Teach Me || Ethan Dolan (MATU...

By stilinskliffordolan

2.3M 39.1K 55K

"I would gladly let you pass my class if you do one thing for me." "What is it?" WARNING:::: VERY MATURE -- I... More

· Introduction ·
1 - "C average"
2 - "Sophomore pants"
3 - "A girl like you"
4 - "sweaty bodies and alcohol"
5 - "heavily heated room"
6 - "Chateau Lafite"
7 - "bourbon and mint"
8 - "rushed kisses"
9 - "mine later"
10 - "Charity"
11 - "tease"
12 - "tender lips"
13 - "fucking morning"
14 - "so, so bad"
15 - "popcorn"
16 - "lovely couple"
17 - "dance with me"
18 - "big bad bitch"
19 - "fucking e-mail"
21 - "parents"
22 - "private conversations"
23 - "payphone"
24 - "choose"
25 - "home"
26 - "other ideas"
27 - "game"
28 - "follow me"
29 - "promise"
30 - "bloodshot"
31 - "beg for it"
32 - "hard for me"
33 - "Ethan doesn't know"
Character Q & A
34 - "no"
35 - "wet dream"
36 - "be there"
37 - "dumb nurse"
38 - "too weird"
39 - "him and i"
40 - "headlights"
41 - "husband"
42 - "the wrong one"
43 - "heartbroken"
44 - "nightmare"
45 - "no clue"
Coming Soon
Second Book

20 - "excuse"

36.8K 763 881
By stilinskliffordolan

Ethan's POV

'To whom this may concern,

I will not be attending classes today because i am not feeling well. Please e-mail me any missed work or notes and i will be back and ready for class the next day. Thank you


Just the idea of her being sick made me feel upset. The poor girl was home, sick, while i was off having sex with Cara. What a fucking douche bag move.

It seemed i couldn't drive fast enough to her dorm complex. And the thought of seeing students there made my stomach churn in anxiousness. What would they think as i pull up to Y/n's dorm, not leaving for a while?

Probably the worst. They'd be thinking i'm fraternizing with a student..

Which wouldn't be far from the truth.

However, i'm not coming here to... well, cum. I'm coming here to make sure she's okay. And that she isn't completely pissed at me for changing plans on her for Cara.

Even though it was a good night, i feel horrible. And i wouldn't blame her if she hated me for a couple days. I just need to know if she's really staying in her dorm because she's sick, or because she's angry.

Only one way to find out, i guess.

The thoughts in my mind cease when my tired hit the pavement of the lot in front of her dorm building. The red bricks around the outside were slightly intimidating to me.

I spotted Maddie's car beside mine as i pull up, seeing her walking into the building, books in-hand.

I cut the engine quickly and step out, eager to see Y/n. Talk to her. Apologize to her. "Maddie" i call out, hoping she'd hear me as she was walking further and further away. But, to my luck, she turned on her heel and glanced back at me. The blue eyes i barely knew widened and she walked back toward me, where she had just come from.

"Ethan?" She asks cautiously, "what are you doing here?"

We meet halfway between my car and the spot she was just at, "is Y/n home?" I ask, stating quite obviously that i was here for Y/n.

She glances at the dorm building, then back at me, "probably. When i left, she was laying on her bed."

Almost immediately, my mind wandered to her in her bed, waiting for me. But in my mind, she wasn't sick. "Well , can i see her" i ask.

She rolls her eyes, turning on her heel to walk to the dorm. I take it as a que to follow, seeing as she wasn't protesting to the sound of my feet behind her. "She isn't actually sick, by the way" she torts, getting out her keys as we reach the large white door.

"She's not?"

Maddie shakes her head and unlocks the door, using her hips to help push it open. "Y/n" she calls through the large room. It was like an apartment.

The decorations were typical for a couple of college girls. Nice throw pillows on the couch, soft blankets strewn over the back as well. Maddie calls out her name again and heads for an open door that leads to a bedroom. "She's not here" she yells out to me.

"What?" My mind races with thoughts of where she could be, and why she skipped class to be there. "Where could she have gone?"

Maddie walks back out to the living area and kitchenette area, "no clue, Mr. Dolan" she says, grimacing at how odd it sounded. I have to admit, i did too. It was weird.

"Fuc-" i say just before being cut off by the door opening. Laughter fills the dorm and i whip my head to the source of it.

"And when she dropped the tray on that guy's shoes, oh my God, i almost lost it" my brother's familiar voice carries in an echo.

Y/n was smiling at him before looking at me and Maddie, standing awkwardly in the middle of the dorm room. "Uh" she says, trying to come up with an excuse. I could practically feel the tension between the three of us. No doubt Maddie could too.

"Where the hell were you two" i ask in a harsh tone.

Y/n's face looks shocked, and angry at the same time. "Lunch, not that it's any of your business" she scowls. Her hand lightly drops her purse and jacket on the counter before taking a take-out container from Grayson's hands to put it in the fridge.

"Excuse me?"

Maddie steps away from us, heading to her room, i presume. Grayson stands still by the door, stunned and embarrassed. His eyes were widened, like he had a secret to tell, but couldn't put the words together.

A loud scoff leaves her lips as she places a discerning hand on her hip, "you're not my boyfriend, Ethan. I can hangout with whoever the hell i want." The closer to the end of her sentence she got, the louder her voice was. "Obviously you know that since you spent the night with Cara."

All traces of anger and accusation fell from my face. How did she know? Does she know all of it? Or just that i spent the night? "Fucking your boss's daughter gets you far, i'm guessing" she scathes.

Yep, she knows all of it.

"Y/n, i-"

"No" she cuts me off with the shake of her head," i can't fucking believe you, Ethan. I know we aren't together, but cancelling plans to be with someone you don't even like is low."

Grayson stayed silent, glancing between the two of us. "Why are you two hanging out" i ask him.

He looked at me, his eyes frantic. He was definitelt hiding something. "She said she was bored." He shrugs his shoulders, thinking he was covering his track well.

"Bullshit" i groan, watching the nervous tick of his as he licks his lips.

"Enough" Y/n shouts, catching us both off guard. "Ethan, leave."

I oblige quickly, storming out of the dorm as quick as possible. I don't need this. The agony and accusation that comes from a girl i fuck on occasion. It's bullshit. "Fuck you" i mutter before the door shuts.

Word Count: 1054

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