Renagade or Robin?

By Datfangaltho67

27.5K 1K 596

Robin was chilling with Wally when he received a text from an anonymous source. and it was a threat. He brush... More

Until Then Little Robin
Turn Around
A Form of Goodbye
8 months later
Torn between sides
Panic attack
Phantoms of the Dark
Waking up to see the newby
A clown, and assasin
Friendly Fighting?
Message written in blood
A Heart, not entierly stone
A Brawl
chapter 19
As Long As He Breathes
Lights! Camera! ACTION!
Balance with Bullets
Their Compromise
Placed in Arkham
Quality Time
"Come to Thank me!"

New Member

951 35 21
By Datfangaltho67

Dick wasn't waking up. He slept through the netire rest of the night and even through the morning. The team was out on a mission but we're distracted by the fact of what's happened last night. They were informed of what was happening and why Richard was asleep.

The team made I home all beat up and bruised. Wally limped to the kitchen and started to make himself a sandwich. Megan, with Connor's help made it to the medical bay.

Artemis walked t the couch and laid herself down gently and groaned in pain.

"This sucks. We got totally beat up!" Artemis complained.

"Tell me about it." Kaldur flexed his arm. "I think I fractured something." He spoke and rubbed his black eye lightly.

Megan and Connor patched one another up and sat there in the medical bay.

"Who knew the Joker would be the one behind that robbery." Megan looked at Conner.

"No one. He might have gotten away. But we will get him next time. I'm just glad that knife missed internal Organs." Conner pointed to her patched up stab wound on her abdomen.

"Tell me about it." She mumbles. "It was way to close a call."

"Yeah." Conner calmed his raging nerves. "Jesus Christ did he have o use a metal bat?" He stretched, his back heavily bruised.

"Are you sure you will he alright? Him and his goons pinned you and swung at you." She placed a worried hand on his cheek.

"Yeah. I'll be fine." Conner smiles gently.

"Good. I trust you." She levitated slightly and kissed him.

Conner smiled and pressed against her lips and wrapped an arm around her waist gently, not wanting to accidentally hurt her. After a good make out session on a medical bed they walked out of the room. Conner and Megan both having a gentle white blush.

They walked into the main living room and Conner sat down while Megan walked into the kitchen to bake some cookies. She grabbed ingredients and began to mix them and get her hands dirty by making sure the flower and egg and other ingredients mixed into a nice thick doe. She poured chocolate chips into it and mixed it some more and she divided the doe on the metal pan she had got out and hummed as she did.

"Baking?" Kaldur smiled and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge.

"Yes! Chocolate chip cookies!" Megan smiled happily.

"Excellent. Your cooking has gotten better." Kaldur complimented.

"Watch yourself Aqualad." Conner smirked gently. "That's my girl. Not yours."

"Cool it big guy. I was just seeing what she was making." Kaldur playfully held his hands up in surrender.

"Has Richard waken up yet?" Megan asked out of curiosity.

"I'll go check." Wally, would was eavesdropping hummed blissfully.

"Oh you nosy little maggot." Artemis huffed. "Can't you just be a normal person for once.

"Last time I checked we are all not normal people." Wally giggled. "Be right back." He walked down the hall.

Wally walked towards Dick's room and stopped at the door. He pressed his ear against the door and didn't hear talking or even movement. He grabbed the knob and creaked the door open and gazed apon the room. The floor was still a bit of a mess, dirty clohes tossed in random places. Papers and research files and news clippings sloppily pinned to the huge cork board on the wall next to a shady looking desk with a lamp that was left turned on, the light bulb was goin out, it was flashing annoyingly.

Wally walked in and shut the door quietly and walked to the lamp and turned it off. Wally looked at Dick sleep and he pulled the covers up to his shoulders and smiled weakly.

"Hope you wake soon. Everyone is worried. We understand you are stressed and had recently been through hell. But we are here for you." Wally looked at Dick. "Also clean your room. It's filthy." He laughed.

Wally stood and walked to the door. He walked out and shut the door quietly. He turned around and blinked.

"Uh. Hey." Wally scratched the back of his neck.

"Yeah...hi. Are you Wally West?" The alf robotic man asked.

"Yeah. Need anything?" Wally asked akwardly. "Um. Who are you?"

"I'm Cyborg. I was told by a female with bad bruises to find you. She said you would know what to do. You see I was ordered by someone to be stationed here. I think their name was...uh...Superman?" Cyborg scratched the back of his head.

"Right! You are new to the Young Justice League! I'll aquaunt you with Batman!" Wally smiled happily.

"Batman!? Awesome man!" Cyborg grinned. "There is my idols right there! Batman is where it's at!" Cyborg followed Wally.

"So dude. Where are you from?" Wally asked.

