The Showman

By Solalfie

12K 301 251

Mischief, friendship, desire, romance, love, all kinds of feelings coming together as they discovered each ot... More

The ending of ZooTV vs The Bucket list
Flights and destinations
The Bench
New Years
Back Home
The painting
Even Better Than The Real Thing
First Night
The looser, the winnner and the bet
Boxer man and dancing girl
Tongue & secret
Dublin Kiss
Eyes Open
Sexy Shower
Hot Ping Pong in France
First Time, Finally
We've got company
Paris & Michael Hutchance
The Secret
They're Gone
Back together
Bad news on the phone
I love you
Far away, so close
Aren't you happy to see me?
On fire
That Velvet Dress
The test
The adventures
Champagne in the night
What's going on?!
Unexpected confession
And now what?
PopMart Tour
Who is Tango?
Showtime in Buenos Aires
Guggi's announcement
Heading to Mendoza
I'm fine / The letter
Meeting Tango
A song for you to sing
He's back!
Wedding day
You fucking liar
She's Tango
You still love her, don't you?
The scandal
Adam's Note
Reproaches from the past
The Photo
Sing to me
Heartbreak hotel
I'm sorry
The best by far, is you

Birthday Girl in Berlin

157 6 3
By Solalfie

Two weeks passed since that day. She never saw him again. But Sun won't forget those dark blue eyes. They were hiding so much pain. She sometimes thinks about that woman of the pictures. The brunette girl with a lovely smile. "Maybe that woman is Ali. I don't know. But I cannot take those thoughts out of my head" she said to herself.

She went running every day to the park. But he wasn't there anymore. Sometimes after her morning shower she should stand naked in front of her window and stare some seconds to the rocks to see if Paul was there. But he wasn't anymore.

Anyway, when her mind is not thinking about this man, she's thinking on her trip to Europe. There is a few hours missing to her departure flight. So she's getting everything ready for her adventure.

Once in the airport, she hopes her trip would take that man away from her mind.

Almost 20 hours from her departure, she's in Berlin, Germany. Her best friend Eli is waiting for her in the airport.

Eli saw her friend on the distance and went for a hug. They didn't let each other go. There been almost 5 years without seeing each other. Finally they let go.

"Happy birthday love!! You don't know how much I missed you!" Eli said with a grin on her face

"Thank you love. I do know my friend. But we are finally together!" Sun said smiling

They got in the car. It's winter time. Sun was freezing out. She's not used to snow, in Buenos Aires, where she lives, it never snows. But the moment they got in the car and she looked out of the window she forgot about the low temperature.

"Let's go home so you can leave all your stuff there and then we will go celebrate German style" Eli said

"Seems like a great plan" Sun answered

They arrived home. Sun left all of her stuff on Eli's house and changed her outfit. She putted on black leather pants with black long boots and a black sweeter with some fake diamonds over it.

"Oh birthday girl! You look hot as hell" Eli said

"Come on, don't exaggerate"

"You gonna melt the snow babe" Eli said laughing

Eli drove to a very know pub in the center of Berlin to celebrate her friends birthday.

They got in, the place was full of people and noise. There was kind of a VIP upstairs. Eli manage to got two passes and finally found a place to sit.

"Jesus, the entire Berlin is here!" Sun said with a surprised look

"It's Friday girl! People go out on Fridays, not like you" Eli said joking "What would you like to drink?"

"You know I don't!" Sun said

"Oh come on! It's your birthday, you are in Berlin, and we didn't see each other in 5 years!" Eli said trying to convince her

"Ok. But you know I don't like beer. Get me something with vodka" Sun said with a shy smile

"That's my friend! I love how you go for something easy" Eli said smiling "Wait here and keep our sits, I'll be back soon with our drinks. Don't panic if someone comes here to talk to you. But don't forget you are mine" Eli said jokingly and raising an eyebrow.

"I'm only yours darling." She answered while bursting into laughter

A few minutes passed. Sun was sitting waiting for Eli to come back. Some drunken Germans sat next to her but she threw them out. Finally she could see her friend on her way with both glasses.

"A toast. For the birthday girl, for this new year to come, and for the adventure you are about to have" Eli said raising her glass

"Amen to that" Sun said as she took a big sip

"Hey Hey. Take it easy" Eli said smiling

Only 10 minutes past and she was already happy as a little kid in Disney.

"Jesus, everything moves around" Sun said

"Yeah, that happens when you are not used to drink and drink the hole glass of vodka in 2 minutes" Eli answered

"I'm going to the rest room. Stay here so we can keep our sits" Sun said as she got up a little bit dizzy

"Wow!" Eli said as she grabbed her "Do you want me to escort you?" Eli asked with a little grin on her face

"No. I'm fine." Sun said smiling

She headed to the ladies and stood on the bathroom door until she heard some girly screaming. "What the hell is going on?" she asked herself.

She then saw someone that looked familiar "What the fuck, I'm in fucking Berlin" she said to herself out loud. "Lord I am so drunk I'm starting to have hallucinations" she said out loud.

The familiar face laughed as he heard that and turned to see out of curiosity who had said that, to find her face. She wasn't looking at him, thanks god, cause in that moment his face froze.

"There you are" someone said while grabbing his arm and turned him around to find Bono's face totally frozen

"What the fuck man, are you ok?" Guggi said as Bono said nothing but pointed her eyes right to Sun.

"Oh shit. That's her! The running girl?" Guggi asked as Bono nodded still froze "It's Sun!!" he shouted

"Shut the fuck up" Bono whispered to his friend "Let's get out of this place, they already recognized us" he said

"Oh no, no. We are not going anywhere now. Do you believe in coincidences? Cause last time I checked you didn't" Guggi said while graving his arm.

"I am being followed by almost 13 German girls, let's get the fuck out of here" Larry said while hiding his face

"I would  love to be followed by 13 German girls Larry" Adam joked

"Hey Guggi where's B?" Edge asked

"Here" Guggi said while showing he had Bono grabbed by his arm

"What the fuck?" The three of them said at the same time when they saw Bono's face still froze and Guggi grabbing his arm without letting him move.

"Yeah, it's the same question I'm asking myself" said Guggi pointing his eyes right at where Sun was "See her? Yep, that's Sun, his ray of sunshine. This is Germany guys, not Buenos Aires. I don't believe in fucking coincidences, I don't know about you..." Guggi said while Adam, Larry and Edge's expressions were totally unbelievable.

"The girl from the painting!" Edge said as Bono's face was still frozen

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