Here and Gone

By lacedangel

1.2M 64.6K 95K

in which a girl and boy are in the perfect relationship while his brother loves her from afar. what will happ... More



51.8K 1.9K 3.2K
By lacedangel

"Hey girly, what are you up to?" Claire's voice came out excitedly.

"Hey! I'm just getting Grayson and Ethan some food for practice. They only have like a 20 minutes break since they are prepping for state." I explained to her holding my phone up to my ear.

"I was thinking all of us could hangout tonight." She spoke.

"It's Wednesday." I laughed lightly, "but I'm probably staying there anyways so sure!"

"Okay just call me when you're done dropping off their food." She directed me.

"Yes ma'am. Bye!" I took the phone away from my ear and hung up the phone.

"Thank you!" I grabbed the food from the in-and-out worker.
"Have a nice day!" He sent me a nice smile.

I put the food into the passengers seat and started driving towards the school.
Once I had arrived I parked my car, grabbed the food and started walking towards the field.

The sounds of whistles blowing and coach yelling at the boys made me chuckle to myself.

I walked onto the track and sat down waiting for them to go on break.

Grayson spotted me then waved to me. He looks so good in his uniform.

I smiled holding up the food. He sent me a wink then going back to what he was doing.

After a couple of minutes of going on my phone, the coach blew the whistle.

I looked up; locking my phone then stood up walking over to them. Grayson and Ethan both jogged over to me with huge smiles of their faces.

"Hey Addison!" They both panted.
"I brought you guys your favorite." I held out the bag to them.
"You're the best." Ethans eyes glowed down at me.
I blushed, "I try." I said sassily.

"Ahhh Addison!" Coach walked over to us.
"Hey coach!" I shook his firm hand.
"Taking care of our star players I see." He smirked.

"Always." I giggled.
"Appreciate it." He patted my shoulder then walked back to the field with the rest of the coaches.

We went into the stands and sat down while we all took bites of our food.

"So, What are you planning on doing today?" Grayson asked me.
"Well I might go hangout with Claire for a bit, but afterwards I was thinking all of us could go back to y'alls house and we have a bon fire." I suggested.

They looked at each other and shrugged. "Sure." Ethan answered.

"So, hows practice been going?" I took a bite of one of my fries.
"Pretty good actually, I think we are gonna win this." Grayson smiled widely with his cute little cheeks.
"A little rough for Ethan though, he's been side-tracked." Grayson smirked hitting his shoulder.

My mouth dropped as my head turned towards Ethan. "Ethan Dolan!"
He started blushing as he looked down to his food.
"A girl?" I grinned.
"Yep he's totally getting it on with her." Grayson laughed.
"No! It's not like that. She's just really cute." He blushed.

"Who is it!" I was getting anxious.

This is perfect. Ethan needs a girl, he deserves one! He's been so hooked on me for so long and I just can't give him what he wants...

"Her names, Julia. Stop jumping to conclusions though! We are just talking." He shook his head laughing.

"Mhm." Grayson hummed.

"Good. I'm happy for you." I looked at him.
He looked up at me with his eyes then his mouth shifted into a soft smile.

We were cut off by a whistle, "lets go let's go!" Coach screamed.

We all stood up, "good luck guys." I took all of their trash into my hands.
"See you tonight, babe." Grayson cupped my face into his hands and left a warm kiss on my lips.
He pulled away and I looked around and Ethan was already half way to the field.

Grayson started walking away while I rubbed my lips together blushing at him. "You look pretty by the way!" He shouted while jogging back to the field.

"Love you." I mumbled to myself as I watched him.


"Seriously I had no idea that he was talking to someone!" I fixed my sweatshirt in the mirror.

"I don't buy it." Claire applied her classic maroon lipstick onto her lips. "He's too in love with you to actually even consider another girl."

I felt the normal guilt build up in my body as I let out a sigh.

"Hey." Claire walked over to me, "it's nothing to feel bad about! You love Grayson and Grayson loves you. It would be the same situation if you were with Ethan." She reassured me.

I didn't answer her statement, "Alright, wanna head over?" I picked up my phone from the charger.

"Sure, let's go."

We walked down stairs to my parents who were on the couch watching a movie.

"Where you heading off to?" My dad asked.
"Grayson and Ethan's, we are having a bonfire." I told them.
"Tell them we say hi!" My mom smiled turning back to the tv.

Claire and I walked out the front door and walked next door to the twins house.

"Shh! Do you hear that?" I stopped dead in my tracks.
"What?" Claire stopped after me.
"They are in the backyard." I grinned.
She raised her eyebrow. "Wanna scare them?"

I shook my head as she read my mind. We giggled running to the side gate.

We stood by the gate, hearing them talk about football. "Okay lets just barge in and scare them." Claire whispered.

I quickly swung open the gate as Claire and I yelled "boo!"
Both of the boys jumped and screamed.

"Holy shit!" Grayson put his hand over his heart in relief.
"Not funny." Ethan looked so startled.

