Percy Jackson and the Triwiza...

De ThatOddKiddo

473K 13.8K 7.3K

"So... Thalia... why are you even on this quest again?" "I'm here to kill a dragon." "Oh... that's... nice." ... Mais

Author's Note
Chapter 1: An Unexpected Visitor
Chapter 2: "That's right, Wizards" WAIT, WHAT!?
Chapter 3: Airports, that's all I have to say.
Chapter 4: An Unexpected Hello from Hecate
Chapter 5: Cheerio! Don't wanna be late!
Chapter: 6 Aaaand, there goes the train.
Chapter 7: Friends from Far Away
Chapter 9: Stupid Hat.
Chapter 10: That's a Lot of Red, Clarisse Would Like it Here.
Chapter 11: Nighty Night, Gryffindors!
Chapter 12: Percy found Food
Chapter 13: Styx, Prophecies and Ferrets on the same day!
Chapter 14: Malfoy Gets Punched in the Face
Chapter 15: Goblet Barfs up some Names
Chapter 16: There's Dragons in the Woods
Chapter 17: Malfoy gets Punched... AGAIN
Chapter 18: Oh Schist, it's Skeeter
Chapter 19: Weighing of Wands
Chapter 20: Nightmares and House Elves
Chapter 21: Hot Chocolate and Butterbeers
Chapter 22: What to do About the Hungarian Horntail
Chapter 23: The First Task (Part 1)
Chapter 24: The First Task (Part 2)
Chapter 25: Bow, Arrows, and Secrets
Chapter 26: Wise-Girl Saves the Day
Chapter 27: The Shrieking Egg
Chapter 28: Sweet Dreams
Chapter 29: The Dragon Slayer
Chapter 30: Winter has Come
Chapter 31: Riddle Me This...
Chapter 32: Meeting in the Girl's Bathroom
Chapter 33: Wangoballwime?
Chapter 34: Nico and the Ministry
Chapter 36: The Yule Ball
Chapter 37: Percy meets Percy
Chapter 38: Skeeter Strikes Again
Chapter 39: Swimming
Chapter 40: The Second Task (Part 1)
Chapter 41: The Second Task (Part 2)
Chapter 42: Drowning Depths
Chapter 43: Strangers in the Forest
Chapter 44: Reunion
Chapter 45: Nico meets the Gryffindors
Chapter 46: Nico in Divination
Chapter 47: The Pensieve
Chapter 48: Bygones
Chapter 49: The Third Task
Chapter 50: Flesh, Blood, and Bone
Chapter 51: The Death Eaters
Chapter 52: The Shadows
Chapter 53: Barty Crouch Jr.
Chapter 54: Parting Ways
Chapter 55: Departure

Chapter 8: Well, um... This is awkward.

11.3K 321 163
De ThatOddKiddo

"There's a fourth school?" Ron rose one eyebrow, glaring directly at Harry.

"That doesn't make sense!" Hermione dug her fingers into her bushy hair, before continuing, "For centuries, it has only been three schools... Either there is some sort of mistake, which Dumbledore would not allow or,..." she pinched the bridge of her nose, "... or someone with great influence bent the rules, specifically for this 'school' to compete!"

"Well, why would anyone do that?" Harry asked dumbfounded, as they began to leave the Great Hall.

"Probably Death Eaters..." Ron grumbled.

Neville took 2 broad steps, to walk in sync with the trio, "You know, I heard Professor McGonagall discussing it with the other two headmasters just now, and apparently it's a new school from the United States."

"Really?" Hermione inquired, already clutching a school book tightly in her right hand, and her wand in another.

"Come on guys, at least give 'em a chance," Neville frowned.

"He's right. Whoever these Americans are, we best give them the benefit of the doubt," Harry said while pushing his glasses higher up on his nose.

"Benefit of the doubt?" Ron frowned.

"It's a muggle saying,..." Hermione replied. Before skipping at a quicker pace as they caught sight of the gravelly terrain outside.

When the four Gryffindor students made it there (well, only three because Neville got lost in the crowd), about a quarter of the school was already standing in front. A few murmurs here and there, as they discussed the odd occurrences of the evening. Just as the Beauxbaton students (being the last and most considerate to leave the hall) emerged into the courtyard, a Hufflepuff student cried, 

"Look! It's a horse! A flying horse!" And indeed it was.