"Jump City." Cyborg smiled. "And you?"

"Gotham." Wally smiles.

"Got any superpowers?" Cyborg asked.

"Totally! You know the flash right?" Wally giggled.

"Yeah! Or. I've seen him. Why?" Cyborg asked.

Wally ran down the hall in blinding speeds and less then a blink of an eye right behind him.

"I'm related to him! Have the same powers and all!" Wally snickered.

"Amazing dude! All I got are some cannons guns hacking. And super strength." Cyborg smiles. "And I can build some pretty high tech stuff if the right materials are in my possession."

"That's awesome man!" Wally admired him. "HEY BATMAN A NEW YOUNG J MEMBER SHOWED UP! GET YOUR MASK ON!" Wally yelled.

Bruce walked out wearing His bat suit and looked at the 6ft teen.

"Welcome. I would introduce you to the members. But Wally can take care of it for you." Batman spoke. "No missions today. Already taken care of as you can see from the bruises and bandages on some of them." Bruce turned and walked back in his room and closed the door and went back to his work.

The two guys walked into the living room where almost everyone was. Megan was in the kitchen. Wally smiled widely.

"NEW MEMBER EVERYONE!" Wally shouted.

"Hi again." Artemis smiled and slowly made her way over.

Everyone crowded.

"Hi! I'm Cyborg!" Cyborg greeted them.

"Looking pretty tough. And cool." Kaldur smiled.

"That's Kaldur! Basically our leader." Wally smiles. "And the green dressed gal is Artemis." Wally hummed. "The guy who looks like a Younger Superman is Superboy! But we call him Conner." Wally smiled.

Cyborg shook hands.

"And then there is Megan! She is Martian manhunter's Cosin. I think." Wally blinked.

"A pleasure to meet you." She shook his hand.

"Yeah. " Cyborg smiles.

"Yup! There are 8 of us now!" Wally grinned.

"But including me, I count seven. What about the other one?" Cyborg asked with a hint of confusion.

"Oh. Come with me. But be quiet." Wally spoke.

"Alright. Are they okay?" Cyborg asked with worry and curiosity.

"Not really. He was recently almost killed by a drug. What it does is it basically makes you see illusions and the stress in the brain injures your body. And the illusion seems to actually hurt the person. Bruce gave him a counter drug but the amount of chemicals knocked him out, and on top of his exhaustion he just hasn't woken up sense around 1:00 am this morning." Wally explained.

"Jesus. Poor guy." Cyborg was surprised.

"And he was recently returned to us as well. From a bad place." Wally shuddered.

"I hope this isn't personal. But what kind of place." Cyborg wanted to know more.

"It's alright I understand. I hate juicy details being cut out too. Alright. You ever heard of Deathstroke? Slade Wilson?" Wally asked.

"The guy from the news!? Isn't he an assassin!? A major villian!?" Cyborg shuddered.

"Yeah. About 8 months ago Dick Grayson, the man would is asleep, was captured by him. And he, just changed. He was forced to become like Deathstroke. He turned from Robin, Batman's side kick and adopted son, to Renegade, Deathstroke's apprentice. When we found him about a week and a half ago. Our trusted friend. Are brother. Almost killed us. With no emotion on his face. Like he was gone. Even now. He is still hesotant to open up to anyone besides me." Wally explained. "Deathsroke beat him. He starved him and stripped him of sleep, just to make him wat he viewed as perfect."

"..." Cyborg's jaw dropped. "That's awful!"

They walked to the room and Wally opened it gently. And there, asleep, was Richard. Cyborg looked at him and saw the tired look on his face in his sleep.

"So. That's Grayson?" Cyborg asked.

"Yep. His real name is Richard Grayson. But we call him Dick." Wally spoke. "It's just faster to say."

Cyborg shut the door. "So he is Richard Grayson. Why does Grayson sound familiar?"

"His family were Acrobats who preformed without a net under them as they preformed. They were the Flying Graysons. He was also a part of the act. But a man named Tony Zucco killed them. Right in front of Dick. He watched as the swing flew off it's hinges, and his parents fall to their deaths. He heard their screams and gasps before the eerie silence. And the clapping of Zucco afterwards." Wally shuddered. "He has had a very rough life so far. I'm impressed he hasn't lost his mind."

"An ordinary person would have lost their minds wittnessed their parents death at a young age." Cyborg blinked. "The fact that he is still him. Is impressive. Almost like a superpower."

"Come on I'll show you to your room." Wally broke the depressing wall in the air.

Cyborg followed Wally to an empty room that had a bed and a dresser and a bathroom. Cyborg got comfortable as soon as Wally left. He seemed to be liking the new place. The only person he needed to officially meet was Richard. That moment he could hardly wait for.

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