Love Will find it's way to you

By RebaMerylfanfrombel

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This will be my first fan fiction about Reba and Skeeter. There will be several (short) chapters and I hope... More

Love will find it's way to you
Love needs a holiday
When love gets a hold of you
I'm in love all over
I gonne take that mountain
And still
The angels sang
Somebody's Chelsea
I'd rather ride around with you
That's when I knew
They asked about you
You're gonna miss me when I'm gone
Sleeping with the telephone
We're so good together
In the garden
Angel in your arms
A new love
Forever love
She's the one loving you now
It's your call
Love land
Today all over again
Oh happy day
Softly and tenderly
Starting all over again
You must really love me
All this time
The new me
Promise me something
Walk on
Note from writer

Let's open up our hearts

420 5 0
By RebaMerylfanfrombel

It had been a week since Reba and Skeeter met each other and neither one of them could get the other out of his/her head. Both of them were surprised about what this meeting did to them and what feelings it had woken up deep inside.
Reba was sitting in her kitchen, re-reading the text message she got from him. She smiled widely when she read he was happy they had met and that he wanted to be her personal tour guide in the future. She didn't know where this came from but from the first moment she saw him she felt something weird inside her stomach. The way he looked, the way he spoke, the way he was looking at her,... everything was so charming and sweet. And since there first talk she felt a connection. She didn't know him well but the fact that he wasn't afraid to show his emotions made her even more attractive to him. Her thoughts got interrupted when she heard her doorbell. She jumped up and ran to the door to see her little sister.
"Susie!" She shouted with a big smile on her face. "hi Reba. So glade to see you."
They hugged before they went into the kitchen. Reba made them some tea.
"so Reba how is everything going?" "Everything is really good. Thanks."
Susie noticed her big sisters smile and sparkling eyes.
"what's going on?" "what do you mean?" "look at you. You have a big smile on your face and your eyes are sparkling."
Reba started to blush and sat next to her little sister.
"I know. I can't help it, all I can and will do is smile the last few days." "how come?"
Reba giggled and looked susie into her eyes. She could feel her cheeks getting more and more red.
"it's because I met someone special." "What? Oh Reba please tell me everything! Where did you met? When did you met? What's his name?"
Reba laughed at her little sister.
"his name is Skeeter." "Skeeter? That's a weird name." "Yeah everybody calls him Skeeter but his official name is Anthony." "Reba and Anthony... sounds good." she said laughing.
"Oh don't be silly, I just met him." "where did you met him?"
"at my vacation with Kix and Barbara in Jackson Hole. He is Kix his best friend's brother-in-law."
"nice and what is he doing?" "He is a retired geologist and he's also a photographer."
"sounds good. And is he also alone?" "yeah his wife past away 3 years ago, she lost her battle with breast cancer."
"oh no. That's so sad." "yeah it is." "and does he have kids?" "yes, 4 in total but 2 of himself."
"a bit similar to your situation, unless the fact that you have just one child."
Reba nodded. "indeed."
"and where does he lives?" "partly in Texas and in Jackson Hole. Jackson Hole is more for the photography and originally he is from Louisiana."
"Wow you already know a lot about him since you just met him." she winked at her little sister.
"yeah we all went hiking in the mountains of Yellow Stone and he was our tour guide so we talked to each other while we were walking." "I see. And now you can't get him out of your head, isn't it?"
Reba looked at her sister surprised.
"how do you know that?"
Susie laughed.
"I know my big sister. The way you speak about him, with so much joy and smiling widely. I think my big sister has a crush on this guy Skeeter." "Oh come on, I just met him. I don't have a crush."
"Reba you are so red right now, you look like a tomato. Don't hide it. You really like that man!"
Reba blushed even more and giggled like a young girl.
"see" Reba sighed.
"I think I really do like Skeeter. But it's so weird. I don't really know him..." "but you do want to get to know him better?" "yes, I think I do." "Oh Reba, I'm so happy for you. Go for it girl!"
"I don't know, Susie. I'm a little scared to go for it." "why?" "because of how everything ended with Narvel."
She got tears in her eyes and Susie pulled her into a big hug.
"Oh reba. The way it ended with him really sucked but nothings proves that it will and up like that this time." "I know but I'm really scared to completely open my heart for a new love. I was so hurt by that break-up. I never thought that he would leave me. It broke my heart. I was so unhappy, sad, lost, hurt the last 2 years. I had days that I didn't want to come out of bed or out of my house. Days I didn't eat, just cried. I never want to feel that again, ever. It was horrible!"
Tears streamed down her face.
"Oh poor sis. I know it was a very difficult time for you. But eventually you came out stronger! He isn't worth your tears. Try to open your heart, you deserve it to be happy again."
"I know." "Reba the way you talk about Skeeter said enough. Do you feel good when you are around him?" "yes." "do you feel listened to?" "yes." "are you physically and emotionally attracted to him?" Reba blushed. "yes." "then go for it! Just try it, get to know him better."
Reba smiled
"Ok I will!" "that's what I want to hear."
Both of them started to laugh.
"do you have, by any chance, a picture of him? Because I really want to see the guy that makes my big sister melt like an ice cube." Reba gives susie a push.
"in a matter of fact I do have a picture. Kix sended me his pictures of the trip. Wait I will get my computer." "I can't wait."
Reba took her computer, looked for the pictures and found the one from Skeeter. He laughed widely on it.
"this is him. This is Skeeter." She said with twinkles in her eyes.
"Oh wow Reba, I can clearly see why you are attracted to him! He's a really good looking guy."
"Reba: I know!" she started to blush again when she was looking at his picture.
"He was there only the first 2 days of our travel. Unfortunately he had to go back to Texas, he promised his son he would help him in his house." "oh that's to bad." "I know. I wish he could stay there a little longer."
Susie chuckled.
"When we all had dinner he had put a note in my purse. I didn't noticed it until I was in the hotel." "what did that note said?" "Wait I will get it." "you kept it?" "of course!" She winked.
She took the note and handed it to Susie.
"aww that's so sweet. He want's to be your personal guide, wow."  she winked and laughed hard. "I know and I really don't mind!"  she winked back
"so any plans to go back?" "no not yet. I wasn't sure if I should go. But now I am sure! I would love to go and get to know him better." "then don't wait any longer and go for it! Do you have work to do next week?" "I don't think so." "perfect! Then you can go back to Jackson Hole and get to know him better."
Reba chuckled.
"I like the way you are thinking! But maybe he isn't available then?" "send him a text, then you will know." "Ok, I will."
She took her phone and sends him a text.