Harry glanced up at the sky. Even though it was hard to see from behind the entrance hall (now being outside) and one of the larger towers, if he stood on his toes, he could just see three horses flying in their direction.

"Are those..." Harry began, looking back towards Hermione.

"Pegasi, yes. But they seem to be a different breed than the Abraxan horses the Beauxbaton students used," Hermione frowned in worry, glaring up at the sky.

She was right. The raven black pegasus, leading the other two, seemed larger and stronger than the Beauxbaton's winged horses. Their headmaster seemed to notice too, because the tall women walked towards the front, gaping in awe.

As the black pegasus landed, trotting a few steps forward accompanied with a faint 'clip clop,' the headmaster raced forward.

"Magnifique! Where did you get such a beautiful horses?" she asked in her thick french accent, while stroking the pegasus' mane. Harry just noticed the rider sliding off of the pegasus' back, and for a second he took a step back.

"Harry! It's that boy who fell on the floor-"

"Ya, I figured that out by now Hermione," he snapped back. He didn't mean to be rude, but he couldn't help it, "But what are they doing here?" Hermione fell silent, with a simple 'I don't know' shrug.

"Who, Blackjack?" the boy chuckled nervously, and stroked the horse while continuing, "It's quite a long story..." Before Olympe (whom Harry would later find out is her name) could say more, the two other pegasi landed as well.

"Merlin's Beard! All three of 'em are here!" Ron hissed into Harry and Hermione's ear.

"Surely it is a special diet.... or ... daily routine of exercise?" Olympe asked as the other two got off their horses.

The first boy threw his head back in laughter, "Other than flying us around, the only exercise this guy gets," he paused to ruffle the horse's mane, "is flying around to donut shops. Speaking of which, he says if he doesn't get any right now, he'll trample all of you. Starting off with, and I quote, 'those wimpy-looking kids with the yellow ties.'"

A majority of the Hufflepuff took a step back, as Hermione retorted, "You can understand it? You can talk to horses?" 

The boy's face immediately flushed a bright red, as he stammered, "Err, well I... uh..."

"It's a special bond between the too. Our headmaster cast a charm, hoping to strengthen their connection," the blonde girl stepped forward, giving a death glare towards Hermione's direction. She immediately shrunk back, but not before scowling with disbelief.

"Anyone else got a problem with that?" the third student raised an eyebrow, almost daring someone to speak.

At this point, Dumbledore stepped forth, resting his wand against his neck to amplify his voice, "Students, teachers, and special guests! It is my honor to introduce the three representatives of Olympian's Institution of Combat Magic! Unfortunately, a tragic circumstance due to some rogue Death Eaters caused the rest of their members to remain at home. So let's give a round of applause to these brave wizard and witches!"

Most of the students cheered loudly, goggling at the three American students. But Hermione's concerned look caused both of Harry and Ron to frown.

"His tattoo... it's gone now."

"What? That's impossible Hermione," Harry took a quick glance at the new arrivals, then back towards her.

"Or maybe you were just imagining it in the first place..." Ron muttered, as he began clapping too.

"That's impossible Ronald!" she snapped back, "I was sure I saw something!" and with that, she stormed towards the crowd whilst stomping her feet furiously.

As Ron chased after her, repeatedly shouting out apologies, Harry noticed Dumbledore whisper something in their ears. The three nodded, then followed him back inside, vanishing somewhere in the castle.

He pushed through the crowd, who were still all staring at the three pegasi enviously as Hagrid led them somewhere nearby his hut. It wasn't long before he caught up to his two friends, bickering in the corridor outside of the Great Hall.

"Oh come on, 'mione! We were in the train, how could you possibly seen such a tiny detail from so far away!"

"I'm positive that I saw a tattoo, Ron! I am not saying it's the dark mark, but we have to be careful."

"I agree," Harry chipped into the conversation, "... the least we can do is tell Dumbledore about what you saw." Hermione grinned, then glared towards Ron as if saying 'Told you so.'

"Well let's get on with it then! I don't want to miss anymore of dinner," Ron said, urging the other two in the direction of Dumbledore's office.


Even after the countless sets of stairs, Annabeth wouldn't shut up about the castle.

