Hello Darling - Ilianna Mikae...

By LollyDreamer

139K 2.8K 454

Ilianna ,known as many other alias over the years, has been living by her vow "never look back" for the last... More

- Puppy Love -
- May He Rot In Hell -
- The Ripper -
- Elijah's Back -
- 1821 -
- Mikaelson? -
- Ding Dong the bitch is back -
- Chaos -
- Dangerous Liaisons -
- Reminiscing History -
- Save Annie -
- All My Children -
- Killer at Large -
- Bonnie And Clyde -
- Burn to Ash -
- The Murder Of One -
- I lov....
- Bark or Bite -
- Back to Hell -
- The Cure -
- Cheater, Cheater -
- You made your bed, Now lay in it-
- Weed Killer -
- Death can't haunt us darling -
- What did you do? -
- Immortal Demise -
- You Better Have A Good Reason For Calling -
- Time to play the game -
- The Whole Town Will Pay The Price -
- Ilianna's Obsession -
- Mystic Falls Humanity Police -
Act II
- Family feuds settled with a pointy stick -
- All this bull -
- My City Too -
- I remember her a better poet -
- I'm the main man -
- Silent Manipulation and World Domination -
- At the bottom of the ocean -
- he's a bastard -
- Prettiest urgent problem -
-Is there a word for total screaming genius -
- Chaotic Christmas -
- Last one you ever see -
- allow me to take the reins -
- Annie, are you okay ?-
- flying away -
- Not if I do it right -
- I submit to you -
- busy schedule -

- White Oak-

4.6K 73 5
By LollyDreamer

A/N Hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year x 

Mikaelson Manor

'So I heard you and Bekah, your leaving?" Anna said, upon returning from the stand off with her grandmother and traitorous she had jumped in the shower and taken off her panda eyed makeup to find both Finn, Ester - although she wouldn't miss them, and Elijah to be leaving.

"Well there is not much for me to keep myself entertained in this town" Elijah said looking out the window to the compiled guys piling his luggage into a car.

"You could always have fun with me making the Salvatores and the bi-" Anna said but stopped herself mid sentence in order to correct herself to stop getting in trouble "Elena squirm" Elijah chuckled half heartedly at his niece. "Come on uncle Lijah, you can't leave me with Bex and Nik. i'll go crazy" 

"I'm sure you will be fine Ilianna"Elijah said walking away from the window and turning to his niece, only to be faced with the power-weilidng puppy dog eyes.

"Please, its fun watching you put uncle Nik in his place" 

"Good bye Ilianna, be good" Elijah replied smiling, he preceded to give a kiss on his nieces cheek and walked away.

"And then there were four"


"Hey" Anna said standing in the doorway of her fathers room making her appearance known. He was flipping through an antique book that looked like it was falling apart solely focused on the words he was reading.

"Hey" Kol replied not taking his eyes of the book

"So this just got awkward. Your not still mad at me for crashing your stand off with grandmother dearest, I thought you lectured me for that" Anna said attempting to get her fathers attention.

"Come sit" Kol said and patted his hand on the space on the bed next to him.

"So what you got there" 

"A book I haven't looked at for a thousand years" Kol began to trail off. "It's a diary I wrote when I was human" He continued knowing his daughter would not leave it alone.

"Ha, you were such a dork" Anna laughed, Kol nudged his daughter playfully causing her to reply by doing it back to her father. 

"I'm a thousand year old psychotic maniac, so don't you dare call me a dork missy" Kol replied to his daughter laughing, Anna smiled widely, finally feeling comfortable with her family, and putting her hands in a surrender doe. 

"so why the sudden nostalgia" Anna asked trying to take a peak at Kol's human diary.

"You" Kol said simply. "It's got accounts from when I met your mother" kol replied sadly, he was too interested on a scruff mark on the paper to notice Anna smile drop. Her face was now a mixture of sad and murderous. 

"ooooo, viking flirting" Anna said trying once again to take a peak with little success. "So what are your bags doing packed?"