Claire and I chuckled giving each other a fist bump.
Ethan and Grayson looked at each other squinting their eyes.


Before we could think, they ran towards us. We both started screaming then they tackled us into the ice cold pool.

The world became silent as I was underwater. I felt the hands release from my body as my head came out of the water.

"Oh my god I'm gonna kill you!" I shivered swimming fast to get out of the pool.

Both of them laughed as they followed getting out of the pool.

I stood in my soaking wet clothes shivering non stop.
"Aww babe I'm sorry." Grayson wrapped his freezing arms around me as he chuckled.

I pushed him off pretending to be mad, "go away." I smiled.

"Oh come on." Ethan took Claire's and my hand taking us inside. Grayson followed behind as we ran upstairs.

"Here take this sweatshirt." Ethan handed Claire a sweatshirt.

She went to the bathroom to change as Ethan kept scouting for clothes.

I turned to Grayson, "Do you have joggers I could barrow?"
"Will I actually get them back this time?" He raised his eyebrow.
"Maybe." I giggled at the fact hat half of his wardrobe is at my house.

"I'll go get you some downstairs." Grayson walked downstairs while I stayed in Ethans room.

"Here do you want some joggers?" Ethan handed me black joggers.

"Aren't these your favorite pair?" I raised my eyebrow.
"Yeah so don't ruin them." He laughed.
"Thank you." I tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"Yup." He looked into my eyes then down to his feet still smiling.

Soon Grayson came back up with a sweatshirt. We all changed and I put on some of Cameron's fuzzy socks.

We all went back outside and Ethan hooked his phone up to the speaker.

Grayson sat down in a chair that was in front of the fire.
I walked by him to sit in the chair next to him.
A hand wrapped around my wrist and pulled me downwards making me fall into Grayson's lap.

"Sit with me." His face was inches from mine.

I admired his perfect complexion along with his brown hair that was slick back into the black hoodie he was wearing.

"I don't think I have a choice." I giggled pecking his lips.

Ethan slouched back into a chair across from us while Claire sat in on next to him.

"Play feels music." I told Ethan.
"Why?" He narrowed his eyebrows.
"Cause I don't wanna listen to rap. This is peaceful so play peaceful music." I answered him.

I felt Grayson's hands wrap around my waist while my arms wrapped around his neck. I leaned my head onto his while chill music started playing.

The whole night we just had deep conversations about life and bonded even more.

"Oh my god I love this song!" Claire closed her eyes and started doing hand signals to the music of the song.

We all laughed at her while she sang, "look at me now, I'm falling, can't even talk I'm stuttering!"

"Such a loser." I joked.

She kept singing, "This ground of mine keeps shaking, oh, oh, oh, now! All I wanna be and all I ever wanna be yeah yeah is somebody to you!"

The lyrics filled through my head as I looked across the fire to Ethan. His eyes shifted from Claire, to me as he chewed on his bottom lip.

The guilt flashed over me again as the song kept playing.

I looked away and looked back to Claire.
"Everybody's ya tryna be a billion air! But everytime I look at you I just don't care! cause all I wanna be, all I ever wanna be yeah yeah is somebody to you."

I glanced back over to Ethan one more time and he was looking down at his hands. "Alright who wants to make some s'mores!" I got off of Grayson's lap and walked inside to grab the graham crackers, chocolate and marshmallows.

When I walked back out i handed all of them a stick for their marshmallows.

"Thank you." Grayson whispered into my ear as I sat back down.
The warm sensation of his voice made me blush to myself.

His hand started tracing up and down my back as we kept listening to music and talking.

"Oh shit that's a good one!" I pulled my marshmallow towards me and admired it.

I put it on a cracker and added chocolate putting it into my house, "holy shit." I closed my eyes due to how good it tasted.

"Let me try." Grayson opened his mouth. I giggled sticking it into his mouth.

"Holy shit." He narrowed his eyebrows looking at me. "I did not expect it to be that good." He laughed.

I couldn't help but stare at how cute he was. His beautiful hazel eyes were so pretty and his cheekbones were so cute.

I guess he caught my stare cause he leaned in towards my face and placed his lips onto mine. He started laughing through the kiss causing me to do the same.

We both broke it when we heard Ethan get up.
"Ethan where are you going?" Claire asked him.
He didn't answer, he just kept walking inside.

We all sat there awkwardly not knowing what to do. Soon after, he came back out with two beers in his hand.

My mouth dropped a little while Grayson and I looked at each other.

Ethan sat back into his chair, "want one?" He offered one to Claire.

"Psh! Hell yeah i do." She took his offer grabbing onto the beer.

"Ethan." I looked at him a little disappointed.
He opened the beer can then looked up at me using only his eyes.

"Don't." I told him.
He locked eye contact with me then chugging the whole beer doing the opposite of what I said.

I took a deep breath in and out as disappointment filled inside of me.

"Bro, why are you drinking..." Grayson was shocked. "Do you want to get kicked off the team or...."

"Come on bud!" His eyes sarcastically got wide. "Live a little!"

Grayson shook his head, "whatever man."


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