"Oh my gods, look at the stonework! And the stairs constantly moving in a rapid pattern, can you guys imagine a whole new world of magical architecture... the enchantments and spells imbued with its history..." Thalia had to admit, she zoned out after the first minute. Instead she decided to stare at the tassel on Dumbledore's stubby cap. With every step he took up the stairs, it swayed back and forth. Percy just smiled every time Annabeth glanced back at him, with a few nods and saying things such as 'Ya, it does' or 'I know, right?' she continued with her excited rants. Of course, when she wasn't looking, Percy concentrated on not stumbling over on the moving staircase. At one moment he missed his footing, slipping a couple steps back and almost falling off the edge of the now moving stairs if it wasn't for his firm godly grip on the banister.

After just managing to survive, they walked down one of the corridors (Thalia couldn't tell which, they all looked the same to her).

"Sir, why are we heading to your office? Did we get in trouble on the first day?" Percy asked, his teeth still slightly chattering from the cold wind.

"Trouble? Oh no, I thought you introduced yourself quite splendidly outside... I just wanted a conversation without prying eyes,..." with a cautious glare along the empty corridor, he turned back towards the end of the hall. Against the wall stood a grumpy-looking gargoyle, his teeth bared at the four.

Dumbledore cleared his throat before saying, "Cockroach Cluster." Annabeth raised an eyebrow, and shared a doubtful look between the other two demigods. Before the stone gargoyle slid out of the way, revealing the entrance to the tower.

"What are you three standing there for? Come in!" Dumbledore chuckled at the them, before gesturing for the three to follow. When Thalia stepped through the arched doorway, the first thing she noticed was the enormous bookshelves. Seriously, it put the Athena Cabin to shame (and she knew for a fact they hoarded books like they were made of solid gold,... though she never got the point because of their dyslexia). Another tall pointed arch, similar to the one they entered through, hung from behind a large oak desk. Two staircases began to curve behind the archway, so a quarter of the bookshelves were accessible, and leading to what she assumed the rest of the tower. She didn't really know what the mirror thing was in the corner, and didn't really care. It was besides the point, which was that this place screamed magic. 

She couldn't seem to find why, because most of the things inside the office wasn't too out of the ordinary. Well, except for the fact that there was a phoenix in the corner... and maybe that the antique furniture, desks, and bookshelves seemed over 100 years old. It seemed to be something out of her vision, but it still sent a tingly feeling down her spine.

Dumbledore sat in a plush chair behind his desk, then grimly looked at the three, "It has come to my attention that I haven't personally thanked you for coming yet. I cannot express my gratitude. But we have more pressing things to handle at the moment-" the door swung open once again.

In walked a professor Thalia recognized out on the courtyard. As she began to take a few steps closer, she assumed she was no younger than 60 years old. She was tall, and wore emerald-green robes. From this point on, Thalia was positive she would never get over the bizarre clothes wizards wore, no matter how long she had to stay at the school. She never quite got the appeal of layers upon layers of heavy fabric, which would just drag her down. Sure, this may be the side of her that is almost constantly being chased by monsters talking, but it also just looked uncomfortable. The professor walked deeper into the office, climbing one of the sets of stairs beside the desk. And silently, she placed a raggedy old hat on one of the very few empty shelves. 

She glared at her fingers in distaste, now caked with dust as she placed the hat down, then glanced up at Dumbledore and replied, "Potter and his friends are waiting down the hall. They seem to want to inform you about a matter which is quite urgent."

"Ah, thank you Professor McGonagall. Please try to make sure the feast is continuing smoothly."

"This shall only be a moment..." And with that, the witch and wizard both left the three demigods in his office all alone.

"Well, this is awkward," Percy said before walking up towards the stairs, "Hey, what's this?"

Annabeth scowled, "I don't think you should be touching things. Who knows what any of this stuff does?" she rolled her eyes, as Percy reached for the raggedy old hat McGonagall left in the office. But he just continued holding it out in front of him, at one point, waving it up and down in midair.

"This thing doesn't do anything! I don't know what you were worried about..."

"Ya, what could possibly go wrong in a wizarding school where we barely know what's going on?" Thalia grumbled sarcastically.

"Hey! It's not like the hat talks, I don't even know why it was brought here in the first place," Percy said, about to place it back onto the shelf.

"So you're saying I have no use, eh? Hurts right in the heart!" a lip formed in between the wrinkled flaps of the hat. And it quickly flopped onto the floor, as Percy lost his grip.

"Holy Hades it actually talks!" Percy stared at it wide-eyed.

"Well what did you expect? A hat that can tap-dance?"


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