"I know, I get it. With impending death you want to get away and party on a beach in Hawaii or dance and flirt with girls, you don't need your long lost daughter tagging along"

"It's not that darling, I've had a ten lifetimes with my brother looming over my head, I'd rather not be stuck under the same roof as him" Kol said cupping his daughter's cheek and looking in her eyes. 

"Oh no its fine, I'm sure I can keep myself entertained with aunt Bekah and Unlce Nik. Maybe I can disembowl a Salvatore" Anna said 

" I would usually agree with the Salvatore disembowelling but they did save our asses tonight so maybe cut that friend of yours some slack" Kol said laughing at his daughters threat. "You know I would never protest for you tagging along, you just have to be up for some fun" Kol said with his Mikaelson smirk.

"Ohh murder sounds fun, but I such probably keep the aunt and uncles in order" Anna replied not looking her father in the eye

"Your annoyed"

"No I..." Anna tried to protest but gave in "Its just you said you wouldn't leave me, I'm finally in a good place I just thought this would last forever, you know being vampires you know"

"Oh hey darling, come here"Kol said seeing his daughter become teary he brought her into a hug wrapping his arms around her.


"I thought you'd have gone by now" Klaus said as he sensed his sister walking into the room. He was hesitantly gazing at each detailed drawing of the one he loved then thawing it slowly into the burning fireplace. "Elijah's leaving, mother and Finn are gone too"

"I hated you when I learned you killed our mother, but I realise now that after a thousand years together as a family, you are the only one who has never left me" Rebekah said to her older brother.

"Well aren't we a pair?" Klaus replied smiling his infamous Mikaelson smirk

"There's something I think you need to see " Rebekah said walking towards Klaus and holding her phone up in front of his face so he could see what was on it.

"Come to brag about your skills as a torturer?" Klaus asked

"Look at the images behind the wall behind Elena, the natives told a story of our family history look at the images on the far wall" Rebekah urged . "A native worshipping at the great white oak tree"Rebekah replied not sensing that her young niece was standing behind the door war out of sight 

"They burnt that tree to the ground" Anna whispered so that not only a vampire who hear the muttered words.

"Look at the markings that precede it, thats the native calendar" Rebekah continued. Klaus looked carefully again and couldn't believe what he saw. "A white oak tree, 300 years after we fled back to the old world. There must have been a sapling, a new tree to replace the old. That tree could kill us Nik, It's not over" Rebekah finished tears brimming in her eyes. 

On the other hand Anna had an idea that she was sure would grant her her revenge. This murderous thought would cause her to restore relationships and betray her own blood. What could possibly go wrong. 


"Valentina, get you ass over hear right now, I need your witchy hocus pocus" Anna said shouting down the phone. She throw the phone down and threw herself onto her bed 

"You better have a good reason for snapping my neck and then having the nerve to leave a hundred messages on my phone." Valentina said from the doorway.

"oh yeah, I forgot about that. Sorry..." Anna said suddenly feeling guilty and trying to not look her best friend in the eye.

"Oh yeah cause sorry can un-break my neck" Valentina huffed

"Oh come on Val, I was hallucinating its not my fault. And anyway your immortal" Anna said trying to think of an excuse, she flayed her arms in the arm in annoyance at the situation as she was under a time limit. She turned around to the table to pour herself and her friend who was still giving the death stares to the original a drink.

"You know that I only have limited lives, I can't go getting killed by my supposed best friend. I've already been killed five times so far, I don't know how many lives I have left" 

"Oh yeah, 1)Mikael decapitated you, 2)you were burnt at the stake 3)were you killed in a trapeze accident?" Anna listed only to be sent a glare from Valentina so she quickly shut up

'What is it you want Ilianna so I can quickly say no"

"Look Vee, I am truly sorry for my impulsive behaviour when I inexcusably killed you. Forgive me?" Anna pleaded

"Its not like I haven't killed you a few times, after you pissed me off." Valentina forgave and both immortals exchanged a sweet hug. 

"So you forgive me?"

