The day I'll never forget-Mac...

By aglover98

22.3K 735 127

Malcom was 12 when he gave him self up. He met a girl named Ariana when he moved school due to bullying. She... More

Music ❤️
Emma and Alisa time ❤️
Emmas birthday. ❤️
Nursery ❤️
College ❤️


688 19 4
By aglover98

A: Don't Wait for me go to school yourself
M: is everything okay?
A:I'll be fine, I just don't feel too good
M: get well soon. X
A: I hope so x

Malcom sighed getting out of bed changing his sheets and taking down his washing. He really didn't want to go in. If Ariana wasn't there he was going to be alone.

"You okay Malcom, you look troubled?" His Mum asks "I'm fine just going to be alone all day that's all" he replies going up the stairs and having a shower. He got changed into his uniform and grabbed his books.

He really hoped she was okay. The last time he saw her she kissed him on the cheek and was a little off. It was family night maybe something happened.

He walks out the door after eating breakfast and grabbing a bottle of water. He walks to the end of the drive and he sees Ariana in her window but she soon scurried off. He shrugged it off walking to school.

He arrived at the gates and walked to his first lesson sitting down getting his books out. During his break a boy came up to him. "Hi" he mutters "hi" Malcom replies "so I've heard your friends with Ariana" he asks and Malcom nods "well you should see these" he shows Malcom some photos. "You fucking dickhead" Malcom spits throwing a punch at this boy.

Soon Malcom was pulled away from the boy and taken to the principles "Malcom" he sighs "I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that" Malcom gets a little upset remembering how he used to be like when something like this happened to himself "Malcom what just happened" he asks. Malcom explains what happens and he was aloud to go home since he felt sick.

"Malcom" Joan questions "is Ariana home?" He asks "she is but she won't see anyone" she sighs "let me try" he asks and Joan nods letting him in.

"Ariana" he gently opens the door. "Malcom" she asks sitting up. Malcom walks over and sits in the side of the bed. "I'm so sorry Ariana" he tells her "that photo is me" she tells him "I know but it's going to be okay Ariana" he tells her pulling her into a hug.

"I've never wanted to send a nude in my life" she cries into his chest. "Calm down" he rocks them both backward and forwards.  Ariana leans up and kissed his lips but pulled away immediately "I'm sorry" Ariana says "it's okay" he tells her "why do you want me" she asks him "your the most beautiful girl I've ever met" he tells her "am not" she sticks her tongue out at him "you are Ariana" he chuckles before she leaned up and placed her lips back on his.

"Want to come and watch a film" he asks "at yours" she giggles "well I have a bigger tv" he laughs "I'm getting a new one since I'm getting my room done up soon" she pouts "I'm joking a small tv is fine but it might help a change of scenery" he tells her and she nods. "I'm still in my pyjamas though" she pouts "it's fine I'll carry you" d chuckles as she slips on some slipper.

"Where you two going" Joan asks "we're going to Malcom's to watch a film" Ariana explains and her mother nods.

Malcom carries her across the road as he enters his house he puts her on her feet making her pout "you are a cutie" he giggles making her blush. They both go upstairs and Malcom turns on the breakfast club.

Ariana cuddles into his side as they watch the movie together.

"Is Ariana home" the principle asks Joan as she opens the door "no she isn't" Joan simply replies "where is she we really need to talk to her" she asks "she's across the road at Malcom's" she replies and they nod.

Malcom and Ariana laid cuddles up until Malcom heard the door "I'll be back in a second" he tells her kissing her forehead and she nods.

Malcom walked down the stairs and opened the door "where is Ariana" the principle asks "upstairs why" Malcom asks "can we talk with her" he asks and Malcom let's him in as he goes back upstairs.

Ariana face drops when she sees the principle and hugs Malcom's arm. Malcom held her closely calming her down. "Ariana" he asks making her nod "are these your photos" he asks "they have my bloody face in it" Ariana hides into Malcom's chest "Can you explain if these were forced or you did them just wanting to" he asks "I was forced" she cries. Malcom gently rubbed her back as his heart broke for the girl who  was crying in his chest about something closely linked to what happened to him.

"Did they force you into anything else" he asks and Ariana shakes her head. Ariana explains to them eager happened while Malcom rubber her back the whole time as it soothes her. "You did really well Ariana." The principle says and Ariana nods.

The principle leaves and Ariana looks up to Malcom. "Do you think different of me" she asks "of course not" he tells her stroking a piece of hair away from her face.

"Can I use your bathroom" she ask "no you have I go to yours" he chuckles making her roll her eyes "i joining through that door" he points to his ensuite. "Thank you" Ariana smiles getting off his bed and walking into his bathroom.

After Ariana came back he made them both something to eat before they put in another film. By the time the film had ended Ariana was asleep in his arms. He gently tucked her in his sheets before walking downstairs to greet his mum.

"Hi honey" Karen smiles "Mum Ariana's asleep upstairs" he says "why" Karen asks "because somethings happened at school that's why Ariana didn't go in and I came home early" he says and she nods. "I'm just going to see what her mum wants me to do" he tells him Mum and she nods.

Malcom walks over to Ariana's "Where's my daughter" she asks "she's fallen asleep, so you want me to leave her out bring her home" he asks "she can stay with you if it's okay with you. She seemed to cheer up a little bit when you came" she smiles and he nods "bye Joan" he smiles before going back to his and cuddling with Ariana.

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