Hi Skeeter,
It's Reba. How are you?
I have some free time next week. And I have plans to return to Jackson Hole.
Please let me know If you can be my personal tour guide.

"done!" "great. I'm curious when he will react." "Me too!"

At the same time in Texas:
Sofie was visiting her brother and showed him the pictures from Kix. "nice pictures.:
Sofie kept going between them and stopped on a picture from Reba. She saw how her brother's eyes got bigger and his lips formed a smile.
"you like her, isn't it?" she asked smiling . Skeeter looked surprised at his sister.
"you noticed?"  "Of course. I know you really well brother. I saw it on everything when she was around. When you saw her on the phone and the day after at your house you were totally amazed by her. And didn't even noticed that they were also some other people in the room."
Skeeter started to blush.
"Oh god I didn't know it was that obvious." "it wasn't obvious for everybody, but it was for me."
"I don't know what it is but she blows me away. She looks gorgeous, we can talk very well, she listens to me. Since I met her I have this weird feeling in my stomach."
"I know what that feeling is..." "you do?" "yeah, butterflies."
Skeeter looked surprised
"but I just saw her once and talked to her for a little bit." "you instantly had a crush on her."
she winked
"really? I mean I just met her..." "yeah. You had that same feeling once before, you remember?"
"I do. I had the same thing with Marolyn. When I met her I immediately fell in love."
Sofie nodded. "I know and I think it's happening to you again."
"but I don't know if I'm ready for a new relationship. If I'm ready to open up my heart again."
"I think you are, Skeeter. I really think you are!" "how do you know?"
"I see it on the way you react. How you speak about her, how you look at her, how your eyes got big and sparkly when you think about her. Go for it, you deserve al the happiness you can get."
"isn't it to soon? I don't want anybody, a specially the kids, to think that I forgot their mom."
"It's been 3 years. You loved and still do love Marolyn with all your heart. The kids know that. She will never be out of your heart. But you have to move on brother. All these years you were very happy with Marolyn. And you had a very hard time right before and after she passed away. You needed time to mourn, and that's normal and you took all the time you needed. But the way you think, look and speak about Reba is a sign. It's the sign that says that you are ready to move on. Move on with Reba. The last time I saw you this happy and alive was with Marolyn and I'm so incredibly happy to see you like this again. Go for it Skeeter, don't miss your change on happiness!"
Skeeter laughed widely.
"do you remember that night in Jackson Hole where we ate at that Italian restaurant?"
"of course." "that night I secretly put a note into Reba's purse. A not to give her my phone number and the suggestion to be her personal tour guide when she will come visit Jackson Hole again." "aww you sneaky guy. But that's very cute. Did she responded your note?"
"yeah that same night, when she had found it, she had send me a text that she would love to have me as her personal guide."
He started to glow.
"I'm so happy for you! You deserve it to be happy again."
Suddenly skeeter got a message. He took his phone and smiled widely when he saw Reba's name. Sofie glanced at her brother.
"is it Reba?" "yes." "what does she say?"
"she has some free time next week and has plans to return to Jackson hole. She asked if I can be her personal tour guide."
He radiates.
"do you have time next week?" "I believe I do. And other wise I will make time!"
Sofie laughed. "that's what I want to hear. Go for it!"
He smiled and answered her text:

Hi Reba,
Very happy to hear you. I'm doing great, how are you?
I'm free next week and would love to be your personal guide.
Please let me know when you can come over. You can stay at my house if you want? I have a guest room and than you don't have to be alone in a hotel.
Looking forward to see you again.

"send it." "perfect!"

At that moment in Nashville:
Susie just left Reba's house when she got Skeeters text.
She couldn't stop smiling when she read it. She quickly send him back:

Hi Skeeter,
I'm doing great thanks for asking. Happy that you have time to be my guide.
I can come from Wednesday until Friday, will that work for you?
So sweet that you will let me stay at your house.
Looking forward to see you too.

Reba had a huge smile on her face which she couldn't get off. He opened a box of butterflies who are flying all over in her body.
Both of them really look forward to spend more time together and get to know each other better.

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