"I have plans to hold it over your head for a really long time, but your my best friend the only person who knows and understands the hell I've been through. I can't stay mad at you" 

"Well isn't this cosy" A voice said from the door. both girls broke away from their hug and stared gobsmacked at the person who stood in front of them. "Hello ladies"

"Elliot" Anna clarified. She hadn't seen Elliot since the 1980s, when they had broken up. They had both been through a lot through the relationship and had left on relatively good terms.

London 1983

Anna could be seen sitting on the bar table her legs using the barstool as a footrest.. She was drinking her way through a large bottle of bourbon as she watched her boyfriend Elliot dancing on the table in his blue leather jackets, white oversized t-shirt and baggy ripped jeans. There was loud 80s music banging in her head as she watched the crowd dancing around and cheering.

"E, We need to talk" Anna, going by Annie Winchester throughout the decade was nervously waiting for her boyfriend to stop dancing on the table of the trendy 80s bar they had been to daily for the last two months.

"Annie come join me' A very drunk Elliot offered, sluring his words

"It's urgent, it's about him and what that means for us" Anna persisted. As soon as Elliot heard Anna emphasise the him in the sentence he sobered up and jumped off the table, putting his hand to Anna cheek and gazing into her eyes. For a good minute or two the couple stayed in utter silence gazing up at each other in awe. 

"Okay sweet, lets go over her" Elliot said comforting his girlfriend as he put his arm around her seeing how distressed she was becoming.

"I got a message from one of my contacts, the hunter is here" Anna said in hushed tones tears of fear becoming apparent, she knew that Elliot would know what hunter she was talking about. MIKAEL.

"Okay then we run, you and me. We can go to France, or Rome, maybe even go back to New York. This isn't the first time he's caught up with you and Valentina is it, remember in 1972 before you met me in New York. We can go meet her in New Orleans if you want." Elliot offered already grabbing his navy blue leather jacket and throwing it over his shoulder to leave, but he was stopped by a hand grabbing on to his.

"I will, but I can't with you" Anna said sadly.

"Of course you can sweetie, I promised you that I would be with you for eternity after we rescued you from that horrid vampire torture chamber, I'm not backing out of that promise now Annie"

"You don't have a choice. I can't risk your life. If Mikael catches me, then he wont hesitate to kill you. I've got friends all around the world, I'll be safe and you will be to, as long as your not with me" Anna said tears now slowly trickling down her face as she stood up her petite frame still a few inches shorter than Elliot's 

"I'm not leaving you" Elliot said knowing full well what Anna was planning to do.

"Just one more dance" Anna quickly rushed off to the DJ and compelled him, she returned to a glazed eyed Elliot and wrapped her arms around her waist as he put his arms around her. Their bodies touching as they moved onto the dance floor and danced slowly tears soaking up each of their clothes.

"I  know your going to compel me" Elliot said. "Thats what you did to that Stefan guy"

"I compelled Stefan to forget certain moments in our relationship but when he turned into a vampire most of the memories came back. I did that because Stefan has a tendency to get mixed up with dopplegangers, and where there are dopplegangers there is my family. You Elliot, I care about you and you care about me, I don't think I could handle compelling you to forget every night we spent together, every date, every kiss in the rain without reason, so will you promise me one thing?"

"What is it honey"

"Move on, don't forget me, but live your eternal life to the fullest. I'm the one that is to blame for you becoming a vampire and I don't want to be the one that is the cause for you never living your life.

"Annie Mikaelson I love you" Elliot whispered his voice stammering

"I love you to Elliot Winchester, I guess this is goodbye" Anna muttered putting her head into the crook of Elliot's shoulder and slowly moving with him to the music.

End Of Flashback

"Eli" Valentina playfully squealed snapping Anna out of her nostalgia daze and running up to Elliot, jumping into a hug and a kiss.

"This just got awkward" Anna mumbled but Elliot being a vampire heard perfectly 

"How have you been Annie" Elliot said laughing at the originals response

"Oh dandy, have you heard the Salvatore's want me dead, my grandmother wants me dead, oh and there is a bunch of white oak that can actually kill me" Anna joked.

