Here and Gone

By lacedangel

1.2M 64.6K 95K

in which a girl and boy are in the perfect relationship while his brother loves her from afar. what will happ... More



26.4K 1.4K 3K
By lacedangel

( I love seeing y'alls comments on each little paragraph that I write throughout each chapter you guys are so funny! Love y'all!)


"Pass me another beer, Ethan!" Matt sat up putting his elbows onto his knee's.

Ethan scoffed, "you're gonna die tonight, Matt."
"I've got it I've got it I can control my drinking." He chuckled leaning back onto the couch.

I looked around the house seeing everyone dancing and screaming the words to lyrics of the music.

I turned back towards Grayson, "Wanna go get a drink?" I bit my bottom lip while running my fingers through his hair-pushing it out of his face.

He grinned without saying anything and got off of the couch waiting for me to stand up. I stood up after him and he placed his hand on my lower back, "We're gonna go get a drink." He told everyone.

"Grab me one if you come back." Emerson told us. I smiled to myself seeing her legs were crossed over Ethan while her arm was around his neck. He held her waist close to him.

Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

Grayson walked close next to me; hand still around my waist, as we walked through the crowded house.

We got into the kitchen seeing a bunch of people sitting on the counters everywhere talking with their own separate groups.

"Here," Grayson gripped onto a handle of vodka. "Lets take some body shots." He smirked while grabbing pieces of a lime.

Body shots have secretly always been a guilty pleasure of mine. Fuck.

He grabbed my wrist and we walked to where two corners of the counter met. He stood in front of me; trapping me.

He picked up a shot glass and filled it to the top. I felt him put the cold lime onto my neck and slowly squeezed it making it start to drip down my neck.

He moved closer to me connecting his tongue to my neck and slowly dragging it up. I let out a quiet moan as I closed my eyes. I leaned my head sideways making it easier for him to lick.

Before disconnecting his tongue from my neck, he let his lips suction onto my sensitive skin and sucked slowly.

When he let go he quickly took the shot and smirked at me. His eyes became very seductive as one corner of his mouth curved upwards.

"That's gonna hurt tomorrow." His eyes aimed towards my neck. As I payed attention to the feeling on my neck I could slowly start to feel it bump almost like a heart beat.

He walked closer to me stared at me like I was gold. He slowly lifted me up onto the counter and his hands gripped my thighs tightly as he rubbed up and down.

He's being so dirty right now and I'm not complaining.

"Your turn." He handed me a shot and the lime.

I held the shot in one hand while placing the lime onto his neck with the other.

He clinched his jaw as he didn't break his sight with my face. I applied pressure to the lime causing it to squeeze out acid.

As it started sliding down his neck, I slowly licked from his collarbone all the way up to the corner of his jaw. He moaned while putting his head back in pleasure.

I disconnected our contact and took the shot that was in my other hand.

"You're so fucking sexy." She grunted without departing his lips. His hands slowly moved up further my legs making me weak to my knee's.

"Look who it is." A familiar voice snapped. "The petty little whore and the dumbass." Sierra crossed her arms.

I rolled my eyes and Grayson turned towards her as I hopped off the counter.

"What did you just say?" Grayson crossed his arms as he buffed up.

"Open your damn ears Grayson. I called you a dumbass, you know for getting into the crash and loosing your memory. And I called her a whore for going for Ethan." She evilly laughed looking down to her fingers nails.

"Don't fucking call her that." Graysons crossed arms pushed against her making her back up, "Calm down anger issues. I'm here for your brother. Not you."

"Leave him the fuck alone? He doesn't want you Sierra." I defended stepping beside Grayson.

"Thinking of another brother switch? You don't get both sweetie. Stop being a conceded bitch." She spat putting he hands onto her hips stepping closer to me.

"Do not talk to her that way." Grayson stepped in front of me; blocking her from coming near me.

"You two are so cute, really, now I'm just gonna go find Ethan." She patted his chest and walked away.

Grayson turned back towards me letting out a huge sigh, "we can't let her ruin Ethan and Emerson." I crossed my arms looking around the house.

"I know, we need to find Ethan." Grayson held his hand out for me to grab. I latched onto it and he lead the way going through the crowd.

We walked back to the living room that we were in and saw all of our friends still sitting down while laughing and drinking.

Grayson and I walked over towards the couch that Emerson and Ethan were at and sat down next to them.

"Ethan, Sierra is looking for you. You need to stay away from her." Grayson told him.

"Why the hell is she here?" Matt asked getting disgusted at the thought of Sierra.

"It's an open house what did you expect?" Maggie commented before taking a sip of her beer.

"Don't worry he's got me. She's not getting anywhere near him." Emerson kissed his cheek causing him to blush deeply.

I nodded then Grayson turned towards me. "Wanna go take more shots?"
I nodded again and we went back to the kitchen and took normal shots.

