiles "well my daughter and him normally get home around 4" Joan explains "that's fine" Joan smiles.

Joan carries her to the park. "Wing" she asks and Joan places her in the mini kiddies swing and pushes her gently. "Mummy used to do this" Emma says "did she" Joan smiles "yh I told her that I was going to find my daddy and I did" she giggles "I know your daddy's going to love you" Joan smiles.

"Daddy come home"Emma asks and she looks at the time "let's get you hole because daddy should be home soon" she smile. Joan told the women a lie that they would be home at 4 because she knew Malcom wouldn't want to be bombarded with question as soon as he walks through the door.

Joan smiles at Emma who was peacefully asleep on her shoulder. She placed her down on Ariana's bed and tucked her in before walking down the stairs and cleaned the kitchen.

"Hi mommy" Ariana smiles giving her mum a hug. "Where's Emma" Malcolm ask as he wraps Ariana in a hug from behind "in Ariana's bed fast asleep" Joan smiles.

"Malcom McCormick" Karen comes in "there's a thing called knocking" Joan says "sorry Joan" she apologised. "Yes mum" Malcom asks "why have I got a person knocking at my door" she asks.

Malcom removed His grip from Ariana and walked to the door. "Malcom right" the carer asks "that me" He smiles politely "I have some of Emma's stuff if you would like it" she asks "okay" he shrugs.

After Malcom takes Emma clothes and a few of her toys the carer left.

"Daddy" Emma smiles hook down the stairs on her bum making her laugh. "Hi sweetheart" he smiles as she rubs up to him giving him a hug. "We drying here again" she asks "I like this house it's girly" she giggles "that's because two girls live her, In my house we have boy" he chuckles "there's no room for her to stay Malcom" Karen sighs "I know" Malcom says "I'm looking for a house" he says "Malcom your more than welcome to stay here since we have a spare bedroom for Emma" Joan suggests "I don't want to be a pain" he explains "your not a pain" Joan smiles

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