"Still quirky" Elliot commented

"Well not much has changed in my immortal life in thirty years. But I see thats not the case for you" Anna said walking over to Elliot and muffling his hair that had change drastically from the slick back style of the 80s.

"Hold up, white oak. The last of the white oak burnt with Mikael" Valentina questioned 

Italy 1100

"Excellent you are awake, now quietly we must do this without Mikael knowing" Valentina said once she saw the brand new original's eyes fluttering open. She stood up and went to the other corner of the hovel and rummaged through a pile of witch spell books. Anna and Valentina had only just yesterday met when after Mikael had confirmed that Ilianna was indeed his niece he violently forced Valentina to risk her life performing a powerful spell that had only been completed once by Ester over a century ago. 

"Excuse me, what is going on. My grandfather, Mikael, he ...he drove a sword through my heart how am I alive" Ilianna said confused and hurt as she rubbed her chest thinking about where Mikael had killed her.

"Look I am truly sorry but we do not have the time. I know you were a powerful witch so you are aware of the legend of your family, if you were not a powerful witch you would not be able to cast a semi-immortal spell over yourself so you could stay young for a century" Valentina argued, the slight hint made Ilianna realise what had happened-she was now a beast that fed on human blood, the name that was used was vampire.

"But you, you turned me into a monster" Anna said almost crying.

"I did not have a choice, it was Mikael he's been causing terror in this village for long enough so don't you dare put the blame on me. He forced me to risk my life in order to create you into an original like your father" 

"I'm like my father, an original. That means a normal whittled stake will not be able to kill me" Anna said shocked.

"Oh yes I was told to not tell you that, because your not un-killable. You see Mikael wanted you to become an original so he could find his son Niklaus, when he finds Klaus he will kill him with this" Valentina began, she showed the newborn vampire the detailed white stake that had the power to end the first vampires on the earth. "When he has used you he plans to kill you with this" Valentina said holding up another stake, that looked almost identical.

"He-he wouldn't"

"He would, but consider me your fairy godmother because I am going to burn this so even the ashes are no longer present and Mikael will not kill you because he is awaiting the man he called the bastard son. Come along" Valentina said ushering the confused young girl out of the hovel.

Ilianna followed the witch slowly falling behind. The witch then stopped in front of previously made fire pit and used her magic to light it. The flame grew and grew, Valentina then began to mutter a spell which through the confusion Anna was unable to translate. When the fire was at its peak height Valentina threw the stake into the fire and watched the white oak ash diffuse into the air.

"What have you done" A booming voice said from behind, the burning smell engulfing Anna and blinding her. The figure emerged and grabbed harshly onto Anna's wrists and twists then slightly so she was in subtle pain. "You insolent child" Mikael spat backhanding Anna at vampire strength so she fell to the dirt floor. 

End Of Flashback

"Well it seems that when you turned me into a vampire calling upon the other white oak stake Mikael created you didn't burn all that was left. There is white oak somewhere in Mystic Falls, and I am making it our job to find it" Anna informed.

"And then burn it, I am guessing" Valentina suggested

"Nope, I intend to kill my uncle with it" Anna replied making both Elliot and Valentina's face drop in shock. "You were burning sage right?" Anna continued, which caused Valentina to mutter a shocked stuttering yes.

A/N I know Valentina's immortality sorry is really confusing so I'm going to try and explain it:

Age- 900 years approximately. Born - 1090s, Italy 

When she was 18 in 1100s she was paid by Mikael to perform a spell that would determine if Anna was actually who she said she was. He then forced her to turn against the ancestors and replicate the spell Ester did to create the originals by threatening his families. She instantly became friends with Anna and grew close to her, secretly helping her locate her father. In order to help Anna and protect her see created he down version of the immortality spell making it so she would have a number of lives (Think I'm going to go for seven) but will not age and be able to keep her powers. When Mikael grew close to the Mikaelsons in 1600s in Spain, Valentina and Anna ran away from him and since then were always looking over their shoulders. During 400 years the two best friends have on and off lived together but are more like sisters than best friends.

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