After about eight more shots I could feel myself not feeling normal. I looked to Grayson and he looked unaffected by all of this.

"Are you not drunk?" My mouth slurred causing me to laugh at how dumb I sounded.
"I am. I just can control myself unlike you." He smirked putting more liquor into his mouth.

I put my hands onto his collar bone; catching him off guard. He slowly lowers the shot glass and put it onto the table.

"Alright we're going upstairs." Grayson grabbed onto my hand as he pushed through the crowd. I giggled following close behind him.

We walked up the stairs getting some whistles from a couple people.

"They're cheering for us!" I laughed telling Grayson but he ignored me.

He pulled me into a room and I stumbled forward a bit. I heard the door shut and lock. I turned around to face him as I was about to say something but he smashed his lips into mine.

I almost instantly kissed back. I ran my fingers through his hair to push it out of the way of our lips. I felt his hands travel down my thighs. He picked me up and I crossed my legs around his torso. Without breaking the kiss, threw me down onto the bed; him coming down with me.

He broke the kiss while he leaned up. He grabbed the back of the neck of his shirt and pulled it over his head. His hands crumbled it into a ball as he threw it aside and grinned at me.

He came back down to me while reconnecting our lips. He began to kiss me fast and sloppy but it was so sexy.

His his finger tips traveled to the bottom of my shirt tugging at it. I broke the kiss and took off my shirt as he stared at my body.

A smiled appears on his face, "beautiful." He leaned back down and began to kiss me again leaving butterflies in my stomach.

His warm lips slowly traveled to my jawline as he left small meaningful kisses he moved down to my neck and began sucking slowly and hard causing small moans to leave my mouth.

My fingers tangled into his hair but he grabbed onto my wrists pinning them above my head so I couldn't use them.

His lips slowly brushed against my skin all the way back up to my lips leaving cold chills.

"Cops! Cops! Get out!" Someone banged on the door and my heart dropped.

"Fuck." He mumbled. He quickly got off of me and threw me my shirt. We put our clothes back on and he held his hand out. I grabbed onto his and we opened the door.

Everyone began to scream and were sprinting everywhere trying to get out of the house.

Grayson and I ran down the stairs but I got stopped by Claire. "Come on we need to get out of here!" She pulled my arm.

"Grayson let's go!" Ethan shouted from the front door.

Grayson and I looked back to each other, "I'm gonna go with Ethan, Emerson and Matt. You go with Claire so she's not alone." He held onto my shoulders.

I nodded as we all ran to the front door.

Claire and I ran towards her car. I opened the door and looked back to Ethan and Emerson getting into their car while Grayson and Matt got into Grayson's.

"Meet at McDonalds!" Ethan yelled before ducking his head into the car.
I nodded and we got into Claire's car.

"Hurry hurry I don't wanna get caught." I rushed as I quickly put my seat belt on. Claire took off driving away from the house with her engine rolling loud.

I turned my head around seeing all the people still scattering out of the house.

I smiled as I laughed turning back towards the front of the car, "we did it!"
"Hell yeah we did it. We pull off everything." She smirked.

I plugged my phone into the aux and started playing Lil Skies. Claire loves him which caused her to turn up to volume of the music.

We started dancing and singing the whole car ride to McDonald's.
I watched as Claire started singing the song and bit her lip seductively on purpose trying to make me uncomfortable.

"Ew stop you're disgusting!" I cringed my eyes.
She laughed turning back to the road. "Oh shut up you love it." She rolled her eyes.

"No. I don't." I chuckled.

"Mhm. You seem to like it when Grayson does it." She chuckled.
"You're right." I laughed.

I felt my phone going off and saw that it was Matt.

"Hello?" I spoke while still laughing at Claire and I's conversation.

"A-Addison. You need to come here right now." Matt's voice caused my eyes to go wide, my heart to drop and my hand to turn down the music.

Fuck we got caught.

"Matt what's going on?" My voice became stern as I became concerned.

"They hit us Addison. Ethans cars hit me and Grayson! I-i don't know what to do none of them are moving and there's so much steam everywhere!" Matts voice was in so much shock but I couldn't speak either.

"Addison what's going on?" Claire yelled getting anxious.

My face felt so pale. My whole body felt numb.

"Addison please help!" Matt cried from inside the phone but I felt like I was choking.
"Addison answer him!" Claire demanded.

"W-where are you?" My plain voice asked.

"On the backstreet behind my neighborhood. Please hurry." He started to cry.

I hung up the phone; still staring off into space.

"Addison what's wrong!" Claire became furious.

"Turn around right now. Go to the backstreet behind Matt's house." I finally broke my stare and looked at her.

She quickly made a U-turn causing a screech from her tires. "Will you tell me what's going on?" She was pissed.

"They got into a crash. They all got into a crash."


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